Dragon Sovereign

C224 His Clothes Were Torn

C224 His Clothes Were Torn

Carrying the little magical beast, Zhang Fan headed straight for the alchemy lab where Yang Xiaoxuan was.    


After entering, he saw a well-proportioned, extremely good-looking woman waiting for him. After he entered, her moving eyes landed on him as she said with undulations in her eyes, "You're here!"    


"Hm." Zhang Fan nodded with a smile. "Are we still going to refine Tier 3 pills this time?"    


"No." Yang Sixuan shook her head lightly and then said, "I can now control ordinary grade three pills. Therefore, I want to try out one of the more difficult grade three pills, the Heaven Soul Blood Bone Pill."    


"It's very difficult." Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Although he wasn't very familiar with alchemy, he had worked with Yang Sixuan many times in the past half month. Naturally, he knew that alchemy was an extremely troublesome matter and the success rate was not high.    


Yang Sixuan seemed to understand Zhang Fan's meaning as she softly said, "I'm just trying it out. I want to see how difficult it is to refine this kind of pill …" She paused before continuing, "I'll have to trouble you again."    


"I'm fine," Zhang Fan said, "But I still want to talk to you. There are some things that are better if you advance through circulation. It's not good if you're in too much of a hurry."    


Zhang Fan also gained this from two lifetimes of experience. Because you are impatient, it is still impossible for it to improve. He longs for strength, but it is absolutely impossible for him to be so impatient to ascend to the heavens in a single step.    


"I know." Yang Sixuan nodded lightly and immediately said, "Thank you."    


"Miss Yang is too polite." Zhang Fan gently shook his head. "We're friends, aren't we?"    


Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yang Sixuan's expression couldn't help but fluctuate slightly. Indeed, it had been so long. After a slight nod, she couldn't help but say, "Then why do you keep calling me Miss Yang?"    


"Eh …" Zhang Fan rubbed his nose and then coughed dryly. "I was careless. From now on, I'll call you Sixuan."    


"Mn." Yang Sixuan's expression fluctuated slightly before she nodded slightly and said, "Actually, I'd like to call you master."    


Zhang Fan understood what Yang Sixuan meant. This was because in the past half month, she had occasionally consulted him about the sword.    


"Haha, I can't be a master. Alright, let's start now." At this time, Zhang Fan was too lazy to waste any more words. He first put the little magical beast in his embrace to the side, then sat beside Yang Sixuan.    


"Yes." Yang Sixuan didn't care about these things. Her expression instantly turned serious, and as her soul power fluctuated, the cauldron fire also rose.    


Twenty minutes later, Zhang Fan threw Yang Sixuan to the side. At this moment, Yang Sixuan appeared abnormally calm, because she … He was also used to it …    


After being pulled up by Zhang Fan, Yang Sixuan frowned with a thoughtful expression on her face. Zhang Fan, who was watching from the side, did not disturb her.    


Sighing lightly, Yang Sixuan couldn't help but say, "It seems like my soul power is too weak. This kind of pill isn't easy to control at all!"    


"Yes." Zhang Fan nodded lightly. At this time, Yang Sixuan raised her head to look at Zhang Fan and said, "Do you have time for me to continue asking you for your sword?"    


"Sure." Zhang Fan nodded his head. Yang Sixuan was a person who strived very hard to improve, and she also had her own unique attainments and understanding in swordsmanship. She could be considered extremely rare in this world, but it was still too little of an understanding for him.    


However, thinking about it, how could the other party's five thousand years of history be comparable to China's?!    


The two of them walked out of the Soul Scholar's study area and arrived at the academy's specialized martial arena. The two of them randomly picked a platform, and at this moment, Yang Sixuan took out a sword from her body. After Zhang Fan also took it out, Yang Sixuan attacked first.    


Looking at Yang Sixuan's path, Zhang Fan directly blocked her, frowning from time to time. And every time he frowned, Yang Sixuan would feel a little nervous.    


Ever since she had met Zhang Fan for the first time and witnessed his duel with that mercenary, she had understood that Zhang Fan's understanding of swords was definitely higher than her own. When she had fought with Zhang Fan for the first time, she had realized that she had underestimated him.    


After Zhang Fan displayed some of his understanding of the sword, it was a whole new world for her. As a result, when it came to swords, she secretly treated Zhang Fan as a teacher because she believed that Zhang Fan had the qualifications to do so. Therefore, when she saw Zhang Fan frowning, she felt slightly worried and even indescribably nervous.    


After stopping, Zhang Fan could not help but look at Yang Sixuan and say, "Right now, you are only a swordsman. Although you do not understand the importance of true swordsmanship, you cannot forget about the true essence of the sword. You have completely neglected the essence of the sword."    


Zhang Fan then frowned and continued, "When you treat the sword as a friend and as a part of your body, you can do whatever you want. That way, you can develop to a higher level, and if you keep staying at this stage, you won't understand what I've taught you before. Sorry, I said that you were too impulsive, are you okay?"    


As he said this, Zhang Fan noticed that the rims of Yang Sixuan's eyes had actually turned red. Zhang Fan was startled, and then remembered something. His expression became slightly awkward.    


"I'm fine." Yang Sixuan lightly shook her head. Under her veil, she nibbled her lower lip and said, "The things you've said are too profound. It's hard for me to understand."    


Zhang Fan sighed. "This thing might take a long time to get used to. Take your time. First, digest what I told you before. Then, I'll teach you some new things. I'll bring you along to practice now."    


Yang Sixuan took a deep breath, as if she was adjusting her condition. Grasping the longsword in her hand, she swept it toward Zhang Fan with a single stride.    


Half an hour later, Yang Sixuan's forehead was covered in sweat. At this time, she couldn't help but say, "Feng Ling, I still find it hard to understand. How about this, if you take the initiative to attack, I'll block it." She paused slightly before continuing, "I want to personally experience it."    


"Alright!" Zhang Fan nodded his head directly. He had always believed in one thing — to grow and learn through battle.    


However, at this moment, he kept his sword and plucked a branch from a tree to the side. To be frank, he was still afraid of injuring Yang Sixuan with his sword, so the branch might be better, because it was completely reliant on sword intent, which was equivalent to one's willpower.    


When Yang Sixuan saw Zhang Fan take out a branch, she was momentarily stunned. However, she did not think too much about it. Since Zhang Fan felt that this could work, then maybe it could really work, right?    


"You're ready!" Zhang Fan held a branch in his hand. As he said this, his expression became serious. His unperturbed appearance instantly changed to that of a sharp sword unsheathed from its scabbard.    


His body was like an illusory shadow. When he arrived in front of Yang Sixuan, the tree branch in his right hand instantly shook, producing a sound similar to the chiming of a sword. As the tree branch was waved, it seemed to produce an illusory image of a sword, extremely shocking.    


However, Yang Sixuan's reaction speed was extremely fast. The long sword in her hand instantly blocked the attack.    


Zhang Fan's right hand trembled. As he exchanged blows with Yang Sixuan, he said, "Since there's a sword in your heart, then everything is a sword. In your heart, there's no sword. You're just a person who uses a sword."    


"Sword techniques are important, but in order to understand them more deeply, one must first do as they please, because true swordsmanship does not have the deliberate comfort and adaptability of sword moves and techniques. One must adapt as one pleases."    


During the battle between Zhang Fan and Yang Sixuan, Zhang Fan had narrated the process bit by bit. At this time, Yang Sixuan had discovered something, because the sword in Zhang Fan's hand seemed to have eyes. No matter what kind of attack he used, it would have been defeated by him.    


"When you use your sword to reach the acrobatic stage, the first stage can be considered a success," Zhang Fan said.    


"From having skills to not having any skills?" Yang Sixuan was momentarily stunned. Her expression became sluggish, and she even forgot to attack.    


Rip! The tree branch with sword intent pierced through Yang Sixuan's clothes almost at the moment she forgot to block. This was because Zhang Fan's reaction speed was too fast, otherwise, he would have been able to directly pierce through her.    


"You can't get distracted during a battle." Zhang Fan frowned, but thinking back to what happened just now, she tried her best to soften his tone.    


"I'm sorry, I'll know next time." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yang Sixuan came back to her senses. However, her beautiful eyes appeared to have understood something, but that point had not really been touched.    


Therefore, she decided to go with Zhang Fan and have a good understanding of the situation.    


"Yes." Zhang Fan nodded his head and looked at the place where Yang Sixuan's clothes were torn apart. He was instantly stunned and an awkward expression instantly appeared on his face as he coughed dryly, waved his right hand, and quickly took out a set of white robes from within the world. These were all things he had never worn before, so he passed them to Yang Sixuan and said, "Put this on first."    


"What's wrong?" When Yang Sixuan heard this, her eyes immediately revealed a puzzled expression. She clearly didn't understand what Zhang Fan meant.    


"Your clothes …" Zhang Fan awkwardly reminded her. He was in a hurry, and it was as if he could see the white of the clothes over his chest. This was also the reason why he had lent his clothes to Yang Sixuan to wear first.    


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