My Cold CEO Fiancee

C75 Me Money Collection!

C75 Me Money Collection!

"What if he gets cheated?" Chu Xiaoxiao was a little worried. There were quite a few swindlers around these days.    


"So what if I lied, it's only 10 million, that's not too much, I'll just treat it as giving it to a dog!" Qin Xueying gritted her teeth. If it was the truth, she might have hesitated. Ever since that night when Ye Lingtian cheated her of a million yuan and almost got touched by that scoundrel …    


Jingxian Villa.    


Ye Lingtian looked at the time and called Ma Yingying. Who would have thought that those beauties would have already gathered at Ma Yingying's home and would soon arrive at their destination, the Friends Gathering Pavilion?    


If you don't want money, then it's good. Usually, you don't have to be so active at work. Ye Lingtian sighed with emotion. He let Ma Yingying order first and then he would come.    


The moment he opened the door, Ye Lingtian saw Yuv Xue's BMW open.    


Ye Lingtian immediately rushed over and waved at Yuv Xue. "Wait a moment."    


Yuv Xue stopped the car, opened the window and smiled, "Mr Ye, our agreement will only come into effect tomorrow. You won't let me treat you to a meal now will you?"    


"I'm someone who keeps his word. I'm not asking you to treat me to a meal, I just want to hitchhike." As Ye Lingtian spoke, he actually opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.    


"Don't you have a car?"    


"Oil is too expensive!" You don't know that A4, and all those that fell off were Chinese Coin, I'm just a small laborer, if you don't save me a bit, how are you going to marry me? " Ye Lingtian said with a smile.    


How could this person be so stingy! Luckily, Yuv Xue had a better understanding of Ye Lingtian's character, so she was not shocked. She said helplessly, "Okay, Mr Ye, where are you going?"    


"Eastern City wall, if you don't feel good, just throw me near the People's Road. I'll go there."    


"Walk past? It's not close. You're not going to tell me you're even going to save the bus money? " Yuv Xue looked at Ye Lingtian as if she was looking at a monster and was completely defeated by him.    


You're a man in your twenties, aren't you ashamed of being so stingy in front of girls?    


Ye Lingtian answered confidently, "Money, on one hand, is earned, on the other hand, is saved, saving has always been my biggest advantage."    


Yuv Xue was speechless, but she did not comment on Ye Lingtian's actions. When she reached the Second Ring, she said, "I'll send it to you. Anyway, it's not far from the East River Road."    


Ye Lingtian smiled and said, "That's embarrassing."    


You have no shame! Yuv Xue didn't answer, but continued to ask, "Mr Ye, don't tell me you went there because someone invited you to a meal."    


"If only." Ye Lingtian sighed and told him what had happened.    


Yuv Xue couldn't help but want to stuff cotton into her ears, who do you think you are, the president of Qin Family Group is an outstanding woman, they made you treat them to a meal purely because they are giving you face, but you actually arranged for them to stay in a small restaurant at the east city wall, not to mention, saying that they would kill you, then what about the money? You can't be so stingy, can you? Even if you save up for a wife like this, the girl won't come looking for you even if her brain is emptied.    


"Mr Ye, is money really that important to you?" Yuv Xue was too lazy to even look at him now.    


"When I was young, I was scared of nothing, and it left a shadow in my heart." Ye Lingtian said casually.    


I've never heard that poverty can leave a shadow in one's heart. I think you're a psychopath! Now she understood why Ye Lingtian dared to openly blackmail her. This guy didn't even consider the consequences when asking for money. Say, if you hang up now, what's the use of asking for money? The world was truly large, full of wonders!    


When they arrived at their destination, Ye Lingtian got off the car. Yuv Xue didn't even say goodbye before stepping on the accelerator and driving away.    


When Ye Lingtian opened the door, there were already nine beauties crowded in the room. They were chattering non-stop and the dishes had already arrived at the table.    


Ye Lingtian looked carefully and sucked in a mouthful of cold air. Was this a f * cking food ordered by a human?    


Spicy chicken, ground chicken, braised duck, steamed duck, and yellow bean stewed pork were all the signature dishes of the pavilion. Most importantly, the entire feast seemed to consist of only two plates, with peanuts and radishes.    


"What are you standing there in a daze for? Hurry up and sit down. If you don't come, then this sis will start eating." Ma Yingying rolled her eyes at Ye Lingtian and pulled a chair beside her.    


Tao Ranhui, who was beside Ye Lingtian, asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"    


"Who ordered this?" It wasn't that Ye Lingtian felt bad about the money, he was destined to be killed anyway, so he had already accepted it. It was just that the rhythm of the dishes was wrong, there was too much oil to eat, and there was no need to mention whether it was good for the body, but the problem is that you guys aren't tired of it?    


"Me? What's wrong?" Tao Ranhui looked at him flirtatiously as she said in a displeased tone, "Didn't I say I wanted to make up for you by opening up a meat shop? You've been too tired recently."    


Ma Yingying saw that the situation wasn't right and wanted to make these beauties more lively. She didn't know what she would say, so she knocked on the table with her knuckles. "Stop talking nonsense." "Hurry up and try it. This restaurant's specialty is pretty good."    


Then, she pulled on Ye Lingtian's sleeve and reminded him in a small voice, "Pay attention to the influence. You are the leader of the company now, so it's fine to maintain good relations with the employees. But you have to be careful, in case any rumors spread out, it will be detrimental to your promotion."    


Ye Lingtian didn't think so, but he couldn't go against Ma Yingying's kind intentions, so he could only nod.    


As the leader of the army, Ma Yingying's words were like an imperial edict. The beauties picked up chopsticks and picked up a small piece as well, praising Ma Yingying endlessly.    


They had only come to this kind of restaurant in their school-days. Since they had entered the CEO's office, they rarely came, so when Ma Yingying suggested that they go to the Friends Pavilion, the beauties were quite willing.    


As for why they ordered so many meat dishes to reminisce about the past, who didn't like a few side dishes when they were in school? Everyone ordered the dishes one at a time, which meant that the table was full of dishes that Ma Yingying had added on purpose.    


However, very soon, the beauties began to eat their own fruits. The special dishes of the pavilion were indeed not bad, but they couldn't be all meat. In just a few minutes, the beauties' chopsticks were all gone.    


The girls of this age all didn't know how to live! Ye Lingtian shook his head and went out to get a few dishes.    


"I told them back then that they wouldn't listen to me if I couldn't eat so many meat dishes." The Lady Boss and Ye Lingtian were quite familiar with each other. After the incident yesterday, she knew that this person was related to Wang Tao, so how could she dare to offend him? The reason he said that was because he was afraid Ye Lingtian would misunderstand her business.    


"They're just playing around."    


"These vegetables can be considered as a gift, I still need you to take care of me in the future." The Lady Boss really knew how to conduct herself. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do such a good business on this east wall where fish and dragons were mixed in with each other.    


"How much is how much? It's not easy for everyone to earn money." You can pick on it, but there must be principles.    




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