Heaven Talisman

C594 Wind Thunder Fan

C594 Wind Thunder Fan

In the northern city of Grey Moon City, there was a mountain range somewhere filled with pavilions. There were many palaces in the surroundings, and it was a dazzling scene. This was the Qingyang Peak, where the higher ups of the Beast Sect resided.    


At this moment, at the top of the pavilion, there was a middle-aged man wearing a purple-gold robe and a golden-colored crown on his head. However, this person standing at the front of the balcony gave off an extremely mysterious feeling.    


Standing there, he could see the entirety of the Grey Moon City with a glance, and right at that moment, a buzzing sound came from the man's sleeves. Seeing that, a hint of surprise flashed past the man's calm eyes, but only for a moment, before he returned to being calm and collected.    


"There's actually a person capable of resisting the Heaven Bone Beast in the Tomb of the Beast Soul."    


The man slowly raised his hand, revealing his white arm. The mirror in his hand was only the size of a palm, and it was similar to the Clear Sky Realm, but the mirror in the mirror flashed with a hazy light, and in an instant, a blurry image appeared. In the mirror, a man dressed in a black battle uniform sat cross-legged in mid air, releasing a powerful Spirit Power around him.    


"Sectmaster, just who has the strength to break through the formation?"    


At some point, a black robed figure had appeared beside the middle-aged man. That cold, emotionless gaze of his had stared at the blurry scene in the fluorescent mirror, and after it appeared, the temperature of the entire space had drastically dropped.    


"He's not a human, but an ancient greater demon: Thousand Faces Dragon. It seems that he wants to devour the Heaven Bone Beast. It seems that his soul has been severely injured." The middle-aged man's eyes were sharp like a torch, he was able to see the hidden portrait at a glance, but even so, he did not panic at all, as though the Beast Sect guardian Beast Soul suffered an attack without any sense of urgency.    


"What?" Do you want me to capture these two? " The mysterious black-cloaked person was startled when he heard the middle-aged man's words. His gaze swept across the mirror as the coldness in his eyes increased.    


"No need, your position in the Beast Sect is rather sensitive. I will hand this matter over to someone else, you just need to handle it properly."    


He stood with his hands behind his back and spoke to Black Cloaked Man, who was beside him. Soon after, his lips moved slightly as if he was sending a mental message to someone.    


When the middle-aged man disappeared, Black Cloaked Man looked at the man's disappearing figure and a cold light flashed across his eyes. A cold, sinister smile appeared and his body instantly disappeared from where he was.    


The main peak of the Heaven Bone Peak, inside the nameless space!    




He did not expect that Xiao Jiao would be able to recover his strength in such a short time and be able to recover it to such a powerful state. At that moment, the light arrays surrounding the Heaven Bone Beast seemed to have been pulled, and when one of the light arrays suppressed down onto the Heaven Bone Beast, the rest of the light arrays released purplish-red threads that instantly wrapped themselves around the Heaven Bone Beast. At the same time, the light arrays imprinted themselves onto the Heaven Bone Beast's body, causing it to struggle but it was unable to break free.    


After a series of intense battles, it seemed like Xiao Jiao was slightly better in this confrontation. The loser would forever disappear from the world and become a powerful aid to Xiao Jiao's recovery!    


Countless purplish-red light arrays tightly wrapped the Heaven Bone Beast within, the blood red light threads wrapped around the Heaven Bone Beast until not even a drop of water could pass through. At this moment, Xiao Jiao did not disperse his original form, his thick arms that were filled with billowing killing intent raised high into the air, and following that, he pierced straight towards the Heaven Bone Beast's body with a rushing wind sound.    




No matter how the Heaven Bone Beast struggled, it was unable to break free from the restrictions of the formation. In the next moment, Xiao Jiao's arms, which had been inserted into the Heaven Bone Beast, started to pour waves of Spirit Power s, and then quickly poured into Xiao Jiao's body. As the first wave of Spirit Power s poured into Xiao Jiao's huge body, they suddenly trembled, and the rate of absorption increased by quite a bit.    


Mu Yi looked at Xiao Jiao who was currently absorbing the Heaven Bone Beast. The purple glow and the long halberd on Xiao Jiao's body had already disappeared. Replacing it was a body of fiendish aura that was like fire, which was extremely powerful to the point of making one tremble.    


After a period of absorption, the Heaven Bone Beast's body had shrunk to a third of its original size, but it was nothing compared to the huge body. At the moment, Xiao Jiao also felt that the absorption speed seemed to be slower, and he could only hear a roar coming from his mouth.    


Just as Xiao Jiao was about to tear and bite at the Heaven Bone Beast, the blood-red aura surrounding Xiao Jiao's body suddenly soared by several times, and a gigantic blood colored light pillar shot up into the sky, echoing in the sky, and a blood colored cloud slowly swirled in the air. Even Mu Yi who was at the side could not help but retreat, surrounded by the massive thick aura.    


At this moment, the Heaven Bone Beast's huge body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. Originally, the Heaven Bone Beast could not even let out a roar, but the energy that was surging out from Xiao Jiao's body gradually climbed up, and the most eye-catching thing was the faint flash of a golden imprint on his forehead.    




Just at this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from behind Mu Yi, at the same time, a strong wave of Power of Space spread out, Mu Yi, who was extremely sharp, immediately noticed the abnormality, and turned around with a gloomy face.    


Under his gaze, two figures walked out from the tunnel. One of them was a middle-aged man who wore a fiery red robe with a blood-red Great Sword on his back, and his eyes were intimidating, giving off the impression that he was a sharp, peerless sword. The other was an old man in a white robe with a head of extremely thin white hair, and his face was as wrinkled as a withered tree.    


Great Sage expert!    


Both of them were powerful Saints, the man was at least at the First Heavenly Layer of the Sage realm, while the old man was even stronger, he was at least at the Third Heavenly Layer of the Sage realm. At the moment, when Xiao Jiao was absorbing the Heaven Bone Beast, he absolutely could not be disturbed.    


"What? It seems like he came a step too late."    


When the old man saw that Xiao Jiao had almost devoured all of the Heaven Bone Beast, his expression drastically changed. His body shot towards Xiao Jiao in a flash, as if to prevent him from continuing to devour the Heaven Bone Beast. As long as the Heaven Bone Beast had a sliver of soul force left, it could reform itself, but if it was completely devoured, it would completely dissipate.    


The old man was the Fourth Elder of the Beast Sect, Bei Qing. His strength was at the third level of the sage realm, and at the same time, he was wielding a powerful Wind Thunder Treasure Fan, causing his strength to be even more powerful compared to the others of the same level. The other red robed man was the Sixth Elder of the Beast Sect, Kong Rui.    




Looking at Bei Qing who was explosively shooting towards Xiao Jiao, Mu Yi let out a loud shout, and the Spirit King realm Spirit Power that was powerful enough to look down upon the First Layer of the Great Sage suddenly rushed out, and three invisible winds instantly closed in on the old man. The three mental tornadoes continuously attacked him, and under their intense attacks, the strength of the Spirit Power suddenly increased by a large amount.    


"Hmmph ~ ~!"    


The old man let out a cold snort, ignoring the Spirit Power that Mu Yi was charging towards him, his figure flashed and actually broke away from Mu Yi's mind, continuing to rush towards the Heaven Bone Beast. Mu Yi's mental attack actually missed, and just as he was preparing to control the Spirit Power to charge at the old man again, Mu Yi suddenly felt a fiery sword qi shooting towards him.    


The three groups of Spirit Power who were attacking each other suddenly faced the incoming sword Qis again. The sword Qis felt pressure even in a frontal confrontation, so Mu Yi did not dare to be careless. The Spirit Power once again surged forward and poured into the three mental tornadoes.    




Accompanied by a dull sound, the charging Spirit Power was suddenly dispersed by the Sword Qi, and the Sword Qi was also blocked by Mu Yi's Spirit Power. It seemed like the attack he used earlier was just to test his own strength, and he did not use his full power.    


"Hehe, I never expected that at such a young age, your Mental Energy has already reached the Spirit King level. However, it's quite a pity."    


Seeing Mu Yi resist his sword qi, Kong Rui's eyes flashed, he never thought that this person would be so talented in terms of cultivation at such a young age, he had underestimated him previously, but then he felt a bit of regret, if such a talented person resisted today, he would definitely fall here, in this Beast Sect forbidden grounds, and kill anyone who entered without permission, and this person had actually brought a Beast Soul that swallowed the Heaven Bone Beast, this crime was unforgivable!    


Liu Tie didn't take Kong Rui's words to heart. He turned to look in the direction of Xiao Jiao, only to see that as Bei Qing neared, the blood-red color of Wu Tie's surroundings started to surge. It was so big that even the heart of the Great Sage was palpitating as his blood gushed out explosively towards the old man.    


When the old man saw this, his withered old face revealed a look of shock, his figure suddenly stopped, a three feet long green fan appeared in his hand, the moment the fan appeared, a gust of wind had already wrapped around the old man's body, and the green Power of Thunder of the fan floated above the fan, a terrifying force spread out from the fan!    


Wind Thunder Treasure Fan!    


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