Ice King

C929 Crazy Magical Beast

C929 Crazy Magical Beast

Right now, the most important thing was to pull the girl over from the top of the magical beast's head. This matter was a bit difficult, but Ye Feii's intelligence and intelligence was enough to accomplish this.    


"Dong, dong, dong!" Ye Feii decided to use his fist to deal with the demon beast. After making it feel pain, it would throw the girl on the ground. This way, the girl would be able to pick up a small life.    


Sensing that someone was attacking it, the magical beast started to shout in defense. Seeing this, Ye Feii confirmed his plan. Only by doing this could he make the magical beast release the girl and then deal with Ye Feii.    


"Go crazy, go crazy!" Ye Feii grabbed onto the flesh of the demon beast's back as he punched it with his other fist. No matter how tough the demon beast's skin was, it would still be angry. A person who attacked it obviously couldn't tolerate it.    


"Hold on a little longer, I believe that the magical beasts will soon put you down." Ye Feii was very confident. He could tell that the demon beast had gone completely crazy. If it wasn't right with Ye Feii, it wouldn't be justified.    


"Ahh …"    




As expected, the girl was released by the magical beast and dropped to the ground with a thump, causing her to grimace in pain.    


After the demon beast released the girl, it became even more energetic than before, and its whole body also started to shake, as if it wanted to use its strength to shake Ye Feii off its body. However, Ye Feii desperately grabbed onto its flesh, not letting go at all.    


The girl endured the pain and hid to the side. Looking at the Demon Beast, she was very worried, and was also afraid that the man on the back of the Demon Beast would be shaken off by it. The strength of the Demon Beast was very strong, and once it was swung off, Ye Feii would be smashed to pieces.    


"You have to be careful?" The girl hid to the side and reminded Ye Feii.    


Ye Feii wasn't too worried, because demon beasts were the most common thing to him. Ye Feii had a hand in dealing with them, so he was afraid that the demon beasts would hurt this girl, so he treated the demon beast a little more gently. But now that the girl was safe, the demon beast naturally couldn't let it live.    


The magical beast looked like it had gone mad, wagging its tail with all its might. Its tail was longer, so if it went crazy, the trees in the forest would be knocked down one by one.    


"It's going to run. You have to hurry. You can't let it fall!" The girl reminded him again.    


As expected, as soon as the girl said that, the magical beast really started to run, and the running up and down was very big, it was obvious that it wanted to shake Ye Feii off, but Ye Feii had already expected it to be this crazy, so let it go crazy for a while.    


Thinking about that, Ye Feii took out his Longsword and fiercely stabbed it towards the back of the demon beast. Suddenly, there was a loud sound and the demon beast went completely mad, running all over the forest.    


No one knew that Ye Feii had pierced the demon beast with his Longsword, causing it to fly into a rage.    


Following the intense movements of the Magic Beast, Ye Feii unhurriedly summoned his Scarlet. He then jumped onto the back of the Devil Tiger and leisurely flew to the girl's side. As for the Magic Beast, it had already been pierced by the Longsword and ran off to who knows where.    


When the girl saw this, she was shocked. She never thought that Ye Feii would be so powerful.    


"Handsome, thank you for saving my life. Hello, I'm Xiang Yu, what about you?" Xiang Yu asked with a smile.    


"Oh, my name is Ye Feii. Why are you alone in this forest? Aren't you afraid that the magical beasts will eat you?" Ye Feii couldn't help but ask.    


However, looking at this girl's appearance, her cultivation base was not ideal. It was really unknown who gave her the guts to enter this forest.    


"It's like this, my mother was bitten by a magical beast, I heard that using its Devil Crystal s can heal my mother's wound, so I bravely came to look for her, but I didn't expect that I would almost die in its mouth. It's all thanks to you saving me in time, otherwise I really wouldn't have gone back to see my mother!" After the girl finished speaking, her eyes turned red.    


Ye Feii saw that the girl did not panic and asked, "Did you find the Devil Crystal then?"    


The girl shook her head and said, "Not yet. At first, I thought that the magical beast wasn't that scary and wanted to use some food to lure it over, but then I realized that it wasn't like that. After the magical beast had eaten what I gave it, it actually still wanted to eat me, so I was bitten by it."    


What the girl said didn't seem to be a lie, but it wasn't a simple matter to obtain the Devil Crystal. Moreover, only by killing the magical beast could one obtain the Devil Crystal from it.    


"Why didn't you say so earlier? If you had said so earlier, I would have killed this magical beast and let the Devil Crystal let you go back and save your mother." Ye Feii said.    


"I've already stayed in this forest for three days and three nights. If I don't quickly bring the Devil Crystal back to save my mother, then she might really leave me. I don't want my mother to die, because if she did, I would become an orphan!" As the girl spoke, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. That was true. How could a girl live when she had no relatives? Girls were different from boys. It took a lot of courage to be independent.    


"Three days and three nights? Some people who enter this forest will definitely die without a doubt. How about this, since you want to use Devil Crystal to treat your mother's illness, then I will help you beat up the demonic beasts? " Ye Feii was also kind. After all, this girl looked too lonely. Moreover, a girl fighting magical beasts in the forest was very dangerous. They couldn't just stand by and watch her die, let alone lose their lives.    


The girl was moved by Ye Feii's words and continued to say with a smile, "You... Will you really help me fight magical beasts? "    


Ye Feii smiled, nodded and said, "Of course, seeing a girl like you fighting a demon beast in the forest, you will definitely encounter danger. In any case, I'm alone now, so just treat it as helping a friend!"    


"Thank you so much. When my mother's illness recovers, I will definitely repay you well. Oh, right, where does your family live? When the time comes, I will go with my mother to find you. Thank you in person!" It was as if a girl had seen a life-saving grass. As long as it could save her mother, she would be willing to pay any price.    


"My home, my home is very far away!" Ye Feii said with a smile.    


"Oh, then why did you come here alone? What are you doing here? " The girl was astonished. It was rare to see such a handsome young man in the forest.    


"I came out to gain experience, so I heard you crying for help." Ye Feii explained.    


"I thought I was really going to be eaten by magical beasts, but you gave me a second life. I still have some rations, do you want some?" the girl asked innocently.    


"Oh, I'm not hungry, you can keep it for yourself. Right now, it's noon, so the magical beasts don't appear, but don't worry, when the sky turns dark, I will definitely help you kill the magical beast to save your mother." He wanted to use the Devil Crystal to save this girl's mother. However, he had always been curious how this girl's mother could be bitten by a demon beast, wasn't that miserable?    


She felt that he wasn't an ordinary person and his cultivation level was also very high, especially since he could summon a tiger. This made the girl more energetic, "Oh, right, where did that tiger come from? It seems to be very powerful."    


"That's right, he is a Scarlet Tactic Devil Tiger that I just bought. Only under my summons will he listen to me. Are you interested in my Scarlet Devil Tiger? " After Ye Feii finished speaking, his eyes narrowed into a slit.    


"I'm just curious, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, now that we are friends, can you take out the Scarlet Devil Tiger for me to see?" The girl's eyes were wide open, as if she had the idea of training the Devil Tiger again.    


Ye Feii was naturally not afraid of girls playing tricks on him. In any case, if a person's realm was not high enough, it was impossible to summon a Scarlet Devil Tiger. Thus, it didn't matter if he showed it to the girl.    


"You want to see, all right? But don't ruin it for me, I spent two million Devil Crystal to buy it, it's very precious! " Ye Feii reminded him seriously.    


"Fine, I only took a glance, it's definitely only a glance!" The girl looked very excited, as if she had never seen the world before. Could it be that she and her mother lived deep in the mountains and forests? Judging from her clothes, she didn't look like a child from the city.    


The girl looked at Ye Feii and laughed. Ye Feii had never seen anyone look at something like that and he wanted to stick his eyes on the Devil Tiger.    


"Did you grow up on a mountain? You look like you've never seen anything before!" Ye Feii was shocked. It was hard to imagine someone living on the mountain alone, let alone a girl.    


"How can you tell that I grew up on a mountain? Do you think I'm curious about what you have on a mountain?" The girl asked.    


"Of course not, that's not what I meant. Where is your mother now? Can you take me to see her?" Ye Feii said seriously.    


The girl saw that Ye Feii wasn't a bad person, so she nodded and agreed, "Okay, my mother is lying in the cave, but her wound is getting worse."    


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