Dragon Sovereign

C77 Inverted Soul Transformation

C77 Inverted Soul Transformation

She placed the bowl to the side and helped Zhang Fan's entire body up. At this time, she sat down and let Zhang Fan's body lean onto her body. Then, she picked up the bowl on the side, scooped a spoonful of the soup into Zhang Fan's mouth and fed it to him.    


Zhang Fan being able to do all this proved that his subconscious had already awakened. This was also what made Yue Yi happy in her heart.    


Not long after, after the porridge was finished, Yue Yi put the bowl to the side and took out a white handkerchief to wipe Zhang Fan's mouth before gently putting him down.    


After covering Zhang Fan with the blanket, Yue Yi's intelligent eyes sized up Zhang Fan once more. In the end, she sat down cross-legged and entered a state of cultivation.    


Not long after she entered a state of cultivation, Zhang Fan's fingers gently bent. After a long time, he tightly clenched his fists.    


Ten minutes later, Zhang Fan's fists gradually relaxed as he slowly opened his eyes.    


"I'm not dead yet." This was the first thought that came to Zhang Fan's mind. The moment this thought appeared, he suddenly thought of something. He stiffened up and quickly inspected his body with his inner vision.    


"Wait, I can still use my inner sight!"    


Zhang Fan once again thought of something. 'Didn't he self-destruct his Core? Without the support of the Purple Cloud Art, how could he still have an inner sight?'    


With this thought, Zhang Fan arrived at his Dantian in almost an instant. The Dantian was just a divine dragon quietly floating in the air. As for his Core Formation, he had long since disappeared.    


But since the Core Formation stage had already disappeared, why was he still able to look inside? Zhang Fan quickly found the source of the problem. Furthermore, when Zhang Fan found the problem, even Zhang Fan was somewhat shocked.    


That was because the divine dragon was suspended in the middle of a purple ball of light. The ball of light was like a nebula, appearing exceptionally gorgeous.    


As it rotated silently, absorbing the Heaven and Earth powers around it, the Divine Dragon was nurtured within.    


"The two of them have fused into one!" Zhang Fan's eyes widened as great waves of shock raged within his heart.    


Was this the performance of the seventh level of the nebula? Or was it an existence of mutation? Because Zhang Fan had never broken through to this level, he was somewhat doubtful. His master's words gradually appeared in his mind.    


When he had been stuck at the sixth level for a long time, he had asked his master about it. His master had said that the sixth level was a huge bottleneck, but after breaking through, he would let nature take its course. Moreover, breaking through to the sixth level required a stroke of luck.    


At that time, he didn't understand the meaning behind his words, but now that he thought back to it, his entire being was as numb as a chicken. Could it be that this was the meaning of his master back then …    


To break through to the back and stand up for oneself, was that a chance to self-detonate, break into Core Formation, and then create a new situation?!    


After carefully examining the cluster of stars once again, Zhang Fan discovered that although the cluster of stars was spinning at a slow speed, with every rotation, she could feel the Purple Clouds technique going deeper. 'Then, does he get lucky from this disaster again? '    


Now he understood the painstaking efforts of his master. If his master had told him directly that he had detonated his Core, would he have been able to accomplish it? If he hadn't, he might have been stuck at the sixth level for the rest of his life.    


"Thank you, Master." Taking a deep breath, Zhang Fan's will disappeared into his dantian region, and he slowly opened his eyes.    


He activated the Purple Clouds technique, and a dazzling purple light appeared on his palm. The purple light was clearly different this time, calm and profound. It was a type of indescribable feeling.    


After observing for a long time, Zhang Fan finally put away the Purple Clouds technique. When he was about to start cultivating, he suddenly saw a person from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and looked with a startled expression.    


When 'Yue Yi' saw Yue Yi, Zhang Fan finally noticed that the surroundings were not a dormitory, but an unfamiliar area.    


"Where is this?" Zhang Fan mumbled to himself. Afterwards, he got up from the blanket and started wandering around the library in curiosity.    


"So many doors!" Zhang Fan was a bit surprised. He pushed the door open, but found that the door could not be pushed open. It was as if there was a force pulling it open.    


After walking for a distance, Zhang Fan discovered the second floor. He followed the stairs to the second floor and found that there were fewer doors, but he could not open them either. He also looked for the stairs, but he could not find them.    


He wanted to study why the door could not be opened, and pushed with all his might, but it still could not be pushed open. In the end, Zhang Fan used the Purple Clouds technique, and the Purple Clouds technique at the seventh level was indeed powerful, and as soon as he started circulating it, he felt his entire body brimming with power. He then used his strongest power, and pushed his right hand against the door, and a rebound force instantly shot out from the door.    


"Swish!" Amidst his astonishment, Zhang Fan's heart was also filled with stubbornness. He lifted his right hand and once again channeled his strong force.    


"Open Tai Palm!" An explosive shout rang out as Zhang Fan slammed the door with a tremendous amount of force.    




Along with a muffled sound, Zhang Fan's body retreated. The seventh floor's performance was absolutely domineering, at least twice as powerful as the sixth floor's, but under such tremendous force, the door still wasn't opened. What did this mean?    


His eyes flickered with a purple light as a bright light flashed in them. Zhang Fan instantly dashed up to the top of the mountain.    


"Shattering Yuan Palm!" With a loud shout, Zhang Fan's right hand slammed towards the door with the full strength of the seventh layer of the Purple Clouds Art.    


The 'Essence Breaking Palm' focused on instantaneous explosive strength. With the seven layers of performance combined with the instantaneous explosive strength, if it was not broken, then Zhang Fan would have given up on his own initiative.    


"Bang!" Another deep sound rang out and the door instantly burst out with a strong rebound.    


"F * ck!" Zhang Fan cursed under his breath as he retreated with explosive speed. Seeing that the door still did not move, he gritted his teeth. "We won't break it! You and I will not let this go!"    


Zhang Fan pulled out the sword on his back as he made his decision. The purple glow around his body started to jump crazily. The strength of the door was somewhat unexpected.    


The nebula in Zhang Fan's dantian began rotating rapidly. The Heaven and Earth powers frantically gathered in Zhang Fan's body.    


Taking a deep breath, the purple glow on Zhang Fan's body started to pulsate even more intensely.    


"Wu Sha!" Zhang Fan went all out. Within a short distance, a blurry shadow appeared. The long sword in his hand hummed as it slashed through the air with an ear-piercing sound, accompanied by countless sword shadows.    


"Bang!" An ear-piercing sound rang again. The door was instantly filled with countless sword marks, but Zhang Fan's body was still sent flying by the force of the explosion.    


Zhang Fan was truly angered this time. He discovered that the more power he released, the more power the door would have. However, he also understood that no matter how strong this door was, there should still be a critical point.    


Ye Zichen swept his gaze over the sword marks on the door. Since he could leave this behind now, it should be proof that the door had reached a critical point, right?    




Zhang Fan's body disappeared once again. Within a short distance, he would not be able to catch Zhang Fan's figure.    


"Bang!" Another ear-piercing sound was heard, and a terrifying energy swept out in all directions.    


The tip of the sword pressed against the door, feeling the increasing resistance. Zhang Fan took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice, "Break for me!"    


As his voice fell, a blinding light was revealed from the door. At this moment, a crazy sword intent was instantly activated.    


What was Sword Intent? Sword Intent was the congealing of a person's long black hair that flowed without wind. The sword Intent became more and more frenzied, and as Zhang Fan's low roar rang out, the sword Intent instantly increased to one.    


"Crack crack."    


The sound of something cracking rang out …    


"Pu!" The sword instantly returned to its scabbard, and his right hand struck out with a thick and powerful force.    


"Bang!" This time, the sound of a door being broken was heard and the door was opened.    


Zhang Fan heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. What the hell? Why did he make such a weird scene? He patted his clothes a few times before walking in.    


The room inside was extremely small, and after scanning the room once, it was very empty. However, in the middle of the room, there was a floating ball of light, and within the ball of light, there was a scroll.    


"What is that thing?" Zhang Fan's eyes were filled with curiosity. He directly walked over and extended his hand to grab the scroll. He could clearly feel that the ball of light was extremely soft and didn't have any killing intent.    


After receiving the scroll, Zhang Fan immediately pulled it back.    


Just as he was about to open it, the scroll trembled and transformed into a stream of energy that drilled into Zhang Fan's body.    


Zhang Fan was stunned. His mind went blank for a moment, but it quickly returned to normal. However, at this moment, Zhang Fan's expression carried a hint of surprise.    


"Soul Reversal Transformation!"    


He mumbled a few words in a low voice, because many words had appeared in Zhang Fan's mind. Converse Soul Transformation was the general term for the entire phrase.    


Zhang Fan took a closer look and realized it was a Xuan level cultivation technique. A Xuan level cultivation technique! After a careful look, Zhang Fan discovered that this cultivation technique was divided into three forms. Each form doubled the amount of energy within his body, but it did not last very long, and each change would cause a damage to his body. In other words, he would be able to form an empty space in a short period of time.    


And this time, he would become a trash who could not do anything …    


Zhang Fan helplessly shrugged and walked out of the room. Just as he was about to break out of the room, his perception suddenly fluctuated. He could feel a wave of energy coming from outside the building. He raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath.    


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