The Favorable Divine Doctor

C571 One Corpse Two Lives

C571 One Corpse Two Lives

Grandma Huang shook her head and sighed, "It's not that I don't want to help you, but if this goes on, one dead and one alive."    


When he heard the words "one dead and two alive", Liu Da's heart couldn't help but tighten. He was almost forty years old, and finally got married. Now, he finally had a child. This was truly taking his life.    


He gripped his wife's hand tightly and looked pleadingly at her.    


At this point, Lin Han's face turned even paler, unable to speak. Her eyes were lifeless as she looked at Liu Da.    


"There might be a way." Grandma Huang suddenly said.    


"Who?" Liu Da asked anxiously, grabbing on to Grandma Huang's hand as if he had found a lifesaver.    


"Let go of me first!" Grandma Huang gave Liu a glare and said, "Go find Sixth Granduncle, she might have a way."    


Sixth Granduncle was a goddess in the village, no one knew how long she had lived. In any case, no matter if it was the elders or the children, both of them called her Sixth Granduncle. It was said that a long time ago, Sixth Granduncle was a famous and respected Goddess.    


But then, the Sixth Granduncle was persecuted, and even his eyes became blind. Slowly, he became less in contact with the people from the village and lived alone in the old house at the end of the village.    


Not far from where she lived was the unmarked cemetery. Even during the day, it was still gloomy.    


"She really has a way?" Liu didn't believe it, because he still needed to find a Goddess to give birth to a child. Wasn't this a superstition? Since he was young, he had never believed that there was a ghost in this world.    


Grandma Huang sneered, "Believe it or not, go find her first. If she can help you, then that's good. If she can't, then just wait to collect your wife and children's corpses."    


After saying that, Mrs. Huang left without looking back.    


Looking at the departing back of the old woman, Liu Da gritted his teeth. He could not stand by and watch his wife and children die.    


Thinking of this, he immediately left the village and went straight to the back.    


The road at night was not easy to walk on. When Liu Da stumbled to the place where the Sixth Granduncle lived, the moon was already high in the sky. Under the moonlight, the house looked even more eerie.    


"Is anyone here?" Liu loudly shouted, but no one replied. Instead, they scared away the crows that were resting on the trees.    


After waiting for a while, no one responded. Liu Da came to the door of the house and was about to knock.    


Then he felt a cold hand on his shoulder.    


Then, a sinister voice rang out, "Who are you looking for?" The voice was sharp and unpleasant to hear. It was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman. Even though Liu Da was bold, he still got goosebumps.    


He turned around and saw an old woman with a hunched body standing behind him.    


With her withered yellow hair and black eye sockets, that old lady was like a dried up corpse. If she wasn't Sixth Granduncle, who else could she be?    


"Sixth Granduncle, my wife is in a difficult situation. Please help her!" With a "Putong" sound, Liu Da kneeled down. He didn't know why, but from the moment he saw Sixth Granduncle, his instincts told him that Sixth Granduncle had a way.    


"Get up first. I already know what happened. Let me go in and clean up. I'll leave with you immediately."    


When Sixth Granduncle came out of the house, Liu Da saw her carrying a bag.    


Eldest Liu did not ask what it was, but instead led the Sixth Granduncle home with a burning heart.    


He was worried that if he went back too late, his wife would be gone.    


"Slow down, I can't keep up." The Sixth Granduncle gasped.    


Liu Da felt angry in his heart, thinking to himself, "What time is it? Why aren't you walking? Hurry up."    


However, he had no other choice. He had a request, so he could only slow down.    


"Sixth Granduncle, I'm afraid my wife won't be able to hold on." Liu Da said.    


"Life and death will always depend on the heavens. If the heavens were to take your wife away, even if we were to return to your home now, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it." The Sixth Granduncle said.    


Eldest Liu did not believe in fate, he assumed that the Sixth Granduncle was speaking crazy words, and walked forward without saying a word. From time to time, he would turn his head to check if the Sixth Granduncle was following him.    


"Child, did anything strange happen when your wife was pregnant with her child?" Sixth Granduncle suddenly asked.    


Liu Da was startled, then looked at Sixth Granduncle in puzzlement. Why does she ask this?    


After some thought, he finally remembered that his wife always had nightmares when she was pregnant and told him the next day that she dreamed every night that a woman in white was sitting at the head of the bed, looking at her with a sinister smile.    


When Liu Da told Sixth Granduncle all of these things, Sixth Granduncle slapped his thigh and sighed: "Miserable, mischievous ah. "Child, carry me on your back and hurry back. Otherwise, it will be too late!"    


Without a second word, Eldest Liu carried Sixth Granduncle and rushed home without a care for his life.    


He had a bad premonition in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.    


He had finally arrived.    


After Liu Da Gang put the Sixth Granduncle down, the Sixth Granduncle immediately shouted, "Not good!" No one knew where she got the strength from, but his steps were like flying footsteps as he charged into the house.    


The moment she opened the door, Liu Da seemed to see a red light, and within that red light, there was a white shadow.    


His heart thumped, Liu Da followed closely behind Sixth Granduncle and was about to enter the house, but just as his hand touched the door, a wave of heat came over, causing him to quickly withdraw his hand in pain.    


This strange scene made Liu Da feel even more anxious. It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a strange thing.    


In his heart, he had a feeling that something bad had happened.    


"Sixth Granduncle, how is my wife?" Liu Da shouted from outside, but there was no response from the house.    


After shouting a few times, he tried to push open the door again, but before his hand could reach the door, an unimaginable force came from the door and knocked him away.    


"Wah!" Liu Da spat out a mouthful of blood and his expression instantly became dispirited.    


There was even a gust of cold wind blowing in his ears, causing his hair to stand on end.    


His face sank as he thought, "Could it be that there really is a ghost in this world? Or, why is tonight's matter so strange?"    


Without thinking too much, he suddenly heard his wife's incomparably mournful voice. Amidst that voice, there were even some vague sounds of cursing.    


"Eldest Liu, come in quickly!" The Sixth Granduncle's voice was extremely anxious.    


"Sixth Granduncle, I can't enter!"    


"You come in through the back door!"    


Liu's house had a front door and a back door, but the back door was rarely used and was usually locked. Hearing Sixth Granduncle's voice, Liu Da didn't even think as he walked quickly to the back of the house and kicked the back door open. Due to using too much strength, he threw himself inside the house.    


Lifting his head to take a look, he saw that Lin Han's face was ashen, and his eyes were bloodshot.    


Sixth Granduncle closed his eyes and danced about the room, muttering some words.    


Seeing Liu Da walk in, Lin Han's gaze immediately fell on him. His eyes were red with evil, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a cold smile.    


"Hehehehe!" Lin Han's voice seemed to come from the 18th level of hell.    


Even the brazen Lord Liu could not help but take a few steps back.    


"Sixth Granduncle, what's going on?" Liu Da looked at Sixth Granduncle and then looked at Lin Han.    


He did not know what had happened to his wife. It was as if she had become a different person.    


"She's bewitched!"    


"How is this possible!" Eldest Liu never believed that there was a ghost in this world.    


"Eldest Liu, if you want your wife to survive, you have to listen to me." Sixth Granduncle's face was filled with obvious ridicule.    


Liu Da was stunned for a moment before nodding his head.    


At this time, he also began to believe that there might really be ghosts in this world.    


"Go and hold your wife." Sixth Granduncle ordered.    


Liu Da didn't hesitate to rush forward, but just as he was about to press down Lin Han, he was met with a sinister smile. Lin Han's body jerked as he abruptly sat up.    


Liu Da didn't know what to do as he looked at his new wife.    


"Hurry up. If not, not only will your wife die, you will also die." The Sixth Granduncle was extremely anxious, moving forward as he stamped his feet.    


At this moment, her empty eyes turned extremely clear. Her black eyes were staring fixedly at Lin Han.    


"Wifey, wake up. I'm A-Da." Liu Da said to Lin Han.    


However, Lin Han did not look at him, but instead stared at Sixth Granduncle.    


"Why!? Why do you care about me? " Lin Han looked at Sixth Granduncle with a sinister look, his voice was extremely mournful.    


"I do not care what grudge you have with the Xu Family, but that is something from decades ago. Dust to dust, dust to dust. You should leave." Sixth Granduncle said sternly, "If you don't leave, don't blame me for being merciless."    


In an instant, Lin Han's face turned from green to black, and his hair grew longer as well. With a swing, he caught hold of the dazed Liu Da.    


He was caught off guard. His hair was tied up in a knot around his neck, making him unable to breathe.    


Sixth Granduncle snorted. He took out a pair of scissors from nowhere and cut off that hair.    


"Eldest Liu, hug her tightly!" Liu Da snapped out of his daze and threw himself at Lin Han, hugging her tightly.    


Sixth Granduncle bit his middle finger and quickly tapped Lin Han's forehead.    


In a moment, Lin Han quieted down and fell softly into Liu Da's arms.    


"Old granny, you can protect him for a while, but you can't protect him for a lifetime. I'll be back ?" A dreamy voice came from the air.    


Liu Da asked, "Sixth Granduncle, what do we do now?"    


At this moment, he was exhausted, but he still persisted.    


Sixth Granduncle weakly glared at Liu Da: "Why are you looking at me like that, give birth!" After she finished speaking, her eyes immediately became empty again, as if her eyes had never been opened.    


In Liu Da's eyes, there was an extra bit of gratitude and respect in his heart for this mysterious Sixth Granduncle.    


In the end, under the efforts of Sixth Granduncle and Liu Da, the child was successfully born. However, the child did not cry when it was born.    


"Sixth Granduncle, why isn't this child crying?" Liu Da had never seen a child not crying but laughing.    


Sixth Granduncle frowned and asked: "Look at the soles of his feet, do you see any red nevi?"    




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