Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



Chu Tongxuan was very unhappy. He teased a little girl in the capital. Originally, it should have been the luck of that little girl to tease a little girl with his identity as the Martial Cultivator.    


However, he did not expect that the little girl's family had a level 3 Martial Cultivator overseeing it. Thus, Chu Tongxuan was chased out of the capital and settled down in a remote village.    


Chu Tongxuan finally understood that the capital was indeed filled with hidden talents!    


Currently, the three great clans of the provincial capital were in the midst of preparing for the Martial Arts Tournament. The entire provincial capital was relatively calm. This might be the precursor of a storm.    


Lee Chuntian, who was originally the main character, became the person with the most nothing to do because he didn't have to prepare or scheme. Strength decided everything!    


In the evening, Lee Chuntian was sipping on the high grade tea that was delivered by the Hu's Tea House. He then made a phone call to Wang Yujia to hug her safe and sound.    


"Hubby, why did you only call?" If you don't call me soon, I'll be heading straight to the provincial capital! " As soon as the call connected, Wang Yujia's voice could be heard.    


"Don't mention it, I encountered a huge change in Hu Family right after I arrived. Didn't I just settle the matter and I'm already calling you? Wifey, did you miss me?" Lee Chuntian said shamelessly.    


"What's the use of you, I think? You can't come back tonight! " Wang Yujia's resentful voice sounded.    


Wang Yujia used to be the Ice Mountain Queen, she rarely had the side of a small woman. Her voice directly aroused Lee Chuntian's desire. Wang Yujia's resentful voice was like a married woman who lacked the warmth of love.    


"Wifey, wait for me. I'll be back tomorrow night. We'll have three hundred rounds of battle!" Lee Chuntian smiled obscenely.    


"The three families of the capital haven't fought yet. What are you doing back here?" Let's just wait until the things over there are done, then we'll talk. Our dad is still looking forward to going to the provincial capital to develop! "    


Even though it was a new marriage and Wang Yujia had just gotten her first love, she was still looking forward to that wonderful moment in her heart. However, she restrained herself. After all, Lee Chuntian's career was of the utmost importance at this stage!    


"Mr Tian, are you there …" Just as Lee Chuntian and Wang Yujia were making porridge on the phone, Lee Chuntian's bedroom door was pushed open. Hu Naixuan's beautiful figure appeared in Lee Chuntian's line of sight.    


Lee Chuntian didn't expect Hu Naixuan to directly push open the door and come in. He quickly put his index finger to his mouth, signaling Hu Naixuan not to speak. However, Wang Yujia, who was on the other end of the phone, had already heard it.    


"Hubby, who's there?" Wang Yujia asked in alarm.    


"Oh, it's the Wu siblings, Hu Naizhi and Hu Naizhi, who have come to talk to me about the Martial Competition." Lee Chuntian hurriedly explained. In order to prevent Wang Yujia from misunderstanding, he specifically emphasized the Wu siblings!    


"Then busy yourself first, give me a call when you have time!"    


Wang Yujia hung up as she didn't want to disturb Lee Chuntian's serious business.    


However, the voice she had just heard on the phone made Wang Yujia uncomfortable. That voice belonged to a woman, and it was very sweet!    


Although Wang Yujia believed Lee Chuntian, a woman's heart was born jealous. How could she allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?    


Wang Yujia felt that it was time to visit her relatives in the capital!    


When Wang Yujia hung up the phone, Lee Chuntian heaved a sigh of relief. At this time, it was easy to misunderstand a beauty coming into the room!    


"Xuan, hurry up and sit down. I was just talking to my wife on the phone!" Lee Chuntian explained.    


Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian's words and felt a little disappointed. It was because Lee Chuntian already had a wife!    


But soon, Hu Naixuan was relieved, because she could fight for everything with her strength! Including Lee Chuntian.    


Because anyone has the desire to possess beautiful things. As for who the flowers fall on, they will display their abilities!    


Of course, Hu Naixuan disdained scheming and scheming. She had always been good at it! He wanted to fight for something he liked in the open.    


"Mr Tian, it's been a few days and you're missing your wife?" Hu Naixuan said with a smile.    


"Haha, let's call and report our safety so that our family won't be worried!" Lee Chuntian smiled in embarrassment.    


"Mr Tian, I treated you badly yesterday, now I'm here to apologize to you on purpose!"    


Hu Naixuan stood up after she finished speaking and bowed to apologize to Lee Chuntian.    


Lee Chuntian was about to get up to help Hu Naixuan, but when he stood up, he was immediately shocked. His eyes met Hu Naixuan's snow-white and firm look!    


Hu Naixuan bowed in apology. Originally, her clothes were loose, but the moment she bent down, Lee Chuntian caught sight of her chest. If he went up to help Hu Naixuan up, then he would see it more thoroughly, so he just stood there, hesitating whether to support her or not?    


"Xuan, that's all in the past now. Come try my tea!"    


When Hu Naixuan stood up, Lee Chuntian, in order to cover his embarrassment, quickly poured Hu Naixuan a cup of tea!    


However, both Lee Chuntian's burning gaze and his panic were noticed by Hu Naixuan. She smiled. A hero feels bad for a beauty, and a beauty since ancient times is only fit for a hero. She felt that she and Lee Chuntian were the perfect match!    


"Mr Tian, my father's injuries are almost healed, I've already told my brother that we will move in here and take care of your daily life. After all, you are a benefactor and an esteemed customer of our Hu Family!"    


Hu Naixuan was ready to attack Lee Chuntian. She had always believed that divorce was not the fault of Little San, it was just that the original aura was not strong enough to cover her territory!    


Of course, Hu Naixuan disdained being the mistress because she wouldn't allow others to set foot in her territory!    


"En..." Your father has not completely recovered yet, you should take care of him first! " Lee Chuntian quickly rejected her.    


"Mr Tian, this is also my father's decision, he is afraid that our Hu Family will neglect you, and if we send someone else, he will not be at ease, so if you do not directly send a gold medal nanny like me, Mr Tian, then don't decline!" Hu Naixuan's words were very particular, making it impossible for Lee Chuntian to refuse!    


"Alright, then I'll be troubling Xuan." Lee Chuntian felt a little embarrassed. This was the first time in his life that someone had taken care of their living arrangements.    


When Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian's words, she happily stood up to make Lee Chuntian's bed and skillfully covered him with his blanket.    


Lee Chuntian stood there and saw Hu Naixuan's round and perky butt and long straight and long legs reignited by Wang Yujia's desire. Lee Chuntian quickly sat on the sofa to hide his embarrassment.    


At this moment, Lee Chuntian had a feeling that if he persuaded Hu Naixuan to stay, she might sleep here tonight!    


However, Lee Chuntian shook his head and soon forgot about this thought. He had a wife in his house, so he couldn't take advantage of her.    


"Xuan, how's the investigation on the poison in the tea leaves?" Lee Chuntian quickly changed the topic.    


When Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian's words, she let go of her work and sat beside Lee Chuntian. The faint fragrance of her body slowly entered Lee Chuntian's nostrils, deeply stimulating his nerves! It stirred up his primal desires!    




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