My Cold CEO Fiancee

C311 Hunting(part Iii)

C311 Hunting(part Iii)

Little Desolate Mountain, at the waist of the mountain. 82a2, while vigilantly watching the ruined temple, he also paid attention to Glew.    


Through the aiming lens, he saw Glew throw his semiautomatic rifle to the side, drink a mouthful of water and stretch his back. He looked very relaxed.    


"Damned little guy, you're still not normal like before. This is a mission, not a vacation." Carlos shook his head. There was reproach in his words, but there was love in his eyes.    


Glew was raised by Carlos. In his heart, Glew was not so much a younger brother as a son. It was this feeling that made him pay special attention to Glew. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked being punished by the organization to come to China to help his little brother.    


Thinking back to when he heard from Kavan that Yoshino Ai had activated Charming Shadow members to cause trouble for herself and the two of them, Carlos's eyes immediately lit up with stars.    


Even though in Carlos's eyes, regardless of whether it was Netherworld King or He Ran, Netherworld King's combat power was only average, but Glew couldn't compare to them. No matter how weak Glew was, he was still a king of all Killer Realm. If he couldn't use his superhuman strength to suppress them, they could wipe his neck at any time.    


Now... He was finally relieved.    


Carlos also stood up and stretched. There was still half an hour before the duel between Ye Lingtian and Mike. According to their status, they would definitely not go back on their words, so he took this opportunity to relax his mind. After a few minutes of staring at the continuous mountain range, his brows were faintly filled with anger.    


Had she fallen into Yoshino Ai's trap when she came to China this time? It must be, this coquettish little bitch!    


Judging from the current situation, Netherworld King and the God of Death were nothing but trash, especially the God of Death Ye Lingtian. Having disappeared for so many years, in just a few days he was discovered by Kavan. A miscalculation, just because he was involved, he was somehow tied up with Yoshino Ai. Even if Fourth Elder found out, she would still hide her actions. Just like Glew had said, no matter how selfless Fourth Elder was, he could not break his own right arm.    


What made Carlos even more angry was that he lost a chance to attack Yoshino Ai.    


"Dear Glew, can't you have a brain?" Carlos shook his head helplessly, "Yoshino Ai appreciates you? God, she was only interested in the relationship between you and me. "    


Even though he was dissatisfied with Yoshino Ai, Carlos had to admit that this guy that couldn't be called a woman was very smart, very vicious and also very good at it. According to this trend, if anything happened to the Fourth Elder, it was not impossible for Yoshino Ai to get the upper hand. When they returned to the United States, they would definitely explain the situation to Karwenz, pull out some brothers from the information combat squad, and monitor Yoshino Ai.    


After Carlos made up his mind, he took a deep breath of fresh air and was about to lift Barrett up when his muscles suddenly stiffened.    


"You must be Carlos." Ye Lingtian pushed away the branches in the forest and looked at Carlos. Looking around, he praised, "If you really know how to choose a place, not only can you shoot from this angle, you can also protect your foolish little brother. The little leader of Charming Shadow is also not that simple."    


Carlos stood up slowly and looked at Ye Lingtian. He couldn't hide the surprise on his face as he asked, "How did you find this place?"    


"It's very simple. Have Karwenz provide you with the wrong information and then quickly deploy their defenses. Even if their brains were in a flurry, they would still be able to find your person." Ye Lingtian looked at Carlos as if he was looking at a fool.    


Give the wrong information? Carlos felt his whole body turn cold. He looked at Ye Lingtian in disbelief, "You …" Are you in our information transmission system? "Impossible, absolutely impossible! We have a security system that is superior to modern technology, you don't have that capability!"    


"Of course I don't have that ability, but my subordinates do. For example, Mary. This little girl really surprises me. That whatever ghost girl is really reliable." Ye Lingtian smiled faintly. Thinking about Mary's performance this time, he felt that it was too unkind not to give her a compliment. This girl's ability to win over more forces wasn't bad.    


Ye Lingtian had to admit that he had underestimated Mary's strength. In his heart, Mary was still that little girl who hadn't grown up yet, but he never thought that she would be able to turn Heavenly Evil into the world's biggest assassination organization in such a short time.    


Mary's ability to win over forces was not bad, but it was ridiculously strong.    


Carlos nearly vomited blood due to Ye Lingtian's words. Mary? The leader of Heavenly Evil, Mary? Oh, it must be Bloody Mary, Kavan had once investigated Mary's Information System. There was a character called Phantom Shadow, who seemed to be very interested in him, and was preparing to submit an application to the Fourth Elder to be specially recruited into the Information War Team.    


"I never thought that you would be the leader of the forces behind Heavenly Evil. It is truly a whole new level of respect." Carlos reached into his pocket and sent a message to Glew.    


Ye Lingtian shook his head, but did not point out anything, and said: "Don't praise me, following your Charming Shadow, I am a completely weak person, you guys are too awesome, two teams leading seven people, in just a few days you already found out that I am the god of death, too bright, if not for sending so many brothers ahead of time, I would not have been able to survive."    


"Kavan's team was completely wiped out?" Carlos shuddered.    


Seven people? How much effort and money did the organization put into excavating these seven people? They were all geniuses amongst geniuses! Any security department thrown into any country is a hot pillar. Besides, Group A's No. 3 and No. 6 in Group B were a perfect combination of technology and manpower, possessing the same fighting strength as Netherworld King. With them protecting the team, not to mention protecting them, at least he would be able to escape unscathed. If this was a fact, it would undoubtedly be the biggest humiliation in the history of Charming Shadow!    


Seeing Carlos's eyes bulge out, he curled his lips and said: "It's not strange that the entire army has been wiped out, but I have brought all the elites of Black Flag Army here to deal with Group A, and Mike and I are joining hands to deal with Group B, if such a luxurious lineup and accurate intelligence still fails, what justice is there in this?"    


all elites of Black Flag Army?! Carlos's mouth was agape as he looked at Ye Lingtian in a daze. He quickly scanned the surroundings with his eyes and saw red dots of light flashing in his eyes.    


Then he smiled bitterly. "Good! With Black Flag Army and Heavenly Evil combined, coupled with the blazing specters, even if I were to use all my strength, I would still be lacking. Who would have thought that I would be so arrogant that I wouldn't even know how to use my eyes to check, no loss! "    


"Of course you're not enough." Ye Lingtian looked at Carlos as if he was looking at a dead man, "We aren't here for nothing, don't think that I don't know about your little act just now. The reason I let you come is because Mary has already blocked all of your transmission signals.    


Ye Lingtian threw the phone in front of Carlos, laughed very brightly: "Glew is your end! I almost forgot, you are brothers by blood, but you have to pay the price for doing wrong, right? "    


Carlos picked up his phone. The scene that appeared on the screen froze all the blood in his body!    


He saw Glew tied to a towering tree, Sun Tie was holding a knife and slashing it down towards him, the miserable screams clearly showed what kind of pain Carlos was enduring, his eyes were red, he roared at Ye Lingtian: "Stop! Bastard! You told him to stop! "    


He rushed at Ye Lingtian just as he was about to lift his foot.    


Sou! Sou!    


Two puffs of smoke sputtered from the stone in front of him.    


Ye Lingtian waved his hand towards the distance and smiled at Carlos, "Calm down, you have to be calm. Right now, there are 15 snipers aiming at you. Even if you have great ability, I don't think you will be able to escape."    


"Ye Lingtian …" Carlos clenched his teeth until they shattered.    


The live broadcast was still going on. Glew was covered in blood and his screams were no longer as loud as before. Even a deity would not be able to save Glew if they dragged it on for another minute.    


"As long as you let Glew go, I promise I will know what to say." Carlos bit his lips until they bled.    


Only now did he realize that his mental state was not as strong as he had imagined, and his loyalty towards the organization was not as high as he had imagined. Between Glew and betrayal, he chose to betray.    


"Really?" Ye Lingtian asked tentatively as he couldn't believe his eyes. It was better for him to stay strong for a while longer, it was meaningless to compromise so quickly.    


"I mean it!" Carlos trembled and said anxiously, "Tell him to stop, quickly stop!"    


Wu Tie lightly coughed and shouted, "Mike! "Carlos is willing to cooperate!"    


Carlos quickly looked at the live broadcast screen.    


Mike was taking pictures with his cellphone excitedly. When he saw Ye Lingtian yell into the phone, he grumpily muttered to the camera, "So boring. I still want to play a little longer."    


The scene changed and Mike sneered. The dagger slashed along the vein on Glew's neck. Fresh blood spurted out and turned into a mist of blood …    




The phone heavily fell onto the ground. Carlos collapsed and shouted hysterically with bloodshot eyes: "Why? I've already agreed, why?! "    


Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and laughed evilly: "Carlos, like I said before, everyone has to pay the price for his actions, do you think that Charming Shadow information is important to me?"    


He shook his head, extended his middle finger and laughed: "You killed my friend and wanted to rely on that pitiful piece of information to escape death! "Now you can feel Mike's pain, right? Isn't it great? Good, just shout it. Otherwise, how would I know you're very good?"    


Tears flowed from the corner of Carlos's eyes.    


He did not scream, but instead calmed down gradually and thought carefully. Since Ye Lingtian had chosen to annihilate the Karl team, he was determined to kill them all. He had been naive to think that they could let Glew go.    


However, if Glew dies, I can also die, but you, Ye Lingtian, must also die!    


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