Heaven Talisman

C2 Berserk Demonic Wolf Sky Seeker 2

C2 Berserk Demonic Wolf Sky Seeker 2

The Stone Symbol that had just escaped Island Lord Cang's grasp was instantly trapped in the profound light formation. After colliding everywhere, the Stone Symbol suffered a lot of damage from the tribulation, and now that it was trapped in the formation, it couldn't easily escape for a short period of time.    


"Haha, Sect Master Lee is really good at it." Island Lord Cang landed beside Sect Master Lee and said.    


"The two of you, this Natural Oddity … Those who are fated to have it, why not let everyone discuss it together?" A mocking voice rang out. Soon after, a figure appeared in the sky. Dozens of people wearing black robes landed behind him, and the man standing in front had an abnormally pale face. Cold light flashed in his eyes from time to time as he smiled coldly.    


Humph, this Stone Symbol is something that Sect Master Lee and I obtained together, but it is too much of a sham to want to be a fisherman and gain benefits from it. White Bone, if you think that you have the ability to snatch it away from us, then come. Island Lord Cang's entire body emitted a powerful Yuan Power fluctuation as he looked at the man who had spoken earlier and said to Bai Gu.    


"Hmph. Others might be afraid of you, but I, White Bone, am not. Today, I will give it a try." The pale-faced man said. At the same time, a pale white bone spear appeared in his hand. The spear was covered with red veined patterns, and a red light flashed on the spearhead that was emitting a cold light.    


Bai Gu held the bone spear in his hand. His spear shadows danced as he displayed all of his spear skills like flowing water. Immediately, the giant fish and the furious golden dragon roared towards the sky. Powerful spear winds enveloped Sect Master Lee and the other man.    


"Humph, since you want to die, then don't blame others!" Island Lord Cang's eyes flashed with a cold smile in the face of this attack from Bai Gu. He immediately clenched his fist and bright Yuan Power instantly gathered in his palm. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a dark golden large blade that was over a hundred feet large.    


"Break!" As the gigantic blade shadow condensed, Island Lord Cang's palm fiercely shook the handle of the blade and it immediately began to spin rapidly. A dark golden luster swept across the air in the large hall and actually forcefully tore apart the gigantic fish, angry pythons and other spear shadows, before stabbing towards the white bones at lightning speed!    


With a loud boom, the bones took five steps back. Island Lord Cang only took one and a half steps back.    


"I won't make things difficult for you. Quickly retreat, lest you bring disgrace upon yourself." Island Lord Cang looked at the cold and fierce face of the white bone as he spoke. Now that he and Sect Master Lee had teamed up, getting rid of the bones wouldn't be difficult. However, he didn't want to waste too much of his elemental energy in order to avoid new problems and side effects.    


"Hmph, you are ruthless." After the exchange just now, Bai Gu knew that Island Lord Cang's strength was slightly higher than his. If he teamed up with the old man who had yet to make a move, a little carelessness could lead to his death.    


With a cold snort, he flew off into the distance.    


"Hahaha, it seems like you're on time. The timing is just right!" A whirlwind appeared in the air, and when the wind dispersed, a middle-aged man in grey linen robes appeared in the sky. He had a messy long hair and a deep scar on his face, which extended from his left side to his right cheek. In his hand was a black iron rod, and the veins on his arm were exposed, as if there was a suffocating force that was about to burst out.    


"I don't know, sir ~" said Island Lord Cang as he looked at the middle-aged man.    


"Cut the crap, I am here to take the Stone Symbol, do you want to hand over one word?" That middle-aged man was obviously lacking in patience. Before Island Lord Cang could finish his words, he was stopped in his tracks.    


"Hehe, what do you think?" Sneering coldly, Island Lord Cang was clearly infuriated by the middle-aged man. Who in this sea would treat him like this? But now, he was treated like this by an unknown person. As the master of an island, it was an insult to him.    


"Then there's nothing left to say. Since it's like this, then so be it." The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth curled up. Obviously, he knew of the result. As he spoke, his tall figure had vanished into thin air.    


"Teleportation?" At the same time, the middle-aged man, who had disappeared from where Island Lord Cang previously stood, also appeared. The metal rod struck out and, after missing the attack, the middle-aged man threw it at Sect Master Lee, who was beside him.    


Seeing the long rod coming at him with a huge force, Sect Master Lee did not dare to hesitate and threw out both of his palms.    




Sect Master Lee was pushed back and lightly tapped a few times in the air before stabilizing his body. He looked at the man who knocked him back with his staff with a heavy gaze and asked in a deep voice: "Who exactly are you?"    


Seeing Sect Master Lee being pushed back by the middle-aged man with a single swing of his staff, Island Lord Cang's eyes revealed a hint of seriousness. His strength was similar to Sect Master Lee's. It seemed like this man's strength was slightly superior to theirs.    


"Haha, you don't know my name either, but someone else gave me the nickname: Insane Demon!" The man's body emitted a killing intent as his voice echoed in the air.    




A series of gasps could be heard.    


"What, mad demon?"    


"Could he be the insane demon Lang Tian?"    


"That fierce person who massacred a sect in one night and then turned into a river of blood, finally escaping unscathed."    


"This is a devil that kills without batting an eye. It seems like Island Lord Cang and the others have really hit the nail on the head this time."    


When the surrounding cultivators heard the middle-aged man speak their names, they subconsciously backed up a bit and whispered to each other.    


"What should we do?" Island Lord Cang looked to the side.    


"If we join hands, even if he's slightly stronger than us, we might not necessarily lose if we join forces." That Sect Master Lee said.    


"Alright." Island Lord Cang said while clenching his teeth. Now that the Stone Symbol was in their hands, no matter what, they would not let it go.    


Island Lord Cang stretched out his hands which were slightly longer than the average person's. They looked like a sharp dagger and a sharp aura was emitted from them. Island Lord Cang suddenly leaned forward like a cheetah and instantly shot forward.    


His figure was like a bolt of lightning, and with a flash, a figure of light went straight for Lang Tian.    


"Your speed is pretty good." He looked at Island Lord Cang and Lang Tian who were all looking at him and said, "However, it is useless against me."    


Lang Tian grinned. His footsteps slanted to the side and his body tilted at an angle.    


bang * Just as Lang Tian's body was slanted to the side, the air in front of him suddenly exploded. Island Lord Cang's fingers were like sharp daggers as he cunningly stabbed towards Lang Tian's throat.    


Just as the dagger-like finger was about to pierce Lang Tian's throat, the latter used his large rough hand to block the throat.    


"If you want to take my life, you aren't qualified." Lang Tian sneered sinisterly. With his other hand, he threw a brutal punch without any fancy tricks.    




The air in front was compressed and exploded at this moment. The air that his fist passed through began to faintly become distorted.    


At this time, Sect Master Lee's attack also crashed down on Lang Tian, a huge sword light shot towards Lang Tian. Facing Sect Master Lee's attack, Lang Tian's punch didn't stop at all, and the fist that was filled with a terrifying aura ruthlessly smashed onto Island Lord Cang's arms.    


"Crunch." Subtle cracking sounds came out from Island Lord Cang's arms. It was evident that Island Lord Cang's bones were injured by the fierce attack. At the same time, the force directly pushed Island Lord Cang back.    


"Clang!" When Island Lord Cang was blasted into the air, Sect Master Lee's attack also arrived. Liu Tie waved his hand and formed a barrier that completely blocked the attack.    


Unknowingly, a sharp sword suddenly appeared in front of Lang Tian's neck. The cold light was deep and the sword light was puffing out, so Lang Tian was shocked when he sensed the sword that seemed like it was trying to hasten one's death, but he did not panic. Regarding the people who fought and walked out of the pile of dead, he could not be compared to the average person, as his head tilted to the side, barely dodging the fatal sword attack, but the sword qi still drew a bloody line on Lang Tian's face while dodging.    


After failing to kill him with one strike, Sect Master Lee was also very unwilling to do so. Just as he was using his panic to kill him in one strike.    


"Roar ~" A loud roar came out from Lang Tian's mouth and a shocking sound wave spread out. This sudden attack caused Sect Master Lee's blood and Qi to churn within his body, but no matter what, he was still the leader of a sect, so he quickly covered his entire body with Yuan Power to resist the sound wave. The moment he heaved a sigh of relief, a huge black saber had appeared in Lang Tian's hand.    


In the midst of his haste, he held the longsword in front of his chest and splattered everywhere. Sect Master Lee was also blown away, and immediately after, he felt a sweetness in his throat as he spat out a mouthful of blood. His hands suddenly felt numb.    


Lang Tian did not take advantage of Sect Master Lee, who was sent flying backwards. His hand touched the bloody scar on his face, and immediately, he extended his tongue to lick the fresh blood on his finger. That bright-red, coupled with the dense knife scar on his face, caused him to have a bloody and evil aura.    


"Hehe, laozi has not been let off with blood for a long time. Old bastard, go to hell." Lang Tian lifted his head and stared at Island Lord Cang and Sect Master Lee with his eyes that contained a bloody glow. He immediately parted his mouth and laughed. His dense white teeth were stained with blood and appeared somewhat frightening.    




"Demonic Saber, Devour the Heavens and the Earth with Blood."    


At this moment, the mad demon Lang Tian was laughing crazily, looking like a Shura who had just walked out of hell. He raised his hands and quickly formed complex hand seals, and as Lang Tian made the hand seals, the large blade on the ground suddenly exuded a cold and violent Blood Qi, which constantly spread out. The pitch-black huge blade also instantly turned from black to black, causing the surrounding space to tremble, as if the surrounding Essence Qi was being corroded by the evil Blood Qi.    


"To be able to die under this move of mine, it's no wonder you were ghosts, haha." Lang Tian's cold voice sounded in the space, as if he was trying to warn Ye Zichen.    


As they looked at Lang Tian, who had locked onto them, Sect Master Lee and Island Lord Cang looked at each other and a hint of determination could be seen in each other's eyes.    


"Let's go all out."    


The two of them knew that they had met with a troublesome person. Although they did not want to admit it, they did feel a sense of dread from the immense energy that filled the sky.    


The two of them looked at each other, and a vicious look flashed across their faces. One of them had a longsword, while the other had a black long spear.    


The boundless elemental energy around the two of them seemed to have turned into a storm as it crazily revolved. The principle rubbed against the air, causing ear-piercing 'zi' sounds to ring out.    


"Lang Tian, today we shall see just what ability you have to snatch this treasure." Holding the spear in his hand, Island Lord Cang shouted towards the sky. Violent abilities gathered above his head, as if he was a giant beast that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.    


Compared to Island Lord Cang, Sect Master Lee was abnormally fierce. A Great Sword formed around his body and sword qi gushed out. Its momentum was quite shocking. Lang Tian looked indifferently at the two people who had monstrous auras in the distance. Following which, his hand formed a seal.    


Rumble! Nine blood-colored blades filled with rolling blood qi shot towards Sect Master Lee and Cao Zhu.    


"Myriad Beast Spear, cut!" Island Lord Cang raised his head and looked at the nine incoming blood blades. The hairs all over his body stood up. Then, his eyes focused as he brandished his spear with both of his hands and stabbed it furiously …    




The gigantic beast rushed towards the nine huge blades, causing the mountain to tremble. Sect Master Lee, who was at the side, also shouted out loud. Countless sword lights surrounded his body and a Great Sword flew out. The sword light swept across the sky and ten thousand sword-shaped shadows danced across the sky.    


"Ten Thousand Swords Destroying the World!"    


Two extremely fierce attacks pierced through the sky at an astonishing speed, heavily colliding with the nine gigantic blood colored blades that were descending from the sky.    




At the moment of impact, it was as if the world went silent. Then, a tyrannical power exploded in the sky. The Stone Symbol that Sect Master Lee was trapped within the array released a faint power. No one noticed that the foot of the array started to crack.    


Wild and violent energy swept out in an unstoppable manner. Some of the experts that were floating in the air were hit by the remnant ripples. They immediately spat out blood as they hurriedly landed on the ground in a miserable manner.    


The remnant ripples in the sky continued for a few minutes before gradually dispersing. At this moment, however, the mountain range of the Deadwood Immortal Mountain had become abnormally messy.    


When the energy dissipated, the two figures that were stuck close to each other spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time. Their clothes were torn apart and their auras were extremely sluggish. It was obvious that they had suffered heavy injuries. Not long after that, the two of them fainted at the same time and fell to the ground. Sect Master Lee and Island Lord Cang, who were both official figures, were dispirited. It would not be reasonable for them to fall from their mouths without dying.    


The corner of Lang Tian's mouth curled up, his face somewhat pale. Although he was not injured, it was clear that his previous attack had consumed some energy, as though he had thought of something, and turned his head to look at the Stone Symbol in the array. Walking forward. When he arrived in front of Sect Master Lee's array, a "ding" sound caused Lang Tian to be stunned. Soon after, the Stone Symbol broke out of the formation and started to flee towards the distance.    


"Hmph, you want to leave? Stay here for me!"    


Lang Tian snorted coldly and reached for the Stone Symbol. Surprisingly, the Stone Symbol was caught easily. Looking at the Stone Symbol lying in his hand, Lang Tian's eyes revealed a hint of greed.    


Just as Lang Tian let down his guard, the Stone Symbol suddenly emitted a blinding light. The terrifying ability caused Lang Tian, who was using all his strength, to be completely enveloped by his Origin Energy, but in front of Lang Tian's surprised eyes, the hand that was grabbing onto the Stone Symbol was instantly shattered. Furthermore, the trend had started to spread, and when Lang Tian saw this, he immediately steeled his heart and ruthlessly chopped off the arm that was holding the Stone Symbol.    


His body suddenly retreated as blood spurted out from his mouth. Looking at the Stone Symbol, he felt a lingering fear in his heart as he thought: "Could it be that this Stone Symbol is not something that I can get my hands on?!"    


The Stone Symbol did not continue her attacks. A light array appeared around her body and mysterious runes started to flicker within it as it continuously revolved. The light array brought along the Stone Symbol and immediately disappeared into the sky, passing through layers of space and finally appearing in a pond.    




With a plop, it fell, and then the light around his body dimmed. He transformed into an ordinary Stone Symbol, quietly lying at the bottom of the pool, as if he had fallen into a long slumber.    


Time was an immortal's power. Anything before time would be worn out and eventually disappear from this universe. Everything would become a thing of the past. Perhaps there would be some people who would talk about it, or perhaps no one cared, burying themselves in the passing of time.    


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