My Cold CEO Fiancee

C406 Show Him the Formalities

C406 Show Him the Formalities

With Ye Lingtian's personality, he was prepared to punch Kong Fandong hard twice. Considering Cai Feng' personality, Ye Lingtian felt that he shouldn't be too cruel, so he let it go. Besides, he had to take care of the reader's feelings.    


Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and walked to Qin Xueying's side, patting his chest as he let out a long breath, "It's just a false alarm. Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and walked to Qin Xueying's side, patting his chest as he let out a long breath as he said," It's just a false alarm.    


Even without Ye Lingtian's reminder, Qin Xueying had already realized that these uniformed men were not here to cause trouble for Ye Lingtian.    


If they didn't come to cause trouble for Ye Lingtian, it would be Kong Fandong! Heavens, if they really were looking for Kong Fandong, then that would be a huge matter … It's going to be on the headlines.    


Suddenly, Ye Lingtian's words rang in Qin Xueying's ears — — What you're holding must be the headlines!    


Could it be that Ye Lingtian knew all of this? She felt a chill run through her body. When she looked at the group of people again, a familiar face entered her sight.    


Shen Zhuguo! National Security Agency! Thus, the way she looked at Ye Lingtian completely changed. If Ye Lingtian didn't know about this, she wouldn't believe it even if she beat him to death. Well, of course, now was not the time to interrogate. Just as Ye Lingtian had said, Kong Fandong had been arrogant for so long, so now it was time to see how he would respond.    


Cai Feng held a cigar in his mouth. Originally, he wanted to play it safe, but he didn't expect Kong Fandong to scold him. According to the information, Kong Fandong was arrogant and domineering in his Kangjiang, and was full of bureaucracy. He never expected himself to be so arrogant and remove me from the job. Don't you have such a damn big mouth? With your big eyes, you didn't see our uniforms? I purposely made my brothers reveal their identities so I could mentally break your first line of defense. But now, it's making you even more arrogant, what's wrong with that?    


"Surnamed Kong, such authority." Cai Feng walked over with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. When he saw Ye Lingtian standing to the side, looking as if it had nothing to do with him, he immediately clenched his teeth so hard that his teeth chattered loudly. Obviously, it was you who sent me a text message to hurry up and arrest him. If it wasn't for the past, I would have ignored you! I wonder if the time is not ripe yet? Don't know the evidence hasn't been collected yet? Now that laozi has come to break the rules, you ran f * cking far away. Did you f * cking forget how the word 'kind' was written?    


Since Shen Zhuguo entered the Kangjiang National Security Division, his arrogance had risen sharply. Adding to Cai Feng's favor, he did not even put the local officials in his eyes at all. Hearing Kong Fandong shouting and shouting angrily, Shen Zhuguo pointed at Kong Fandong's nose and cursed: "Who are you pulling out? "Do you believe that I'll beat you up?"    


Cai Feng's head was filled with black lines as he glared at Shen Zhuguo. He was implying that Shen Zhuguo should just shut the f * cking up. It was not easy for this father to be the main character again, so don't come and mess things up.    


Shen Zhuguo swallowed his saliva and quickly kept silent. There were plenty of opportunities to be arrogant. Today was just the beginning, so he wasn't in a hurry.    


Kong Fandong was dumbfounded. Of course, it wasn't because he was scared, but because of Cai Feng's words. God, what the hell, didn't the director tell you when you came? No! This secretary is calling the bureau chief. He should be here personally since something big has happened to me. Why is there no sign of him? I usually act like a grandson in front of me. The flattery is so loud, I dropped the chain at the critical moment. Ruthlessness! Don't think that just because you gave me five million, I will definitely recommend you as a member of the Standing Committee!    


"I'm Secretary of Municipal Bureau, Kong Fandong!" Kong Fandong quickly emphasized his identity and warned Cai Feng and the others, "The one you want to catch is that guy!"    


"I know." Cai Feng took a puff on his cigar, pulled Shen Zhuguo to his side, pointed at the "National Security" on his armband, and said with a fake smile, "Did you see that? We're not under your control. "    


Kong Fandong looked carefully and immediately had a face of doubt. What are the National Security Agency doing here? However … What about the National Security Agency? Therefore, he frowned and said slowly: "I have some relations with your Bureau Chief, just now there was a deliberate injury case that occurred here, the police will come over later, catch you thugs first, I will speak in front of your Division Chief, and thank you for your contribution to the security of the Kangzhou properly."    


"Police?" "You mean Chief Qian?" Cai Feng put his arm around Kong Fandong's shoulders and led him to the window. He pointed with his big hand and smiled, "He came over pretty quickly. Do you have any other acquaintances? Hurry up and call them, so that I don't have to search one by one.    


Kong Fandong was stunned when he looked at Cai Feng's gesture.    


The heavily armed soldiers surrounded the Maikang Drink layer, while Chief Qian was being pressured by the two National Security Agency s, looking up with eager eyes. As for the policemen who were rushing over, they obediently stood outside the Maikang Drink door, looking very nervous.    


Zhang Liyuan looked through the window and saw such a terrifying scene. Cold sweat broke out all over her body, and she couldn't help but rejoice in her heart.    


It was fortunate that Takeda Nikakusu didn't make a move. If one were to say that these people had nothing to do with Ye Lingtian, who would believe it? If he were to control this power and touch his reverse scale, he would be exposed if he took advantage of the opportunity to investigate. As for Kong Fandong, the other side had already taken up a stance and was preparing to catch a big fish. Heavens, from the looks of it, there would definitely be an official earthquake happening in Kangjiang, so he had to quickly report the situation up.    


The middle leaders of Maikang Drink had already witnessed Ye Lingtian's strength, and it had widened their horizons. Fuck, what was that man with the cigar doing? Was he going to arrest Kong Fandong? It was rumored that the Anti-Corruption headquarters' people had already arrived at the Kangzhou. They didn't think that it was true, and certainly didn't think that the National Security Agency and the Special Forces would cooperate with them to seize the person.    


What kind of rhythm was this? This is the tempo to turn the entire Kangjiang upside down! Good! Well done! This was how it should be. The ghosts knew that Kangjiang was a black miasma. If they really used Kangjiang's local police force and Anti-Corruption Bureau, even if they found out that the cabbages had gone cold, they wouldn't be able to find anything. It was shocking!    


Kong Fandong's body turned cold and his legs went limp, but he was indeed an influential figure in Kangjiang and government. Under such circumstances, he tried his best to stay calm and looked at Cai Feng: "What is the meaning of this? National Security Agency and Special Forces catching police chief, do you have legal procedures? Did you report this to your superiors? What is your basis? "Let me tell you, this is a law-based society. Don't use this to scare people!"    


Cai Feng was stunned. He didn't expect Kong Fandong to be so tough. It was already such a f * cking time, but his words were still smooth.    


Ye Lingtian let out a faint sigh and looked at Kong Fandong with an incomparable amount of pity in his eyes. "You f * cking lost just because you lost?"    


"Shen Zhuguo, come over here. Let him take a look at our procedures." Cai Feng lifted his eyelids and casually said.    


Procedures? Shen Zhuguo was unable to react. Speaking of which, we were sent out on the spur of the moment. We were rushing over here, so how could we have the time to apply for arrest?    


Seeing that Shen Zhuguo did not move for a long time, Cai Feng was angered: "Why are you dawdling! "Take it easy, you're too old, don't let it kill you."    


F * ck! Shen Zhuguo's eyes lit up. He pointed at himself, implying, "Chief Cai, are you really doing this?"    


Cai Feng sent a vicious gaze over. Fuck, if you don't do it, do you want me to do it?    


Beating up Kangzhou City's Secretary of Municipal Bureau, Kangjiang Province's standing committee, this was not suitable for the case process … Uh, no, the opportunity was too rare. Shen Zhuguo felt that he had never been so bright before.    


When Kong Fandong heard that Cai Feng had his subordinate take the paperwork away, his entire body went soft. Could it be that the higher ups are really going to punish him? No! I, Kong Fandong, have made such a great contribution to Kangjiang. Without me, Kong Fandong, I would not have today's Kangzhou. However, after hearing their words, he understood why they had no formalities. He straightened his back, pointed at Wu Tie and angrily said, "Lawless, this is too lawless!" If you have the ability, tell me your identity, and I'll report you to the central government! "    


"Fuck you!" Shen Zhuguo kicked over, and Kong Fandong cried out and leaned heavily against the wall.    


"You dare to challenge Chief Cai? Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself in the mirror? Is your level high enough?" Before Shen Zhuguo could finish his sentence, his fists rained down like rain.    


Kong Fandong was used to living like a prince, since when did he get beaten like this? Immediately, miserable cries rang out.    


Ye Lingtian quickly turned his head to the side and grumbled in annoyance: "This is too much, how can I beat someone up. I hate these barbaric acts of violence that solve problems. It's too uncivilized."    


Qin Xueying and Tao Ranhui both rolled their eyes. "Yes, he's uncivilized. You're civilized to the extent that Director Kang's gaze towards you is erratic. He was originally fine, but now he's scaring himself to the point of epilepsy. He shouldn't be so shameless when talking and doing things!"    


According to Qin Xueying and Tao Ranhui's previous temper, they would definitely not look up to Kong Fandong being beaten up, but it was different now. Kong Fandong was so awesome just now, how much of a bully could he be? Today, let's take a look at the story of how you were slapped in the face. Although you can't get away with it, it's still good to get away with it.    


Kong Fandong howled like a pig being butchered, and of course there were intermittent threats, "How dare you …" Great Recklessness! Ignore... Ignore the law … "AHH!" I... I want to sue you... You all … "Just you wait …    


Cai Feng frowned, he was not satisfied with Shen Zhuguo's performance and said snappily: "No one has beaten him, fight in a soft place? Do you understand? What if his old bones were broken? He also needed money for the medical fees! "You must know how to save!"    


Shen Zhuguo stared blankly for a moment, then immediately followed Cai Feng's instructions and threw out a punch. The result was quite good. Look at Kong Fandong. His face is now pale and his facial muscles are twitching. He can't even moan anymore.    


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