Heaven Talisman

C166 Nine Revolutions for Life Continuing and Nine Revolutions for Soul Breaking

C166 Nine Revolutions for Life Continuing and Nine Revolutions for Soul Breaking

The size of the cave was not small, if not it would be difficult to accommodate the living quarters of Golden Horned Ancient Snake. The cave was tens of meters tall, and rocks were scattered everywhere, and white scales could be seen everywhere. Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu quickly walked towards the cave, and after a moment, they stood in front of the mountain wall at the end and muttered: "Are they not here?"    


"There doesn't seem to be anything?" Cang Baiyu, who was looking around, also frowned. There was no medicine here, so there was no reason for Golden Horned Ancient Snake to stay there and not let the two people from before into the cave.    


"Don't tell me there really aren't any?"    




Mu Yi frowned slightly as his gaze swept across the surroundings. His gaze then stopped at the corner of the mountain wall where the ground was located, the sunken area was covered with white scales and there were more skid marks around than any other place. Mu Yi walked over, squatted down and observed carefully, and found that this place seemed to be where the Golden Horned Ancient Snake was resting, and the sunken area seemed to be pressured by the latter's huge body.    


Mu Yi could not help but shake his head in disappointment. Just as he was about to stand up, his heart moved slightly as he gently pointed at the place that was filled with white scales. Immediately, a strong wind appeared and blew away the pile of white scales.    


Following the scattering of the fur, a layer of sand appeared below him. However, this sand was a little darker in color when compared to the sand in other places. It was as if it had been turned over.    


Mu Yi narrowed his eyes and slowly took a step back. He curled his hand and suddenly clenched it, a powerful suction force also surged out. Following the suction force, the scattered sand also shot out, and finally agglomerated into a basketball sized mud ball in Mu Yi's palm.    


Mu Yi threw away the condensed dirt ball and continued to absorb it. After a while, all the sand was absorbed and a dark underground cave appeared.    


Immediately, the two of them smilingly clapped their hands together. When he looked over, he saw that the passageway within the black hole was so wide that it exceeded his expectations. He immediately laughed and leaped into the tunnel.    


Because he was worried about the hidden dangers in the dark tunnel, Mu Yi was extremely cautious about the Spirit Power. He looked around everywhere, constantly scouting the surroundings, and whenever he noticed something wrong, the two of them would immediately leave.    


Although the tunnel was winding, Mu Yi could still feel that he was gradually sinking deeper into the ground. After walking in this quiet atmosphere for nearly ten minutes, Mu Yi suddenly discovered that at the end of the dark tunnel in the distance, a faint white light suddenly appeared. After walking in this quiet atmosphere for nearly ten minutes, Mu Yi suddenly discovered that at the end of the dark tunnel in the distance, a dim white light suddenly appeared at the end of the tunnel.    


Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, Mu Yi took a deep breath and stepped out.    


As his feet stepped out of the dark tunnel, Mu Yi and Mu Yi suddenly felt something light up in front of them. Mu Yi suddenly felt something light up as his feet stepped out of the dark tunnel.    


"I really didn't expect that there would be such a great world here." It was because of Mu Yi that they were able to find this place.    


"Hmm, there's something different. If I hadn't paid attention to that place earlier, I might have missed out on the True Spirit Treasure. Now, I feel that the fragrance is even stronger." Taking a deep breath, Mu Yi said.    


"Un, I smell it too. I believe the Spirit Treasure is nearby." Cang Baiyu said in all directions.    


At this time, what appeared in front of Mu Yi was a subterranean world that was filled with stalactites. As far as the eye could see, milky-white stalactites were continuously filling the horizon, and from within, a pale white light was emitted, expelling all the darkness here. stalactites were born everywhere, and some of them were even hung on the mountain top, some were over a hundred meters long.    


After some fumbling, Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu finally arrived at the innermost part of the cave. The stone pillars within the cave hung upside down, and behind the cave, four one-foot tall plants stood erect on the ground.    


These four plants were entirely golden, as if they were made of gold. At the top of the plants, there was a fruit that was bright red like fire, emitting waves of light and heat, just like a miniature sun.    


They didn't need much perception to feel that each one of them contained a fruit the size of a longan fruit. The fruit contained a vast and boundless energy.    


"Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit, haha."    


Seeing the four stalks of Elixir shining with golden light, the two of them secretly felt that this risk was worth it. Mu Yi was the first to lean over and reached out to grab the Elixir.    


"Hold on, Brother Mu!" When Mu Yi reached out his hand to grab a stalk of spirit medicine, Cang Baiyu, who was very excited a moment ago, let out a low growl. He immediately pressed his hand on Mu Yi's shoulder and pulled him back.    


"Mm. Bai Yu, what's wrong?" Mu Yi was also shocked by Cang Baiyu's low voice. When he was about to reach out his hand and touch the elixir, he pulled back his hand. However, a burst of doubt appeared in his heart.    


Brother Mu, I suddenly remembered something earlier, this Nine Revolving Life Continuing Fruit is a miraculous medicine, it can help a person on the verge of death to live again, it's just like its name, but very few people know that there is an error in this Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit, I also saw it in one of the family's ancient books, the place where the Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit grows is usually in the double digits, just like now, there are four of them, but in reality, there are only two of them that are true Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruits. Cang Baiyu took a deep breath and said while looking at the four Nine Revolving Pills that were emitting a faint golden light.    


"Ah, only two are the real Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruits, what are the remaining two then?" Mu Yi was also shocked. He stared at the four Spirit Treasure for a while but did not see anything different about the four.    


"The Nine Reincarnation Soul Fruit, as long as there is a Nine Reincarnation Soul Fruit, it will grow at a place where it's not that easy for anyone to find it, the effects of the Nine Reincarnation Soul is exactly the opposite. As long as one eats the juice of the Nine Reincarnation Soul, even experts of the Creation Stage will be killed by the poison, and the skin of normal Martial Cultivator would be contaminated with its poison, the consequences were unimaginable." Cang Baiyu explained.    


"Ah, I didn't think that there would be such a profound mystery behind this. How can we tell if it's real or fake?" Mu Yi read it over and over again, but he still couldn't see through it. He was secretly afraid that if he was just a little bit away from being poisoned to death by the poison, then wouldn't he die if he was hit by it?    


"Look carefully at the protruding lines below the first two fruits. Then, see what's the difference between the two fruits behind them and the previous ones." Cang Baiyu pointed at the elixirs in front of them and thought, "I was really lucky this time. If I didn't know, maybe they would have been poisoned to death by the impulse of the two of us."    


According to Cang Baiyu's instructions, Mu Yi looked at the two fruits in front of him once through, but he did not see anything, this time, Mu Yi looked at the fruits seriously, and saw that there was a faint dark light mixed in the gold lines, but the color of the dark light was not visible, if Cang Baiyu's Spirit was found, it would be very difficult to see, following that, Mu Yi looked at the two fruits in the back, the veins below the fruits were pure gold, and there was no black mixed in them, so it was obvious that the fruits behind the two fruits were not Nine Revolving Fruits, but Nine Revolving Fruits.    


"Bai Yu, come and take it." Bai Yu, take it. Wu Tie bypassed the two Nine Revolving Soul Fruits in front, uprooted the Nine Revolving Life Continuing Fruit at the back, and threw one of them to Cang Baiyu. Although the root and stem of the Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit weren't as valuable as the fruit, they could still be used as medicine and couldn't be wasted.    


"What about the other two plants?" Cang Baiyu did not stand on ceremony as he retracted the Nine Revolutions Transcendental Tower's two stalks. Although the value of the two stalks were also high, Cang Baiyu was satisfied with the one stalk of Nine Revolutions Transcendental Tower.    


"Although that Golden Horned Ancient Snake is powerful, those two people from the Creation Stage are not weak either. I think that it won't be long before we take down that Golden Horned Ancient Snake. As he spoke, Mu Yi took out a jade box and used his soul force to pull out one of the Nine Reincarnation Soul Fruit books and put it into the box. If he couldn't use his hand, he could only use his soul force, otherwise the poison wouldn't be worth it.    


"Ao, hong!"    


An angry roar was transmitted into the cave. At this moment, the falling rock in the stalactite cave continued to smash down, and a large amount of spring water surged out from the pool.    


"Not good, that Golden Horned Ancient Snake should have sensed that the Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit has been harvested. Quickly leave." This Golden Horned Ancient Snake was once again protecting the Nine Revolutions Life Continuing Fruit for a long time, and thus, there was a chance that there was some sort of connection between them. If he did not leave now, once the Golden Horned Ancient Snake came in, then the two trembling Innate experts would definitely chase after him, at that time, both he and Cang Baiyu would definitely die without a word. Thinking about this, Mu Yi's body suddenly shot out towards the tunnel that they came from.    


Hearing Mu Yi's voice, Cang Baiyu's expression also changed. His body immediately followed Mu Yi and shot out toward the outside. If they didn't leave now, if they waited for the Golden Horned Ancient Snake to come in, and with the two powerful Manifestation practitioners coming in together, the two of them would have no way out, like catching turtles in a jar.    


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