Super Miracle Doctor

C454 Stealing 2

C454 Stealing 2

Hee Shinuo heard Cheng Ruonan say Jiang Hua was so powerless, she couldn't help but retort, "No way, Jiang Hua is so powerful. If I didn't know that he had become stronger, I wouldn't have found him."    


What? It seemed like this little girl considered Jiang Hua to be her bodyguard, but she was right when she thought about it. What ability did he, Jiang Hua, have? No, there was one in the past. Not only could he fight one against eight, he could even protect himself from the slightest damage. He indeed had the ability, but, did she need Jiang Hua to say it so straightforwardly?    


What if the person in question heard this? Wouldn't that make the person in question very sad? That's not right. What does it have to do with her whether the client is sad or not? The only thing she was concerned about was the machine in Hee Shinuo's hands. Since she couldn't rob the machine herself, she could only let her own hands handle it.    


Cheng Ruonan rolled her eyes a few times and felt a bit awkward. After all, it was not good for her to get close to her subordinates. It was just that she didn't know if they would act based on their eyes when they reunited with them. Cheng Ruonan thought helplessly in her heart as she used all her strength to push Hee Shinuo out.    


After they left, she pulled Hee Shinuo along and ran in the direction of her subordinates. She had placed all her hopes on that helper, but suddenly, Hee Shinuo fell down and her entire body became dizzy. Her entire mind became dizzy, then her eyes rolled back and she fainted.    


When Cheng Ruonan walked closer and saw that he had fainted, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. He was really, really drunk. She called her subordinates over. "What's the situation at the warehouse?"    


Cheng Ruonan directly ignored Hee Shinuo as she happily looked at the fifth brother and the rest. The fifth brother's expression was also very happy as he said, "Things are progressing very smoothly, now that Jiang Hua and Chu Fei are going against each other, Chu Fei is still afraid of Jiang Hua, so he doesn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, Jiang Hua also doesn't dare to act rashly, both sides are stalling for time."    


"Delaying for time? "It's a good thing, the longer they delay the better it'll be for us. Oh yeah, Seventh Brother, take this machine back to headquarters and protect it well. Fifth Brother, we'll do this in a bit." Cheng Ruonan passed the machine to Seventh Bro, then took an identical box from his hands.    


Hugging the suitcase in her arms, Hee Shinuo, who had fainted on the floor, let out a painful cry, her dazed eyes fixed on Cheng Ruonan who was standing in front of her. By the way, she touched her surroundings, no, no, Cheng Ruonan's voice suddenly rang out, "No, this thing can't be given to you, let it go."    


Hee Shinuo got up from the ground and wanted to go grab the box, but Cheng Ruonan caught sight of her from the corner of her eyes. She let go of the box without anyone noticing, as if Cheng Ruonan's physical strength was weaker than theirs.    


Hee Shinuo rushed over and was kicked away by Ol 'Five. Cheng Ruonan's eyelids twitched as she looked at Ol' Five's ruthless kick. How come she didn't know Ol 'Five was so ruthless when he was beating up women? Hee Shinuo, who originally lacked stamina, fainted again after being kicked like this.    


The corner of Cheng Ruonan's mouth twitched as she looked at the unconscious man, indicating with her eyes that they could leave. Then she carried Hee Shinuo into the city. No one in the warehouse had noticed what had happened.    


"Chu Fei, why are you so persistent towards Shinuo?" Do you love her? You're really troubling Shinuo herself, you know? " Jiang Hua looked at Chu Fei's increasingly impatient expression. The words he said were not pleasant to hear, and his tone was filled with disgust.    


However, Chu Fei didn't think that way. Since he couldn't get her a few years ago, he was very unwilling to accept her. Someone who was used to being obeyed since a young age had suddenly come out and challenged his authority.    


He had to teach Hee Shinuo to the point where she was willing to submit to him. However, when he heard that Jiang Hua called Shinuo 'Shinuo', he felt that it was a lie not to be jealous. He didn't even have the qualifications to call her that. He, Chu Fei was very unconvinced.    


"Shinuo, Shinuo, Shinuo, that's enough. You call me Shinuo to show off something. Let me tell you, although I, Chu Fei was defeated by you before, that doesn't mean you can insult me like this." When Chu Fei heard Jiang Hua call Shinuo, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted.    


He wanted to vent but couldn't find anything to vent. Jiang Hua was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that a mere unintentional way of addressing Chu Fei would cause him to lose his mind. This was bad, but Shinuo was still inside, and he could not back down.    


Chu Fei had his men hold Jiang Hua back, while he rushed into the warehouse in excitement. Jiang Hua's situation wasn't looking good, so he kicked away the person in front of him and rushed in nervously. After entering, he was stunned, where is he? He had checked this place before. Other than the door behind him, there was no other door.    


However, this place was so airtight, where could Shinuo have gone? Chu Fei, who didn't find anyone, rushed towards Chu Fei like a trapped beast. Chu Fei took a step back and kicked Chu Fei. He said angrily: "I still want to ask you guys, how did you guys know about this place?"    


Chu Fei chuckled with a deranged expression, "How would I know? How do you think I know? For a force as powerful as my Chu Family, what is there that I cannot know about it? And you, Jiang Hua, let me tell you, don't think that I will be afraid of you just because of what happened last time.    


Jiang Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Chu Fei's childish threat. In the end, he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Jiang Hua watched Chu Fei leave with a large group of people.    


His hands and feet went weak as he walked around the warehouse, but he couldn't find Hee Shinuo. At this moment, he started to panic, why was he still here when he came in? How come all of his people and machines were gone?    


Who was it? Who in the world could take Shinuo away without anyone knowing? Are they not alerting the group of people outside? At this moment, his phone rang. He took out his phone in confusion. When he saw the content on it, he felt bad.    


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