My Cold CEO Fiancee

C431 You Have to Take Responsibility

C431 You Have to Take Responsibility

Geng Kuikui wasn't the only one who didn't believe it. Many of the people attending the birthday banquet didn't believe it, and Ma Zhongtian didn't believe it either.    


"Yingying, stop messing around!" Ma Zhongtian took two steps forward and said, "For the time being, don't accept Geng Kuikui as your joke!"    


Geng Kuikui took a deep breath and looked at Ma Yingying quietly, saying, "Little sister Yingying, you can't accept me now. I understand, I will work hard to make you accept me, but you definitely can't use such a clumsy excuse to deceive me. This … "This is too cruel, too illogical, it is simply an insult."    


Ma Yingying shook off her father's hand. She felt a little uncomfortable. What was a bad reason? What was bad about Ye Lingtian? Uh, actually, it was just a moment of anger. Ma Yingying thought about it later, it seems like Ye Lingtian had a bright idea … "Not many!    


Ye Lingtian had a pretty good impression of Geng Kuikui. He loved Geng Kuikui to the point that he didn't know his surname. Like some people shouting all day — Love her? If she didn't even dare to go to jail, what right did she have to say that she loved her?    


"Department Head Ma, if it wasn't for what I said to you, you'd be able to find a more reliable shield. With my current state, before the small universe explodes, no one will believe that I'm your boyfriend." Then, he patted Geng Kuikui on the shoulder, "I understand your feelings. Although I don't understand why you're so excited, but I think as long as your feelings are stronger than Jin Jian's, you should continue to attack. Victory is in front!"    


The surrounding people all let out a sigh of relief. They were all scared to death! Don't arrange such a scenario in the future, it's too scary!    


Qin Xueying and Chu Xiaoxiao looked at each other. Looking at Ma Yingying's pale face, they had a bad feeling.    


Ma Yingying had confessed to Ye Lingtian in front of so many people. Although it was a swift and decisive move, how much courage did it take for her to do so? He originally thought that Ye Lingtian would cooperate no matter what, but he never thought that Ye Lingtian would be like this. Do you have a conscience? I'm so shameless that I'm sticking to you, are you saying such f * cking outrageous things? Good! I know Boss Qin is your girlfriend, whether it's true or not, I won't blame you if you don't dare to say it out loud! But why are you still supporting Geng Kuikui to chase me? I am the White Plum, I am the Golden Princess, didn't you see that the male god was bewitched by the female god until his soul left his body? Are you blind and pushing me out?    


Ye Lingtian, you're ruthless! I've lost a lot of face today, so I don't mind throwing it a second time! Under the effects of indignation, grievance and pain, Ma Yingying's tears fell down uncontrollably. Gritting her teeth, she walked up to Ye Lingtian and grabbed his collar while cursing, "You with the surname of Ye, do you have a f * cking conscience? [I gave you my clean and pure body, yet you are so clean now!] Tired of it, right? I'm tired of playing around and wiping my ass before I leave! I'm telling you, I just had a checkup yesterday! I'm pregnant! If you're not responsible, I... I ran my head into a wall here today! "One corpse, two lives!    


guang! The earth exploded.    


Gasps broke out in the crowd.    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles twitched and his mind went blank.    


That's right, it was empty! Say, I'm innocent. Little Ma, how long have we known each other? Even if you have it, you can't be so fast, okay? Little Girl Qin's stomach was just big once, and not many people knew about it, so I didn't say a word, treating it as if it had never happened! The problem is, why is your stomach getting bigger too? He was still too big in front of so many people! I... I'm not going to live any longer!    


Ma Zhongtian immediately felt his blood boiling. He rushed over like a madman and pointed at Ye Lingtian's nose: "Ye, you little brat, I'll kill you! I will kill you! "    


Needless to say, Chu Xiaoxiao's reaction was fast. She quickly pulled Ma Zhongtian back and said anxiously, "Mayor Ma, calm down!" It's Yingying's birthday banquet today, let's pay attention to her image. "    


"Image?" Ma Zhongtian was crying and his fingers kept playing the piano in the air. The trajectory of his fingers were very weird, "Your face is gone, why do you care about your image?" "Chu Xiaoxiao, don't pull me. Even if you have to pull me out and shoot me, I will kill this bastard who harmed my daughter first!"    


Geng Kuikui felt the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. Was the look of Ma Yingying's tearful denunciation fake? He glared hatefully at Ma Yingying and Ye Lingtian and said coldly, "You're ruthless. You're vicious!"    


He staggered toward the Mercedes, turned his head, and stomped off into the night. He swore to tear this bitch Ma Yingying and Ye Lingtian into pieces to vent the hatred in his heart!    


Ye Lingtian looked on helplessly as the Mercedes-Benz roared furiously and disappeared into the distance. He quickly calmed himself down and said in a trembling voice to Ma Yingying, whose face was full of tears, "You are too much in the play."    


Whispering voices rang out, and just as the birthday banquet was about to turn into a farce, a cold voice resounded through the sky.    


"Everyone, quiet!" Qin Xueying walked over quietly and took Ma Yingying's hand away from Ye Lingtian's collar, saying in a clear voice, "That man has already left! Stop messing around, everyone's watching. "    


When Ma Yingying saw her father fuming with anger, she couldn't even afford to care about his image anymore. Regret filled her heart, and her small face could even drip blood. The heck, what did I just say? The cranial nerves were pumping just like that? How can those shameful words be spoken in public? I am a pure and flawless yellow flower daughter, this … How could he meet anyone after this?    


Ye Lingtian saw Ma Yingying's pretty face turn red and then white. He sighed and said, "Department Head Ma, looking at the indignant looks from the surroundings, I feel deeply wronged. Speaking of which, we are …"    


He looked at Ma Yingying from top to bottom and said with a bitter face, "Where did you check? Can we go and retake the exam?" I'll pay. "    


"Shut the f * ck up!" Ma Yingying stomped hard on Ye Lingtian's foot. Her eyes were bloodshot as she looked at Ye Lingtian hatefully and said while gritting her teeth, "It's all because of you!"    


I killed you? Do you want to harm me? Ye Lingtian was on the verge of tears. He turned around and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was laughing strangely, implying, "Are all women so unreasonable?" Your soldiers are so valiant, yet you don't know how to manage them?    


Have you tasted it? Lili didn't believe that Ye Lingtian and Ma Yingying could grow to the size of their stomachs. Even if they fell in love with each other at first sight, it wouldn't be that fast. An early pregnancy test would take at least two months, and it was said that two months ago, who Ye Lingtian was, Ma Yingying probably didn't even know.    


Ma Zhongtian was waving his old fists and his blood was boiling. He wanted nothing more than to beat Ye Lingtian into his mother's womb. As soon as Qin Xueying finished her words, he put his fist down.    


Ma Zhongtian was, after all, the mayor. Being a loving daughter caused his mental state to be out of control, but he couldn't continue to be so disturbed. Qin Xueying's words immediately caused his mental state to return to its normal state.    


He straightened his suit and looked coldly at the embarrassed Ye Lingtian. He didn't know how many times he had used his knife to greet Ye Lingtian.    


Qin Xueying's face turned even colder as she spoke to Ye Lingtian, "Is it so hard to help a friend with a small favor?" Didn't you admit then that everything was finished? It was hard to tell how upset Ma Yingying was about the man. "He was usually so smart, but now he's so stupid!"    


Ye Lingtian pointed at himself and said, "Boss Qin, are you talking about me?"    


"Not that you'd have anyone else?" Qin Xueying turned her head to look at the passionate male and female employees, "Stop messing around!" What was he trying to coax? Love was something that should be done naturally. If Department Head Ma was willing to accept this relationship, why would he need you to shout? If it wasn't for you creating momentum, why would Department Head Ma say those words! "    


The chairman was the chairman, so even if everyone was dissatisfied with her words, they still had to listen obediently. Otherwise, if Boss Qin went berserk, they wouldn't be able to handle it.    


"Just pretend that what happened today never happened. If anyone tells anyone or talks about this, no matter how outstanding his previous performance is, he will immediately be expelled from the company!" Qin Xueying coldly snorted, her ice-cold eyes sweeping around, "Qin Family Group doesn't need ununited employees, do you hear me?"    


There was a collective gasp.    


Ma Zhongtian let out a long breath, looking a little ashamed. "I'm sorry, Boss Chu. I was a little too impulsive just now, but …" Is what Boss Qin said the truth? Yingying and Minister Ye wouldn't have anything to do with each other. "    


Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at Ye Lingtian and whispered back, "Mayor Ma, why did you make a mistake at such a crucial moment? Just look at Ye Lingtian's looks, would Yingying fall for him? "I'll tell you the truth. From the moment the two of them met until now, it hasn't even been two months. They are both my soldiers, and some business connections are understandable. If there are any emotional connections …"    


Chu Xiaoxiao said resolutely, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I definitely won't believe it."    


Ma Zhongtian looked Ye Lingtian up and down a few times, every pore on his body was comfortable: "I don't think my darling daughter can be like this, or her brain can be like Ye Lingtian, that look that never even evolved well, even a sow can't find it."    


The corner of Chu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched a few times as she glanced at Ma Zhongtian. Damn, he's the mayor after all, so wouldn't he say something human? Who's got water in his head? He didn't evolve well, you evolved well! Otherwise, since you're Ma Yingying's father, I'll just scold you.    


Ma Zhongtian took a good look at Ma Yingying's expression and thought of her slandering her subordinate in front of her. He quickly said, "Boss Chu, don't be angry. I was just angry and didn't say anything."    


"Boss Qin and I both think that Minister Ye is pretty good. He has a good character and a loyal spirit. His ability to work is extremely outstanding. If not for him, Qin Family Group would never have achieved what it has done today." "He is the hope of our company. If nothing goes wrong, I think he might become the future leader of Qin Family Group."    


Ye Lingtian is the leader? Ma Zhongtian's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He could not detect even the slightest bit of the aura of someone in a superior position from that tall and sturdy man.    


However, all of this had nothing to do with him. As long as his precious daughter was not bullied by Ye Lingtian, everything was fine.    


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