Heaven Talisman

C7 Baji

C7 Baji



The people on the Mu Family Training Field were all waving their fists in the vast training field. The Mu Family had always stipulated that when the people on the training grounds reached the age to train, they had to go to the training grounds every morning, except for those who didn't have good talent.    


Mu Hua was also among the group of people. Squatting down, charging horizontally, throwing out his fist, he spun his right hand on the ground for support, then leaped about ten feet into the air, waving his fist in the air. His clothes were drenched with sweat and he seemed to be unaware of it.    


This set of Tiger Fist was a set of Fist Arts s that the disciples of Mu Family had to learn during the Body Tempering stage.    


Mu Yi, who had just finished carrying water and was preparing to go to the rear mountains to practice martial arts, looked at the Mu Family son in the training field and was a bit emotional in his heart. Because of his meridians, his family recognized him as a person who had no achievements in cultivation, and even lacked the qualifications to enter the training field, so he was unable to obtain any martial skills in the family. In this world where martial arts were revered, he grew up under the influence of the martial arts environment. Regarding Mu Family, Mu Yi had the identity of a young master, but his days of living were not the same as the identity of a young master. Most people might forget that there was such a young master in Mu Family, but they vaguely remembered that there was a piece of trash living on in Mu Family.    


"But that is already the past. I have now opened my meridian and successfully opened the Pubic Region." Mu Yi thought in his heart.    


Behind the Mu Family, by the side of a natural lake.    


Mu Yi was standing on top of a wooden stake. His feet were tied together with a sandbag, and he was walking up and down on top of the stake. He was waving his fists while darting around like a dragon. All along, Mu Yi didn't have any martial skills to practice, but he had always used every method to increase his physical strength and steadily built a solid foundation. Mu Yi felt that the so-called "body forging stage" was to lay a good foundation, to increase his physical strength, and to not practice martial skills at all, but his physical body needed to lay a good foundation. Mu Yi had persisted on doing this for ten years like this day, and now that he had established the Pubic Region, it also meant that he could train normally.    


Mu Yi, who was at the end of his strength, jumped down from the wooden pile and took off his drenched shirt. Mu Yi, who was at the age of 16, was still in the developmental stage; he was more than 7 feet tall, and his body was forged by a mysterious Stone Symbol last time.    


Mu Yi also knew that he needed to speed up his training. Other than his own bitter training, the preparation of spirit medicine was also very important, it could not only increase the absorption of spirit energy from the Pubic Region in his body, it could also indirectly temper his body.    


He took a look at the emerald green Spirit Grass, took a deep breath, and put the Spirit Grass into his mouth. When the Spirit Grass entered his mouth, it instantly turned into a warm flow that flowed into his four limbs and meridians. When the warm flow started to flow into the Pubic Region, it started to transform into elemental energy. The originally few strands of elemental energy from the Pubic Region began to circulate like mist.    


"Body forging level 5, body forging level 5." Mu Yi was overjoyed. From the time he forged his body, to when his meridians and meridians were connected, his training speed was actually so fast, he broke through body refining fourth level not long ago, and today he broke through again. Mu Yi felt that he could deal with body refining fifth level people without any pressure, and could even go against body refining sixth level people.    


Just as Mu Yi was delighted, the mysterious Stone Symbol that had been staying inside the Pubic Region without any reaction suddenly produced a suction force, and like a whale, it swallowed about half of the Pubic Region's elemental energy.    


"No, it won't happen again. Do you want a share of the spiritual herbs that I painstakingly got?" Mu Yi cursed in his heart, but he couldn't do anything about this mysterious Stone Symbol. He didn't care about it at all.    


Mu Yi was stunned. When he came back to his senses, he could not believe that this was a martial skill. Although it was Mu Yi's first time getting a martial skill, Mu Yi could tell that this martial skill was definitely stronger than his family's Tiger Fist.    


"Eight Extremes Fist!"    


Mu Yi muttered the three words repeatedly. As if he was in a dream, after being pleasantly surprised for a while, Mu Yi also began to ponder: This mysterious Stone Symbol seems to be really something, although it absorbed the spirit energy that it produced, it unexpectedly acquired the Eight Extremes Fist of the Eight Extremes Fist. At the same time, Mu Yi also thought that since this mysterious Stone Symbol was so mysterious, he must keep it a secret for now, otherwise, it might bring about a fatal disaster.    


Level Eight, level eight, using the Eight Fist Styles as one, Eight Extremes Fist used the head and feet as the universe, shoulder and knees as the four sides, the front and the back and back arms as the two opposite, the Pubic Region in the center had the idea of creating a sect. The Eight Extremes Fist attached great importance to the practice of offensive and defensive techniques. With the power of the user, the user would be able to control the power of the user, and with the help of Will, the user would be able to control the opponent's movements.    


In the usage, we should pay attention to: take, shoulder, squeeze, lean, see the gap, drill when there is a gap, do not hold back, play tricks when there is a gap.    


His movements were extremely firm and fierce. In terms of attacking techniques, he had to take every inch of the attack and forcefully open it, exerting force on the heels, moving at the waist and passing through the fingertips. Therefore, his explosive strength was extremely rich in the characteristics of martial arts. As the Eight Extremes Fist's movements were firm, simple and unadorned, it released a strong force, causing it to "shake the heavens and topple the earth, stamping its feet and shaking the land of the nine prefectures" situation.    


"There is Taiji calming the world, and there is Eight Extreme Primal Chaos". The more Mu Yi saw the conditions for the Eight Extremes Fist's cultivation, the more surprised he became. When he saw the conditions for the Eight Extremes Fist, Mu Yi immediately felt that it was tailored for him, and the most important for the Eight Extremes Fist's refinement was to be like a rock, to be able to use wooden posts to enter the stage, to travel around the wooden fence like a dragon, and at the same time, be able to reach a stage where the strength of the body surpassed the strength of the body. In other words, if the cultivator was a Third Stage of Body Refinement, the strength of the body must be comparable to that of a Fourth Stage Body Refinement cultivator.    


Mu Yi felt that the so-called Body Tempering stage was to lay a good foundation, to increase the strength of his own body. Mu Yi felt that he could stop practicing martial skills first, but the body needed to lay a good foundation, and Mu Yi had persisted on this way for ten years, day after day. Now that he had established the Pubic Region, it also meant that he could train normally, and his foundation was as stable as a boulder.    


Therefore, for Mu Yi, this Fist Arts was extremely suitable for him. Thinking about that, Mu Yi followed the instructions of the Eight Extremes Fist and started to practice. Ding Bu Bu Bu stood up and looked to the left, on the top of his head, with his chest and back pulled, his lips and tongue closed and his Qi sinking to the top, he held his fists with both of his hands facing the sky, the center of his fists going down, hugging the Pubic Region.    


He bent his left arm slightly, and his right hand reached to his left elbow. At the same time, he wanted to have the power to sit down backwards, so he placed his center of gravity on his right leg, forming a hollow step, with his palms facing down and continuously waving his fists.    


Hu hu hu hu! Mu Yi's punches were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, causing people to be unable to see through the changes in the Fist Arts. Changing.    


The key points of Eight Extremes Fist, however, were the requirements of the leg techniques shouldn't be too high. The main requirements were to shoot, rub, sweep, hang, crash, kick, bite, fan, cut, and stomp. With the combination of the leg techniques, the Fist Arts s complemented each other.    




After finishing the first punch of the Eight Extremes Fist, Mu Yi heaved a sigh of relief, but in his heart, he did not feel the difference. In the past, when Mu Yi practiced boxing, every time he finished, he would feel a wave of fatigue, but the training of the Eight Extremes Fist got more and more vigorous.    


"This Fist Arts is extremely exquisite, I need to spend more time to study it." Mu Yi thought in his heart.    


At this time, he was looking down at Mu Yi who had just finished practicing his fist art. His head was lowered as if he was thinking about something, a breeze blew past, bringing up a few leaves. When he looked up at the tree trunk, he couldn't see the person wearing a hempen-clothed hood.    


Picking up the clothes on the ground, Mu Yi walked towards the lake formed by the mountain and washed the clothes that had been drenched in sweat. Mu Yi picked up the clothes on the ground and walked towards the lake formed by the mountain.    


Mu Yi closed his eyes and enjoyed the refreshing feeling while lying in the water. At the same time, he recalled that although the rear mountain was part of the Mu Family, it was still around the size of ten acres and was said to be the back mountain of the Mu Family. In reality, the back mountain of the Mu Family was only a part of a large mountain.    


In this natural lake formed by the mountains behind the Mu Family, only Mu Yi had been here often all these years, so no one really cared about him.    


As he was often in the lake, Mu Yi also felt that the lake's surface was a bit strange. In summer, the water 10 meters above the lake was cool, but after 15 meters the lake's surface became warm. In winter, the surface of the lake was gentle, but after 15 meters the water was cold and shivering.    


Mu Yi also accidentally swam towards the bottom of the lake for 15 meters before losing his breath. When he reached 15 meters, Mu Yi didn't even see the shadow of the lake and only felt that it was pitch-black below, as if he wanted to devour everything around him.    


Now that he broke through to body refining level 5, Mu Yi felt that he could dive down 20 meters, so he couldn't hold his breath anymore. Even so, Mu Yi didn't go downstream out of curiosity, Mu Yi always felt that the lake wasn't simple, it definitely reached 20 meters downstream of the lake, even if someone knew what would happen, if an accident happened, he would reach his limit at the bottom of the lake.    


After soaking in the lake for two hours, he got up and put on his clothes that were dried off from the sun on the rocks. It was already noon, and he should go back to eat lunch, when he thought of lunch, Mu Yi was indeed hungry, and started training. Although it was his first time practicing Eight Extremes Fist, he did not feel tired at all, but it still took a lot of energy, so Mu Yi walked in the direction of Mu Family.    


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