Ice King

C298 Zombie King

C298 Zombie King

"The Abyss of Death?" Ye Feii's face turned red. The Abyss of Death that was recorded was indeed very dangerous, and on the map, red dots could be seen in many areas of the Abyss of Death. This meant that these places were extremely dangerous.    


"You saved my life, and you defeated me fair and square. This is the result of your victory. With this thing in the Abyss of Death, you'll be safe. He had passed through many difficulties. However, because of the difficulty of the Abyss of Death, I cannot guarantee that you will be able to pass this stage. " As the Yin Yang Devil Spider spoke, it took out a dark green ball of light from its bosom. This ball of light was exactly the same as the Night Pearl. It was extremely dazzling, but under this dazzling light, there was not the slightest fluctuation from the Profound Strength.    


"This is..." Ye Feii was shocked. He held the dark green pearl in his hand.    


Since it was from a Yin Yang Devil Spider, it was presumably not a simple item.    


"Death Spirit Pearl!" The expression of the Yin Yang Devil Spider was calm.    


"Death Spirit Orb?"    


Ye Feii was shocked.    


Waves of chillingly cold air rose from the abyss, along with wisps of rotten, dark energy. Ye Feii slowly descended from the sky above the abyss. The ground split open more than a dozen meters wide, and after entering the black abyss of death, the space inside grew larger and larger. The black fog of death shrouded the area. There were no plants here, only black rocks on both sides.    


Ye Feii's footsteps lightly landed on the ground. At this moment, the door to the abyss of death slowly closed. The only light that was shining down had already been extinguished. Ye Feii sank into darkness.    


However, after a short period of time, traces of jade-green light could be seen in the surroundings. The surroundings still appeared dark and eerie, but the eyes could see very clearly. Moreover, what surrounded them was jade-green darkness.    


"The Abyss of Death. Eighteen thousand kilometers? How many lives are actually born in this place? " Ye Feii felt a chill run down his spine. He looked around and saw all sorts of black rocks. From the ground to the top of the rocks, they were about 20 meters high. Black rocks were hanging in the air, and between the rocks were black spiderwebs that could be seen from time to time. A few large black spiders slowly crawled across the web.    


But walking here, it gave Ye Feii a strange feeling. Silence. It was as though this place was terrifyingly quiet. However, in this quiet environment, danger was lurking everywhere.    


In this sort of dark place, the dark creatures were extremely terrifying. Be it snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, or other poisonous creatures, this was their heaven.    


"Hiss, hiss!"    


On the left side of a large rock, there was a Black Rock Snake coiled like a real rock. At this moment, sensing the arrival of Ye Feii, he stuck out the tongue of the snake in his mouth and gently raised his head. It was ready to explode at any moment.    


Ye Feii ignored the snake. Like the other snakes, the Black Rock Snake's concealment was excellent. However, the attack was insufficient. It couldn't hurt him at all.    


"Hua la!" "Crash!"    


Sound after sound rang out, mixed with a faint sound.    


"Is this really the heaven of darkness?"    


Ye Feii couldn't help but to bitterly smile. He took a glance in front of him. There were no less than a thousand rats. They were about the size of two fists and they were moving around the rocks. They were not running but hunting. When the poisonous spiders, snakes, scorpions, and other poisonous creatures encountered this rat swarm, it was like the end of the world as they ran in all directions. The extremely well-hidden poisonous creatures that were hiding in the crevices of the rocks came out one by one.    


The moment they appeared, a fierce battle began. The group of mice began to unleash a large number of attacks, and the poisonous creatures also began to unleash poison attacks. "Woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


"Wherever there is life, there is competition. Even in this abyss of death, where the sun does not shine, it is still the same. " Ye Feii sighed and continued walking forward.    




After Ye Feii walked about two meters, a glimmer of light caught Ye Feii's attention among the black rocks in front of him.    


"It's a person?"    


With the help of the light, it was obvious that a figure was standing there.    


"Who the hell is this? Why are we here? "    


Ye Feii immediately raised his vigilance. Once they entered the abyss of death, everyone immediately ran forward as if they were going to run. They couldn't stay still on the spot like they were right now.    


However, Ye Feii did not stop and continued walking forward.    


As the distance between them shortened, he was finally able to see the man's face clearly. This person's hair was disheveled, and his clothes were tattered. His face was dried up and rotten. One of his eyes was bulging, and it was shining with a dark green light. The light that attracted Ye Feii's attention just now was that eyeball.    


"This is …" "Zombies..."    


Ye Feii had heard of zombies before, after people died. Those evil people had dug out the corpses buried within the tombs that were suitable for them to use and refined them into indomitable, painless, and deathly objects. In the war, it was a complete meat shield. Moreover, the zombie's body contained a powerful corpse energy. Those who had been bitten by it would become a new zombie as the corpse's corpse aura flared up.    


When Ye Feii saw the zombie's face, he felt a chill run down his spine. At this moment, the zombie slightly raised its head, and a dark green light shone from its blinking eyeballs towards Ye Feii.    


Under the bright green light, Ye Feii couldn't help but smile bitterly.    


He looked around and saw the ground was slightly cracked open. Hand after hand crawled out from the soil. One by one, corrupt people stood up from the ground and the sand flew into the air. A heavy breath escaped his mouth.    


"A group of small zombies wants to block my way?" Ye Feii couldn't help but snort coldly. He took a step forward, and the strange fire on his body flared up, spreading to both sides.    




The zombies that had just gotten up met with the 'Heavenly Flame'. It was like a pile of dried up grass that was immediately set ablaze. The corpse scattered like dust.    


Zombies were not afraid of blades or spears, but the only thing they were afraid of was flames. Their bodies were originally filled with the aura of death, forcing them to be invulnerable to swords and spears. However, in front of the flames, they were like a pile of dry firewood.    


When Ye Feii shot out his flame, the surrounding zombies all fell to the ground.    




Ye Feii's smile remained on his face, but it quickly froze.    


"This is bad..."    


Ye Feii's expression suddenly changed and he jumped away.    




A gust of wind tore through the sky.    


A huge stone pillar that two adults couldn't even hold onto was smashed down behind Ye Feii. If not for Ye Feii's extremely fast speed, he would have been dodged. Even if they didn't die, they would still be injured.    


He waited for Ye Feiiping's lower body to float in the air. He looked down at the ground. Behind a large rock on the left, there was a zombie with flashing dark green eyes holding a huge stone pillar. He waved his arm.    


After the stone pillar landed, its gaze shifted to Ye Feii who was in the air.    




The green-eyed zombie let out a loud roar and stomped on the ground. His body was thrown up, and the huge rock club in his hand smashed down towards Ye Feii.    


"You overestimate yourself. You're courting death!"    


Ye Feii's expression was filled with anger. He raised his hand and a strange, blood-red flame appeared. He released the flame from his palm and shot it towards the green-eyed zombie.    




The 'Heavenly Flame' landed on the stone club at a speed visible to the naked eye. The stone rod melted bit by bit. And then, a flame sprayed out. Enveloped by green-eyed zombies.    




The green-eyed zombie roared loudly in the middle of the 'Heavenly Flame'. At this time, a black aura emerged from its mouth. As soon as the flame touched the black aura, it began to extinguish.    


However, the black aura had extinguished the flame, and had surrounded the green-eyed zombie's body, forming a set of black armor?    




Ye Feii was shocked.    


Fire was the bane of zombies, and when it met fire, zombies would melt. But the zombie was not destroyed. Instead, he used the black air to swallow the 'Heavenly Flame'.    


"Could this be the Zombie King?"    


Ye Feii immediately thought of this point, because those zombies that had gone through a long time would gradually gain consciousness from their aura of death, and like a Demonic Beast, they would enter the Seven Eighth Level Demonic Beast realm. then you can achieve consciousness. Humans usually had their own unique consciousness, but this type of zombie was called the Zombie King.    




The Zombie King let out a roar. With both hands, he grabbed the huge rock on the side and smashed towards Ye Feii.    


"Break for me!"    


Instantly, Ye Feii's figure moved.    


Spreading his hand, an ancient zither appeared out of thin air. The zither music instantly began to move.    


Space was sliced open, layers of convergence appearing, and all the stones were shattered into pieces, scattering in all directions.    


At the same time, Ye Feii pulled the strings of the Void Zither, and all five strings began to move.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


The spatial ripples brought along by the zither music swept towards him like a knife.    


"Puchi!" "Pfft!"    


All the sound blades landed neatly on the Zombie King's body.    


In the face of this immense force, the Zombie King was forced back, and the armor on his body instantly exploded into pieces. However, the moment the sonic blades landed on its body, crisp vibrations rang out. It was as loud as a bell.    


"What strong defense? Is this still a zombie? "    


Ye Feii felt that the sound wave landed on the Zombie King as if it had hit an iron wall.    


Heaven Destroyer, Solitary Star …    




Ye Feii did not stop and continued playing the zither. At this time, the zither music converged into a mass of black Qi, forming black dagger-like shapes that covered the Zombie King's body.    




In the face of the zither music, the Zombie King faintly revealed a hint of ridicule, and his green eyes flashed.    


His mouth suddenly opened, revealing a simple mouth. He pulled away from his chin and rows of circular gears appeared in his mouth. After pulling apart, they were half a meter wide and the black aura inside them surged violently.    


The black dagger's sonic wave completely lost its calm under the wanton black gas. It fiercely swept through the void, and all the black dagger's sonic wave was completely swallowed by the Zombie King with a clanging sound. It was swallowed into the Zombie King's stomach.    




Seeing this, Ye Feii couldn't help but be shocked. In the beginning, he didn't think much of this Zombie King, as he was just a small zombie that couldn't even block his path. But now, he couldn't help but feel that he was wrong.    


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