City Strongest Son-in-law

C609 Day One

C609 Day One

Qiqi looked at her parents with a tearful face. In her eyes, there was a tinge of bitterness and sadness. However, Koo Beichen and Zhang Yutine remained unmoved and continued to persevere.    


For a long time now, they had always respected Qiqi's opinion, always asking for her opinion before doing anything. But the matter of going to kindergarten was not open to negotiation. If she continued to indulge Qiqi so much in playing with these guys, she would turn into a man of women. This was not in accordance with Koo Beichen's plans for her identity.    


Qiqi had been depressed all night, even Yuh Bei did not show a smile when he came to cook for them. Of course, her chopsticks moved very frequently, so it didn't take much effort for her to finish all the dishes.    


Koo Beichen looked dotingly at Qiqi, as if he was amused by her sulking attitude. Qiqi was unhappy, but her face immediately became stiff, as if someone owed her a huge meal.    


"Qiqi, when you come back from kindergarten tomorrow, how about Dad taking you to have a good meal?" Koo Beichen asked tentatively.    


Qiqi's eyes first lit up, then dimmed down. With a straight face, she reluctantly said, "Okay, but you have to promise not to lie to me. "If I can't get something good to eat tomorrow, I won't be going the day after tomorrow!" She snapped her fingers fiercely.    


Koo Beichen couldn't help laughing. He pursed his lips and tried to keep himself from laughing out loud. This kid was still so gullible. He compromised just because it was a big meal.    


After eating, Qiqi got up from her seat and returned to her small room. She often slept with her mother, but Koo Beichen still prepared her little princess room. The room was pink and tender, which Qiqi liked very much when she first came in. After the novelty had passed, she went to find Zhang Yutine.    


This room contained a lot of her clothes and treasures. If she had nothing to do, she would bring them here and play with them. Qiqi opened the drawer's door. Inside was a small box, which looked very exquisite and unique.    


Qiqi took out the box, looked at the drawer door, and looked at her treasures while lying on the bed with the small box in her hand. One day it was a beautiful necklace, shining with a unique light, a gift from Grandpa Sun. Later, Koo Beichen gave her a necklace that he said could protect her, so she replaced it.    


However, Qiqi still liked this necklace. If there was nothing else, she would take it out and touch it. She touched the necklace and thought of how Grandpa Sun had treated her so well. Why don't she just run away from home to find Grandpa Sun? However, she immediately gave up on that idea. She was a good girl and would not run away from home.    


There was also a small book in the box. It was her diary, and even her parents did not know that it was her little secret.    


Qiqi took out her notebook, grabbed the pen beside her and wrote: Today Mom and Dad may not love me anymore. They want me to go to kindergarten again. Qiqi was distressed, but there was nothing she could do. They threatened Qiqi with a big meal. Sigh! Qiqi could only spoil her parents' lack of understanding. There was nothing she could do.    


After Qiqi finished writing, she closed the diary and picked up the items in the box, looking a bit reluctant to part with them. After a while, she stood up and went to her closet to take out the small schoolbag that her parents had bought for her. Then she put the box inside.    


After finishing the whole thing, Qiqi's face finally revealed a satisfied smile. Now that she was going to school with her baby, she wouldn't be alone.    


At the door, Koo Beichen felt Qiqi's actions and smiled in relief. He knew that his daughter was not someone who would retreat before the battle. He gave Zhang Yutine a look indicating that he was done. Only then did the couple walk back to the room with their arms wrapped around each other.    


The next morning, Koo Beichen and Zhang Yutine came to Qiqi's room. When they saw Qiqi, who slept with her schoolbag in her arms, their faces were filled with helplessness.    


"Qiqi, wake up! Today is your day to go to kindergarten! "    


Qiqi rubbed her sleepy eyes and muttered, "Let me sleep for another half an hour!"    


"No, I'll be late for bed soon!" Zhang Yutine lay beside Qiqi, holding her head up as she looked at her.    


Qiqi turned over and begged, "Just to sleep for a while, ten minutes!"    


Zhang Yutine turned her pleading gaze to Koo Beichen. She didn't know what to do! Qiqi usually woke up early in the morning to call for them, but today it was the opposite. This also showed that she really didn't want to go to kindergarten.    


Koo Beichen looked at Qiqi, who was sleeping weirdly, and cleared his throat. He then said seductively, "Big lazybones, get up! How about daddy take you out for a good meal? "    


"Hmm? "Delicious?" Qiqi jumped up from the bed and looked at Koo Beichen with her eyes wide open, "Really?"    


Koo Beichen rubbed Qiqi's nest-like hair and nodded heavily.    


With the food as her motivation, Qiqi quickly gathered her energy and washed her face, preparing to leave. Koo Beichen didn't break his promise and brought Qiqi to a famous breakfast restaurant. After eating breakfast, Qiqi followed Koo Beichen to the kindergarten contentedly.    


Standing in front of the kindergarten's door, Qiqi looked at the door unhappily. She didn't want to be separated from her parents, not even for a second. However, Qiqi would do what she had promised.    


Zhang Yutine held Qiqi's hand and said gently, "Let's go!" As a bodyguard, Koo Beichen followed behind the two of them.    


"It's little friend Qiqi and her parents, right?" A young and beautiful woman walked out and looked at Koo Beichen's family with a smile.    


Koo Beichen nodded and said, "I'm here to take my daughter to school today. This is an admission procedure that we've handled!" He handed over the document in his hand to the other party.    


After the woman finished, she looked around carefully, then raised her head and said with a face full of smiles, "Okay, please come with me!" After saying that, she turned her body to the side and pointed out a direction with her right hand.    


While walking, the woman introduced herself, "I am the form teacher of our elite class A, I am Lu, Lui Ke. We need to go to the Principal's office to take care of the formalities. Then, we can bring Qiqi to her new class! "    


It was as if there was never a second expression on this woman's face besides a smile, but no one would ever think that her smile was fake. Even Qiqi was infected by her sincere smile. Her originally unhappy mood had been swept away, and she now looked forward to the new class.    


Koo Beichen nodded without a trace and praised this kindergarten. An outstanding teacher would be of great help to the growth of a child. It was a good thing for his child that this teacher was able to infect the people around him and bring positive energy with him.    


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