Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



As usual, Lee Chuntian still went to Qin Fenglan's shop early.    


Today, Qin Fenglan still wanted to buy five hundred thousand yuan worth of goods. Lee Chuntian's doubts were going to be made clear today.    


When Lee Chuntian placed the goods, he indeed found those unremarkable marks. The quantity was not small at all!    


Now, Lee Chuntian was sure that this was definitely a scam. Qin Fenglan had already invested eight hundred thousand yuan into it. Since this scam was not over yet, it was obvious that she wanted to get more money out of it!    


Since Qin Fenglan wanted to invest in a branch, it was obvious that someone had intentionally instigated her to open a branch. And this person was definitely beside her!    


The only one closest to Qin Fenglan now was Han Sushuang!    


Only now did Lee Chuntian remember that when the store was smashed, Lee Chuntian wanted to call the police to prove his innocence, but he was stopped by Han Sushuang.    


So she was afraid that the police would find out about her scheme! He really did not have any good intentions!    


No wonder Lee Chuntian felt that the people who recently came to buy cosmetics were all familiar with each other.    


Lee Chuntian looked at the opportunity and called Qin Fenglan aside: "Mom, didn't you notice that something was wrong with the makeup that entered these two days?"    


"Strange? "What do you know? Don't worry about what I told you. Just do your job!" Qin Fenglan said impatiently.    


"Mom, you've been tricked. These days, the people who came to buy cosmetics were all people who asked for help. The cosmetics they bought were completely useless, and then they stayed the same …"    


Before Lee Chuntian could finish his sentence, Qin Fenglan interrupted him impatiently: "Lee Chuntian, stop making up stories for me. The person who bought the cosmetics were all the same, could it be that their heads were squeezed by the door? You spent money to buy it, but then brought it back and bought it again? "    


"Lee Chuntian, don't come here tomorrow. I'm hiring a temporary worker. Don't be annoyed if you can't see. It's really annoying!" Qin Fenglan didn't even give Lee Chuntian a chance to speak before she turned around and left!    


Lee Chuntian did not expect that Qin Fenglan would not listen to what he had said. Not only did she not listen, she even told him to quit!    


Lee Chuntian thought that if he didn't come tomorrow, Han Sushuang would definitely ask about it. According to Qin Fenglan's quick mouth, she would definitely say what she had said without changing a single word.    


Then Lee Chuntian's efforts for the past two days would have been in vain!    


After considering it over and over again, Lee Chuntian decided to call the police, but it was just like water that couldn't flow to a foreign land. Lee Chuntian directly called his brother-in-law Deng Xinning, who was now the Deputy Chief of the Public Security Bureau of Wulian!    


Lee Chuntian told Deng Xinning about his evidence and the discovery he made recently.    


"Brother-in-law, you're my lucky star. For me to have my current position, you must have done a lot. Now you're giving me this much, how can I thank you, brother-in-law?" Deng Xinning was very happy because he hadn't had any achievements since he took office. He never thought that Lee Chuntian would deliver it so soon!    


"Brother, plotting his position and doing your job well are the greatest rewards to us! That's right, we must find that landlord and their source of cargo! " Lee Chuntian repeatedly reminded him.    


"Brother-in-law, why didn't you just tell my aunt? Wasn't it unnecessary to look for me? You're not trying to mess with her, are you? " Deng Xinning suddenly thought of this problem.    


"Bro, what are you saying? What kind of person am I? It's mainly because that aunt of yours was deceived and refused to listen to me. I mentioned it to him many times, but she scolded me! " Lee Chuntian felt helpless.    


"Brother-in-law, when should I make my move?" Deng Xinning asked for instructions.    


"The sooner the better, now the better!" Lee Chuntian knew that it was too much of a dream. Qin Fenglan might just throw her money in on a whim, then it would be too late to call the police!    


As expected, Deng Xinning was very fast. Less than an hour after his call with Lee Chuntian, he led a group of policemen to Qin Fenglan's cosmetics store.    


Han Sushuang was extremely nervous when she saw Deng Xinning, but Qin Fenglan was overjoyed.    


"Xinning, why did you have the time to come and cheer for Auntie!?" It's good that you came to intimidate those criminals. Our shop was destroyed a few days ago, and we still don't know the reason why. " Qin Fenglan had finally found her backer.    


"Aunt, I'm sorry. I came here this time to investigate a case, but it wasn't about that incident. It was about someone reporting that your store was selling counterfeit goods to deceive consumers. That's why we came!" Deng Xinning said helplessly.    


"Xinning, what did you say?" Who reported it? What black-hearted bastard was spouting nonsense! "Xinning, do you see that kind of person buying fake goods?" Qin Fenglan was immediately angered. She initially wanted to go on a rampage, but after a few days of excitement, a bucket of cold water was poured over her.    


Han Sushuang, on the other hand, knew what to do. She quickly took out a few stacks of 100-yuan bills from her bag and shoved them into Deng Xinning's hands. "Leader, we can't afford the small transaction. Are you generous?"    


Deng Xinning knew from Lee Chuntian that this Han Sushuang might very well be one of the suspects, so he directly threw the money to the police officer behind him.    


"Little Xu, remember this. Bribe a public official, confiscate the bribe money, and punish him!"    


"Deng Xinning, what are you doing?" Why did the director not recognize him anymore? Don't you remember how you got that deputy director? " When Qin Fenglan saw this, she was instantly displeased.    


Because she felt that she and Han Sushuang were on the same side. If she didn't buy Han Sushuang's account, then it meant that she looked down on her.    


Therefore, Qin Fenglan kicked him on the back.    


"Auntie, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want." Deng Xinning felt that having such an aunt was enough. Now that he understood Lee Chuntian's difficulties, it was really hard for Lee Chuntian to get along with such a mother-in-law!    


"Mom, it's just Xinning's routine. If we can't find out the problem, we can still operate. If we really can find out the problem, we can solve it immediately!" Lee Chuntian quickly pulled Qin Fenglan aside, afraid that she would continue talking nonsense.    


Soon, Deng Xinning ordered for the shop to be temporarily sealed. He then took a few boxes of cosmetics with him for analysis. At the same time, he brought Qin Fenglan and Han Sushuang to the Public Security Bureau for questioning.    


At first, Han Sushuang acted like nothing had happened, but when Deng Xinning brought out the evidence Lee Chuntian provided, Han Sushuang panicked. At the same time, the old landlord also gave his testimony, which made Han Sushuang speechless.    


Because the purchase of those cosmetics was done by Han Sushuang herself, the moment Lee Chuntian gave evidence, Han Sushuang's crime could no longer be avoided. At the same time, he was also renting a house in this golden district. The rent would definitely be very expensive, so in order to increase her own profit, she only rented a house for a month.    




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