My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1894 Say Your Condition

C1894 Say Your Condition

Other than her, no one knew what exactly had happened to her in those forgotten years.    


Endless yearning and waiting, as if it would never reach the other side.    


Other than that, the pungent entertainment circle also felt quite helpless.    


Around the time of her fame, Wu Feifei had courted many of the nobles.    


How dirty a person's heart was, and how evil his human nature was, he was well aware of it at such a young age.    


Under such circumstances, it was not easy to walk all the way to this point.    


Other than hope for the future and encouragement from the fans, there didn't seem to be anything else that supported her.    


Ye Lingtian secretly glanced at Qiu Shuihan and sighed. "In this world, they may be the only ones that you can't bear to part with."    


Qiu Shuihan smiled sweetly and freely admitted, "That's right, they really did treat me with care."    


"It's good to have these people supporting me, it's also good to be able to remember this world's people!" Ye Lingtian let out a long sigh.    


Qiu Shuihan raised her eyebrows when she heard Ye Lingtian's words. "Don't think too much of it."    


Ye Lingtian smiled bitterly, "No, Wu Xijun is dead."    


At the top of the mall was the restaurant.    


Ever since China's economy skyrocketed, many stores in China liked to do this on the top floor.    


Even if the city didn't have a beautiful scenery, one could still see the splendor of the city through the windows at night.    


If the city's natural scenery is more beautiful, dining in a rotating restaurant is a pleasure.    


The Neijiang is beautiful, whether it's spring or winter.    


The owner of the Neijiang and Carnival Market also had good taste.    


The restaurant was filled with the atmosphere of the modern era and was decorated in an old-fashioned manner.    


Looking down through the glass windows at Neijiang, it gave off a unique feeling.    


It was just that the weather was not beautiful, and the rain continued to fall harder and harder.    


Qiu Shuihan looked at the distant mountains under the curtain of rain and turned her head to Qin Ruyan, saying, "The internal city reminded me of the cold smoke."    


Qin Ruyan nodded slightly.    


"Be it the climate or anything else, this place is very similar to the cold smoke. It's just that the spiritual energy here is a bit scarce."    


Qiu Shuihan pursed her lips into a smile as she said meaningfully.    


"If we did not lack spiritual energy, then who knows if we would have lost our heads in this world."    


Qin Ruyan picked up a cup of tea and sipped on it. She glanced at Ye Lingtian, who was lost in his thoughts.    


"Did Wen Xingchen report the war in the Wasteland to you?"    


"It's impossible to not report it. It's such a big thing, I have to know."    


Thinking of Ma Qingkong's shocking slash, Qiu Shuihan said dispiritedly, "I thought I saw the benchmark for myself, but I never thought I was wrong about my own disciple."    


Qin Ruyan sighed. "You are sometimes too conceited."    


"Aren't you conceited when I'm conceited?"    


Qiu Shuihan curled her lips, and said impolitely: "If it wasn't for you being so self-righteous, your Frigid Smoke Mountain wouldn't have fallen so far!"    


Qin Ruyan tapped the table and argued.    


"Ever since I, Qin Ruyan, became Sect Master, I have never sought anything but success. The foundation for my Immortal Sect to soar has long been laid!"    


"I just lack a chance, I lack an unrivaled genius!"    


"Once the opportunity comes, my Frigid Smoke Mountain will naturally return to its peak!"    


Missing an opportunity? The opportunity has come, and you can't see it.    


As for unrivaled geniuses, just based on the standards of the Frigid Smoke Mountain, if unrivalled geniuses were to enter, they would become mediocre.    


Qiu Shuihan took the white wine from Wang Linlin and finished it in one gulp. She then heavily placed the wine cup on the table.    


"No matter how well you say it, it's better than doing it."    


"If you want to show everyone what your Frigid Smoke Mountain is like, shouting will be useless."    


Qin Ruyan immediately went on a tit for tat.    


"You haven't even seen the true strength of Frigid Smoke Mountain yet, why are you saying that Frigid Smoke Mountain is not enough?"    


"Do you still need to look?" Qiu Shuihan laughed disdainfully, "When we left, how far did our Frigid Smoke Mountain go?"    


"The past history that represented the history of the Immortal Arts world, in the eyes of the Immortal Sect of the peak, is just a joke."    




Qin Ruyan slammed the table.    


"Qiu Shuihan!" Pay attention to your words, don't forget that you're also someone who came from the Frigid Smoke Mountain! "    


"You must give your Frigid Smoke Mountain the respect it deserves!"    


Qiu Shuihan replied indifferently while fiddling with her wine cup.    


"Someone from the Frigid Smoke Mountain, when Master passed his mantle down to you."    


"Then I'm not someone from Frigid Smoke Mountain!"    


Qin Ruyan flew into a rage as she pointed at Qiu Shuihan and scolded her angrily.    


"You think that you can live up to your master's kindness?"    


Qiu Shuihan lifted her eyes and replied casually.    


"If I had known the results earlier, and she allowed me to enter Frigid Smoke Mountain, I would have been truly uninterested."    


"The gold shines wherever it goes!"    


Qin Ruyan's eloquence was nothing compared to Qiu Shuihan's. She was so angry that her face turned red.    


Ye Lingtian saw that the situation was getting out of control, so he coughed lightly and said with a smile, "You two are arguing here, it seems a little out of place."    


Qiu Shuihan and Qin Ruyan immediately shifted their attention to Ye Lingtian. Their eyes were filled with disdain.    


In line with the scenery? Do you know what a scene is?    


Wang Linlin secretly glared at Ye Lingtian.    


When these two martial sisters met, if they didn't use words, it would be like a storm of blood and gore.    


Haven't you seen it up to now?    


Why did you suddenly barge in? Aren't you looking for a scolding?    


"Master, do you still want more?"    


Wang Linlin held the bottle and urged softly, "You've already drunk almost one catty."    


"Don't you know how much alcohol I have?"    


Qiu Shuihan's eyebrows twitched as she looked at Ye Lingtian.    


"Not to mention one Jin, I don't want to get drunk, but ten Jin wouldn't be a problem."    


With these words, she glared fiercely at Wang Linlin and stood up.    


"Qin Ruyan, let's go to the other room."    


"I don't want to make things difficult for Mr Ye, and also make things difficult for my disciple."    


"Alright!" Qin Ruyan stood up as well.    


Ye Lingtian's heart was beating like a motor as he quickly gave Qin Ruyan a meaningful glance.    


It means that no matter how much you want to do it, the restaurant is not the place to do it.    


Ye Lingtian's worries were not unreasonable.    


Even the actions of a Martial Cultivator with Immortal Level could cause a phenomenon of the world.    


Qin Ruyan and Qiu Shuihan were both super experts who were able to surpass High Rank Peak.    


Once the two started fighting, they would be as destructive as sparks hitting the Earth if they got into an intense fight.    


Qin Ruyan naturally understood what Ye Lingtian was worried about. Before she could say anything, she heard Qiu Shuihan's cold words.    


"Don't act the benevolent Kuan Yin in front of me."    


"Yuan Nichang and I really want to compete, but we won't choose to talk here."    


"Those Layman are in my way, I thought it would be troublesome."    


Ye Lingtian smiled awkwardly, "I didn't mean it that way, but as a reminder to Miss Qin, friendship is of utmost importance."    


"If you explain in detail that you two have no deep grudges, then why fight to the death?"    


Qiu Shuihan stared at Ye Lingtian's obviously unnatural old face, "I don't know who you are."    


Ye Lingtian's mouth twitched.    


It was not normal for her to say such words out of her mouth.    


Qiu Shuihan was too lazy to continue arguing with Ye Lingtian. She opened the door of the room and turned around to scold Wang Linlin.    


"When you were in closed-door training, your heart was still not calm. I brought you here, you won't be able to say a single word."    


"Grasp this well, I won't give you too much time, what's there to be reserved about?"    


Wang Linlin lowered her head and gave a soft grunt.    


He followed Qiu Shuihan to another room. The moment the waiter who served tea closed the door, Qin Ruyan threw over the ridicule she had brewed for a long time.    


"Look at Wang Linlin's cowardly appearance, then think about Ma Qingkong's encounter in the Wasteland."    


"I have to say, being your disciple is truly pitiful."    


"Teacher and teacher, parents, how could you do that?"    


Qiu Shuihan snorted coldly.    


"You like to impose your thoughts on others, like she does."    


"Under my guidance, Wang Linlin's Cultivation Level advanced by leaps and bounds.    


"Back then, if I hadn't saved her and bestowed everything to her, she would have become dust long ago."    


"As for Ma Qingkong …"    


Thinking of her disciple, Qiu Shuihan opened the Maotai Wine.    


As she closed her eyes to savor the rich fragrance of the sauce, a cold light flashed as she opened her eyes.    


"Ma Qingkong has no intention of continuing to live on at all. I just want to help him."    


Qin Ruyan shook her head helplessly.    


"It's the same as before. No matter what, it's your responsibility."    


Qiu Shuihan filled two glasses and pushed them in front of Qin Ruyan.    


"Knowing that this is the case, you shouldn't argue with me."    


Qin Ruyan held onto a bottle of wine and looked out the window. "Time? "Location?"    


Qiu Shuihan chuckled. "Do you still need to ask about the time?"    


"Today?" Qin Ruyan put down her glass.    


"That's right." Qiu Shuihan took a sip of her wine and said, "I've decided on the time. You choose the place."    


Qin Ruyan drained her cup in one gulp, as if she had made a decision.    


Pushing the empty cup in front of Qiu Shuihan, Qin Ruyan stared at the pair of bright eyes in front of her, a strange smile hanging on her lips.    


"In the past, if we win, then we win. Why don't we add on some winnings this time?"    


Qiu Shuihan clapped her hands in excitement.    


"Senior sister is still that senior sister. Her single sentence struck a deep chord in my heart."    


"In your heart, what bet is more suitable?"    


Qiu Shuihan helped Qin Ruyan fill her wine cup, and with raised eyebrows, she enunciated word by word: "The difference is, it's the difference in Frigid Smoke Mountain!"    


Seeing Qin Ruyan's calm expression, Qiu Shuihan hurriedly added.    


"If I win, leave Frigid Smoke Mountain's mantle to me."    


"If I lose, I'll leave all my years of comprehension to you."    


Qin Ruyan laughed.    


Qiu Shuihan frowned. "What's so funny?"    


What's so funny? Qin Ruyan pointed at the table, her tone full of indignation.    


"Your calculations were really good."    


"Can your comprehension be compared with the Frigid Smoke Mountain's mantle?"    


Qiu Shuihan snorted as a proud smile appeared on her face.    


"Do you really think I care so much about Frigid Smoke Mountain's mantle?"    


"In my eyes, Frigid Smoke Mountain is just a cultivation technique to be studied."    


"How many times do I have to tell you before you understand? I have my way! "    


"I will follow my path and persevere on!"    


Qin Ruyan made an 'oh' sound as her fingers circled around his body.    


"So you have full confidence in defeating me?"    


"I feel that there is no possibility for me to lose if I fight against you." Qiu Shuihan said resolutely.    


Qin Ruyan smiled.    


"Your calculations have become smarter."    


"Since you know that you have lost, why should I surrender my mantle to you?"    


"Even if I bring my clothes to the grave, even if I give it to someone I've never given in my entire life, I won't give it to you!"    


Qiu Shuihan stretched her back and glanced at Qin Ruyan. She had a plan in mind.    


"Sisters after all these years, after all these years of fighting, do I still not understand you?"    


"Stop pretending, tell me your conditions."    


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