Sword Conquers Heaven

C279 This Was the First Time They Had Teamed up

C279 This Was the First Time They Had Teamed up





Waves of tiger roars and ape cries came from the depths of the forest. Qin Feng and the other eight people spread out and chose eight different directions to enter the depths of the forest.    


They were only slightly stronger than ordinary people. Even swordsmen could not compare with them. It was impossible for them to kill wild beasts.    


Qin Feng was careful along the way. He did not dare to be careless at all. He faced fierce wild beasts. One. If he wasn't careful, he would be sacrificed as a tooth. The only thing he could rely on now was his rich battle experience and understanding of wild beasts. It was unrealistic to fight them.    




A wolf's howl was heard. A strong wild wolf pounced out of the forest and stared at Qin Feng. Its eyes were emitting a dense green light, and there was a saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth.    


Qin Feng frowned. Wolves were extremely fierce beasts, and they were very difficult to deal with. He did not expect to encounter such a troublesome opponent from the very beginning.    


He had no choice. With his current speed, there was no way he could escape from his opponent. He could only fight his opponent.    


The wild wolf howled and suddenly pounced over. Its claws were extremely sharp, and its wolf teeth were even emitting a cold light, as if it could tear everything apart.    


Qin Feng didn't retreat. Instead, he advanced and raised his sword to meet the attack.    




The Xuemei Sword and the wolf claw collided with each other, causing a sharp sound to ring out. Qin Feng's eyes were cold as he suddenly turned his body. He waved the Longsword and used the Nine Revolutions Heaven Chop to attack the opponent's waist.    




A terrifying force hit the wolf's waist, causing it to let out a miserable scream. Fresh blood dripped down, but it did not take its life. At this moment, Qin Feng was under extreme restraint, and he couldn't fully exert his strength. He didn't fear the power of the sword strike at all. This was also because he had hit the vital part of the wild wolf. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would only be able to leave a small mark on its fur.    


"Damn it!"    


After failing to hit the wolf, Qin Feng immediately retreated and ran away without looking back.    


Reality proved that his choice was absolutely correct. Not long after he left, another group of wolves appeared. That wild wolf only came to scout ahead first, but did not expect to be seriously injured. He almost lost his life. This aroused the anger of the wolves. They all howled and chased after Qin Feng according to the smell.    


Qin Feng's expression changed when he heard the howls coming from behind him. If it was any other time, what was there to be afraid of a pack of wild wolves? They would be killed with a flip of their hands. But now that they were wearing heavy clothes, they could not use their hands and feet at all. Facing a wild wolf was extremely dangerous. If they were to face a pack of wild wolves... He would die without a doubt.    


Qin Feng ran wildly along the way, but his speed was obviously not comparable to his opponent's.    




A terrifying howl was heard. Immediately, more than ten wild wolves appeared in front of Qin Feng and blocked his path. More than ten wolves also appeared behind him, blocking his path of retreat.    


Qin Feng remained silent, but he could not help but frown. He tightly gripped his Xuemei Sword and vigilantly watched the dozens of wild wolves in front of him.    




Following the long howl of the wolves, the pack of wolves suddenly moved. They attacked from the front and back, and all of them pounced towards Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng was not afraid. He raised his sword to meet the attack.    


At this moment, blood suddenly flashed from the tail of the pack of wolves in front of him, followed by a series of miserable screams.    


Qin Feng looked over and was delighted in his heart. It was Ike who had come to rescue him. Seeing this scene, he became even more fearless. He charged forward, wanting to meet up with Ike.    


Ike had long heard the howls coming from this side, and was hiding in the shadows. He observed everything, and only now did he make a decisive move. In an instant, he had killed two wild wolves. He seemed to have gradually gotten used to the weight on his body. He could use sword moves. Kan It was a competition between swordsmen.    


The two of them kept swinging their swords and finally gathered together. Without saying anything, they immediately retreated. After all, there were quite a lot of wolves. If they kept fighting, even if they were lucky, they would still be seriously injured.    


Ike grabbed Qin Feng and used his fastest speed. He kept running away. Although the group of wild wolves had been killed a few times, it stimulated their courage and chased after them.    


Qin Feng and Qin Feng kept running, but their speed was still not as fast as the wild wolves. They were about to be caught, but at that moment, a sword light flashed. The leading wild wolf let out a miserable cry and was cut in half at the waist.    


Not long after, another wolf howled and another wolf was killed.    




Qin Feng and Ike noticed this. They turned around to look and surprisingly found a figure hiding on a tree trunk. As they kept attacking, they would attack from time to time. This person was Lia Tian.    


"He is very powerful. He can show the power of a senior swordsmaster. He is not simple." He is very powerful, Qin Feng said to himself.    


"Hehe, Qin Feng, Ike, how about the three of us join hands for the time being?" Lia Tian noticed that Qin Feng and the others had discovered him and grinned. He looked extremely honest and honest as he spoke to the two of them.    


"Alright, let's work together for now!" Qin Feng and the other man thought for a while and agreed.    


Qin Feng and Ike turned around and rushed back. Lia Tian also fell from the sky and swung his sword at the wolves.    


A fight broke out. Qin Feng and the other two joined hands to fight a group of wild wolves.    


During this period of time, Qin Feng had gradually gotten used to the clothes he was wearing. He also gradually showed the Cultivation Level of a swordsman. He also used the second transformation of the Nine Revolutions Heaven Chop, killing or seriously injuring a few wolves.    


Ike was very strong. Qin Feng had never underestimated him. Now, he was even stronger than Qin Feng. He had adapted to the heavy weight on his body earlier than Qin Feng. He was comparable to an intermediate swordsman. With the Sword Skill, he could kill a lot of wolves.    


The most ferocious one was Lia Tian. He looked honest and honest, but he had become bloody and violent the moment the battle started. He showed his powerful strength with one sword attack after another. It was frightening.    


"Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!"    


Blood arrows shot out one after another, and wild wolves fell one after another. Qin Feng and the other two started fighting on their own at the beginning, and then they cooperated with each other in pairs. Finally, the three of them formed a triangular battle formation and fought against the wolf pack.    


The three of them kept getting used to the clothes they were wearing, getting used to the battle where their strength was suppressed, and also getting used to working together. In the end, when the three of them worked together, they actually displayed the power of a Sword Lord.    




Sword shadows flew everywhere, and sword lights shot out in all directions. Dozens of wild wolves lowered their heads and howled in pain.    


After a long time, the ground was covered with flesh and blood, and the ground was littered with wolf corpses. Qin Feng and the other two men's clothes were stained with blood, and they were all gasping for breath. It was obvious that this battle had exhausted their stamina, but the result was still shocking. They had actually killed more than thirty wild wolves. They had almost completed the mission that Devil Flying Sword Emperor had requested. There was still some time before dusk.    


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