My Cold CEO Fiancee

C285 The Legend of Eternity(part Ii)

C285 The Legend of Eternity(part Ii)

Seeing Stamm and Karteros obediently standing there without moving, Chu Xiaoxiao smiled and whispered, "Gentlemen, I understand what you two are thinking. Chu Xiaoxiao saw Stamm and Karteros standing there without moving, she smiled and said softly," Gentlemen, I understand what you two are thinking.    


Nova's illness was not difficult to treat, and Ye Lingtian was not one of those perverts that liked to show off his abilities. In order to show off his capabilities, he had to play around with a lot.    


After giving Nova the Meridian Strengthening Pill, he immediately opened his silver needle bag and swept his right hand across her body. Within moments, Nova's entire body and head were covered in silver needles.    


When Ye Lingtian's technique was used to treat Qin Tianhe, Chu Xiaoxiao had once experienced it. She was surprised to discover that in less than a month, Ye Lingtian's technique was completely different from before. Before, she could still see shadows, but now, she could only see silver lines.    


Stamm and Karteros's mouths were wide open. They were not familiar with Chinese medicine, but even if they were playing with needles, they couldn't be so fast. This technique seemed to have exceeded the limits of humans.    


The two nurses beside him covered their mouths. They had never seen Ye Lingtian act as fast as lightning before, they knew what this white-haired Chinese was doing. Was he treating the disease?    


Kurd, who was previously extremely agitated and angry, gradually regained some of his rationality. Since he couldn't move or speak, he could only concentrate on Divine Doctor Ye's every move.    


The moment Ye Lingtian raised the silver needle, Kurd felt a faint aura. At that moment, his mind became clear and his thoughts became much clearer than before. It was as if he was pious and praying in church, bringing a sense of peace and quiet that he hadn't felt in a long time. Although this sounded idealistic, it was an iron-like fact.    


Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is the most difficult part of Chinese medicine to explain, so far it has not formed a clear system. Kurd didn't have a thorough understanding of Chinese medicine, and those experts also said that acupuncture was the most mysterious and difficult part of Chinese medicine.    


Even an experienced old Chinese doctor would have to carefully identify the acupuncture points when using acupuncture and moxibustion because according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there were more than 700 points of different sizes in a person's body.    


This genius doctor called Ye Yuanshen seemed to know all the acupuncture points on human body, from top to bottom. In less than a minute, silver needles covered his entire body.    


If... If Ye Yuanshen's needles were all acupuncture points, there was no doubt that his technique would not be possible! Could he really have cured the Alzheimer's disease with this method?    


Kurd remains skeptical. The deeper you study Alzheimer's disease, the more you can feel its terror.    


Previously, Ye Lingtian was still dissatisfied with the attitude of Kurd and the rest. After giving the Pill to Nova to treat her, he threw himself into treatment wholeheartedly without any distractions.    


Instantly adjusting his state of mind and state of mind, Ye Lingtian's current mental state was far from what it used to be. Sometimes, even he himself suspected that he was not in the human category.    


Nova's problem occurred in her brain and her meridians. Although the adjustment procedure was much less complicated than Qin Tianhe's, it was still a lot more complicated.    


In the human body's meridians, the brain's meridians were the most fragile and strange.    


Ye Lingtian focused all his attention. When the Meridian Strengthening Pill first started working, it was when his meridians were weak. Ye Lingtian immediately used the Genuine Qi to comb his meridians bit by bit, he had to clear them before the Pill worked.    


He closed his eyes and sweated profusely. His mind was wandering in the complex and varied meridian channels. Logically speaking, he should be able to solve this problem within half an hour. However, Ye Lingtian spent nearly three times of his time.    


Only after going deep into the brain would Ye Lingtian realize that what he had previously understood was just the surface. While he was using his mind to wander through the meridians in his brain, Ye Lingtian was able to see another world.    


He saw the operation of his brain and the focus of his meridians. These would be of great help in recovering Wang Houhu's memories and even his Cultivation Level.    


He had gone the wrong way. Ye Lingtian sighed in his heart. If this was just the second level of Nine Heavens Mysterious Spell, then the effect would be so obvious. What if it was the third level?    


After straightening Nova's meridians, Ye Lingtian immediately gave the second Sutra Strengthening Pill to Nova. Then, he used the Genuine Qi to boost the brain to absorb the Sutra Strengthening Pill.    


Actually, according to the procedure, Nova's illness would be resolved after Nova took the Meridian Strengthening Pill, but Ye Lingtian was worried. After all, he had never treated a similar disease before, so he had to provide additional services for the sake of safety.    


After everything was settled, Ye Lingtian suddenly found that his entire body was covered in sweat.    


He looked up and met Lili's anxious gaze. From beginning to end, Lili had been wiping his sweat as if he were at Qin Tianhe's house.    


"Is it done?" Chu Xiaoxiao asked softly.    


Ye Lingtian nodded and scanned his entire body from top to bottom. He exhaled and said, "I'm going to take a shower first. Don't come in and disturb me when I'm in the bathroom."    


With a wave of his hand, he condensed Genuine Qi to completely remove Kurd's acupoints, and said in a deep voice: "This is the first time I'm treating this kind of illness. Go and check her whole body and see if she has recovered."    


Finished speaking, he walked towards the bathroom, his pace slightly slower than before. Nova's treatment this time round had cost him a lot of Genuine Qi, so he needed a period of time to recover.    


Even without Ye Lingtian's reminder, Kurd would also check Nova in all aspects. However, Ye Lingtian's statement about her recovery still left him dumbstruck.    


Recover? In this short time, Nova, who had the Alzheimer's disease, recovered? If so, you are God Almighty! Kurd didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.    


Of course, Stamm and Karteros also didn't believe it. Nova's illness that was slightly relieved or that her brain death was delayed for a period of time was their biggest hope.    


"Kurd, take some blood tests first. I'm afraid those pills will cause some damage to my other body functions." Stamm instructed with great caution.    


"Don't worry, the nurses are conducting a comprehensive examination, they won't lack a single project." Kurd nodded seriously.    


When Chu Xiaoxiao saw Ye Lingtian looking so tired, and that Stamm and the rest were still looking at Ye Lingtian doubtfully, she immediately became annoyed.    


She now understood why Ye Lingtian had gone from forty million euros to fifty million euros. Even if it were him, he wouldn't be able to accept it.    


If you do not say how grateful you are for the painstaking treatment, you should at least give me the trust. After all, Nova is going to die from brain damage, so you should not be so negligent towards her attitude of treating dead horses as if they were alive.    


"Mr. Stamm, I think this is unnecessary." The smile on Chu Xiaoxiao's face disappeared, and she said seriously, "Within the limited time that I have known Divine Doctor Ye, if he agreed to help, it would prove that he has fully recovered. Not only that, the patient would benefit greatly.    


"Respected Miss Chu, I understand your feelings. After all, you were the one who invited Divine Doctor Ye here, but you must understand that reality always depends on scientific testing." "I admit that I didn't trust Divine Doctor Ye the moment I saw him, but when he diagnosed and treated me, I saw the focus and persistence that a famous doctor should have. I have had surgery before, but I have never had as much concentration as him."    


"Please don't compare the medical skills of mortals with Divine Doctor Ye's godly skills!" Chu Xiaoxiao emphasized her tone and said coldly, "You can't imagine the mental energy Divine Doctor Ye used to treat you. "Every time he treats a person, he uses up a certain amount of life force …"    


"Xiaoxiao!" Ye Lingtian hurriedly ran out of the bathroom. His hair had not dried yet and his expression was very serious.    


Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand what was going on. She quickly walked up to Ye Lingtian and asked, "What happened?"    


"You handle the rest, I have something to take care of!" Ye Lingtian didn't allow Chu Xiaoxiao to say anything, he clenched his teeth and said, "Just stay here without my call. You can't go anywhere!"    


"Why?" Chu Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes. She didn't understand why Ye Lingtian was so anxious after coming out of the bathroom. It was as if he had become a different person.    


"There's no reason why!" Ye Lingtian's tone was stern without a doubt, "Just do as I said!"    


Chu Xiaoxiao shivered and nodded. "Alright."    


Ye Lingtian no longer hesitated and quickly left the room. In a few seconds, the black Mercedes-Benz made a sound and quickly ran out of the manor.    


Chu Xiaoxiao had a bad premonition. She walked to the window in a few steps and watched as the car disappeared into the road. Her cherry lips opened as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she chose to remain silent.    


Perhaps because Ye Lingtian was too fast, Stamm didn't have the time to react at first. After the Mercedes-Benz Ye Lingtian quickly rushed out of the manor, he quickly picked up the phone and prepared to let his bodyguard follow.    


Divine Doctor Ye was in such a hurry to leave. What if there was a problem with the healer and he ran away?    


Before he could open his mouth, Nova had already opened her eyes. When she saw Stamm, the first thing she said was …    


"Stamm, where's that mister? Where is he?"    


Stamm quickly walked over and held his sister's hand, "Sis, he has an urgent matter to attend to. How do you feel?"    


"It feels too good! "Stamm, I seem to have aged quite a few years and my mind is very clear. God, he is God, the messenger God sent to save the people!" Nova praised him sincerely. Only by receiving Ye Lingtian's treatment did she know about the comfortable feeling of being reborn from the Genuine Qi. She pushed the nurse away and got down from the bed, then looked at Karteros, whose eyes were filled with tears, and revealed a complicated smile.    


"Lady Nova, you can't get out of bed." Kurd quickly walked over.    


"Respected Mr. Kurd, please believe that I have fully recovered. If you don't believe me, you can look. I can stand up!" Nova adjusted her body and stood on the edge of the bed. She walked a few steps with difficulty and turned her head to look at the stunned Kurd. "Do you believe me now, Doctor Kurd?"    


Stamm and Kurd looked at each other, then madly rubbed their eyes.    


Impossible, absolutely impossible! Ten days ago, Nova had already lost the ability to walk independently, but now, she was actually able to stand up. Even if Nova's illness had not completely recovered, just walking alone was enough for her to be recorded in the history of medicine as one of the ten wonders.    


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