My Cold CEO Fiancee

C168 The Story of Ray

C168 The Story of Ray

Those four officers were not of low rank and were considered experienced. They knew that the police force had some rules that could not be revealed to the public.    


Therefore, when Zhu Zongyan said this, they felt chills all over.    


These words were against common sense and didn't conform with the spirit of the rule of law, but they chose to believe it.    


Because even now, they still didn't know how guns were missing. Who the hell would believe such a person?    


That person called Ye Lingtian must belong to the country's secret personnel. They couldn't control him.    


His four subordinates all understood. How could Gong Jiahao not understand? At this point, he finally understood why Han Ruru chose to settle the matter after suffering such a great loss. The heck, if Ye Lingtian had revealed his identity earlier, he wouldn't have dared to demand justice even if he became crippled. He hurriedly said, "Director Zhu, I don't know!" If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have dared to do it even if I was beaten to death! "    


"You know? What do you know? " Zhu Zongyan said while clenching his teeth. He sounded a bit depressed.    


"I don't know anything. Nothing happened just now. I fell down on my own. I don't know what his name is …" No! "I've never seen that person before. I've never seen him before." Gong Jiahao finally reacted. F * ck, how can someone's identity be considered a secret in this kind of thing. If he were to be exposed, the black veil would immediately fly away.    


It had to be said that although Gong Jiahao was more experienced than Sunn Jingxuan, he was easier to fool than her.    


Behind Sunn Jingxuan was a terrifying family. Sometimes, they were fearless, and behind Gong Jiahao was Han Bin. This was the difference in foundation.    


Zhu Zongyan threw his gun in front of those silly police officers, sighed and said, "I'm not sure if you've offended him, but since we've met face to face, some departments will definitely investigate you, so I hope that your asses will be clean. If you've really done something wrong before …"    


Zhu Zongyan shook his head and said in a cold voice, "Do not let your luck go to waste. Also, do not think that someone will be able to protect you. If you take the initiative to tell them that you might be able to stay alive, then they will get a hold of you and you will die in vain."    


Gong Jiahao's old face turned pale and his four henchmen felt cold all over. At that moment, it seemed as if the sky was about to collapse.    


Zhu Zongyan snorted and turned around the corner to let out a breath of air. He was inspired by Ye Lingtian just now and wanted to see if he could find an opening from Gong Jiahao.    


Seeing that Ye Lingtian was safe and sound as he came down from the fourth floor, Wang Tao was trembling with excitement.    


When Municipal Bureau Director Zhu led a few police officers to rush up, his little heart was beating crazily.    


He had seen Han Ruru and Hong Wang's bruised and battered appearance. If a woman was beaten up like this, how could Wu Tie deal with them? After all, they were the regional police chief, and being beaten up like that was a huge matter. The Municipal Bureau Chief had to rush over quickly, even Director Zhu had to take action, no matter what the reason was, it did not bode well for Brother Ye.    


Wang Tao knew how fierce Zhu Zongyan was.    


Who would have thought that Ye Lingtian would come down as if nothing had happened. F * ck, what the hell?    


Taking advantage that no one was looking, Wang Tao went up to Ye Lingtian and whispered, "Brother Ye, are you alright?"    


"What else can we do?" Ye Lingtian smiled faintly.    


He knew that what he had done today was a little crazy in the eyes of ordinary people, so he couldn't be too strong in front of Wang Tao. Otherwise, if Wang Tao was too daring, he might cause some trouble in the future.    


Wang Tao smacked his head and gave Ye Lingtian a thumbs up, "Brother Ye, you're still the best. I can't help but admire you. I'll learn more from you in the future."    


He was not a brainless person, Gong Jiahao was the police chief, but the police chief was beaten up in the entertainment district. This matter was known to the media, and it was unknown what the masses of netizens would say, but when the public opinion exploded, regardless of who was in the wrong or wrong, the police force's reputation would be affected by a hundred percent, and the city government might lose face as well. Right now, there was a commotion in the moving area, and if something happened to the police chief, well, Jinghai would become famous internationally.    


Ye Lingtian was almost choked to death by Wang Tao's words. Learn from me? Are you going to push the police chief down and give him a good beating? When that happened, it would be a huge joke, so he quickly gave him a precaution: "Don't try to learn anything about today's matter. It's just a coincidence; something big might happen."    


Wu Tie swallowed his saliva and said with a face full of fear, "Brother Ye, don't scare me, let alone the police chief, even I, the chief of the police force, don't dare to do that. Have you ever seen a mouse scratch a cat?"    


When he said this, Wang Tao felt that he was a bit misspoken, so his old face blushed a little. "Hur Hur, the metaphor is not very appropriate. It's a joke for Brother Ye."    


"Your words aren't rough. Do your job well. I'm looking forward to your comeback." Ye Lingtian gave Wang Tao an encouraging look, turned around and ran away.    


Wu Hanhan and the others were anxiously waiting in the parking lot.    


"He's already been here half a day, why hasn't he come down yet?" Wu Hanhan shook Ding Qi's hand. She didn't understand how her boyfriend could be so calm after causing such a disaster.    


"Let's call 120." Zhao Dawei took out his phone and tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart. "When the ambulance arrives, we'll rush to the fourth floor. No matter how big the hatred is, it should be resolved already. We can't just kill him, can we?"    


Jiang Yuanhang glared at him, but he couldn't refute him. At the moment, Zhao Dawei's suggestion was the most reasonable course of action. After ten minutes, it was about time to beat him up.    


Jiang Ziwei shivered. She saw Han Ruru and her wife exit the red dot. She got into the car and quickly left without saying a word.    


Since the police had already gone up, shouldn't they just take the initiative and leave with their tails between their legs? There was only one answer, he was going to do it privately, with his fists.    


Xiao Yun thought that Ye Lingtian might be beaten into a terrible state just for her sake, so her hands couldn't stop trembling. To think that 120 was such a simple number, yet she pressed it several times wrong.    


Ding Qi was confident in Ye Lingtian, but as time passed, the situation above became invisible and she gradually became apprehensive. When the familiar figure slowly walked over, she let out a breath and quickly held Xiao Yun's hand, "Don't worry, everyone. Big Brother Ye is here."    


Wu Hanhan, Xiao Yun, Jiang Ziwei and Wu Shuang Kuang rubbed their eyes a few times. That's right, Ye Lingtian came out, but not only did he come out, he even came out safe and sound.    


How could this be possible? After beating someone with such a powerful background into such a state, not only would they have to lynch you, they would also have to be brought to the police station to serve you. How could they let you off so easily?    


Zhao Dawei was stunned. If he was living in heaven before, then now, he was undoubtedly enjoying the hardships of hell.    


The hell, one was the district police chief, the other was the Municipal Bureau chief's daughter, it was so easy to beat them up, how could it be logical? You can't write it that way either, it's too outrageous and the plot is too shocking.    


Seeing Wu Hanhan and the others looking at him like they were looking at a monster, Ye Lingtian scratched his head and laughed, "Hehe, I thought I wouldn't be able to be nice today, so I didn't think about Director Zhu. After understanding what happened, I thought about it and decided to settle it myself.    


The eyes of Wu Hanhan and the rest nearly popped out of their sockets. 'Using money to deal with this?'    


"Big Brother Ye, you... Are you kidding? " Jiang Yuanhang did not believe it, he did not believe it.    


"Think about it, is Hong Wang reasonable? What good would it do him and Han Ruru if the matter got out of hand? "And that police chief, he repeatedly emphasized on not allowing any civil servants to enter or leave the entertainment area. A few days ago, there was too much commotion in the area, and Jinghai was at the heart of the matter, so if today's incident were to be exposed, wouldn't that just be adding fuel to the fire?" Ye Lingtian lit up a Hongta and proudly said, "My luck is really good. I was wondering if I should call the company's leader and see if they can help, but it's fine now."    


What a lousy storyline! Jiang Ziwei and Jiang Yuanhang looked at each other speechlessly.    


However, after carefully analyzing the situation, he found that it was indeed reasonable. Thus, he didn't say anything after being lucky for a few moments.    


Zhao Dawei gritted his teeth to the point that they shattered. He had asked the heavens' female relatives a dozen times already. Is this a well-known person in the city? He was too f * cking soft.    


Wu Hanhan also let out a sigh of relief. However, thinking about the other party's capabilities, she couldn't help but remind Ye Lingtian: "Big Brother Ye, this enemy has remembered his name. You have to be careful in the future."    


"What's done is done, as long as there's nothing else to do tonight, we can do it slowly. At most, we can just spend a few more dollars." Ye Lingtian said as he drove, "Besides, I always follow the law. As long as I have clean clothes, they will drag me to the police station. "This is the era of civil society based on the rule of law. It cannot be so barbaric!"    


Wu Hanhan did not utter a word. She thought to herself, "Weren't you being brutal when you were beating me up just now?"    


When they were about to reach the entrance of the Jinghai Polytechnic University, Ding Qi, who had been silent all this while, turned and looked deeply at Ye Lingtian, and gently said: "Big Brother Ye, I know you are forced to do this, but beating people is indeed wrong, and in the future do not be impulsive. If your luck is good, if your luck is bad, my mother and I will not be able to help you, what will you do then?"    


"Chill!" Ye Lingtian chuckled and said casually.    


Ding Qi did not believe Ye Lingtian's words. She would rather believe that the other party would not dare to hold a grudge due to his strength, but there was a good saying that there was a heaven above the heaven, and Xiao Yun was just her roommate and did not have a great relationship with him. He did not even hesitate to offend the higher ups of the police force.    


Ding Qi's thought was right. There were many ways to solve the Red Dot incident, and Ye Lingtian chose the stupidest one. However, Ye Lingtian really didn't know how to write the word 'swallow down the anger'.    


Today was Jiang Ziwei's birthday. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought that her birthday would be so exciting, even more exciting than action movies.    


Since the lights were out, her blood was still boiling. However, thinking about Xiao Yun's dazed state, she couldn't bring up the matter of the red dot. She could only hold it in. It was the same with Wu Hanhan.    


In the end, Xiao Yun couldn't help but ask. However, she didn't insult Hong Wang, but asked Ding Qi curiously, "How do you know Big Brother Ye?"    


Lili had wanted to comfort Xiao Yun, but neither the eldest nor Hanhan said anything, so she swallowed her words.    


Xiao Yun felt very upset. What made her even more helpless was that she could only digest this matter slowly. She never thought that Xiao Yun would be the first one to ask questions. Furthermore, the questions she asked made her scalp tingle.    


As the saying goes, a stone stirs a thousand ripples. Before Xiao Yun could finish her sentence, Jiang Ziwei and Wu Hanhan immediately sat up.    


"Ding Qi, hurry up and tell us. Your Big Brother Ye is too f * cking brave today. F * ck, Iron Man is going to lose in front of him!" Wu Hanhan's eyes were shining brightly. In front of her sisters, she no longer had the elegant, lifelike image of a woman.    


"Hanhan, I'm warning you again, don't swear! "Be reserved, understand?" Jiang Ziwei stretched out her head from the top bunk and turned on the bedside lamp, her face full of curiosity. Hurry up and introduce the experience. Don't you see how intimate Hanhan is with Big Brother Ye? I'm really interested now. "    


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