Dragon Sovereign

C212 Qiu Qinghan's Strength

C212 Qiu Qinghan's Strength

Now, after Qiu Qingyan had admitted his failure once, the situation had changed again. This was because it could be said that the one who had not lost a single time was Zhang Fan.    


After a break in the midfield, it was time for the final draw. This time, it was Zhang Fan and Nie Zhong's turn.    


A look of helplessness appeared on Nie Ying's face. After he got on the stage, he chose to admit defeat and left immediately.    


After all, this was the last battle. With the cycle of the battle and the break in the middle, it was almost night time for the audience, and with Nie Yan directly admitting defeat, the final battle ended without anyone noticing. Thus, many people had no choice but to feel a sense of helplessness.    


Fortunately, this was not the last match of the overall competition. If this was the last match of the competition, then it would truly be fun.    


The next day, Zhang Fan and Yue Yi still arrived here very early. At this time, there were still a lot of people there. The three people's fight could be considered to be the most intense right now.    


The three players had refreshed the battle in front of them, which was a brand-new start.    


Soon, the referee team arrived, and the first match happened to be between Zhang Fan and Yue Yi. However, it was no longer a problem, since the current situation was such that no matter what, the top three would not be able to escape.    


The two of them went up onto the stage and fought symbolically. However, it was only a symbolic fight, yet Yue Yi admitted defeat. This was a disappointment to everyone. What were they doing? Were they not going to fight intensely on the last day?    


During the break, it was once again Yue Yi and Qiu Qingyan's turn.    


There was some interest in this battle. At least, Yue Yi seemed to have used her full strength. However, her opponent was too strong, and she was still eliminated. In other words, she was ranked third.    


Then, the final battle would become a battle between the first and second place winners.    


After the break, it was soon Zhang Fan's and Qiu Qingyan's turn. This could be considered the last battle. If they were not a bit more passionate, then there would really be nothing to look forward to.    


Everyone hoped that they wouldn't disappoint them, because the two of them could be considered as the ones they were looking forward to the most … …    


After the two of them arrived on the platform, their gazes landed on each other.    


"Let's begin." The referee was very calm, because the referee understood that not a single person was weak to be able to reach this stage. Otherwise, they would all be able to pass the class competition and advance to the next round.    


As the referee's voice faded, the two of them did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, they stared at each other. After a long while, Qiu Qingyan said calmly, "The new King hopes you will not disappoint me."    


"Grade two Martial King? I hope you can take a look," Zhang Fan also replied.    


Although it was only two simple sentences, it caused everyone to be taken aback. Then, happiness was revealed on their faces because they could hear the strong fighting intent within them.    


"Then let's begin," Qiu Qingyan said indifferently. Immediately, a blinding white light began to rise from her body, and as she did so, a long spear appeared in her right hand. With a low growl, her body instantly swept towards Zhang Fan, and as the overwhelming energy swept towards Zhang Fan, the sword also instantly fell into Zhang Fan's hands.    




Accompanied by the sound of a trembling sword, the Heavenly Spring Sword was instantly unsheathed. A cold, sharp glint was instantly revealed, and Zhang Fan's body also rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.    


The sword intent surged. It was not the slightest bit of energy, yet it caused the explosive attack launched by the man to instantly dissipate. At this moment, many people had expressions of shock on their faces. What kind of cultivation technique was this?    


"Silver Moon Ghost Spear!"    


Qiu Qingyan shouted and a beautiful arc appeared. That sharp light instantly trapped Zhang Fan. Immediately, his right hand moved again and a crazy amount of energy instantly gathered. Dozens of spears shot out.    


A suppressive energy whistled through the air. The energy within his body instantly fluctuated, reversing his Soul Transformation technique. In an instant, Zhang Fan's aura also started to surge.    




The moment the sword shadow appeared, the two powers instantly clashed, accompanied by an ear-piercing explosion. Both of them retreated backward at the same time. It could be said that their attacks did not have any effect on each other.    


Not even a second later, two afterimages appeared once again. With the sound of weapons clashing against each other, their bodies came into contact once more. One of them wielded a sword, while the other held a spear.    


An illusory sword shadow erupted forth with a long spear, causing energy ripples to spread out in all directions. It was extremely gorgeous.    


"Hundred Refinement Holy Spear!"    


"God Slaughtering Sword!"    


Two low growls could be heard at the same time before the energy began to gather once more. The two powerful energies began to coalesce once more.    


"Swish!" Another ear-piercing sound pierced the air. As they withdrew their weapons, their left hands clashed once again. At this moment, Zhang Fan's body was visibly trembling, but it seemed as if he wasn't hurt at all.    


It was not enough for Zhang Fan to understand that a second rank Martial King would definitely be able to suppress him.    


In a close combat, Zhang Fan did not have any fear. The opponent's energy was indeed much stronger than his own, but with the help of his experience and the newly comprehended Heaven and Earth Sword Intent, he was able to bring this all back to the present situation.    


Qiu Qingyan's eyes were filled with surprise. Perhaps it was only after they had truly met that he understood Zhang Fan's strength …    


"Violet Electricity Divine Spear!"    


After the two of them had been in a stalemate for a while, Qiu Qingzhi suddenly shouted out loudly. The purple light instantly filled the air, and at a close distance, Zhang Fan could hear the crackling sounds of the long spear.    


"God of Slaughter!" Zhang Fan also instantly launched an attack, and it was even faster than Qiu Qingyan. At such a close distance, the attack that was filled with terrifying sword intent almost instantly landed in front of Qiu Qingyan.    


Qiu Qingyan's expression was very calm. He let out a cold shout and the lance left his hand, exploding with a spinning force.    


The attacks of the two could be said to each have its own merits. Qiu Qingzhi's energy was extremely tyrannical, especially the rotating force, which contained the intent of lightning, and caused the air in the surroundings to tremble.    


Zhang Fan's attack contained sword intent. The special effect was to slash at one's own energy, causing the sword intent to weaken tremendously.    


The two energies collided. Dazzling rays of light and ear-piercing sounds of grinding instantly became one.    


"Eight Desolations Technique!" Zhang Fan retreated, the sword in his hands instantly vanishing. His hands instantly formed a few seals in front of him, and the white figure disappeared. His body passed through in a daze, two strands of energy that had yet to dissipate.    


At this moment, everyone could clearly see that Zhang Fan's hair was floating up high. It was all caused by lightning, and his face was trembling slightly as he frowned. This proved that Zhang Fan was also enduring his numbness.    


One of the reasons why Zhang Fan dared to act so boldly was because he had used the Reverse Soul Transformation to absorb the lightning. His physique should have a certain level of immunity to lightning, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to act in such a manner.    


There were two reasons why he chose to use the Eight Desolations Technique at this moment. The first was that he did not take back his spear. Secondly, he had the ability to control the Eight Desolations Art that he had not used for a long time. The third was the tyrannical power of the Eight Desolations Art. That frightening pressure would definitely be able to catch Qiu Qingyan off guard.    


A violent energy began to condense in an instant. When a symbol with complex patterns appeared, it viciously shot toward the man. The ear-piercing whistling sound caused quite a few people to reveal expressions of shock.    


'These skills should be at least on the Earth Tier, right? '    


Qiu Qingyan stared blankly. He clearly did not expect Zhang Fan to act like this. He hastily opened his right hand and a white shadow appeared. It was a White Tiger. On the White Tiger's forehead, there were three purple lines which looked extremely tyrannical.    


As soon as the white tiger appeared, an extremely tyrannical power began to spread out in all directions. Moreover, it was accompanied by the sound of a tiger's roar, which was extremely ear-piercing.    


No matter what, the result of this attack was Zhang Fan's martial spirit had been displayed by Qiu Qingyan, who was much stronger than him. Zhang Fan had not displayed his martial spirit up till now.    


As the White Tiger appeared, Qiu Qingyan's eyes turned white. He let out a low growl, like a tiger's roar.    


"Sky Tyrant Tiger!"    


At this moment, Qiu Qingyan let out a low roar and an ear-piercing roar appeared once more. Following that, a white tiger instantly leapt up and charged forward without the slightest fear.    




The terrifying energy instantly shook, and a wave of extremely powerful energy instantly exploded. It swept out in all directions like a tornado, and only after a long time did it finally dissipate.    


At this moment, Zhang Fan had retreated far away, an irregular amount of energy flowing through his body. The energy in Qiu Qingyan's body seemed to be in a sorry state. However, there was no change in his resolute expression.    


This time, the energy continued for a long time before slowly disappearing. As it disappeared, Zhang Fan's body charged forward once again, and the violent energy condensed once more.    


Only after he had truly broken through to the general grade did he understand that the gap between a general grade and a Martial Grand Master was not as simple as one plus one equals two. Otherwise, Zhang Fan would not dare to waste so much energy.    


Ever since he had entered the academy, he had been cultivating in seclusion. After hearing about Feng Ling, he had initially been looking down on him, but after a while, he had started to admire Zhang Fan, and now that he had truly come into contact with him, he realized that he had underestimated Zhang Fan, and his ability to deal with him was definitely stronger than what he had imagined.    


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