I'm Cultivation Master

C930 The Great Elder's Clone

C930 The Great Elder's Clone

At this moment, two divine artifacts suddenly flew out of nowhere from the two sides of the Mortal Dimension. A pitch-black gourd and a blood-red flag actually charged straight towards the Heavenly Dao Avatar.    


This explosive scene instantly ignited the fighting spirit of all the Cultivators of the Six Paths of the Three Realms, whether they were Immortal Cultivators, Cultivators, or Great Demons.    


Lee Yixuan's eyes lit up. He recognized the black gourd. It was the divine artifact of the Human King Zhan Xingye, but it was the first time that the blood-red flag had appeared. He didn't know whose divine artifact it was, but no matter what, this mysterious man was a heaven defying person, and could be considered his comrade.    


Boom! A loud explosion resounded through the vast universe. The Heavenly Dao incarnation was severely injured.    


Zhan Xingye's bold voice resounded from the Six Paths of the Three Realms.    


"The Heavenly Dao should be executed and annihilated!"    


The black gourd and the blood-red flag erupted with supreme power, instantly crushing the Heavenly Dao incarnation.    


Such a destructive power left countless people dumbstruck.    


In their hearts, the sky was the strongest in the world, yet it was destroyed by human cultivators!    


Could all living beings really destroy the sky? In an instant, countless people had the same thought.    


On the moon, when Second Ancestor saw the blood-red flag, he let out a furious roar and actually attacked it.    


However, the blood-red flag didn't care at all. It was like a living person. The moment the Second Ancestor approached, it disappeared from where it was.    


Zhan Xingye's bold laughter came from high up in the sky, but it also disappeared. Only the Li family's second ancestor's indignant roar was left. He had actually been fooled.    


He had chased after the Evil God Li Si for hundreds of thousands of years, but had never been able to find him. This time, it should be said that it was the closest, but Li Si did not intend to fight him at all.    


After that, the destroyed space was gradually restored, and everything returned to normal. Lee Yixuan also returned to his original state and returned to the cave abode of the Great Elder of the Dragon Field.    


He had been waiting for the arrival of the heart demon, but this guy didn't show up at all.    


He probably knew that he wasn't a match for Lee Yixuan, and he also guessed that Lee Yixuan was probably waiting for him to walk into a trap.    


The last battle had caused great losses to Outer Dao inner demons. If he hadn't used a substitute technique, he might have already been killed.    


Therefore, before he had absolute confidence, the Outer Dao inner demon no longer dared to appear in front of Lee Yixuan.    


Returning to the Great Elder's immortal cave, everyone present looked at each other in dismay. None of them knew what to say.    


Because Lee Yixuan's strength was too strong, they felt the gap between them. Looking at their eyes, it also made Lee Yixuan feel cold for the first time.    


"Why are you all looking at me like that?"    


Lee Yixuan shook his head with a bitter smile.    


The middle-aged man swallowed his saliva and knelt on the ground. "Mr. Li, please accept me as your disciple."    


Lee Yixuan was stunned. He said, "Since you are the Great Elder's disciple, it is not appropriate for you to acknowledge me as your master!"    


The middle-aged man could only smile in disappointment. He knew it was so. In fact, he was impulsive.    


The current Lee Yixuan definitely had the strength of a Forbidden Fiendgod. Looking at the battle with the Dragon King just now, he did not use his full strength at all. In the end, even though he had turned into a Spirit God Body, he did not use his strongest strength.    


The Great Elder smiled helplessly and said, "Even this old man didn't expect that you, brat, would have this kind of heaven defying strength right now! Looks like Ao Fang letting you cultivate the Ancestral Dragon God's reincarnation to revive strength is the right choice!"    


"Enough! Everyone, don't put on a high hat for me! I admit that the power of space and time between the Eight-armed Spirit God is indeed strong, but I'm not completely able to control this power right now!"    


Lee Yixuan was very modest. He did not act arrogantly because he had the power. Perhaps this was the attitude of a top god.    


At this moment, Ao Wuming, who had been silent the whole time, curled his lips and said, "Great Elder, wait for me to merge with the Ancestral Dragon God's strength. Will my strength be stronger than this fellow's? "    


The Great Elder smiled bitterly and said, "I can't answer that either. Mr. Li has yet to completely control the power of space, and he already has the qualifications to annihilate the heavens. Once he completely controls the power of space, there is an eighty percent chance that he will surpass the eight-armed Spiritual God from a million years ago!"    


Ao Wuming looked at Lee Yixuan unhappily and said, "I must surpass you and defeat you to avenge my big brother!"    


The Great Elder was somewhat surprised and said, "Take revenge for your big brother? Do you still have a grudge with Mr. Li?"    


"Humph!" Ao Wuming turned his head proudly but did not say a word.    


Lee Yixuan sighed and said, "Don't mention it! I'm really more wronged than Dou'e!"    


Afterwards, he recounted everything that happened in the Dragon Court.    


"Haha!!" The Great Elder raised his head and laughed, saying, "This is just a small misunderstanding. Nameless, you don't need to worry too much. For people like us, life and death is not the starting point or the end, but a reincarnation. Even though your big brother's soul is scattered, it is not like he doesn't have a chance to revive!"    


Ao Wuming's eyes lit up and he said, "Is Great Elder's words true?"    


"Of course it's true. According to what I know, the Reincarnation Gate has already been repaired by the Human King. As long as we destroy the Evil Heavenly Dao, we'll be able to obtain the soul force absorbed by the Evil Heavenly Dao. At that time, reviving your big brother will be a matter of thought!"    


The Great Elder was indeed knowledgeable and knowledgeable. He managed to coax Ao Wuming with just a few words.    


"Therefore, you must work hard to cultivate with Mr. Li in the future. Don't think about taking revenge. Compared to the Heavenly Axiom, the hatred between us living beings is nothing. " You have thought that one day, when the Heavenly Axiom is going to destroy the world, No matter if it's your family or friends, Even when your enemies are gone, you'll let go of all your prejudices. You will also experience true sorrow! "    


The Great Elder's eyes revealed a trace of reminiscence, as if he had seen the scene of a million years of destruction. At that time, he was helpless and down, the world was vast, but he had no home. He wanted to talk to his family, tell his loved ones about his worries, and even want to fight a great battle with his enemies. However, there was nothing left, only a world of darkness, eternal darkness.    


Ao Wuming seemed to have sensed the Great Elder's grief, and said in a deep voice: "I understand! No matter what, I will definitely go all out!"    


"Good boy, although I don't understand your character, since it's a candidate that Ao Fang values highly, then it's absolutely right!"    


Great Elder said with a light laugh.    


"Wait a moment!"    


At this moment, Lee Yixuan suddenly spoke, instantly attracting everyone's attention. There was no helping it. Lee Yixuan was the absolute core right now, and no one would ignore his existence.    


"What's wrong? Mr. Li has something to say?"    


"Hmph, of course! I remember now! The Dragon Domain hasn't established a connection with the human realm yet, how did you communicate with Ao Fang? En? "    


Lee Yixuan's eyes were bright as he stared at the Great Elder with a mocking expression.    


It was only later that everyone realized what was going on and looked at him in disbelief.    


The Great Elder shook his head helplessly and said, "You really are sharp. You actually saw through it! Forget it, then I'll be telling you the truth! Ao Fang and I are actually a person. He's a clone I left behind in the human realm back then!"    


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