Heaven Talisman

C354 White Feathered Corpse Monster

C354 White Feathered Corpse Monster

The mist in the valley was dispersed by Mu Yi's gale, and the glaring sunlight shone into the valley. The Silver Armour Corpse Monster's silver armor looked very dazzling under the sunlight, and it shined with a silver light, if it wasn't for Mu Yi and the others knowing that it was a Silver Armour Corpse Monster, they would have thought it was some kind of precious metal.    


Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu looked at the Silver Armour Corpse Monster, but the Silver Armour Corpse Monster did not move at all. The two of them looked at each other in this manner, and previously, Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu could already tell that the Silver Armour Corpse Monster's strength was approximately in Half-step Void Stage, but Mu Yi and Cang Baiyu had concealed their strength when they entered the valley, so as to prevent the person behind the scenes from discovering them and not daring to reveal themselves.    


When they saw that he had not escaped, they must be very satisfied with his strength, at least stronger than the group he had killed in the early morning. In the eyes of the Silver Armour Corpse Monster, with the defensive power of his silver armor, it was not even a problem for him to deal with two Martial Cultivator s with Half-step Void Stage.    


"What are you doing here? Could he be with them? " Silver Armour Corpse Monster was the first to break the situation, opening her mouth to ask a few questions, at the same time she looked at the broken pieces of flesh on the ground and said.    


"I'm looking for you. Why are you here?" This is not a place where the Yin Qi is dense. " Cang Baiyu said coldly.    


"Hmph, if you want to know, then it's up to you if you're alive to listen. Tsk tsk ~ ~" Icy cold words came out of the Silver Armour Corpse Monster's mouth, and the tsk's weird laughter caused a wave of ear-piercing laughter.    


"Rumble ~"    


After the silver claw had pierced the ground, the surrounding ground began to shake more and more violently. Finally, the surface of the ground began to form a hole through the ground like paper, rolling out corpse Qi from within was accompanied by a series of low cries. The corpse Qi was released from the hole in the ground at the same time.    


"Come out and kill them!" Withdrawing his claws once again, the Silver Armour Corpse Monster spoke in a low voice. Right after she said that, the roars from the dozen or so holes became louder and louder, and pale big hands drilled out from the ground, and zombies after zombies slowly crawled out and appeared in front of the Silver Armour Corpse Monster. At its command, they waved their green sharp claws and pounced at Wu Tie and Cang Baiyu.    


"Hmph, Mu Yi, this time you'll let me practice. It just happens to be a test of my strength to break through the Half-step Void Stage." Cang Baiyu looked to be eager, like a ferocious tiger that hasn't tasted meat in a long time.    


"No problem, it's rare that you're interested, so just leave those zombies to me." Mu Yi laughed, although the Silver Armour Corpse Monster s had Half-step Void Stage as well as a set of silver armor's defensive capabilities, Mu Yi had greater confidence in Cang Baiyu.    




A sonic boom could be heard. Cang Baiyu, who was holding the spear with one hand, shot towards the Silver Armour Corpse Monster behind him like a bolt of lightning.    


"I'll play with you small fry." Looking at the ten over zombies flying over, Mu Yi smiled lightly, he wasn't as nervous as before the fight.    


The entire sky was filled with green corpse poison, and most of these over a dozen zombies were One Star of Creation. There were even a few that had Two Stars of Creation s inside, and their entire bodies were covered in green hair.    


Roar ~!    


Although these zombies fell from the sky, Mu Yi was able to naturally deduce that this was an array. Not long later, as the zombies continued to dance in the air, their speed was so fast that his body couldn't see them clearly. The only thing left in the air was a green ray of light and a two zhang wide array halo appeared out of thin air.    


"Hmph, your methods are useless against me."    


Looking at the giant halo of light enveloping him, Mu Yi's eyes focused, his right hand extended and counted the dark light s moving between his fingers. The instant the dark light appeared, a black halo of light suddenly rose from the center of his palm, and a suction force came out from it.    




The formation formed by over a dozen zombies collided fiercely with the black hole. The two forces collided with each other, but every time they collided, there would be several low roars that came out. The light array that was constantly releasing corpse Qi was constantly shrinking, amidst the crackling sounds, it was dissipating at a visible rate.    


Pop ~    


With a few breaths of time, the dozen or so zombies that accompanied the formation were completely absorbed by the black hole. The black hole slowly shrank again, finally turning into a black dot and disappearing into the air.    


Patting his hands and smiling slightly, Mu Yi turned around and looked at Cang Baiyu and Silver Armour Corpse Monster who were fighting in the sky far away. It seemed that both of them had already entered the true stage.    


At this moment, the Silver Armour Corpse Monster's silver armor was filled with blood stains, especially on the left arm. A striking wound appeared, and it was obvious that it was injured by Cang Baiyu's spear.    


At this time, the silver-armored corpse ghost was also secretly alarmed. Although this young man's cultivation was on the same level as it was, his striking power was far greater. He was actually able to break through the silver armor that it was so proud of.    


With a loud rumbling sound, strong gales arose from all directions, the sea of clouds stirred up. Under the strong gales, the corpse aura surged out from the Silver Armour Corpse Monster and formed a huge hand that covered the sky, grabbing towards Cang Baiyu and his brother!    


With a thought, a quarter of the vast elemental lake within the Pubic Region was sucked dry and the Spear of Ancient God s were channeled into his hands.    


With a weng sound, the Spear of Ancient God released a wave of excited trembling, and a 30 meter thick, 300 meter long earth-shattering spear image fiercely pierced towards the huge palm!    


"What?" How is that possible? " The voice let out a scream, its voice filled with disbelief.    




In the next moment, the earth-shattering spear shadow ruthlessly pierced a transparent hole through the giant palm. Cang Baiyu's face flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and then he ruthlessly stirred up the huge cloud with a loud rumble. That big hand was actually shattered into pieces by the earth-shattering spear shadow!    




A furious scream resounded through the sky. The gigantic palm was pierced by Cang Baiyu's spear, and the Silver Armour Corpse Monster seemed to have suffered heavy injuries.    


"Kid!" "You dare?" A shout resounded through the sky, causing the air to distort. At the same time, the thin Silver Armour Corpse Monster's body emitted rays of silver light, and at the same time, continuously gathered together, transforming into a gigantic silver face. Two blood-red fangs shot out from her mouth, emitting a bright red light, which was extremely terrifying.    


"Humph, you finally can't resist anymore!" Cang Baiyu did not say anything else. Knowing that time was of the essence, he locked his spear onto the Silver Armour Corpse Monster.    


Cang Baiyu stepped forward and his body flashed. His entire body went to the left side of the Silver Armour Corpse Monster and he ruthlessly threw out an Batian's Spear.    


"Bastard!" The Silver Armour Corpse Monster cursed angrily. It had clearly locked down the opponent with its spiritual force, but the enemy's shot still hit it without warning. The dharma body got another big hole pierced by Cang Baiyu.    


"AHH!" A. "A Howl of pain filled the sky.    


"Ah-boy, I'm going to waste you to train you into a corpse slave!" The Silver Armour Corpse Monster that was injured let out a scream, and in the next moment, it started chanting. Hong! The entire gigantic face started to emit blazing silver flames, and a burst of shocking Qi spread out, causing the gigantic face within the flames to distort and shrink, and a devilish figure that exuded a bloody Qi started to slowly form from the flames. This figure was ten meters tall, and both of his hands were wielding a black curved blade.    


"Are you finally willing to reveal your real body?" Cang Baiyu smiled coldly, the light in his eyes became even colder, his index finger extended, and a drop of bright red blood seeped into his finger, condensing the blood essence without dispersing it. Cang Baiyu stretched out his hands, and pulled out the blood essence, turning it into a thin line of blood, and quickly formed a series of hand seals with his hands. Suddenly, a strange blood-red symbol appeared in the air.    


When the Silver Armour Corpse Monster saw the abnormality caused by Cang Baiyu's blood symbol, it cursed in its heart. Immediately, it ran towards Cang Baiyu with both blades in its hands and stably dragged on the Silver Armour Corpse Monster.    


The pace of this Silver Armour Corpse Monster was very strange, with every step it took, its aura would increase, and the space would emit a buzzing sound. When it was only about 500 feet away from Cang Baiyu, the Silver Armour Corpse Monster's aura had already accumulated to its peak.    


With a hum, the entire space trembled as if it could not withstand the trampling of gravity. He flew up, raised both his blades high above his head, and slashed them towards Cang Baiyu with a dazzling cross-shaped blade light that was three thousand meters long.    


Wherever the blade flashed past, spatial rifts constantly formed, annihilating, and destroying dangerous auras that firmly locked onto Cang Baiyu.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


With a loud noise, a visible ripple instantly spread out from where the Silver Armour Corpse Monster stepped. The thick clouds were all blown away by the shockwave and all the clouds within a thousand feet were swept away.    


Wherever the blade light passed, space trembled and warped. A terrifying aura of destruction engulfed Cang Baiyu's entire body. The evil spirit's eyes flashed, it grinned and said: "Go to hell!"    


"It's not that easy!" Two cold voices came out of Cang Baiyu's mouth. The next moment, Cang Baiyu raised his head and looked at the cross blade in the air. The blood symbol in front of him glowed with red light and turned into red dots of light that blended into the Spear of Ancient God.    




The Spear of Ancient God s fused with the red dots of light and the trembling light body unexpectedly released a berserk dragon's roar, releasing an ancient and fierce Qi from the spear, the spear's body was glowing with runes one after another, the spear body twisted, and the scales on the spear body instantly started to erect, releasing a "hualala" sound, as though this was not a spear, but a blood dragon that had been awakened from its slumber.    


Rumble …    


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