Rebirth: Abandoned Cultivating Master



At this moment, everyone was arguing about attacking Yun Chen first. After all, this kind of thing, who didn't want to be the first to speak!    


"Stop arguing. They might not even come for us. With such a big wave and the ship is already sick, how can we continue fighting?"    




In an instant, everyone could not help but burst out laughing. Looking at the two to three meter wind and wave, it was not easy at all. The ship would definitely be very unsteady, and its movement wouldn't be slow either.    


But even so, the group still stood in the wind and waited slowly for the arrival of the chief instructor.    


After a series of bumps, Yun Chen's boat finally reached an island near the coastline. There weren't many people here except for the research organization and Xiaolong special team.    


This island is also a fortress of myopia, it's hard for Azure Wolf to fly in, and it's also hard for him to be monitored by satellite, because the things hidden here are very powerful!    


However, these were all high-tech, hot weapons. When facing the traditional strong martial artists, their bullets and cannons did not seem to be effective!    


In this world, there were a few extremely powerful experts. They would always use their own methods to do things that were not tolerated by humanity. On the surface, it was just a provocation on the surface, but they might have other motives!    


Just when everyone was looking forward to it, a soldier in other uniforms ran over and reported to the captain, Azure Wolf, "I saw a ship approaching, but we forgot to cancel the mine!"    




Hearing this, everyone's faces were filled with fear. They could not believe their eyes as they looked at the approaching ship and the whooshing sound of the wind and the waves.    


"No one informed your Communications Department?" Azure Wolf asked with a dark expression.    


The others also started to sound intimidated, each one of them had a bad feeling!    


After all, besides Yun Chen, there were two other instructors and an old captain on the ship. If they were killed by the explosion, it would be a dereliction of duty on their part!    


"No, you didn't say that anyone was going to get close. Someone was coming!" The soldier said helplessly.    


"Sigh, why do you not pay attention to the arrival of this chief instructor at all? At the very least, we need to report this to them. Azure Wolf didn't know what to say anymore.    


He was the only team leader, he couldn't possibly need to contact him for trivial matters, right?    


Right, this should be the chief instructor contacting us, we need to report to them whenever they come out, and if they don't say it now, they can't blame us! Someone said.    


"Alright, now is not the time to divide our responsibilities. Hurry up and contact the people on the bed. Tell them to stop the boat. For the time being, don't get too close to the island!" Azure Wolf quickly responded and ordered.    


"We're already in contact, but you guys aren't going to come up with any rescue plans?" The soldier said.    


"Can you let me catch my breath?!" Azure Wolf said flustered, "Teams three and four begin preparing the ships. Pay attention to avoiding the mine area. Everyone ashore, wait for the summons!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The group of people immediately tensed up. As long as there was movement, they would definitely be on the same side. There was no way they would slack off in the slightest.    


As if they had already forgotten about mocking and despising the new chief instructor, everyone's attention was focused on the approaching boat!    


The old veteran had also just received a call. It was just that at this time, the wind and waves were relatively strong. The boat was rushing towards the shore, and it was now difficult to control and slow down!    


He could only twist and control the boat to slow down, hoping to save the situation from the explosion!    


On the boat, Zhang Xin and Du Tao Hai looked anxious.    


"I thought you already told the address book, so I came to prepare the ship. I didn't expect you to not mention it."    


"I thought you said that, didn't I? Originally, I wasn't willing to come here. After all, hiring isn't something that we do! "    


The two of them began to complain. They were both angry at each other, but there was no point in getting angry now.    


"What happened?" Yun Chen casually threw the cigarette butt into the sea and asked with an indifferent expression as he looked at Hai Dao.    


"Yun Chen..." chief instructor Yun, water mines were set up in the front, but we did not contact the communications department when we came out. Thus, we did not cancel the water mines. Du Tao Hai explained.    


The current storm was really too big. If they were to use kayaks, they might not have been alerted by the storm. However, who knew where they would be washed off to while sitting on the kayak!    


"Can you avoid the mine?" Yun Chen squinted at the old captain and asked.    


"We can, the ship is slowing down, either the ship is slowing down and turning, the wind and waves are too strong, we might have to return to the shore, and wait for them to stop the water mines before we enter, or we can't slow down and crash into the water mines, there will be an explosion!" The old veteran who was sailing the boat said.    


"It's so troublesome. You can't waste your time like this. Should I go back and make things difficult for myself?" Yun Chen squinted his eyes and said to Du Tao Hai.    


"You'll go over yourself?" Du Tao Hai seemed to have heard wrongly as he looked at Yun Chen in disbelief.    


"How are you going to get there? Swim over? Even though it appears to be close, it is actually more than a mile away! " Du Tao Hai said.    


Yun Chen didn't want to scare them too much, he walked over and fell into the water!    


"Is this guy crazy?" If we go down and swim, it will be a dead end! " Du Tao Hai exclaimed.    


"Don't joke around, it's impossible to swim or row a kayak. Such a big storm is death!" Zhang Xin said.    


However, at this time, the warship that was twisting its hull actually touched one of the water mines. There was a muffled rumbling sound as a hole was blasted through the bow of the ship!    


The seawater rushed in, and the ship that was in control suddenly lost control and started to roll back and forth with the waves!    


"Crap, we hit a mine. Get off the ship, it's going to sink!" The old veteran piloted the boat and left the cockpit, charging towards the rear!    


"Then what should we do?" "We can't even get off the yacht. Who knows where we'll be washed off to?" Zhang Xin exclaimed.    


"We can't just wait on the ship for death, can we? If we get off the kayak, there might be people coming to save us! " The old soldier said anxiously.    


"Yeah, we can only abandon the ship, or else we'll sink into the sea and feed the sharks!"    


"If such a huge storm were to jump into the sea, they would definitely die!"    


"Indeed. He was directly swept away by the waves. We can't even find him, you can't just jump off the ship!"    


"But this ship is going to sink, are we going to die?"    


"Ah ah ah ah, they haven't come out yet, it's too slow, there's no time!"    


The situation had reached a critical point!    


At the same time, one of the Xiaolong soldiers on the road also started to move. Using their scouting skills, they slowly bypassed the water mines and rushed towards the slowly sinking ship!    


"Hurry, be careful not to run into water mines!"    


"I saw the ship was about to sink. They are all on board!"    


"The waves are rushing towards the shore. Hurry up!"    


"This new instructor is really good at stirring up trouble. No chief instructor would be as unlucky as him!"    


"Yeah, this is probably towards the awkward and embarrassing new instructor, right?"    


At this critical moment, these people couldn't help but mock Yun Chen.    


Captain Azure Wolf also couldn't hold it in anymore and ordered, "Don't watch the show anymore, hurry up and save them!"    


Seeing how the boat was slowly sinking downwards, all of them started to worry!    


Zhang Xin and Du Tao, who were on the boat, were scared half to death. After the boat didn't move, because the wind and waves were too big, the violent bumps made them almost unable to stand up!    


However, just when everyone was astonished, the ship that was sinking had a violent shake. Then, the yacht suddenly rose more than two meters.    


Everyone was shocked when they saw this, because these commandos didn't know how this could have happened. It was simply unforgettable!    


The scariest part was that there was a person supporting the boat with both hands. It was Yun Chen!    


The crowd of special forces saw Yun Chen directly lift up the boat with one hand, along with the two instructors, Du Zhang and the crew!    


The special forces were shocked, even the old captain and Du Tao Hai on the ship were shocked, their bodies began to tremble!    


Lifting the whole boat in the sea, this yacht was as heavy as ten kicks!    


What a stunning feat!    


This scene was too terrifying, too unbelievable!    


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