Heaven Talisman

C379 Killing the Eight Demon Masters

C379 Killing the Eight Demon Masters

Hu hu hu hu!    


The rolling Devil Qi was like a huge wave, unrestrained and unrestrained. Eighth Devil Lord, who was among the Devil Qi, let out a low roar and his body exploded into an even more shocking Devil Qi.    


The Devil Qi turned into a huge sky curtain, enveloping the entire area, the surrounding nature spirit energy was all turned into filth by the Devil Qi, the Evil Qi was extremely strong.    


Eighth Devil Lord knew he wasn't going to give it his all. This time, he was really going to be killed by this bald donkey. Even if he dies, he would at least get something to carry his burden.    


The demonic clouds surged, the sky and earth became dark, evil energy surged, and after Eighth Devil Lord self-destructed, he turned into a Devil Qi and ferociously smashed towards Buddhist Monk Ku Mu like a meteorite from the sky.    


Seeing Eighth Devil Lord self-destruct into the Monstrous Devil Qi, the faces of Mu Yi and the rest changed once again. Anyone could tell that Eighth Devil Lord was risking his life just to kill Eighth Devil Lord.    


At this moment, the Swastika Prison was completely minced by the tyrannical Devil Qi. The cage condensed from golden buddhist energy was like a giant hammer smashing onto a glass cup as it broke one after another.    


People who reached the semi-sage realm would definitely self-destruct, and this kind of power could not be underestimated. People who were careless or careless might actually get grabbed by this person and end up dying together with the semi-sage expert who self-destructed millions of years ago.    


However, the few of them did not dare to think too much about it at this moment. Their gazes once again landed on Buddhist Monk Ku Mu who had turned into a Golden Buddha, and at this moment, the Buddha's face did not change at all. Under the astonished gazes of the five people, a golden melon appeared in the middle of their forehead.    


The buddhist eye that opened up between his eyebrows had no pupils, its entire eye was filled with a golden buddhist light, the moment this buddhist eye opened up, the entire world seemed to have awakened, eight golden arms suddenly extended out from behind the golden Buddha, some were clenching, some were stretching out their fists, some were intertwining while the others were dancing.    


The strong light exploded, forming a striking contrast with the Devil Qi sky curtain that covered it. A huge ball of light condensed in front of the Buddha, and when the ball of light was formed, the eight arms behind the Buddha suddenly rose up while he was waving them, a golden arm extended out, the eight arms extended out, waving their palms on the ball of light.    


Boom! *    


The moment the ball of light touched the surface of the eight palms, it turned into a huge screen in the sky, no weaker than Eighth Devil Lord's huge screen of Devil Qi. The pitch-black night sky was instantly illuminated by half of the light, and a huge curtain of black and white light instantly appeared in the sky.    


The evil Qi and the pure Buddhism energy collided with each other, tearing the sky apart. A huge crack appeared where the two energies collided, a huge tearing force rushed out of the shattered space like a steel blade.    


"Annihilate the Buddha!"    


Just as the two strands of black and white energy were at a stalemate, before the Buddha's golden mouth opened, it emitted a sound that caused one's heart to tremble. The deep voice spread to the surroundings, and at the moment the sound rang out, the eight arms actually extended outwards again.    


Boom! *    


When the Buddha's eight arms transformed into an arm and struck out, the white light screen seemed to have been strengthened by a rocket propulsion system. The black and white sky curtain that was originally unable to withstand the attack in the air now underwent an overwhelming change, as the white pure energy condensed into a sky curtain that was like a dazzling blazing sun, forcing the Devil Qi to retreat step by step.    




As if snow had met the blazing sun, the clashing of the clouds caused sizzling sounds. After resisting several times, the Devil Qi was continuously being worn down by the Power of Purification. The Devil Qi Sky Curtain, which originally occupied half of the horizon, was now only a third of its original size.    


Waves of terrified ghost wails and wolf howls came out from the Devil Qi, one after another, the souls that were previously swallowed into Eighth Devil Lord's body fiercely sprung out, as though Eighth Devil Lord had self-destructed and suppressed them, they were no longer bound and flew out, but the instant they left the Devil Qi, they were purified by the Buddhist light and turned into green smoke.    


Ow ow ow ow!    


The remaining demonic group did not want to make a final desperate struggle, so it exploded. Tens of thousands of evil spirits rushed out of the white sky like torrents, and the ghost's face was extremely ferocious, but it also revealed a hint of fear. No matter how hard it struggled, it still did not show any signs of rushing forward.    


The smoke that filled the sky rose up at this moment, the evil ghost resisted the white purification curtain like cannon fodder. Although the time that could be stopped was not even the blink of an eye and it was extinguished, Ghost Devil desperately wanted to self-destruct to drag Buddhist Monk Ku Mu to hell, this proved that his plan had failed.    


Looking at the situation between the two, Mu Yi and the rest also heaved a sigh of relief. From the looks of it, Eighth Devil Lord was definitely dead. As a semi-sage level expert, Buddhist Monk Ku Mu had the absolute advantage of holding three Heaven Symbol s at the same time as Deadwood, and the Heaven Symbol was the nemesis of Ghost Devil.    




Just as the last piece of Devil Qi exploded into nothingness, a nearly invisible dark light suddenly sprung out, shooting towards the distance with a speed so fast it left people speechless.    


Although Ghost Devil self-destructed, as long as his own soul imprint could escape, he could be revived again. Although his strength would be greatly reduced, it was still better than dying.    


"Hmph. You still want to run?"    


As if it had already expected that Eighth Devil Lord would have this move, the withered tree that transformed into a golden Buddha let out a cold snort. The World Purification Heaven Symbol in his hand transformed into a stream of light and shot out, closing in on Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint that escaped.    


At this moment, Eighth Devil Lord's defense was the weakest since he had already lost his body. Any Spirit Master could use Spirit Power to break his soul imprint.    


"No, ah, no, big brother save me!" Looking at the World Purification Heaven Symbol that was shooting towards him, Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint said in horror. In his current state, as long as he was struck by the Heaven Symbol, he would be completely destroyed.    


Mu Yi and the rest suddenly reacted. Seeing that Eighth Devil Lord still had this kind of trick up his sleeve, anyone would realize that the mark was very weak and that the hit would completely dissipate. But just when Eighth Devil Lord was about to be hit, he yelled "Big brother save me" out of fear or some unknown reason.    


"Clang ~ ~"    


Just as Mu Yi and the rest were confused by Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint, at the edge of the sky, a powerful aura descended like a devil. The Yinshan's formless barrier seemed to have a hole opened at this moment, and the outside world's blizzard unrestrainedly rained down on them. At this moment, the space in that area was covered in snow, and a crescent crescent-shaped abyss formed in the sky, filled with an endless amount of evil aura.    


In the pitch black abyss, Devil Qi rolled around, and compared to Eighth Devil Lord and the Devil Qi that Deadwood was fighting against, it was more than twice as strong. As the Devil Qi rolled around, a gigantic devil hand with an irresistible pressure came out from the crack.    


Everything happened in an instant. Under the astonished gazes of Mu Yi and the others, the demonic hand that was emitting a terrifying aura grabbed towards Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint that was trying to escape.    


Will they fight one after another? Mu Yi and the others were shocked. The visual impact they had today was too great. If another one appeared, would Buddhist Monk Ku Mu be able to withstand it? Moreover, this person's strength was not one or two times stronger than Eighth Devil Lord.    


The moment the black Devil Qi came into contact with the world, an ear-piercing 'chi chi' sound erupted. The Yuan Power that originally spread throughout the world had completely disappeared upon coming into contact with these black Devil Qi.    


An indescribably terrifying aura was emitted from the demonic hand. Without any hesitation, the demonic hand grabbed towards Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint.    


When Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint saw the emergence of the shocking demonic hand, he instantly became ecstatic. He never thought that his brother would really come.    


"Hmph, go and annihilate him."    


This sudden turn of events was out of his expectations, but he seemed to have felt a strange aura, and astonishment flashed through Deadwood's eyes. At the same time, the huge body of the golden Buddha that was transformed from Deadwood rose up from the ground, and instantly arrived in front of the demonic hand.    


Boom! *    


The instant the two collided, the entire, misty white barrier of Yinshan shattered with a popping sound at this moment. The whirring of snow seemed to have found an outlet to pour into the Yinshan crazily.    


Boom! *    


At this moment, the sky shattered like lightning, and a large amount of snow in the sky was sucked in. With a loud sound, the huge devil hand and the buddhist hand collided, and like water, the huge devil hand smashed onto a huge boulder, causing the Devil Qi s to scatter in all directions. The originally condensed devil hand exploded with a bang, and the moment the devil hand exploded, the huge crescent black hole seemed to have lost the support of its power, as it slowly closed up, and the surrounding Devil Qi s also scattered.    


At the same time, the escaping Eighth Devil Lord's soul imprint did not have the support of the devil hand. The World Purification Heaven Symbol pierced through the imprint in an instant, accompanied by a cry of unwillingness, and the wisp of dark light turned into dust in an instant.    


The heaven and earth once again calmed down. The barrier above the Yinshan that was previously broken down earlier once again began to slowly fill with a layer of misty white mist, and the snowstorm that was still rushing in before was instantly blocked.    


The night began to calm down, the three Heaven Symbol slowly revolved around the golden Buddha statues, everything returned to tranquility!    


"Zen Master, are you alright?" Seeing that the battle was over, Mu Yi arrived in front of the Buddha's head in a flash and said. Although he did not know who had attacked earlier, his aura was not simple.    


"I didn't expect the other devils to wake up too. That devil hand from earlier was just a clone. This old bone of mine is nothing. It's fine." Buddhist Monk Ku Mu sighed.    






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