Heaven Talisman

C388 Aurine

C388 Aurine

Under the heated gazes of the crowd, Yue Wubai stretched out his hand. A milky white light circulated on his palm and, in a flash, a figure of light shot out and turned into a gigantic ball of light.    


The jade statue was more than seven feet long, and it was made from ice jade. It was sparkling and translucent, and it was embedded with a very rare black crystal, as though with just a glance, one would feel that the eyes on the jade statue were terrifying, and they immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look anymore. And on the chest of the sparkling sculpture, there was a small transparent pagoda with golden edges engraved on it.    


When the jade statue appeared, Mu Yi was slightly surprised in his heart, because when the jade statue appeared, Mu Yi discovered that there was something in the Accommodate Ring that was emitting a wave of energy, it was the black metal object that Zhao Wuchang gave him before he left. At this moment, it seemed to be giving off a strong desire to escape, but under Mu Yi's pressure, the stone returned to normal, but there were still some fluctuations.    


As the jade statue fell, the layer of ice did not collapse as expected. Instead, it melted like snow meeting the blazing sun, and in the blink of an eye, the bottom of the jade statue turned into a pool of clear water. After the water kept spinning, it became as calm as a mirror, and the jade statue once again turned small and fell into Yue Wubai's hand.    


Through the water surface, one could faintly see the world within the water. The reflection in the water was not the sky above Shang Jia, but a huge plain covered with a layer of black soil. There was not a single strand of ice nor snow covering it, as if it was completely isolated from the Beiyuan.    


"Let's go." Yue Wubai jumped into the water and instantly blended into the surface of the water. There was not even a splash as ripples appeared on the surface of the water.    


After Yue Wubai entered the water, the nine old men he brought with him also jumped into the water. The other three big families also jumped into the water. Mu Yi and Wu Tie were the only ones left in the water.    


"Brother Mu, Brother Bai Yu, the terrain inside the Ice Soul Cold Cave is different every time you enter, and I don't know what you will face this time, but no matter how you change it, you will only get the approval of the Heaven Piecing Hall if you pass the challenge." After seeing the other three families entering the pool, Liu Can said to Mu Yi.    


Every time they opened it, the scene inside would change greatly, and among the people who entered, they would be teleported to any place, and there were some who were unlucky enough to be teleported straight to the blazing volcano, where they would die straight away. Some would be sent to powerful Demon Beast lairs, and be chased by Demon Beast the moment they appeared.    


"Okay." Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu said as they looked at the calm lake. Afterwards, the group of people jumped into the pond one by one and disappeared into the glacier valley.    


After Liu Can, two elders, Bing Hongyan, and the others entered the pool, they instantly appeared outside of a valley. At this moment, the four of them weren't teleported away, they were still four people.    


"Husband, why didn't you pull my sister over?" Upon landing, Bing Hongyan exclaimed in shock when she couldn't see Bing Yuxuan. This isn't a vacation area, so her sister must be in great danger.    


"Don't worry, I'll teleport her with Cang Baiyu." Actually, he had a Jade Statue that was similar to Yue Wubai. It was just that his Jade Statue did not activate Ice Soul Cold Cave, but rather allowed him to teleport his people to a safe location that was close to the Heaven Piecing Hall.    


"Why did we separate Mu Yi and the others as well? It's not easy for us to do things with more people. Otherwise, if we meet those people from Ice Palace, we will …" Bing Hongyan said.    


"Madam has still underestimated these two, I think the two of them are interested in the Heaven Piecing Hall, even if I bring the Ice Palace people back, in the end, we have to take care of the two of them, why not let them face the Ice Palace person first, we will take advantage of them." Liu Can's eyes flashed with a cold light, although he had fought with Mu Yi and the others on Sword Sovereign Hall before and had a trace of friendship, but he was not allowed to be ruthless on Heaven Piecing Hall, as this was very important to him and his family, and he must obtain the Heaven Piecing Hall's recognition this time.    


"Young Lord, it really is a good move." Liu Xiang smirked. "Liu Gan and his group shot into a ravine, and they soon disappeared.    


The moment he entered the water, Mu Yi felt a hint of coolness, but he did not notice that his clothes were being soaked, as if the liquid in the pond was not water, but a product condensed from a strange energy. The moment he entered the pool, Mu Yi found that there was not a single person around him, and it seemed that he was teleported out at will as soon as he entered.    


When Mu Yi opened his eyes again, what he saw was a golden light all over the world, he was in a golden forest, so the trees seemed to have been cast in gold. The golden leaves swayed and flickered with a golden light, this was a golden time, there was no other color, only the color of gold.    


Seeing this golden colored forest, Mu Yi did not relax his guard at all. This was a different place from the usual one, and this was the world within the Ice Soul Cold Cave. Danger was everywhere.    


After walking for a while, the corner of Mu Yi's mouth lifted into a smile. He finally understood why there was no danger in this golden forest; in fact, it was more accurate to say that the danger had arisen from the moment Mu Yi set foot in this place.    


When Mu Yi arrived, he already felt the elemental energy in his body begin to slow down. Although it was very little, Mu Yi still noticed it, if Mu Yi had not broken through to the Void Stage realm, he would not dare to linger here, because this forest actually has the ability to nibble on the elemental energy. Since Mu Yi was still in the Creation Stage realm, his elemental energy had already been nibbled clean, which was a terrifying nibbling force, but towards Mu Yi who was in the Void Stage realm, it did not affect him much.    


The Golden Forest Tree was a very rare and extinct golden tree in the Nine Prefectures. He never thought that there would be so many grown within the Ice Soul Cold Cave and that the Golden Forest Tree would have such a strong ability to devour Origin Energy. Under the Void Stage, the forest that fell into the Golden Forest Tree would definitely be devoured until it became nutrients.    


The golden forest formed by the Golden Forest Trees was called the Golden Forest of Death. After entering the Martial Cultivator, one's elemental energy would be devoured at the fastest speed, and as long as the Martial Cultivator fell, even their flesh would become nourishment for the Golden Forest of Death, giving birth to a new seedling of the Golden Forest Tree. And who knew how many Martial Cultivator would be buried in this large forest.    


After walking for a long time, Mu Yi realized that he was still unable to leave the forest. Whether it was in the air or in the forest, the forest seemed to be endless, no matter where he went, it would always be a golden world.    


Hallucination formation!    


After a few attempts, Mu Yi found that the place where the Golden Forest was killed should be a formation array. If he wanted to leave, he must break this formation. However, Mu Yi felt that he was not proficient in formations, but he had a way to break this formation.    


After taking a few more steps, Mu Yi's body started to sway. He seemed to be out of energy, and after a few steps, he collapsed towards the ground, causing a cloud of smoke and dust to rise. After Mu Yi fell down, the whole forest became quiet again. There was no sound of the wind or the rustling of leaves, everything was terrifyingly quiet.    


"Swish ~ ~"    


Not long after, a faint sound could be heard from the depths of the forest. The surrounding Golden Forest Trees, which had been unmoved since long ago, began to violently shake as if they were alive.    




A giant golden shadow slowly descended not far in front of Mu Yi. A golden python like monster appeared in the golden forest, the monster's body was covered in golden scales, there were horns on its head, and its body was covered with claws. As it waved its Power of Space, it stared at Mu Yi who was on the ground with its blood-red eyes, and with a swoosh, it opened its giant golden mouth and bit towards Mu Yi.    


This was the moment!    


Mu Yi, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and revealed a strange smile. His body flashed and disappeared from where he stood, floating in the air and staring at the python-like Demon Beast. There was actually a formation on the killing ground of the Golden Forest Tree, then there must be a Golden Forest Beast guarding this place. As long as we defeat this Demon Beast, the Golden Forest Kill array will not attack and break!    


Boom! *    


The moment Mu Yi's body disappeared, the beast's mouth bit onto the ground, creating a depression in the ground. If Mu Yi's body disappeared, the beast's mouth bit onto the ground, creating a depression in the ground.    


"I advise you to obediently remove the formation. Else, you will definitely be killed." Mu Yi said to the Golden Forest Beast as he slowly descended. This Golden Forest Beast should be at the Half-step Void Stage, seemingly just a step away from breaking through the Void Stage.    




Ignoring Mu Yi, the Golden Forest Beast let out a low roar and charged towards Mu Yi. Golden scales shot out from its body, covering the sky and piercing towards Mu Yi. After the scales left the Golden Forest Beast, they turned into sharp thorns that pierced towards Mu Yi's vitals.    


Snorting coldly, Mu Yi clenched his hand and the space in front of him started to shake, creating a spatial barrier. No matter how sharp the barrier was, it would not be able to hurt him.    


After the spike failed its attack, it was sent flying by the spatial barrier before changing its scales again and landing on the Golden Forest Beast's huge body. At the same time, the countless mouths of the Golden Forest Tree crazily grew up, covering the sky and covering the sun. In the blink of an eye, thousands of miles of space was covered by the Golden Forest Tree, and slowly closed like a giant golden egg.    


Just as he was about to reach the exit, the countless golden mouths in the surroundings bit towards him. At the same time, even with Mu Yi's cultivation level, he could feel a powerful force eating away at his elemental energy, causing the surrounding area to accumulate more and more of the Golden Forest Tree, creating a nibbling force that even he could feel.    


The surrounding sea of gold disappeared, leaving only a huge golden egg, emitting a strong nibbling power, as if it was about to nibble on a nutritious prey.    


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