Heaven Talisman

C120 Flood Dragon Blood Forging Body

C120 Flood Dragon Blood Forging Body

The long Sword Essence Energy in Old Man Jiu's hand continuously poured into it. The longsword slightly trembled, causing the Essence in the world to fluctuate. Old Man Jiu rushed into the sky, releasing an extremely terrifying aura.    


"The sword devours one side!"    


Old Man Jiu descended from the top once again. The longsword in his hand carried the might of heaven and earth as he merged with the longsword in his hand as if he had merged with the world. He broke through space and rushed down quickly, aiming straight at the Black Jiao below. The overwhelming aura and sword energy completely destroyed all the trees within several hundred zhang on the ground.    


At the same time, the Black Flood Dragon opened its mouth and spat out a black dragon flame. Once the dragon flame appeared, the surrounding space began to gradually distort. However, the temperature of the surrounding space was extremely high. The violet light on his body also instantly gathered and fused with the dragon flames in front of him. In an instant, a purple-colored fire dragon that was even larger than the Black Flood Dragon appeared.    


"Purple Dragon Raging Flames!"    


The Black Jiao roared. The Violet Flame Dragon instantly charged towards the descending haughty Xiu Si. And then...    




A series of explosions and powerful energy fluctuations caused a large number of clouds to shatter. A mighty aura spread out in all directions, causing violent changes to the clouds, but the powerful attack of the two forces of Creation did not disintegrate just like that.    


Just as the purple dragon was about to charge forward, a longsword that was emitting an intense red glow pierced through the purple dragon's body. Its target was the Black Jiao below.    






Two loud explosions resounded through the entire Demon Beast forest. Powerful energy swept through the entire battle area, dispersing all the clouds within two thousand feet of the sky. At the same time, enormous cracks appeared on the ground.    


"Roar …!"    


The Black Flood Dragon roared angrily towards the sky. The giant body was now completely covered in the golden dragon blood. The originally tightly arranged giant black scales also fell off in large pieces. A gigantic hole had also appeared on one of the dragon's wings at this moment, and the longsword that was flying down from the sky had pierced through the dragon's wing and deeply pierced into the Black Jiao's body. Only the hilt remained outside.    


While the Black Flood Dragon was roaring in anger, a black dot in the sky was falling down at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch. The gray robe was also in tatters. Large patches of blood stains were extremely eye-catching. This was the grey-clothed person, Old Man Jiu, who displayed that earth-shattering sword attack.    


As Old Man Jiu was rapidly descending, the purple colored energy dragon also rushed up. Old Man Jiu, with his decades of battle experience, quickly made a decision, and the powerful soul force instantly gathered in his hands and shot out the longsword in his hands. However, the moment the sword was shot out, it stopped, giving him not enough time to dodge the dragon's attack.    


Looking at Old Man Jiu descending, the furious Black Jiao flapped his wings and his huge body quickly approached Old Man Jiu. A large amount of golden dragon blood followed the flapping of his dragon wings and flowed out even more ferociously, causing Mu Yi's heart to ache.    


"That is dragon blood. The most powerful blood that contains energy is dragon blood. If I can absorb it, then my body will be strengthened really badly. Wouldn't it be …" Mu Yi thought.    


Mu Yi licked his lips.    


Mu Yi was always paying attention to the battle in the sky. His body slowly approached the battle area, but he didn't get too close. When he was about a thousand feet away, Mu Yi stopped!    


"Die, lowly and greedy human!" The Black Jiao roared in anger, its huge dragon claws fiercely smashing down towards Old Man Jiu. Just as it was about to get close, Old Man Jiu's figure quickly dodged to the back, and when it missed, the Black Jiao immediately caught up, so the man and beast duo displayed the most exciting and bloody hand-to-hand fight in front of Mu Yi!    


A man and a beast were constantly being smashed down to the ground, then they would fly up and fight again. The battle in the sky had gone from the sun to the sun, and everything within a thousand feet had long been destroyed beyond recognition.    


"Haha …" "Foolish human, how dare you dream of fighting against us, the dragon race?!" The Black Flood Dragon roared in the sky.    


Mu Yi was shocked speechless by the battle in front of him. At this moment, Mu Yi only had one thought in his head: "Formidable!"    


Such close combat, looking at their fighting style, just how strong must their physical body be to be able to do that?    


Mu Yi didn't even dare to imagine it.    


As time passed, the sky gradually darkened. When both man and beast had reached the limit, the battle spiralled from the sky to the ground.    


When the moon rose in the sky, the battle between the man and the beast finally came to an end.    


A bone-deep wound appeared on the Black Jiao. Its originally black skin was affected by the change in color due to the golden blood, and a pair of huge dragon wings drooped lifelessly from its back. There was a hole even larger than Mu Yi's head, which undoubtedly showed the current situation of the Black Jiao.    


On the other hand, Old Man Jiu was in a much better condition. His arm was hanging down powerlessly. Although his body was full of wounds, fresh blood still flowed out from time to time. The grey robe turned into strips of cloth. He was gasping for breath, but he was still full of energy!    


"Humph!" This dragon has seen everything. You lowly person, you are insulting the knowledge of a noble Flood Dragon Clan. When This Dragon recovers and can move, the first thing he will do is to kill the life of a lowly person like you. "Use your blood to cleanse yourself! I'll humiliate you!" The Black Flood Dragon said angrily. Although the Black Flood Dragon was not shocked by what it said, the look in its huge eyes was enough to betray its thoughts.    


"Do you think I'll give you the chance?" Mu Yi's expression turned cold. The figure in the air gradually faded. Using the Phantom Shadow skill, he was able to reach the heart of the Black Flood Dragon within the blink of an eye.    


Looking at Old Man Jiuyi's reappearance at his heart, the Black Jiao's first thought was to take advantage of his weakest moment to kill him in order to avoid future troubles.    


The Black Flood Dragon roared in indignation as it flapped its heavily scarred dragon wings powerfully. In an instant, the surrounding area within a hundred feet radius was filled with raging winds, but it was completely useless against Old Man Jiu.    


"Roar …!" Old Man Jiu let out a shout as the sword radiance on his body surged. He stood there like a god of war.    


It viciously stabbed into the wound on the Black Jiao's heart. Only the hilt was left outside. They stirred a few times at the same time.    




Under Mu Yi's attack, the Black Jiao roared and flapped its huge wings at Mu Yi. Mu Yi was already prepared and immediately used Phantom Shadow to dodge!    




The instant Old Man Jiu dodged it, a huge sound wave spread out with the black dragon as the center. The surrounding broken limbs and leaves were all sent flying.    


"Sound wave attack, hmph." Old Man Jiu seemed to know that the Black Jiao had this move and was not surprised at all. It seemed that he already had a plan to deal with it.    


"Ha ~ ~ Sword Devouring the World!"    


Thinking about this, Old Man Jiu's fighting spirit was ignited. With a loud roar, his body immediately shot towards the Black Flood Dragon. Immediately, the longsword glow in his hands shot out in all directions, and at the same time, the sword was covered in a red sword aura.    


Old Man Jiu's body stopped in front of the Black Jiao's huge head, "Kill ~ ~!" With that, he stabbed the sword in the Black Flood Dragon's heart. The powerful impact brought along the demonic red sword beam. Under the shroud of a gigantic sword-shaped shadow, the longsword deeply stabbed into the Black Jiao's heart.    


"Roar …!"    


"Ahhh! I won't let you go!" The Black Flood Dragon roared in dissatisfaction. At this moment, he was at the end of his tether. There was no chance for him to resist.    


The Black Flood Dragon fell heavily onto the ground, unwillingly and with a strong killing intent.    


After killing the Black Flood Dragon, Old Man Jiu extended his right hand that was covered in soul force and pressed it against the heart of the dead Black Flood Dragon. After that, a ball of golden colored blood floated above Old Man Jiu's hand, and upon seeing the dragon's blood essence, Old Man Jiu smiled and took out a transparent crystal container.    


"Brother Mu, why are you still there? Hurry up and come here, I have something good for you." Just as Mu Yi was considering whether he should come out or not, he heard Old Man Jiu shout towards him!    


Mu Yi was very happy to hear what the old man said. He slowly walked out from his hiding spot and approached the gigantic dragon.    


"Old Brother Jiu, are you alright?" Mu Yi asked in concern as he saw Old Man Jiu in such a sorry state.    


"It's okay, it's been too long since I last exercised. This old body is not very flexible. I just need to rest for a night." Old Man Jiu Hui said with his hands folded, but he did not show the sadness on his face from seeing the dragon as a battle pet. At the same time, he said with yearning, "This heart that contains dragon blood, if it is brewed into wine, I don't know!"    


"Pfft, ah, Old Brother Jiu, you want to brew wine with that flood dragon's heart?" Mu Yi immediately fainted when he heard Old Man Jiu's words. This guy, he actually used the heart of a flood dragon to brew wine. This old man really is addicted to alcohol.    


"That Brother Mu, as your brother, I don't have much to give you, so I'll give you this dragon's body." As the old man spoke, he found a place to meditate and recover!    


"What? Bro, what you said is true, then I won't be polite." Mu Yi was shocked as he spoke. Mu Yi didn't expect Old Man Jiu to give the entire dragon's body to him. He was immediately shocked. This brother must have done it right.    


"Of course. But the most important thing right now is to take advantage of the dragon's blood and heat. Hurry up and use his blood to refine your current body. There are definitely great benefits to that, hehe!" After Old Man Jiu said that, he closed his eyes and began to heal the wounds left by the battle!    


"Flood Dragon, not bad. Give me your blood, haha …" Mu Yi's body instantly appeared where the Black Flood Dragon's heart was. The God Coffin Ancient Sword Sword in his hand slashed fiercely across the wound on the Black Flood Dragon's heart. Instantly, a large amount of dragon blood flowed down with a scorching temperature. Swallowing the colossal dragon's blood in large gulps …    


At the same time, a wave of dark light s began to emerge from the body of the God Coffin Ancient Sword, as if it was also absorbing the black dragon's blood! Although it was very little, and Mu Yi wasn't in the mood to look at the God Coffin Ancient Sword.    


"Ah …!"    


The hot dragon blood flowed onto Mu Yi's body, the Heaven Symbol's refined body's defense was like being boiled water poured over it, the skin fell off, but this was secondary. After drinking the dragon blood, the burning temperature of the dragon blood entered Mu Yi's stomach, causing him to convulse and tremble.    


Brilliant! Brilliant! This is absolutely amazing! I hope everyone supports this one! This one will not disappoint everyone!    


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