My Cold CEO Fiancee

C216 Resume

C216 Resume

"Yes, respected Monseigneur War Emperor …" Shitai Yince stood at attention and suddenly realized that something wasn't right. F * ck, Monseigneur War Emperor said the opposite. Under conditions, I … How did I get caught up in it?    


His face reddened, and he puffed his chest out: "Monseigneur War Emperor, we don't have enough manpower. In addition, the far-reaching medicine industry is for business, not war. Of course, if Monseigneur War Emperor is willing, I can lead my brothers to resolutely carry out your orders.    


"Glory your ass! You also f * cking know that Yuanshen and medicine industries are pharmaceutical, not war! "Tell me, what are you doing with all this stuff!" Ye Lingtian screamed at the top of his lungs, while his saliva flew everywhere and his fingers almost touched Shitai Yince's face.    


Ye Lingtian was infuriated. He was truly infuriated.    


He took out a grenade from Shitai Yince's pocket and said while gnashing his teeth, "Tell me, Shitai Yince, which drug company's security guard uses this? Do you guys intend to blow up Pharmaceutical Factory with this? "    


"Reporting to Monseigneur War Emperor, I dare not!" Shitai Yince was trembling like a frightened quail.    


The mercenaries behind Shitai Yince all had cold sweat dripping down their foreheads.    


"Don't dare? "If you dare to hit an administrative staff, what else would you not dare to do?" Ye Lingtian swept his eyes across them and all these tough looking guys shuddered at the same time.    


Monseigneur War Emperor's combat strength was terrifying. With just a glance, all of the brothers had lost their ability to resist. If they were to fight, would they still be able to survive?    


"Monseigneur War Emperor, I was wrong!" Shitai Yince was not a fool, and the meaning of War Emperor's words was incomprehensible. He could have jumped into the sea and committed suicide, but he was truly wronged. It was definitely not his idea, and it was entirely Old Charlie's misdirection.    


Old Charlie's original words were — — Shitai Yince, now is the time for you to show off! As one of them, you should feel proud and proud to defend this unprecedented company. You should tell your brothers, open your eyes wide, and take out 100% of your energy, so that everyone will know that there's a group of honorable soldiers in the Yuanshen medicine industry, and it will be an unbreakable castle.    


"Not only are you wrong, you're also very wrong!" Ye Lingtian pointed at the fully armed mercenaries and said resentfully, "Do you know where this is? This was the Hua Country, there was no way private armed forces could be allowed to exist! Just walk outside like this, and in less than two hours, Hua Country's regular troop will arrive. Please tell me, do we want to have a hearty fight with them! "    


The soldiers did not even dare to breathe loudly. A few of them had their heads spinning and thought, "Let's do it. We are not afraid of them."    


Ye Lingtian's eyes fell on the dozens of boxes of ammunition and he immediately called Old Charlie. "Charlie, is there something wrong with your head?" he yelled. What did I tell you before, and how did you teach people? Do you think this daddy has a long life and wants to send you to your death by sending me dozens of boxes of firearms? "    


Old Charlie only swallowed his saliva. After being scolded by Ye Lingtian, he said with great grievance, "Monseigneur War Emperor, I came here in full compliance with your request. There are no rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles, or heavy machine guns."    


Ye Lingtian touched his forehead, "Alright! I was wrong! But did you have to fucking bring dozens of boxes over? "I don't think you need to be a mercenary, you can just sell arms!"    


Old Charlie quivered and looked guiltily at the leader who was about to take action. He lowered his voice and said, "Hurry up and tell our brothers that the ammunition is off. War Emperor is furious."    


The leader blinked in confusion, "Sir, based on a small scale battle, that amount of ammunition is far from enough. I'm afraid that my brothers will be at a disadvantage if something happens."    


"What a waste of time!" Didn't you hear what your father said? Stop it! Hurry and bring them back! " Old Charlie was fuming with rage, wanting to strangle this little boss to death. It was all because of these alarmist words, saying that Hua Country was indeed a safe pill, but he was afraid of what if there were really some forces assaulting the Yuanshen and medicine industry, what would they do if they fought? In addition, if the situation allows, we can transport some heavy guys to Hua Country in batches, in the form of spare parts.    


The voice on the other side was very loud. The moment Old Charlie got excited, his voice immediately went up. Avril and Ye Lingtian heard it loud and clear.    


"Oh my god, there's still more coming. Ye, please don't tell me that you're preparing to demonstrate your might to the Hua Country army. You're too arrogant!" Avril was a proper businessman. She felt goosebumps all over Shitai Yince's body. God, how could the Administration Department manage this group of 'security guards'?    


Ye Lingtian scratched his head and said with hatred, "What the f * ck are you going to do in the future? Say hello to your father in advance. My heart hasn't been well recently. Do you hear me?"    


"Monseigneur War Emperor, I will never act arbitrarily again, please forgive me." Slightly ashamed, Old Charlie thought for a moment before replying, "Why don't I get someone to bring this batch of firearms back?"    


"Are you getting old? Do you think that we are the ones who opened Hua Country Customs? We just said that it would be delivered here, and if it wants to be shipped back, we will send it back? " Ye Lingtian took a deep breath, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said powerlessly, "Okay okay, don't do this again in the future. Let me ask you, when this batch of firearms is brought here, are there really no mistakes in terms of Hua Country?"    


Avril immediately pricked up her ears. Obviously, this was the crux of the matter and she did not want the Yuanshen Medicine Industry to be sealed off before it was even officially opened.    


I can guarantee that even if we can transport another two hundred boxes over, there won't be a single leak out. Our Black Flag Army detection abilities are top-notch in the world, and in the days that you weren't here, we've added more content to our secret training. Our ability to do this is also top-notch today. "    


Avril heaved a long sigh of relief. She had almost forgotten that the other party was in Black Flag Army, and even though she wasn't too concerned about military information, she knew that this was a very, very terrifying mercenary group.    


However, what Ye Lingtian said next nearly made Avril's heart jump out of her mouth.    


Ye Lingtian rubbed his chin, frowned and remained silent for a while, then said, "Okay then, pack up some more stuff, but don't go beyond the standard. Ye Lingtian rubbed his chin, frowned and stayed silent for a while, then said," Okay, pack up some more, but don't go beyond the standard.    


Old Charlie's eyes lit up and immediately stood at attention: "Understood, Monseigneur War Emperor!"    


"If you understand, then do it!" Just as Ye Lingtian was about to hang up, he heard Old Charlie say in a flattering tone, "Respected War Emperor, how about I go over? You know, we haven't met in a long time. Thinking of all the things that happened in the past, I feel that I must contribute my best to the far-reaching medicine industry …"    


Ye Lingtian rejected Old Charlie's request without any hesitation: "If you leave, what about Black Flag Army? Look over your Black Flag Army. When I need you, I will definitely bring you over. "    


After hanging up, Ye Lingtian pouted and cursed, "Seriously, you've followed me for so many years, why don't you have some brains?"    


I don't think you have a brain! Avril was so angry that her entire body was trembling, "Ye, I feel like I am no longer qualified to be the CEO of the Yuanshen Pharmaceutical Industry. This is not a pharmaceutical company, this is an army."    


"Avril, don't be angry. If you're not afraid of ten thousand, then be afraid. I must guarantee the safety of all of you. You also know that there is another power in this world called the clan. For their own benefit, sometimes they don't play according to the rules. They must be prepared." Ye Lingtian's tone was very serious. Previously, he did not consider this issue, but after Han Family extended its tentacles to the Black Tiger, things changed.    


Avril could not help but think of the Markos Family. Who would have thought that a small scale battle would take place in a country famous for its human rights and the rule of law? Yet, such a large number of casualties had been covered up in the name of a counter-terrorism exercise. From this perspective, Ye Lingtian's actions were truly excessive.    


The beautiful Avril sighed helplessly, and said: "Fine, Ye, I want you to guarantee that the operation of Yuanshen and medicine industry will not be affected by these arms in the slightest, otherwise, it's better for you to find someone else to manage this CEO. I have my own principles, I am a merchant, not a military officer."    


"You need to believe in Black Flag Army's strength." Ye Lingtian never intended to hide anything from Avril. He smiled at her, turned around and said to Shitai Yince, "Tell our brothers to unequip their equipment as soon as possible, and seal these small items properly for future emergencies. In addition, ask outside to find out what exactly the duty of the security guards is, and learn from them."    


Ye Lingtian pointed at Shitai Yince's military uniform and paused for a moment before saying, "You should always wear this suit, so that you won't forget your duty."    


"Yes, respected Monseigneur War Emperor!" The Black Flag Army Soldiers shouted in unison.    


Ye Lingtian swallowed his saliva and said with a sunken face, "Don't call me War Emperor in future when there are outsiders here. Call me Mr Ye. Hmm, and I heard that some of you have made a move on people from the Administration Department. Shitai Yince, is this true?"    


Shitai Yince blushed and lowered his head: "Yes."    


"Alright, what I want to say is, your current statuses are the security guards of the Yuanshen Pharmacy, your duty is to protect the safety of the entire staff and the interests of the company, to act against people from the Administration Department is to blatantly break discipline, to make a move on your own brothers, this … To be punished according to the rules of the Black Flag Army! " Ye Lingtian's voice was emotionless as he stared into Shitai Yince's eyes, "Also, I want you to always remember that in the Yuanshen Pharmacy, you only have two bosses, one is me, and the other is CEO Avril. If you can't remember, I want your head!"    


"Understood!" Shitai Yince turned around and said to the man who made a move, "Come out!"    




"Run!" With Shitai Yince's order, the soldier ran to the front of Yuanshen and Medicine Industry's office as fast as he could.    


Shitai Yince followed him out.    


Avril was a little confused. She was about to ask something when she heard Ye Lingtian speak in a deep voice, "Avril, I hope you can understand that my security department doesn't want the administrative department to take care of them. Other than you, I'm the only one can manage them, but that doesn't mean they can be arrogant.    


Avril's heartbeat suddenly sped up. She knew the weight of Ye Lingtian's words. Yes, I'm his closest friend and the only one who can command the power that belongs to him.    


"Ye, thank you for your trust. I will definitely build an empire for the Yuanshen medicine industry, an empire that will attract the attention of the entire world!" Avril had never been so excited in her life as she was today. The unhappiness she had caused earlier instantly vanished like smoke into thin air. Ye Wen did not hide anything from her, right? Then, in return, she could only devote her heart and body to the Yuanshen medicine industry.    


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