My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1851 Signal from Ye Lingtian

C1851 Signal from Ye Lingtian

Ye Lingtian didn't have the strength to protect Qin Xueying and the rest. The pace of his journey was too fast. Other than going forward, there were not many things he could worry about.    


During this process, these girls had also fully utilized their potential. They were no longer a burden to Ye Lingtian, but were instead, the support of Ye Lingtian.    


Especially Yoshino Ai, Wang Linlin, and Mary, even Avril and Ma Yueyue.    


To put it bluntly, the Heaven's Mandate had already reached such a stage, and these women were already playing an irreplaceable role.    


Any one of them could become a legendary figure in this world.    


On the way back to the Yangjiang, Ye Lingtian scratched his head and said, "Why do I feel like I'm on the verge of becoming useless?"    


"On a certain level, you are not under suspicion. You have been living off of me all this time." Qin Ruyan opened the car window and blew on the chilly wind. She looked up at the unresplendent morning sun and said, "But there's nothing to be ashamed about. Everything has its ways. It's a skill to be able to keep eating soft food."    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles began to spasm. He was counting on Qin Ruyan to say "be good and listen".    


The moment the car stopped, Jia Renyi rushed over.    


Seeing how he was acting,    


Ye Lingtian immediately quivered. Could it be that something unexpected happened again?    


The answer is obvious. Taking the documents from Jia Renyi, Ye Lingtian's head dropped.    


With so many citizens dying in the Blue Tone event and one of the main culprits being brought to justice just now, there was another murder in the early hours of the morning.    


The pressure on Yangjiang Squadron was enormous, and they couldn't afford to lose face with Secret Alliance.    


"Elder Ye, from the looks of it, the culprit should be Martial Cultivator." Jia Renyi secretly glanced at Ye Lingtian's ashen face and said some nonsense.    


"What do you mean it should be the Martial Cultivator? It must be the Martial Cultivator." Qin Ruyan said coldly with her hands behind her back, "Join us!"    


"Yes sir!" Jia Renyi replied respectfully.    


"Is there any monitoring the situation at the scene?" Ye Lingtian asked.    


"That section of the road belongs to the old city sector. There's no monitoring equipment installed." Jia Renyi thought about the scene photos taken by the police team and the forensic experts. He whispered, "But from the wound analysis, Zou Jiuzhou's actions this time aren't as cruel as before. It seems like he doesn't want to cause too much social unrest."    


"I want the details of the three dead men." As Ye Lingtian said this, he walked straight into the administration building and headed straight for Conference Room.    


Qin Ruyan took a few steps forward and asked in puzzlement, "Why do you need information on the three dead?"    


"Liu Tie secretly learning Immortal Arts is like sitting on solid ground. The blues incident is Liu Shuibu's little plot, drag Wu Tie out for us to kill." Ye Lingtian leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming on the conference table. "The route of the accident coincides with where Zou Jiuzhou disappeared to. I don't think it's a coincidence."    


"Do you mean that Zou Jiuzhou is still sending us messages?" Qin Ruyan frowned.    


"I feel like that might not be the case." Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands, "Anyway, I don't have any leads right now, so it's better to have direction than no direction."    


Qin Ruyan then thought about it and agreed, "I'm not as smart as you are. I'll just follow you."    


That's what I was waiting for! Ye Lingtian's eyes lit up as he said in excitement: "Hearing your words, I feel like my entire body is filled with plugin."    


The corner of Qin Ruyan's mouth twitched. "It's not a lie, but it doesn't mean that I'm willing to help you. The road ahead is yours after all."    


"I don't want you to help me all the time. Just pull me at a critical moment." Ye Lingtian chuckled.    


Qin Ruyan closed her eyes and maintained absolute silence.    


Ye Lingtian flipped open the file, and after pausing for a long time, he said to Wu Steel: "Get the number of female missing persons in each city as well as the relevant information, and use our system to analyze them."    


Jia Renyi blinked his eyes, "Elder Ye, is this related to Zou Jiuzhou's whereabouts?"    


"I'm not sure." Ye Lingtian closed the file and rubbed his temples crazily, "Bring out the materials first."    


When Jia Renyi left the room, Qin Ruyan flipped open the document. After examining it for a long time, she asked, "How is it related to a woman's disappearance?"    


"According to the information provided by the medical examiner, the foppish young lad had a fatal wound on his neck, which means that he was chopped off and thrown into a trash barrel after his death." Ye Lingtian lit up his cigarette and explained in a low voice, "Before he died, Zou Jiuzhou let this man taste despair and pain, which was Zou Jiuzhou's style. Ye Lingtian lit up his cigarette, and explained in a low voice," Before he died, Zou Jiuzhou let this man taste despair and pain, which was Zou Jiuzhou's style.    


Zou Jiuzhou's life story must have had something to do with callgirl. "    


How can you be so particular about killing an ant? Qin Ruyan was confused. She held her cheeks and said to Ye Lingtian, "Don't worry about my attitude. I won't raise any objections. Go on."    


"Actually, I was just fooling around." Ye Lingtian smiled embarrassedly and followed, "Throwing the heads of these three people into the trash can proves that deep down, Zou Jiuzhou has a grudge against those who are dishonest, especially that foppish young man. If he were to die and even chop off his head, we can conclude that if Zou Jiuzhou takes any action, his next target will definitely be the dishonest Supreme Realm cultivator."    


"By the standards of the secular world, anyone with profound strength would not need to be cautious." Qin Ruyan thought about the Venerable One's actions. As a woman, she subconsciously loathed him. "When a man reaches a certain level of strength, he will often view women as playthings. This is human nature. Very few people can escape this law."    


"After the Immortal Sect battle, the Venerable Ones had their tails tucked between their legs, perhaps the strongest among the three of them in terms of Nine Great Venerables, and no one else other than Ma Qingkong in terms of inheritance should be stronger than them. Zou Jiuzhou should not know about Liu Tie's identity," Ye Lingtian said as he took a long drag on his cigarette and slowly said, "If you choose someone, you will target one of the three of the Venerable Ones."    


Qin Ruyan understood and looked deeply at Ye Lingtian. She sighed with emotion, "If the end result is similar to what you said, I have to admit that your scheming is really amazing."    


"This is not a scheming, but a reasoning based on experience." Ye Lingtian thought about the blurry situation and smiled helplessly. "People are controlled by the heart. There is no love and no hatred for no reason. There must be a reason for doing so."    


Qin Ruyan was not good at scheming. She took a sip of tea and said lightly, "No matter what, the Venerable One will die in the end, regardless of who kills him. If Zou Jiuzhou wanted to play with her, that would be funny.    


"There's no other way, they love their feathers too much to hide them so deeply that they can't see the bottom. If my guess is correct, then thanks to Zou Jiuzhou, the troublemaker, it was a problem that was hard to solve for many years. It might be solved in a short period of time."    


Ye Lingtian stretched his back and thought about how Qin Ruyan possessed the strength of a Venerable One, but she had never come into contact with any one of the members of Nine Great Venerables. He regretfully said, "If we could share information with Qiu Shuihan, things would be much easier to settle."    


Qin Ruyanrao smiled meaningfully, "What do you think the chances are?"    


"The chances are too small, unless Zou Jiuzhou forced Qiu Shuihan and you into a corner. Ye Lingtian put out his cigarette in the ashtray, turned around and looked at Qin Ruyan, "That's not impossible, Zou Jiuzhou's reaction is very strong, Qiu Shuihan will not touch the Space Rules to kill Zou Jiuzhou, Miss Qin also doesn't want to do that, this way, the foundation of cooperation might appear."    


Qin Ruyan knocked on the table and solemnly said, "There are some things that cannot be judged from benefits. I'm willing to make peace with Qiu Shuihan, but she hardened her heart and put me to death. I've known her for so many years, I know her much better than you do."    


Ye Lingtian laughed, "I'm just speculating, there's no need for Miss Qin to be so serious."    


"Some speculations are feasible, some are pure nonsense." Qin Ruyan said confidently, "Turning the past around, I can understand Qiu Shuihan's feelings and understand why she hates me and Master to the bone!"    


Seeing that Ye Lingtian was silent, Qin Ruyan followed, "I don't want her to die, but she wants me to die!"    


In a villa in Wenzhou, Qiu Shuihan's complexion was slightly unsightly.    


"You are also someone who has lived for more than a thousand years and you are even a member of the Nine Great Venerables. It is enough for you to not know Zou Jiuzhou's true identity after playing within for so many years."    


She slammed the glass down on the coffee table, not even wanting to look at Ma Qingkong. "I'm ashamed to have a disciple like you."    


Ma Qingkong lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything for a long time.    


Wang Linlin hurriedly tried to smooth things over with Ma Qingkong, "In the few days that Master has been in closed-door training, the Gaixia blood cases and the blues cases have occurred one after another. Until now, Ye Lingtian has not found any clues, so it is impossible for him to overlook his past.    


That was reasonable? Qiu Shuihan coldly snorted, "Don't forget that he has lived for more than a thousand years, and don't forget what his mission is. Ye Lingtian is a little mouse, and other than him, Ma Qingkong, who isn't a master of Nine Great Venerables who can be killed at any time while locked in a cage? "Now, some of the mice have disappeared, and one of them has turned into a wolf in the night. Maybe it will bite us if it's not careful.    


Wang Linlin lowered her head and said carefully: "Master, according to the feedback from the Information System, Zou Jiuzhou's strength cannot be underestimated."    


Qiu Shuihan glanced at Wang Linlin with impatience between her brows. "Do you still need to say these things?"    


Wang Linlin nodded and then shut her mouth.    


Wen Xingchen sat at the side, frowning as she looked at the Military Laptop's computer screen.    


Qiu Shuihan turned to Wen Xingchen and asked softly, "Xingchen, what do you think about the recent events?"    


Wen Xingchen pushed the Military Laptop in front of Qiu Shuihan. With a serious face, she said, "Zou Jiuzhou is very powerful. Ye Lingtian is sending us a signal to seek cooperation."    


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