Ice King

C634 I'll Help You

C634 I'll Help You

Carthew said.    


"Good people? "Hahaha..."    


Hearing Carthew's words, Loong Fei burst into laughter.    


"How ironic! I never thought that you, as the most wicked person, would try to persuade people to do the right thing!"    


Loong Fei said while laughing.    


As a mercenary who stayed in the Frozen Forest all year round, Loong Fei naturally knew that Carthew was guilty of a heinous crime.    


That was the reason why he had such an expression on his face.    


"You're looking to die, I'll grant your wish!"    


Carthew was furious.    


Then, he directly slapped Loong Fei's head.    


A strong palm wind struck at him.    


With a "peng" sound, Loong Fei's body softened and his eyes dimmed. He immediately went to meet the Chief Sovereign of Death.    


Seeing Loong Fei die, Carthew also let out a heavy sigh in his heart. Then, he disdainfully said: "You're courting death!"    


Carthew clapped his hands as if he just cleaned up a pile of trash.    


He was not unfamiliar with killing people. Ever since he had become a Enforcer, he had worked hard.    


After doing all of this, Carthew's expression instantly changed back to one of respect.    


He came in front of Elder Hai and said in a soft voice, "The bandit leader has already been executed. I wonder if sire is satisfied?"    


Since the moment Elder Hai revealed his token, Carthew had asked Elder Hai for his name.    


However, Elder Hai was disdainful and did not mention it to him.    


Carthew knew in his heart that the other party was a big shot of Douglas Family, otherwise, he wouldn't have obtained a Douglas Family token.    


With his identity as a Enforcer of the Frozen Forest, it was fine to scare these local mercenaries, but in the eyes of these big shots, he was still an ant-like existence.    


Thus, he knew that the other party was disdaining to mention his name.    


Since that was the case, he couldn't ask too much. He had already angered her once. If he angered her again, it would be hard to make up for it.    


Therefore, even though he was currently in Enforcer, he had to respectfully call Elder Hai "Sir!"    


Elder Hai naturally saw all that had happened.    


Right now, Carthew came over to ask him if he was satisfied. Carthew only thought for a bit, then nodded under Carthew's pleasantly surprised gaze.    


"That's great! It's really good that you're satisfied! "    


Carthew said happily. His appearance was like a completely different person when compared to when he was facing Ye Feii and Loong Fei.    


"Don't be so happy yet. The bandit leader was killed, but I remember there should still be one more, right?"    


Elder Hai stroked his beard and said lightly.    


After Elder Hai's reminder, Carthew showed a face of enlightenment and then his face darkened.    


His expression was naturally not for Elder Hai to see. It was for the other thief that Elder Hai spoke of to see.    


This thief, was naturally the owner of the Ice Blocking House.    


The Ice Blocking House owner colluded with the Dragon Goblin Mercenary Company and first slandered Noah's group for stealing their Devil Crystal and then directly took action, wanting to use force to threaten Ye Feii and the others.    


This scene had just occurred just now. Ye Feii and Noah did not have amnesia, so they naturally would not forget it so quickly.    


Thus, when they heard Elder Hai mention it, the two of them felt secretly satisfied.    


Now, with Elder Hai representing his Douglas Family outside the door, to help them get back at them, there was naturally no need for the two of them to do anything. Therefore, they just watched from the side with smiles on their faces.    


"You dare to use your power to bully a guest from far away coming here with Douglas Family? Old Feng, you have really eaten the guts of a bear and leopard! Do you know your crime? "    


Carthew said lightly.    


The current him seemed to have become the incarnation of justice, and with a posture of sweeping away all the injustice in the world, he questioned the Ice Blocking House's owner.    


He looked like he had never participated in anything before.    


Hearing Carthew's words, the Ice Blocking House Owner's face instantly changed.    


"Carthew, are you serious?"    


The Ice Blocking House Master's face was pale, and asked about Carthew.    


While Carthew was punishing Loong Fei, he was secretly rejoicing in his heart.    


Thankfully, he had this old friend to bear the blame and pushed all the blame onto Loong Fei.    


He had already made up his mind that when this matter came up, he would bring a great gift and properly repay the other party.    


However, in the blink of an eye, before he could completely calm his heart, the other party had already shifted the spearhead to his body.    


"What's real?" You angered your esteemed customer, and even slandered the other party as a thief or robber. Just based on this crime alone, I can bring you to justice! "    


Carthew's eyes turned cold as he said coldly.    


Right now, in order to quell the anger in Douglas Family, Carthew was doing his best to blame others.    


With regards to Carthew's thoughts, the Ice Blocking House Master naturally saw through them.    


But to be fair, he knew that what the other party said was the truth.    


This matter was a scheme between him and Loong Fei from the start. He only called Carthew over to help them just in case.    


However, what he did not expect was that the other side had also come and taken action. However, in the end, the person he attacked was none other than himself.    


"Could it be that this is like lifting a rock to smash one's own foot?"    


The Ice Blocking House Master smiled bitterly.    


But very quickly, this bitter smile turned into viciousness once more.    


No one was willing to die, and he, the Ice Blocking House Master, was naturally also unwilling.    


"On the spot? Hmph hmph, what a great selfless Enforcer. "    


The corner of Ice Blocking House's boss' mouth lifted slightly. His expression was as disdainful as it could be.    


"If you want to talk about the bad things in Frozen Forest, the number one would probably be you, Carthew, right? Relying on his identity as the Enforcer, he had done countless of things in the dark. I guarantee that if you attack me, you will regret it! "    


The Ice Blocking House Master said.    


Hearing his words, Carthew's expression changed.    


"You're courting death!"    


Like a dog whose tail has been stepped on, he immediately jumped up.    


While the divine light was flashing, he leapt into the air and was about to attack the Ice Blocking House Owner.    


"I've been waiting for this very moment!"    


The Ice Blocking House Owner laughed twice, and then, with a flash of golden light, a small flag appeared in his hands. Then, he gently waved his hand. In that instant, a puff of smoke filled the air.    


"Magic fog?"    


Carthew shouted in surprise. Then, he no longer had the time to attack the opponent. Instead, he retracted his godly power and covered his body to protect himself.    


The magic mist that Carthew spoke of was the smoke in front of him.    


Although this smoke didn't have a strong poison, it had the effect of making one lose their consciousness and fall into an illusion.    


As long as he fell into an illusion, he would lose all sense of the environment around him. In this way, he would not be at the mercy of others.    


Therefore, the moment Carthew recognized the thick smoke in front of him, he no longer charged towards the Ice Blocking House's boss.    


Not only him, even Ye Feii and all the mercenaries present used their divine power to seal their own breath when they heard Carthew's shout and started to defend against the invasion of the illusion.    


After a long while, the fog scattered and everything in the arena was revealed to the crowd.    


"I didn't expect him to escape?"    


Carthew's eyes were cold and his expression was uncertain.    


He knew the background of the Ice Blocking House Master.    


This person's cultivation was average, only at the SemiGod realm.    


Originally, if Carthew wanted to kill him, it would have been as easy as flipping his palm.    


But what he did not expect was that Ice Blocking House Master was actually so cunning, and had held back in advance.    


Unable to defend himself in time, he fell into a trap and was chased away by his opponent.    


"What should I do?"    


Carthew couldn't make up his mind.    


He raised his head and looked at Elder Hai.    


What made him secretly heave a sigh of relief was that Elder Hai did not seem to have a blaming expression on his face.    


"However, Old Feng knows many of my secrets. This is not in my interest. If he finds out that the City Lord has complained, I'm afraid he will be unable to escape this calamity. "    


He pondered in his heart.    


"Perhaps, after today, he will begin to flee!"    


Thinking like this, he had a plan.    


"Master, many of the thieves have already been killed. Although the boss of the Ice Blocking House has ran away, everyone don't worry, I will definitely arrest him and bring him to justice. I'll go and arrange for this matter. You can all go to another room and continue drinking and enjoying yourselves. I'll be going to handle the case now! "    


Carthew bowed slightly. After he finished speaking, he slowly withdrew.    


He naturally did not forget about the rest of the Dragon Goblin Mercenary Company.    


The reason Carthew didn't deal with them just now was because they were weak and didn't enter his eyes.    


And now that the matter had been resolved, he was naturally going to clean up the mess.    


Carthew retreated. Nobody, including Ye Feii, tried to stop him.    


They knew that blocking them wouldn't be of much use.    


With the opponent's strength, no one would be able to stop him if he wanted to leave.    


At the moment, Ye Feii's goal had already been achieved. After tonight's matter, no one would dare to provoke anyone who walked along the road with Jackal Mercenary Group.    


As such, as he watched Carthew walk away, Ye Feii only shrugged his shoulders and called out to everyone, continuing to drink and eat.    


"This time, it's all thanks to Ye Feii and Elder Hai. I suggest that everyone toast them!"    


Noah raised the glass in his hand and said that.    


"Boss is right. Come, let's toast!"    


Those present were all experienced mercenaries, not nobles like the young masters or young ladies. Naturally, he would not be frightened by the recent conflict.    


Therefore, when Carthew left, they continued drinking and eating.    


"Here, a toast. Let me toast Ye Feii!"    


A mercenary from the Jackal Mercenary Group said.    


It could be seen that after the clash just now, the distance between the crowd and Ye Feii and Little Cute Boy had closed up even more.    


"F * ck!"    


Each bowl was filled with a warm atmosphere, one cup after another.    


This warm atmosphere continued all the way until the next day. Ye Feii and Little Cute Boy set off for Bingcheng.    


"Gulp. Gulp." The sound of the rutted wheels reverberated over the pipelines. It was an incomparably lonely sound.    


At this moment, Ye Feii's group finally embarked on their journey to Bingcheng after parting with Noah and the others.    


Rubbing his swollen head, Ye Feii frowned, while showing a pained expression on his face.    


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