Ice King

C636 Test

C636 Test

Little Cute Boy's question indeed stunned Ye Feii.    


Previously, Li only told him that Yanyan had been frozen within the ice fortress by him.    


However, how he was going to save Yanyan now was a question that was indeed worth giving him a headache over.    


"This should be a test for myself, right?"    


He muttered to himself.    


Although he said it lightly at the time, it didn't mean that he would be naive enough to think that saving Yanyan was as simple as taking a bag.    


"Perhaps, Bingcheng City Lord and I will even erupt in armed conflict. At that time, we might have to fight our way in! "    


Ye Feii pondered over his next plan.    


"Should I find a hotel and settle down?"    


As he thought of this, he began to feel the money pouch on his body.    


He suddenly realized that his purse was empty.    


Ever since Elder Hai paid the bills to the mercenaries, it also exposed the fact that he was rich.    


That was why he had spent so much money these past two days. He had never realized that he was now penniless.    


Ye Feii smiled bitterly. It would be hard to do anything without money. He understood this logic a long time ago.    


However, the bitter look on his face didn't last for long before he once again revealed a smile.    


Just now, Little Cute Boy called him a bumpkin. He could have taught him a lesson. It was just that he felt that the Douglas Family was a great noble clan within Bingcheng, and thus, he could be considered to have arrived above the other party's land. That was why he didn't bother with Little Cute Boy.    


As a man, he had to be magnanimous. There were some things that he did not need to care too much about. This was a philosophy that he had taught Little Cute Boy before.    


Now, he, Ye Feii, had done it.    


However, while there were some things that he could ignore, there were some things that he had to care about.    


Just like the promissory note in Ye Feii's hand right now.    


Seeing this promissory note, Little Cute Boy's face instantly turned bitter.    


"I knew it, it's impossible for him not to hear it. He's actually waiting for me here!"    


Little Cute Boy shouted in his heart.    


However, no matter how loud he shouted, it was useless.    


"You won't forget?"    


Ye Feii held the promissory note in his hand and waved it in front of Little Cute Boy's eyes as he spoke.    


"How is this possible!"    


Little Cute Boy cried and said.    


Naturally, he wouldn't forget that this promissory note was something he had borrowed from Tantai Bingyue because he didn't have enough money to buy red wood for her.    


However, he had the opportunity to snatch it back. But later on, under the pressure of the ghost Assassination Group, he returned the promissory note to Ye Feii.    


"It's all that bastard's fault. If it wasn't for him sending people to assassinate me, how would I owe him money?"    


Thinking of this, Little Cute Boy's face suddenly became angry again.    


"Repaying the debt with the money, you wouldn't not want to admit it, right?"    


Ye Feii immediately became alert.    


Although he had a good relationship with Little Cute Boy, it was still a relationship, business is business.    


This Devil Crystal was something that he had loaned to the other party out of gold and silver.    


Ye Feii thought like this and revealed a ferocious expression.    


He had already made up his mind. Even if the opponent was a Lineal Heir from the Douglas Family, even if this was their home, if Little Cute Boy didn't recognize it, then so be it. He would exterminate his family.    


Of course, this wasn't to say that he would do something bad to Little Cute Boy, but he would teach Little Cute Boy a lesson until his butt blossomed.    


Looking at the expression on Ye Feii's face, most of the anger in Little Cute Boy's heart disappeared.    


"If he won't admit it, how can he not admit it?"    


Little Cute Boy quickly explained, "Yes, I will return it immediately!"    


With that, he turned around and looked at Elder Hai helplessly.    


"Cough cough …"    


However, in the face of his request, Elder Hai faked a cough, cleared his throat, and like Little Cute Boy, turned his face away and ignored him.    


"You …"    


Seeing this scene, Little Cute Boy said in a righteous tone, "You're rich and yet you refuse to return it to me. Watch me go back and tell my father!"    


"Cough cough …" Young Lord, this was instructed by the old master, I can't help it! "    


Elder Hai said with a frown and a pitiful look.    


"Sigh …"    


Little Cute Boy sighed heavily.    


He had once read in a book that a penny was enough to kill a good man.    


He had originally been disdainful of those words. In his opinion, money was vulgar. As a good man, how could he be held back because of these things?    


But now, he was in complete agreement with this statement. A great hero like him, wasn't he also defeated by the Devil Crystal just like that?    


"Brother Ye, look, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, it's just that I don't have any money on me!"    


Little Cute Boy said helplessly. Then, his eyes lit up.    


"Oh right, you can come to my house to get it. Now that the sky is about to turn dark, you have to find a place to stay. Since you have come to Bingcheng, how can you not go visit my house? "    


Little Cute Boy looked down and said with a warm expression. Go to your house to be a guest? "    


Ye Feii rubbed his chin and said as he thought.    


"That's right!" Just come to my house. You saved me a few times, so it's a good chance for me to recommend you to my father. "    


The more Little Cute Boy said, the more excited he got. "Oh right, my father is familiar with Bingcheng City Lord. Brother Ye, didn't you come here to find someone? Ask my father to inform the City Lord and ask him to look for him for you! "    


After saying that, Little Cute Boy directly jumped up and clapped his hands as he spoke.    


"Oh, right!"    


Little Cute Boy's nonsense also made Ye Feii's eyes light up.    


"Why didn't I think of that before?"    


Ye Feii thought so in his heart.    


As a Wealthy and Prominent Class family of Bingcheng, their relationship with the City Master was bound to be extraordinary.    


"Perhaps, we can use Patriarch of Douglas Familly to rescue Yanyan directly?"    


Thinking about that, Ye Feii also curled his lips and revealed a knowing smile.    


Just a moment ago, he was still having a headache about how to save Yanyan, but now, he had a way out.    


"Alright, let's go to your house!"    


Ye Feii chuckled and said to Little Cute Boy, "Anyway, I'm not going to your house. If you don't pay me back, I don't have a place to stay!"    


In his heart, he still thought this way.    


Since they all had the same opinion, things were much easier now.    


The group of people first bid farewell to Tantai Bingyue, then directly rushed towards the Douglas Family.    


It was worth mentioning that Tantai Bingyue seemed to have not recovered from the shock in Ye Feii's words.    


He looked extremely sickly.    


Although in the end, she still smiled and said goodbye to Ye Feii.    


However, Ye Feii could still feel the reluctance in her smile.    


"I can't force you to do something like that. With how beautiful you are, I believe that you'll be able to find a husband you like in the future!"    


Looking at Tantai Bingyue's fading back, Ye Feii said in his heart.    


The Douglas Family was located to the south of Bingcheng City, and was the strongest in the entire city!    


When it came to Douglas Family in the future, it was still only within the marketplace. From afar, Ye Feii was completely convinced by the spirit of the large families that he possessed.    


With its tall walls and magnificent architecture, Ye Feii was amazed.    


At this moment, he finally understood what a tycoon was.    


"If this was the Earth of my previous life, I would be called a real estate tycoon!"    


Ye Feii sighed in his heart.    


"How is this even a mansion, even calling him a city within a city is not excessive!"    


Ye Feii exclaimed in his heart.    


He felt that his current self was just like Grandma Liu entering a beautiful garden, curious about everything.    


The rut continued to roll and before long, Ye Feii and Little Cute Boy arrived in front of Douglas Family's main entrance.    


"We're here, this is my home!"    


Little Cute Boy waved his hand and said to Ye Feii.    


Without waiting for Ye Feii to reply, two guards immediately ran in front of the horned carriage. After saluting, they shouted, "Young Master Zhengwen!"    




Little Cute Boy merely nodded his head lightly and ordered them to leave as if he was shooing away flies.    


"Let's go, Brother Ye, get off the car, I'll take you to see my father!"    


Little Cute Boy saw Ye Feii dawdling and immediately pulled him down. Afterwards, he led him through the Douglas Family gate.    


Since the guards called Little Cute Boy the Young Lord, it meant that he would become the future master of the house.    


He was naturally an honored guest to the guests invited by his future master.    


That was why, when the guards saw Ye Feii enter the residence, they did not stop him. Instead, they were curious about Ye Feii's identity.    


To have his own Young Lord lead him so intimately and walk through the gates of Douglas Family, this person was naturally a favorite of his own Young Lord.    


To those grand characters within the Douglas Family, their identities were naturally mere servants. Even so, they often followed the big shots in the clan and went out to some gatherings.    


However, they had no impression of Ye Feii.    


"He shouldn't be a local, could he be someone from the Ice-flame City?"    


They were suspicious in their hearts.    


They knew that their own Young Lord enjoyed sightseeing. Hence, they would often befriend a few recluses from the martial arts world.    


"But no matter what, since he has obtained the Young Lord's legs, he will not be far from soaring to the top! If there's a chance, we must strike up a friendship! "    


The two guards thought this in their hearts.    


Ye Feii naturally did not know what the guards were thinking.    


Right now, he only knew that his heart was filled with surprise and admiration.    


Big, the Douglas Family is really too big.    


Ever since he stepped into Douglas Family, Ye Feii suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated its prosperity.    


The house, the martial arts practice field, and all kinds of towers came into Ye Feii's view one after the other. It was too much for him to take in.    


"Isn't it said that the Douglas Family has already declined? How can a declining family be so huge? So what would it be like in its heyday? "    


Ye Feii was surprised and could not help but sigh in his heart.    


With this, he faintly understood why the arrogant face of the City Lord of Ice-flame City, Hanshan Weiwu, disappeared completely after hearing Little Cute Boy's announcement of the name Douglas Family.    


Fighting against such a titan, no matter how you looked at it, was just an act of suicide.    


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