Dragon Sovereign

C776 White Face?

C776 White Face?

"Bang!" Zhang Fan raised his head along with the loud sound. At this moment, he saw that the man was sent flying backwards by the surging energy.    


Even though he was unwilling to admit it, he knew that the woman was indeed very strong, at least much stronger than he had imagined. At this time, he had not estimated the strength of the woman, and right now, she was at least at the Divine Profound Realm.    


"That's all a man can do? That's all he can do!" The girl spoke coldly again. She swept her gaze around and said, "What if both of them attack at the same time?"    


"Let's go!" The girl had ignited the anger of the man. Two men walked up to her, but it was too much for two men to fight against a woman. If they lost, they would lose all their face.    


The girl's cold gaze swept over the two of them. She then nodded her head and said, "Two people is enough. Do you want to add one more?"    


This arrogant appearance of hers made everyone unhappy. Zhang Fan was also stunned. This woman was indeed very arrogant, but she also had the right to be so arrogant. This made everyone speechless. At the same time, she had also blocked the mouths of many people.    


In the end, he shrugged and didn't say anything, but at this moment, he started to read with interest.    


"You stinking woman, you have some power. We two are enough!" One of the men gritted his teeth and ran after her.    


However, in less than ten minutes, the two of them had been completely defeated. One of them had been sent flying while the other had been heavily injured. Zhang Fan also remembered that the seriously injured man seemed to be referring to that stinky woman.    


"Who's there?" The woman spoke up again, her gaze sweeping across the crowd. Finally, she stopped when she passed by Zhang Fan, because the impression this man gave her was different. He had a smile on his face, extremely calm, without the slightest hint of anger.    


Immediately, his eyes were glued onto Zhang Fan as he said, "Pretty boy, do you dare to come up and fight me?"    


"Eh …" Zhang Fan's expression turned stunned. Was the adonis calling him? While he was still in a daze, he noticed the girl was looking at him with an arrogant expression. Moreover, he saw the girl's slight disgust.    


Was he disgusted with her? But had he messed with this woman? For some unknown reason, he was disgusted. That was nothing. He wouldn't mind it, but that adonis made him feel uncomfortable no matter how he thought about it.    


"Why would I not dare?" The woman's voice sounded once again, with a hint of disdain in it.    


Zhang Fan was once again stunned. His eyes revealed a strange light. Was this woman sick? Why did she have nothing better to do? Why did she provoke him? She just shrugged helplessly. She said, "Sorry, I'm not interested."    


The woman snorted coldly as she said, "I can see that you don't dare to say that. That pretty boy is indeed a pretty boy, but he didn't even glance at Zhang Fan. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed a handsome man. At the very least, he had purple hair and purple eyes.    


"There's nothing that I don't dare to do, I'm just not interested!" Zhang Fan shook his head again. He didn't want to waste any more time, so he immediately grabbed Chenruo and Nuwa and sped forward. However, a figure flashed past them, blocking their path.    


Looking at the woman in front of him, Zhang Fan furrowed his brows again. She was not bad looking, but her arrogant attitude did make people uncomfortable. He shrugged and asked, "May I ask what you need?"    


"I don't mean anything. I just don't like you," the woman said directly, and as she spoke, she couldn't help but cast a glance at Nuwa and Chenmian, who were standing beside Zhang Fan. A look of surprise appeared on her face, but then she said coldly, "Do you think I know how to seduce women? I'm telling you, we women aren't so easily bullied."    


"You're sick. Who said you were bullying me? When have I ever said you were?" Zhang Fan said helplessly. That's right, he was truly speechless towards this woman.    


"You … You said … Who's sick?" The woman frowned and said angrily.    


"I said you're sick," Zhang Fan said directly. He had never seen this kind of person before, not really. He hadn't provoked this woman, but now he just had to find trouble with her. If it wasn't sick, then it was something else.    


"You're the one who's sick, your whole family is sick!" The woman was so angry that she was trembling. The energy in her body was fluctuating irregularly, giving off the feeling that she could explode at any moment.    


"Okay, you want to fight? Then I'll fight with you!" Zhang Fan said with a bit of displeasure. He immediately handed Chen Jianrui over to Nuwa, but his body was still floating in the middle of the flow of his soul.    


The woman looked at Zhang Fan and let out a cold laugh. The energy within her body started to stir crazily, and she also started to rush towards Zhang Fan. At this moment, she once again attracted everyone's attention.    


Zhang Fan looked at the woman rushing up to him, once again shrugging his shoulders, "You're confident you can do this when you don't understand your opponent?" With that, an afterimage appeared, and when the figure disappeared, a golden light floated out, and a sword was placed on the woman's neck. He had not done this for a long time, but this was the first time he felt so good.    


"I'm sorry, you lost," Zhang Fan said, shrugging his shoulders.    


The girl's expression was one of astonishment. She looked at the sword, but felt a chill. Her heart couldn't help but tremble, and she couldn't help but have a look of disbelief on her face.    


The surrounding people were also stunned, but at this moment, cheers rang out one after the other. Zhang Fan defeated the girl in one move? This was definitely giving all the men face, but immediately, they cheered in excitement.    


As the woman listened to the cheers from all around, her face turned from red to green, and finally from green to white. Embarrassment and anger were written all over her face, and she bit her lips.    


Zhang Fan had already expected the woman to say this, so he didn't say much. He nodded his head and said, "Alright, let's start again." As he spoke, he retreated.    


The woman was stunned. She didn't think that Zhang Fan would agree in such a free and easy manner. Was it because he was confident in his own strength or because he disdained her?!    


He understood in his heart that even though it was just a simple move, it required an extremely important control. Otherwise, it would have been absolutely impossible for him to do what he had just done.    


Knowing that Zhang Fan was not a simple person, the woman became completely alert. When the energy in her body flowed again, she spread out her right hand. A frightening energy condensed at this moment. A huge palm print appeared, and it directly struck towards Zhang Fan's body.    


The area of the cover was extremely shocking, as if it was afraid that Zhang Fan would dodge it.    


At this moment, Zhang Fan's eyes revealed a great deal of astonishment. This was because the strength of a woman was truly not to be underestimated. She was extremely powerful, and was truly a very powerful woman.    


In the past, she had always trained diligently and had increased her strength. However, because of the lack of experience, her strength had been reduced, and she had been completely pulled down from her original position.    


"Don't tell me that this kid was scared silly?" At this moment, many people couldn't help but remember. Zhang Fan was currently floating in the air in a daze, not saying a word.    


However, when the palm completely enveloped Zhang Fan, he finally took action. His white figure shone with a golden light, and a huge imprint of energy surged out from it.    


"Bang!" As the two forces made contact, the immense power gushed out in all directions. At this time, many people were astonished once again. They never expected Zhang Fan's strength to be so terrifying as well.    


At this moment, the onlookers had retreated because the energy wave was too wide of a range. The light from the collision was dazzling, and at the same time, a white figure rushed out at high speed. The resplendent golden light was still dazzling, and numerous afterimages appeared.    


The woman was surprised for a moment. Then, a hint of disdain appeared on her face, "It's just a small measurement". She didn't want to guess who was the real one.    


"Is that so?" Just as the woman finished her sentence and was preparing to fight, a cold voice came from behind her.    


After these two simple words fell, a cold, oily sword was placed on her neck without the slightest pause. That cold aura brushed against her face, and that sharp aura caused her body to stiffen once again. She could feel that this sword was fast.    


"Sorry, you still lost!" A cold voice rang out.    


After the woman heard this, she bit her lips and her face changed again.    


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