My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1871 Women's Minds

C1871 Women's Minds

Was this also a secret? Wang Shaoshao was completely convinced of Zhou Jiujiu.    


If you want a birthday present, just say it directly. It's a secret. It's really hard to guess what a woman's thoughts are.    


Zhou Jiujiu raised her glass and clinked it with Wang Shaoshao. Her cherry lips slightly parted as she spoke slowly.    


"When you kidnapped me, I was terrified and angry."    


"After a short period of contact, I have already seen through your heart."    


"No matter what happened at the beginning, at least you have me in your heart. I was lonely and had no one to rely on in the past few years. Today, I finally have a companion. The heavens have treated me well."    


"So I want to thank you. Thank you for being good to me. Thank you for letting me live the happiest days of my life."    


His words filled Wang Shaoshao with excitement as he replied with a trembling voice, "I'll be happy just because you're happy."    


"I will let you continue to be happy. You can continue to be happy as long as we live."    


Zhou Jiujiu drank the white wine in her cup in one gulp, took out a tissue and wiped the corner of her mouth. "Don't say some things too early. A promise is never reliable."    


Wang Shaoshao placed his wine cup on the table and said resolutely, "You have to believe me."    


"Only those who have lost something will know the value of having it!"    


"I made a mistake and was punished. I won't make another mistake in the future."    


Seeing the change in Zhou Jiujiu's expression, Wang Shaoshao naturally knew what she was worried about.    


Women always have a small heart, so he quickly explained.    


"I admit that the strong possessiveness I felt when I first met you was due to the resemblance between you and her."    


"However, right now, I think that I like you, and not as a substitute for her."    


"There's something about her that's hard for me to accept, and there's something about you that I like."    


"I feel very lucky to have bumped into you at Youzhou."    


Zhou Jiujiu gave Wang Shaoshao a piece of Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs and said in a displeased tone, "You men just love to cheat women with your pretty words."    


Wang Shaoshao couldn't wait to dig out his heart and let Zhou Jiujiu see.    


"If I had lied to you earlier, I would have died a horrible death!"    


"Aiya, it's such a good day, how can I say such unlucky words."    


Zhou Jiujiu glared at Wang Shaoshao charmingly, happiness was written all over her pretty face.    


"Hurry up and try out my cooking skills. I know that you like this dish, and I've been learning from the chef for a long time. I don't know if it suits your taste."    


"As long as it's something you do, it's what I want."    


Wang Shaoshao felt like there was honey in his mouth, he even wondered if this was his own fault.    


In the past few days, he had long forgotten the sweet words of a wild horse, galloping across the prairie.    


"How is it? "Is it really that good of a taste?" Zhou Jiujiu was filled with anticipation.    


"Delicious, not bad." Wang Shaoshao picked up another piece and praised while he ate, "It's much better than what the chef cooks. I've never eaten such delicious ribs before."    


At this point, a shadow seemed to flash across Wang Shaoshao's memory and he couldn't finish his words.    


Zhou Jiujiu was very sensitive. She tapped the table with the chopsticks as if she saw through Wang Shaoshao's thoughts, "Why don't you say more? "He must have been exposed. He's lying again."    


Wang Shaoshao smiled at Zhou Jiujiu and replied honestly, "Your Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs is indeed well done, but it's still lacking compared to my friend."    


Zhou Jiujiu looked unhappy. "The person you are referring to."    


Wang Shaoshao wanted to describe the appearance of the woman from Xixia Palace, but unfortunately, this person could not be found in his memories.    


"I only remember that her surname was also Zhou. I even forgot her name."    


"You also know that the Martial Cultivator has a long lifespan. It's such a long time ago, but she didn't really attract too much attention either. It's not strange for her to forget it."    


Zhou Jiujiu stared at Wang Shaoshao for a while, then nodded and said, "I believe you."    


She walked up to Wang Shaoshao and poured him a glass of wine.    


"Young Master, I wish me a happy birthday!"    


"You are happy every day!"    


Wang Shaoshao cleanly finished the wine in one gulp.    


The birthday lunch passed in a sweet atmosphere. Wang Shaoshao's heart was sweeter and sweeter than the sweet and sour pork ribs cooked by Zhou Jiujiu.    


After extinguishing the candle, he waited for Zhou Jiujiu to finish her wish before asking impatiently, "Can you tell me what you want now?"    


Wang Shaoshao didn't feel good about his lover giving him nothing for his birthday.    


"Why are you in such a hurry? "It's not time yet."    


Not yet? Wang Shaoshao raised his hand in surrender, "Alright, I give up."    


"As long as it's not the moon in the sky, I will definitely fulfill your request."    


Zhou Jiujiu curled her lips and said coquettishly, "Look at what you're saying, I'm not that greedy either. I'm sure you'll be able to afford the gift I asked for."    


With that, Zhou Jiujiu threw the cake at Wang Shaoshao's face and laughed out loud.    


If it was any other girl, not only would the cake not hit Wang Shaoshao's face, the head on his neck would also be gone.    


What Zhou Jiujiu did instead made Wang Shaoshao grin.    


There was no cake in his time with her.    


When he was with her, he didn't talk or laugh too much.    


"How old are you? You're still acting like a child."    


Wang Shaoshao looked at Zhou Jiujiu lovingly before going to the bathroom to wash his face.    


A trace of tenderness flashed across Zhou Jiujiu's eyes as she looked at his back. Then, a trace of coldness flashed through her eyes.    


When Wang Shaoshao came out of the bathroom, Zhou Jiujiu had already put on her scarf and woolen coat.    


"Let's go out."    


"Alright!" Wang Shaoshao said directly.    


It was still snowing outside.    


As soon as Wang Shaoshao opened the umbrella, Zhou Jiujiu took it and pouted.    


"How come you don't have the slightest bit of interest? The sky is filled with flying snow and it's so beautiful, why do you need an umbrella?"    


The snow falling from the sky was beautiful, but the problem was that this wasn't snow from Jiangnan, it was a Youzhou.    


Wang Shaoshao saw Zhou Jiujiu pass the umbrella to her subordinate and said, "Sure, you can do whatever you want. Today, I'll do as you wish."    


"You should have relied on me to begin with, because I'm a birthday star." Zhou Jiujiu snuggled up to Wang Shaoshao and arrived in front of the BMW car.    


Sitting in the front passenger seat, Zhou Jiujiu's position and mentality had changed since she got in the car for the first time.    


The car started up and left the villa.    


Deep winter was a light season for tourism in Youzhou, and since this was a suburb, there were very few cars on the road.    


The speed of the BMW car was not fast because Zhou Jiujiu had yet to report her destination.    


At first, Wang Shaoshao asked, but Zhou Jiujiu didn't say anything. He didn't ask and just let it happen.    


He seemed to be going back to his youth.    


He took his beloved girl with him as they walked down a small road in the countryside.    


Wang Shaoshao could not remember what beautiful scenery there was by the roadside.    


What Wang Shaoshao remembered was holding her hand as if they owned the whole world.    


Now that he was carrying Zhou Jiujiu, it was as if he was loading the whole world into a car.    


Zhou Jiujiu kept looking out of the window, a trace of a graceful smile occasionally flashing across her lips.    


It was the most proud thing for a man to make his woman smile happily.    


Wang Shaoshao didn't understand this when he was young, but he still doesn't understand it now.    


"I have something to ask you. Can you tell me?" Zhou Jiujiu suddenly said.    


"Did I hide anything from you?"    


Wang Shaoshao smiled at Zhou Jiujiu, "I've told you what I should, and I've also told you what I shouldn't."    


"Actually, there are some things that you can't say even if you beat yourself to death."    


"I know you're good to me. It's also because of this that I felt that your thoughts were truly on me."    


"So I'm very touched and very grateful."    


Wang Shaoshao nodded: "I'm more grateful to you. Thank you for coming to my side."    


Zhou Jiujiu's cheeks flushed red as she changed the topic.    


"You said that your current cultivation technique is learned from Demon Suppressing Ancient Tablet, are the cultivation method cultivated by other Honored Warriors in Tianji Sect the same as yours?"    


"It must be different." Wang Shaoshao turned around and smiled at Zhou Jiujiu.    


"You can't find two identical leaves in this world, and the way of the Cultivation Level is different as well."    


"They have their ways, I have mine."    


"Compared to their performance in the first tier, I am better off than them."    


"If we continue with the current trend, my strength will definitely surpass theirs."    


Zhou Jiujiu's face was filled with pride. "My man is definitely not bad!"    


With her praise, Wang Shaoshao became spirited.    


In fact, Wang Shaoshao was very satisfied with himself when it came to Cultivation Level.    


Amongst the Four Honored Warriors in Tianji Sect, his performance in extracting blood essence was indeed much better than the other three Honored Warriors.    


Thus, Wang Shaoshao always believed that in the near future, he would be able to go further than Murong Feiyu and Zhu Shigui on the road of martial arts.    


Zhou Jiujiu glanced at the triumphant Wang Shaoshao. She lowered her head and said softly, "What if they know that you're like me, strongly opposing?"    


"You said before, the Immortal Level and Martial Cultivator s are the strongest powers in the Secret World. It would be best for them to be left alone."    


"If you have a family, then you have to worry about them. If you have to worry about them, then it will be detrimental to your lives."    


Wang Shaoshao saw that Zhou Jiujiu was a little nervous, so he comforted her, "Didn't I tell you? Just make an appointment to meet up and have a chat. "    


"I was afraid that they would see me and scold you."    


"In this lifetime, it's rare to find the right person. Just because they can't find the right person doesn't stop me from being happy!"    


Wang Shaoshao stubbornly said: "As for scolding me, what right do you have to do so? They and I are indeed from the Tianji Sect, but that does not mean we are selling it to them! "    


Seeing that Wang Shaoshao's tone was getting higher and higher, Zhou Jiujiu quickly patted the back of his hand and warned him.    


"You're already so old, why are you still acting like a child?"    


"If we really meet, then we have to talk properly and control our emotions."    


Wang Shaoshao felt a bit embarrassed. He did lose control of his emotions just now.    


As a Peak Martial Cultivator with a high level of Immortal Level, he really should not have done so.    


However, from his point of view, it was quite normal for her to have such a reaction.    


First of all, Zhou Jiujiu had really walked into his heart, and he was already at this level. It was really difficult for him to make him give up the one he loved.    


Secondly, amongst the Four Honored Warriors of the Tianji Sect, he had no say.    


Even though Secret World stressed the importance of the strong being respected, in a circle where the difference in strength wasn't too great, one still had to talk about seniority.    


As a Supreme Realm cultivator, Wang Shaoshao had his own dignity.    


But all these years, they were squashed by Murong Feiyu and Zhu Shigui.    


It was impossible for him to not feel angry at all.    


The more Wang Shaoshao saw Zhou Jiujiu, the more he liked her. Words that he shouldn't have said came out of his mouth once again.    


"In the gathering of the Neijiang storm tower ten days later, you have to use every means at your disposal and leave a good impression on them."    


Zhou Jiujiu's bright eyes lit up as she immediately said shyly, "I don't have any outstanding points. What kind of good impression could I leave for them?"    


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