Rebirth: Abandoned Cultivating Master



Everyone looked at the female celebrity in front of them with excitement and reverence. They had forgotten about Yun Chen, this' scum '!    


Only Yun Chen and Hu Xin stood at the back of the crowd with calm expressions. They watched as Lan Yanling's bodyguard pushed away the crowd's passionate photos to greet them!    


"There's no need to be so enthusiastic, everyone move aside!" Hu Xin said seriously.    


Hearing this, everyone came to a realization. Lan Yanling was here to handle some matters!    


No one would have thought that a famous celebrity like Lan Yanling, who was the daughter of the richest man, would come to the Phoenix Group.    


"That's right, everyone, don't be too enthusiastic. Although I'm used to playing cards, I really have something important to do today!" Lan Yanling tactfully refused everyone and then did something that stunned everyone!    


The woman walked in front of Yun Chen and kneeled on the ground, kowtowing!    


"Mr. Yun, I, Lan Yanling, owe you a public apology. Three years ago, I was the one who let you down, and three years later, I still feel sorry for you. The punishment you gave me made me reflect on myself in pain for the whole month, I just hope that Mr. Yun can give me a chance to change my mind!"    


Lan Yanling's tone became extremely sincere, even tinged with a hint of weeping, a hint of patience and regret!    


"You don't have to kneel to me. Remember, the reason why I helped you remove the Talisman Slave is because of my wife. You just need to help her do what you need to do!" Yun Chen said coldly with his hands behind his back.    


"Understood!" When Lan Yanling heard Yun Chen's words, she was finally moved to tears. Tears uncontrollably flowed out of her eyes!    


During this month, she was constantly enduring the pain of being paralyzed, as if she was being cut by a knife. She was also feeling cold like she had fallen into an icy cave, and there were even times when she felt as if she had fallen into a calamity!    


Every night he would wake up from time to time and endure the pain. She was even depressed and wanted to kill herself.    


It was Yun Chen who had made her despair during this process. Yun Chen had also let her see hope. She did not want to die. She wanted to live. She wanted a chance to start anew!    


"Miss Lan, please get up first!" Hu Xin quickly bent down to help her up. "Let's talk inside the office!"    


"Well, thank you!" Lan Yanling smiled gratefully at Hu Xin.    


Under the escort of the others, Yun Chen brought the two beauties into Su Muyue's office.    


The group of people behind Yun Chen looked at him as if they were looking at a celestial sovereign. At this moment, he actually had such a lofty image!    


"Wow, Yun Chen is defying the heavens?" "Lan Qingxue kneeled to him?"    


"Maybe it's because of what happened three years ago, Yun Chen was really wronged!"    


"Yeah, and the Cultural Hotel from one month ago, Lan Yanling seemed to have been taken care of by Yun Chen. Is she here to apologize now?"    


"I think there must be a business partnership. Didn't you see Hu Xin and Lan Yanling chatting as they walked?"    


"Wow, then if Lan Yanling was the spokesperson for our products, then her influence in the entire Jingzhou and even the entire nation would have greatly increased!"    


"That's right. These days, any product will rely on promotions. With a celebrity endorsement, the quality is much higher!"    


"What a surprise! In other words, Yun Chen helped Boss Su a lot?"    


"It's more than just a big favor! Since you're already kneeling, I'm afraid you won't even have to pay the endorsement fee, right? "    


"Oh my god, this man really does look like a god!"    




Just a moment ago, they were criticizing Yun Chen, but now, they were all looking at that magnificent back with eyes like stars. They no longer felt angry nor ashamed, and instead became very fond of him!    


Humans were fickle creatures. Sometimes, the comments of the crowd could ruin you, but they could also save you!    


If you want to keep going in the right direction, you can only do your best and have a clear conscience!    


It didn't matter whether one was in the entertainment circle or not. If one relied solely on hype and deception, one wouldn't succeed for long. If one did something bad behind the scenes, one day, one would pay a huge price for it!    


Lan Yanling used to be like this, but now she was going to kneel in front of Yun Chen and let him give her a chance at rebirth!    


Phoenix Group was used to make medicine and skin care products. These were all health-related industries, and their reputations were very particular. If there was a certain star backing them up, then their influence could be imagined!    


Yun Chen saved Su Muyue 20 million in endorsement fees. In fact, the benefits he earned from doing this were incalculable. It could even be up to hundreds of millions!    


Hu Xin and Lan Yanling talked about the matter of the contract in the CEO's office, analyzed it one by one and signed the contract. The whole process took less than half an hour!    


Of course, the one who pressed the fingerprint was Yun Chen, because he was Su Muyue's husband. In a sense, he could also be the representative of the company.    


After Lan Yanling saw Yun Chen sign the contract, she said excitedly, "Mr. Yun, I will definitely follow the contract. Not only that, if there's any other cooperation between us, I hope you can find me!"    


Yun Chen nodded and said with an indifferent expression, "Okay, you and Su Muyue can talk about the following cooperation. Lie down on the sofa and take off your clothes!"    




The two women looked at Yun Chen in surprise. This was too sudden!    


"Yun Chen, you can't be someone with unspoken rules, right?" Hu Xin couldn't help but ask in a joking tone, but it was more or less a genuine question.    


When a female celebrity is endorsing something, she will be taken advantage of in various situations. After all, if you don't want me to, then I will switch.    


The situation now was even more special. Lan Yanling couldn't ask for money, since this was already the biggest advantage. Yun Chen was still not satisfied and wanted her to take off her clothes!    


"Hehe, Mr. Yun is very direct with his words. Assistant Hu, you should go out for a while, it might take one or two hours to get in!" Lan Yanling said with an ambiguous smile.    


"An hour or two!" Hu Xin suddenly stood up from her seat and blushed, "Yun Chen, do you have to do this?"    


This was Su Muyue's office. Yun Chen still needed to work for an hour or two to become a famous actress in his wife's office.    


Too overbearing!    


Too powerful!    


"Yeah, are you jealous?" Yun Chen said snappily. He sneered in his heart. Was it because the image he gave of him in the past was too unrealistic? No one was treating him as a good person now!    


"You … "Yun Chen, endorsing for free is already the biggest hidden rule. There's no such thing as stripping in a contract. Don't bully Miss Lan like this, it's enough!" Hu Xin was extremely ashamed.    


She wasn't a virgin herself. She knew that a man passing in three minutes was already considered a pass. What would happen if she could play for one or two minutes?    


"It's fine, Miss Hu. I am willing. This is not an unwritten rule!" Lan Yanling's face was filled with doubt, and her words were filled with a sense of impudence!    


"You all …" Hu Xin could not believe it!    


Were they blatantly betraying Su Muyue? How could she continue watching this?    


"Miss Lan, if Boss Su finds out about this, it won't be good, right?" Hu Xin knew what Yun Chen was going to say, so she tried her best to persuade Lan Yanling.    


"Actually, Boss Su and I have talked before, she said that she and Yun Chen are business marriages, they don't have much relationship, and they haven't even slept together. I think since I'm going to help Miss Su, I might as well help her service Mr. Yun and fulfill her duties and responsibilities as a woman towards a man!" Lan Yanling's voice was very soft. She took almost a minute to finish her sentence!    


Although she was willing, she was still a bit shy when she spoke her mind!    


Instead of Su Muyue driving a woman to a man...    


Hu Xin's view of the world collapsed!    


"Ah?" Boss Su wants you two to do this? "    


"Alright, are you done yet? I am talking about her undoing her clothes, and then I will help her relieve the Talisman Slave's torture! " Yun Chen could not bear to listen any longer. This Hu Xin's IQ is not low at all. EQ is really something to worry about!    




Lan Yanling and Hu Xin couldn't help but let out a sound. They didn't expect this to be the case.    


"Don't talk nonsense. I'll give you ten seconds to think it over. If you don't take it off, I'm leaving!" Yun Chen thought about how he was going to get off work. He still had to go to Su Muyue's reunion tonight. It would be another "war"!    


Therefore, he didn't have the mood to chat with them here, much less fight with Lan Yanling for an hour or two!    


"Alright, Mister Lin, don't be anxious, I'll take it off!" I'll take it off! I'll take it off for you to see now! "    


Lan Yanling was getting anxious. She took off her jacket, exposing her curvy body.    


Hu Xin didn't seem to want to go out during this process, as if she was supervising Yun Chen from the side.    


After taking off her outer coat, the woman neatly took off her close-fitting dress, revealing a translucent black dress and stockings.    


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