Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C591 The Discovery of the Secret Manual

C591 The Discovery of the Secret Manual

After Chen Junlin left, Chen Zhentian who was standing still said angrily, "This kid doesn't take us seriously. Who does he think he is? If it wasn't for his friend, would he dare to be so arrogant?"    


Yuen Ba also started cursing, "What the hell is this? Sooner or later, I will make him."    


Both of them thought that Chen Junlin was just relying on his friends, which was why he didn't put them in his eyes. This fact infuriated Chen Zhentian and Yuen Ba.    


On the way back, Chen Junlin called Shadow, "Hand Ox-Head over to me as soon as possible. If anyone tries to stop me, I will. Just say that I want it."    


Shadow agreed. "Yes, Senior Officer. I promise to let Ox-Head appear in front of you within three days."    


Chen Junlin couldn't wait to find out what this antique bull head was hiding. He had spent so much time and effort to find out if there were any fruits of labor that belonged to him. It wouldn't be in vain for him to make so many trips.    


After Chen Junlin returned to the military camp, he went straight back to where he lived and prepared to take a nap.    


Just as Chen Junlin had fallen asleep, he suddenly remembered the phone. When he saw that it was a shadow's call, he thought that the efficiency was too fast.    


Chen Junlin asked, "Is there any news from Ox-Head?"    


The shadow replied, "Senior Officer, I just received news that Ox-Head has been taken to Jinling."    


Chen Junlin immediately asked, "Where is it?"    


"He was sent to Jinling's military base yesterday." Shadow answered quickly.    


Chen Junlin thought for a moment and said, "I know. I'll go there myself."    


Chen Junlin hung up the phone after he finished speaking. This Ox-Head was really full of twists and turns. This was probably the last time. Fortunately, Ox-Head was at the military base in Jinling. It wasn't far away, so he didn't have to wait.    


Chen Junlin thought for a moment. He immediately got up and went to the military commissar to find out more about Ox-Head.    


Chen Junlin drove straight to the military commissar. Along the way, he was still thinking about the secret manual that Ox-Head had hidden. Finally, it was about to be revealed. He stepped on the gas again, and the car sped up again.    


At the gate of the military base.    


Six people in military uniform were guarding the gate. There was a sign beside it saying, "No one is allowed to approach.    


The six soldiers held guns and stood straight. They gave off a feeling that they did not dare to look directly at them. Even the passers-by who walked beside them would unconsciously shiver.    


Chen Junlin drove to the door of the military commissar. He wanted to go in directly. He wanted to save time this way. After all, his mind was full of matters related to Ox-Head. However, as soon as he drove to the door, he was stopped by the six soldiers.    


One of the soldiers said with a serious expression, "Didn't you see the sign at the side? No one is allowed to get close. You still want to drive the car in."    


The soldiers had never seen such a bold person drive in openly in front of them.    


Chen Junlin said plainly, "Tell Li Bao that Chen Junlin is here."    


It was normal that the soldiers in the military base had never seen him before. After all, very few people knew his identity. Chen Junlin didn't look like a soldier.    


When the soldiers heard him, they scolded him, "Can you call the major by his name directly? If you have nothing to do, get out of here!"    


When the soldier saw Chen Junlin's Porsche 911, he thought Chen Junlin was just a rich young master. He had nothing to do and came here to find trouble. If he really knew his major general, then he must not be a simple person. However, he had never seen Chen Junlin before.    


Chen Junlin ignored the soldier and picked up his phone to make a call.    


"Shadow told Li Bao at Jinling military base that I was waiting for him at the door."    


Chen Junlin didn't have Li Bao's number, so he could only call Shadow. Shadow answered and waited until Chen Junlin hung up the phone before calling Li Bao.    


Three minutes later.    


The sound of footsteps came from inside the door. When he walked in, he saw that there were dozens of people. Li Bao was running at the front.    


Li Bao ran to the door. Because Chen Junlin was still in the car, Li Bao asked the soldiers standing in front of the door loudly, "Where is Senior Officer?"    


The soldier was shocked when he heard that.    


Senior Officer came?    


"Sir, I didn't see any military vehicles coming in."    


The soldiers thought that the army was here first and must be driving military vehicles.    


At this time, Chen Junlin slowly got out of the car. He stared at Li Hu and said coldly, "Li Hu, did you crawl here?"    


Li Bao looked at Chen Junlin and hurriedly went forward to welcome him. "Jun... Senior Officer didn't know you were coming. Please come in."    


Li Bao knew Chen Junlin's temper. He was afraid that his neglect would aggravate Chen Junlin.    


Chen Junlin did not care too much. He got into the car and drove in. The six soldiers suppressed their excitement and immediately raised their hands to pay their respects. The people behind Li Bao also raised their hands to pay their respects.    


Chen Junlin strode into the meeting room of the military base. Li Bao, who was following behind him, asked, "Is Senior Officer here for something?"    


Chen Junlin did not waste any time and answered, "Bring over the antique bull's head that was sent here yesterday."    


Li Bao did not hesitate when he heard that. He directly ordered the soldiers to bring the antique bull's head.    


About five minutes later, the soldiers brought the bull's head in. Chen Junlin took it and started to study it. The bull's head looked extremely ordinary. From top to bottom, it was impossible to tell where to hide anything.    


Li Bao saw it and asked in confusion, "Is Senior Officer looking for something? After this Ox-Head came, I saw it too. There was nothing special about it."    


Seeing Senior Officer keep staring at the cow's head and touching it, Li Bao was also very curious. Could it be that this bull's head was some kind of weapon?    


This was what Li Bao thought. After all, when this bull's head was sent over, he had been looking at it for a long time but could not see anything.    


Chen Junlin was a little suspicious now. Did this bull's head not have any secrets? No matter how he touched it, he could not see anything special about it. Now there's only one possibility...    




Chen Junlin hit the bull's head on the ground without hesitation. He walked forward to check and threw some pieces aside.    


"Found it!"    


Chen Junlin saw the secret book that was being crushed by the pieces.    


He put the secret manual away and did not choose to read it here. He planned to study it when he went back. He remembered what the mysterious man said at the auction that day. He could not let anyone know about this secret manual for the time being.    


Chen Junlin looked at Li Bao and said, "Just pretend that nothing happened today. Remember, don't let anyone know."    


Although Wang Hu was surprised to see this scene, he knew that it was inappropriate for him to say anything and agreed.    


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