Heaven Talisman

C150 Remnants Mural

C150 Remnants Mural

At this moment, Mu Yi's mind buzzed. A sharp pain spread in his mind and his vision began to blur. This was a sign that he had reached his limit.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Mu Yi's vision became increasingly blurry. However, just as his vision was about to turn dark, a strange buzzing sound came out from within the Pubic Region!    


Inside the Pubic Region, the Heaven Symbol emitted a faint white light facing the huge mental pressure and then spread outwards, covering Mu Yi's entire body.    


The moment this energy appeared, Mu Yi suddenly felt that the powerful Mental Energy pressure that permeated his body was quickly sucked into the Pubic Region and was then completely devoured by it!    


However, Mu Yi's pressure was greatly reduced. Without the slightest hesitation, he stepped forward. After which, he stepped into the Mental Energy barrier in front of Lang Yu's shocked eyes!    


"Buzz buzz!"    


As Mu Yi stepped into the Mental Energy barrier, an extremely terrifying Mental Energy undulation immediately erupted from within the Mental Energy barrier. This undulation directly erupted at the fifth level and Lang Yu, who was standing nearby, was directly blown away as he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.    


He landed on the ground in a sorry state, however, Lang Yu did not care about the injuries on his body as he hastily turned his gaze towards the Spirit Barrier. Then, he was stunned to see Mu Yi's figure slowly disappearing into the Spirit Barrier!    


"He, really... Did I succeed? "    


Even someone as strong as Lang Yu inhaled a breath of cold air as he watched Mu Yi's figure disappear. His eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.    


Just as Lang Yu was shocked and incredulous when Mu Yi's figure disappeared from the fifth floor, the outside of the Spirit Master Tower also descended into a somewhat crazy riot.    


Outside of the Spirit Master Tower, when one of the two rice specks on the fifth floor disappeared, the originally noisy space turned silent in an instant.    


This strange silence continued for a moment before it was immediately broken by a kind of crazy noise.    


"Light Point Disappear!"    


"Someone has entered the 6th level!"    


"How is this possible?"    


"Who is it? Lang Yu or Mu Yi? "    


"It's most likely Lang Yu!"    


"Nonsense, Mu Yi isn't any weaker than that Lang Yu!"    


Shangguan Ziling, who was originally seated on a stone chair, suddenly sat up upon hearing the ruckus that practically erupted in an instant. His eyes were staring intently at the fifth floor of the Spirit Master Tower.    


"Who is it? Is it really Mu Yi? "    


At this moment, even with Shangguan Ziling's temperament, an uncontrollable nervousness and excitement surfaced in her eyes. She was well aware of how difficult it was to enter the sixth level, and according to her original expectations, although Mu Yi and Lang Yu were both not weak, it was definitely impossible for them to reach the sixth level. However, the fact that they appeared before her eyes told her that he had guessed wrongly!    


However, at this moment, he was not sure if it was Mu Yi or Lang Yu who had successfully broken into the sixth level. No one knew what exactly had happened there during this period of time!    


Originally, they had thought that the victory this time around would likely take some time to be determined. After all, the two of them were at the seventh level. Hence, they could only wait and see who would endure longer.    


According to the rules of the Spirit Master Competition, no matter how long you stayed on the lower level, as long as someone was able to go on to the next level, even if they only stayed on that level for a few minutes, they would still determine that person's victory. This was also the reason why Mu Yi and Lang Yu wanted to fight.    


But what puzzled Shangguan Ziling and the rest was, who had entered the sixth level?    


If it was Lang Yu, then Tefeng Commerce Chamber would completely fail and the Spirit Master's Dou Tower would still be a Tefeng Commerce Chamber. But if it was Mu Yi, then the Spirit Master's Dou Tower would belong to the Purple Peak Pavilion Chamber of Commerce!    


At this moment, Cang Baiyu from the Tefeng Commerce Chamber was also looking at the light speck that was faintly emitting from the sixth floor. He was in deep thought for a while, and that cold expression revealed a rare smile, as if he had guessed something!    


At this moment, the people outside of the sixth floor were silently waiting for the participant to come out. Perhaps they could obtain true information from the participant's mouth!    




The Sixth Floor could only be entered by the Earth Spirit Master. Although Mu Yi had just dealt one blow to the Four Seals Spirit Master, against the enormous mental pressure of the Earth Spirit Master, the Spirit Barrier that had charged to the sixth floor had exhausted Mu Yi's strength, and now that he had stepped in, he was instantly put down. If it wasn't for the Heaven Symbol's help, Mu Yi might not have been able to handle this situation and would have died, smiling bitterly in his heart: It seems like I can only stay still in this place, I can't move forward at all, but using the Spirit Power's cultivation level to repair and increase my growth rate by a lot. At this time, there was the energy of the Heaven Symbol, which prevented him from getting killed by the mental pressure here. However, there was also a certain time limit.    


Mu Yi barely managed to lean against the wall as he sat up with his legs crossed and slightly closed his eyes. He silently operated the Spirit Sealing War Technique and a cyclone slowly rose from his Niwan Palace. The moment the cyclone formed, the surrounding Spirit Power surged toward his Niwan Palace with Mu Yi as the center!    


Feeling the entry of a pure Spirit Power, the Spirit Power within the Niwan Palace seemed to have been washed away from the side and became sharp and pure according to it. The Spirit Power that belonged to the Earth Spirit Master was indeed extraordinary, and it was countless times stronger than the s who absorbed it. Two hours later, the Spirit Power that was lacking in Niwan Palace was immediately replenished and the Spirit Power seemed to have been reborn anew.    


"Hahaha, this trip was not in vain! I actually reached the realm of half a step into Earth Spirit Master!" After withdrawing from the repair state, his eyes were as deep as the stars.    




Previously, when he came in, he was so jealous that he felt dizzy, so he didn't have the time to look around. Compared to the bottom, this floor isn't that big, it's about 100 square meters. However, what caught Mu Yi's attention were the figures painted on the ceiling.    


"This, this isn't that, an incomplete map?" Mu Yi was elated after looking at it for a while. He immediately took out the map fragment on his body and found that the lines on the map were actually the extension of the map in his hand.    


Mu Yi took out a piece of Eight Eyes Ant's shell from the Accommodate Ring and drew the map on the ceiling on the surface of the armor. Although Mu Yi got two pieces of the armor, he couldn't understand them completely because these two pieces were only the outer regions.    


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