Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C887 Saving Lives

C887 Saving Lives

Chen Junlin smiled but didn't say anything. He walked straight into the room. Gu Ziyao quickly followed along with a group of people behind him, afraid of angering this master.    


Chen Junlin entered the hotel and walked straight to room 105. Gu Ziyao and the others all returned to the room. Chen Junlin sat on the main seat. No one dared to say anything.    


After all, everyone hated and respected Chen Junlin's cultivation base and strength.    


Then, it was lunchtime. Chen Junlin saw that the dishes on the table had only moved a little. Soon, everyone had finished their meal and entered the state of Chen Junlin. He drank some water.    


"Say it, what's the matter?"    


"It's like this. Mr. Chen, didn't you save our warriors at the border we guarded last time?"    


"So we are here to ask you for some martial arts advice and become our chief coach!"    


Chen Junlin looked at the others and sighed.    


"Okay, I can agree, but I don't want to be tied up. I need a certificate or something."    


Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Chen Junlin agree. Chen Junlin's current position was equivalent to a commander at the same level.    


When he agreed to help Chen Junlin settle everything, Commander Zhang squatted on the ground in pain again.    


Just when everyone was at a loss, Chen Junlin walked up to Commander Zhang and used his spiritual energy to hit his leg.    


As Chen Junlin injected his spiritual energy into Commander Zhang's leg, the painful expression on Commander Zhang's face gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a look of enjoyment.    


Chen Junlin withdrew the spiritual energy in his hand, and Commander Zhang also stood up comfortably.    


Liu Zhengkai was shocked. The recovery speed was so fast!    


Normally, if Commander Zhang's leg was sick, it would take more than ten minutes to treat it. The bad thing was that there was still medicine.    


This time was different. It was Chen Junlin who treated it personally. That was why everyone looked at Chen Junlin with their mouths wide open.    


Chen Junlin looked at everyone.    


"Tell me who else has any problems. We don't need to run back and forth when the time comes."    


The dozen or so people at the scene looked at each other, then Gu Ziyao thought of something.    


"By the way, I suddenly remembered that our old leader is still in the hospital bed. Mr. Chen, why don't you go and give it a try?"    


Chen Junlin smiled. Then, he floated in front of everyone.    


"Tell me where he is. I'll go find him."    


Everyone swallowed their saliva. They were glad that they did not offend Chen Junlin just now.    


Gu Ziyao sent the location directly to Chen Junlin. Chen Junlin turned on his phone and saw that he was looking for Chen Junlin. It was a military hospital.    


It seemed like these people wanted to test his strength too, but he was not that easy to fool. If the people over there were fine when he arrived, then this partnership would be cut off!    


Thinking of this, Chen Junlin looked at the people below and flew straight to the military hospital.    


Gu Ziyao thought of something and quickly took out his phone to make a call.    


"Old Qian, an expert will come in later to help with the treatment. You must not stop him and let him pass!"    


After hanging up the phone, Gu Ziyao also heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at Commander Zhang who was bouncing around.    


"Alright, alright, this is called strength. Let's hurry over and don't make people worry!"    


The three of them quickly got into the car and drove quickly towards the military hospital.    


Chen Junlin was flying forward quickly. According to his position, he was getting closer and closer.    


Soon, a hospital with a flag flying in the air appeared in front of Chen Junlin. Chen Junlin quickly landed and walked towards the hospital.    


As soon as he landed, he saw a group of soldiers pointing guns at him. Chen Junlin had never seen such a scene before. He waved his hand.    


The weapons in the hands of the soldiers pointing guns at Chen Junlin all floated up and then floated in the air.    


Then Chen Junlin walked straight into the gate. As soon as Chen Junlin came here, the electronic equipment would turn into no signal. He didn't want to be captured by others.    


His target was the old leader in the ward. The conversation of the people nearby reached Chen Junlin's mind in an instant. Then, Chen Junlin's ears moved.    


He instantly understood where the old chief was. He walked straight to a very simple room.    


Some of the armed police soldiers around him seemed to have sensed something. The captain of the armed police soldiers hurried forward to block Chen Junlin's path and asked.    


"Hello, I'm the captain of the armed police division. May I know who you want to visit?"    


Chen Junlin smiled.    


"I want to visit the old chief, and I can cure him."    


"I'm not talking about you, brother. This old chief has been ill for almost ten years. If you said you can cure him, no one else would believe it!"    


"Could it be that you are confident in yourself, so you stopped me from letting me in!"    


"I didn't say that. I just wanted to say that you don't have the ability to treat him."    


Chen Junlin looked at the door of the ward and saw more people gathering around. He was about to say something when a few soldiers walked over.    


"Alright, you guys go down first!"    


"But the captain barged in directly. He didn't have any documents or anything."    


"I know, and I didn't ask you to leave first. Why are you still here!"    


The captain of the armed police was stunned for a moment.    


"Yes, captain!"    


Chen Junlin did not say anything as he looked at the scene in front of him. Gan Zhengkun looked at Chen Junlin.    


"I heard you are good at treating illnesses. Today, I want to see it with me!"    


After saying that, he led the way. Chen Junlin felt that the person in front of him was quite reasonable. However, it was only a short while before they arrived at the door in front of them.    


Qian Zhengkun went forward and knocked on the door. Then, he saw a small head sticking out.    


"Why are you looking for my grandfather? Tell me if you need anything. I can pass it on to him!"    


"Uncle Qian!"    


Qian Zhengkun went forward and hugged the child.    


"His name is Lie Zhu, the granddaughter of the old leader!"    


Chen Junlin smiled and went forward to stroke Lie Zhu's hair. He frowned.    


"He has leukemia?"    


"Yes, Lie Zhu has leukemia for two years. This year is the last treatment period, just like his grandfather."    


Chen Junlin retracted his hand and looked at Lishu, who was looking at Chen Junlin curiously.    


"Lishu, do you want to cure your own illness?"    


Lie Zhu nodded frantically.    


"Even in my dreams, Uncle, can you cure my grandfather and me?!"    


Rubbing Lie Zhu's head.    


"Don't worry, Lie Zhu. Didn't I come here to treat your illness? Leave it to me!"    


The three of them walked into the room and saw an old man sitting on the bed reading a book.    


As soon as Chen Junlin and the others entered the room, the old man put down the book in his hand and looked at Chen Junlin and the others.    


Qian Zhengkun looked at the old leader.    


"The old leader has brought you a doctor."    


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