The Favorable Divine Doctor

C573 Suspect

C573 Suspect

The three of us secretly went back to the village, and no one mentioned anything about Tie Dan. It was only when it was evening and Tie Dan's mother came to my house and asked if Tie Dan had come looking for me that I panicked.    


My father raised his head, looked at Auntie Liu with empty eyes and said, "What does your son's disappearance have to do with my son? Scram for me!"    


I've never seen Dad so fierce. Auntie Liu seems to be scared, and she goes out cursing.    


I was about to follow her out and explain things to Auntie Liu when, with a "Pa" sound, I was slapped on the face by my father. His father said with a ferocious expression, "Stinky brat, you stay home peacefully. You're not allowed to go anywhere!"    


I looked as if I were about to cry, but I held back. I looked at my father with hatred, the old man, and said nothing.    


I hated him. Not only did he treat me badly, he also prevented me from doing a lot of things. I even suspected that if he wasn't my father, who would treat their child like this?    


Pop went out and locked me in the house before he left.    


I have to leave!    


I thought to myself, since Tie Dan is gone, I must go out and find him.    


At that time, even though I was only a few years old, I was more mature than my peers. My intuition told me that Tie Dan's disappearance wasn't that simple;    


When I used all my strength to bore a hole through the house and came out, the moon was high in the sky.    


The night wind was cold, so I wrapped myself in my tattered clothes and ran towards the end of the village under the moonlight.    


The big trees along the road, swaying in the night wind with their terrible shadows, made me feel as if my heart were pounding, as if someone were following me. I looked back quickly and saw nothing. Touching his head, he could not help but quicken his pace.    


When he arrived at the end of the village, he was panting heavily. He immediately saw the lonely house. In the darkness of the night, the house looked extremely strange.    


That was Sixth Granduncle's house.    


The thought of that terrible old woman scared me. Since young, the villagers had always said that Sixth Granduncle was a witch who loved to eat the hearts of children. But strangely, when I accidentally broke into the Sixth Granduncle's house, not only did I not get scolded by her, she even gave me a Jade Buddha, and at that moment, that Jade Buddha was hanging on my neck, emitting a green light.    


After my father knew that I had broken into Sixth Granduncle's house, he immediately beat me up. He even scolded me saying that if I were to go there again in the future, I would break my dog legs.    


I'm not afraid at all!    


I also don't know why I would think of coming to the Sixth Granduncle. Maybe even children would find it mysterious that someone has the ability to do so.    


"Sixth Granduncle, Sixth Granduncle, are you there?" I shouted bravely.    


After a long time, the sound of coughing could be heard.    


With a "creak", the door opened and Sixth Granduncle walked out of the house, trembling.    


She waved at me, and I hesitated, then stepped forward.    


"Ya Zi, go back, this isn't a place you should be." She let out a faint sigh.    


Just as I was about to speak, Sixth Granduncle suddenly shouted, "Evil creature, how dare you!"    


All of a sudden, Sixth Granduncle dashed in front of me and patted on my shoulder!    


Instantly, my legs buckled and I seemed to hear a blood-curdling scream before falling to my knees.    


She wasn't crippled, so how could she suddenly run so fast? Moreover, at this moment, she didn't look like an old man in his prime.    


I thought, the more I looked, the more I felt that the Sixth Granduncle was like what the storyteller of the village, Mr. Wang, said was an exceptional expert.    


"Sixth Granduncle, my little friend Tie Dan has disappeared. Please help me." "No," I said.    


"Ya, go back, that's not something I should interfere in, the village head will take care of it." The Sixth Granduncle said.    


"No, I know you know where he is."    


"Damn it, damn it, Ya Zi, you don't understand, you don't know anything, if you don't leave, no one can save you!"    


Sixth Granduncle's face was full of anxiety as he kept on stamping his feet.    


What happened to her? Tie Dan is missing, what does it have to do with me?    


Shaking my head, I curiously looked at Sixth Granduncle and asked, "Sixth Granduncle, what are you talking about? I don't understand."    


"You don't need to understand. If you don't go back now, I will report this to your father!" Sixth Granduncle's face was solemn.    


Hmph, I'm not afraid of dad at all. At most, I won't go home.    


Thinking about it here, I said, "But Sixth Granduncle, where did Tie Dan go in the end?"    


"If you go where he should go, Ya Zi, don't ask, just in case there's trouble."    


In the end, no matter how much I begged, Sixth Granduncle still did not agree to my request.    


The night grew darker, and the wind grew stronger.    


The cold wind was blowing at me from all directions, and it was so cold that I shivered.    


Rustle, rustle, rustle ?    


The wind picked up the dead leaves on the ground, creating a strange noise.    


A chill went down my spine, and I walked faster.    




Suddenly, I felt a chill in my neck, as if someone were constantly blowing at me, and my shoulders were getting heavier and heavier. He could even hear the faint sounds of sobbing in the wind.    


Even though we're small in numbers, I'm still afraid.    


I looked around in horror, but there was nothing to be seen. Suddenly, I felt a wave of heat in my chest. With a flash of red light, everything calmed down.    


Lowering my head to take a look, I saw a black mark on my chest, exactly the same as the jade Buddha hanging around my neck.    


I don't know how I got home. When I got home, I saw my father sitting on the threshold outside the house, looking at me silently. In his hand was a wooden stick.    


"Get over here!" the old man shouted.    


I froze, looking timidly at Pop.    


"Where did you go so late at night? Answer me honestly. Otherwise, I won't forgive you for the stick in my hand!" The old man had a savage look on his face.    


Somehow, when I heard Pop's words, I began to cry.    


In the end, Father's stick didn't fall. He helplessly looked at me, sighed, and then went back to his room.    


I followed him timidly, feeling for my cot, still trembling with fear at what had just happened.    


Early the next morning, I was awakened by the noise and rubbed my eyes. When I went out, I found a large crowd gathered in the courtyard.    


What happened?    


I ran over, but was stopped by a hand.    


When I turned around, my father was staring at me with a dark expression. "You better behave!" he shouted.    


I didn't understand what Pop meant at all. I shook my head and looked at him.    


"Move aside." Pop's voice was cold.    


I walked to the side with my head lowered, feeling indignant in my heart. In the end, taking advantage of Father's inattention, I slip into the crowd like a wisp of smoke. Oh my god, what did I see!    


Wangcai lay on the ground. The ground was covered with blood.    


I almost cried out. Wangcai was a dog that my dad kept. When I was very young, I loved to play with Wangcai. He was like a close companion to me.    


"What a sin. I wonder which one of you would take a thousand cuts to kill it with such cruel methods." The white-haired Old Xu had a look of pity on his face as he shook his head and sighed.    


It was unknown when the old man suddenly appeared, but he didn't say anything and was about to drag Wang Cai away.    


"Old Xu, what are you doing?! This dog can't be buried like this!" Old Xu said.    


"Old Xu, you can't put it like that. Look at this dog, there are two holes in its neck and I don't know what bit it. I think we should find a Taoist to take a look." Old Man Xu shook his head in agreement.    


"That's right, Old Xu. I've heard that recently, the village in Chen was not peaceful either. Many people said that it was caused by demons. Just listen to Uncle Xu and find a Taoist." The one who spoke was Third Aunt.    


The old man glanced at Third Aunt and slowly said, "Where on earth are the monsters? They're all lies. You guys came early in the morning to make a ruckus. Have you guys finished making a ruckus? Get out of my way."    


His father's ferocious appearance scared everyone.    


Old Xu jumped up and said fiercely, "Old Xu, it's not that I'm scaring you, just be careful of those ghosts coming knocking on your door. Hmph, if you don't listen to the words of the old man, you'll be at a disadvantage. It's right in front of your eyes."    


Old man Xu left while shaking his head.    


All of a sudden, only Dad and I were left in the courtyard.    


"Dad, I want to try my luck again." I gathered up my courage and said to my father.    


This time, Pop didn't say anything. I squatted down and looked at his scarred body. I couldn't help but let my tears fall.    


Wan Zhenghao's stomach was broken, and his intestines were all over the floor. A large part of the fur on his neck had been pulled out, and the two bloody holes on his neck were shocking to behold.    


"It should be on its way ?" Pop took me aside, packed Wangcai in a sack, and went back up the hill.    


The back of the mountain was an unmarked cemetery.    


I didn't eat or drink all afternoon. I just sat quietly in the yard, and Dad didn't bother with me.    


Tie Dan left, Wang Gui died, what the hell is going on in this world, why do I care so much that I will die in these few days?    


In the evening, I still didn't want to eat, and my eyes became empty. At some point I fell asleep.    


But, not long after I fell asleep, I suddenly felt very cold.    


I woke up cold.    


I opened my hazy eyes and looked around. Suddenly, I heard a faintly discernible voice, "Doggie ? "Leftover ?"    


Who is calling me?    


I looked around with my eyes wide open, but there was nothing.    


It must be an illusion, I told myself.    


So I went back to sleep. But just as I was about to fall asleep, the sound came again, and the room grew colder.    


Involuntarily, I began to fear.    


"Father!" I couldn't help but shout. Very soon, he heard the sound of a father dragging his shoes and kicking the door open.    


He said in a rough voice, "Little bastard, what are you screaming about? You're making me sleep!" However, from the looks of it, it was obvious that he was still awake.    


He gave me a fierce look, and I cringed and said, "Dad, it sounded like someone was calling me."    


He came up to me and without a word pulled me out of bed, pulled my pants off, and hit my ass a few times.    


I grit my teeth to stop myself from screaming.    




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