Dragon Sovereign

C113 Shocked Liu Ruyan

C113 Shocked Liu Ruyan

The man's gaze turned cold as he turned back to Zhang Fan, his eyes filled with killing intent. However, Zhang Fan was still looking at him indifferently, without the slightest hint of nervousness or panic.    


"Thirteen million!" His words had already left his mouth, so it was impossible for him to take them back. Otherwise, it would have been smacking his face.    


"Thirteen million and one hundred thousand!" Zhang Fan's voice sounded again.    


As Zhang Fan's words fell, the man clenched his fists and said, "Fourteen million!"    


"Fourteen million and one hundred thousand," Zhang Fan said in a calm voice.    


"Fifteen million!" The man's voice trembled again.    


"If you win, I'll let you give it to me," Zhang Fan said coolly.    


The man's body trembled. He took a few deep breaths, as if suppressing something.    


At this moment, no one was laughing, and most of the people in the crowd frowned. If even the auction house wanted to mess things up like this, then the price would increase by a lot.    


Liu Ruyan had a smile on her face. She did hope that was the case, because the more it was like that, the higher the performance of their auction.    


"I can't accept Master Lü's bow. Please retract it!"    


A moving voice rang out. Liu Ruyan chose to refuse, and continued, "Next is the last item of this auction, and also the heaviest one. "I believe that this time, most of the people were attracted over as well, right?" Liu Ruyan revealed a moving smile.    


At that moment, a girl walked up with a small cart. It was a cage with a small white magical beast inside. However, the magical beast's eyes were open, but no emotions could be seen in them. It was extremely quiet.    


When Liu Ruyan saw the magical beast, her body trembled. Her expression changed slightly, and she sighed after a long while.    


This magical beast had become like this upon awakening. It gave people a heart-aching feeling, and she even had the thought of auctioning it herself, but it was definitely a huge blow to the Heavenly Auction House. After weighing the options, she couldn't do so.    


At this moment, Zhang Fan sat up, and his eyes started to ripple. A chilling aura was emitted from his body. To put it bluntly, he was still strong. In a situation where he lacked strength, it would be great if he could protect anyone.    


He hated Dao Ba, but he still hated him more for his incompetence …    


"Brother Zhang Fan, this little magical beast is yours." Seeing Zhang Fan suddenly stand up, his expression immediately changed and he couldn't help but ask this question.    


"En." Zhang Fan nodded his head lightly. As he clenched his fists, he gave off the impression that he was exceptionally cold.    


"Brother, sit down first!" Fu Hong's expression was filled with shock. In that case, Zhang Fan's magical beast was a top tier magical beast? He had a question as well, unless it was a top tier magical beast that he had raised since young, it would be very difficult to follow.    


Zhang Fan took a deep breath and sat down. He knew that he could not panic now. The foundation in front of him had already been set. As long as he performed, he could make good use of fifty million.    


After sitting down, Zhang Fan's eyes lit up again. He didn't know if this little magical beast was a top tier magical beast, but with this name set down in the auction, the price would definitely not be low.    


"This Magical Beast is a top tier Magical Beast, Xuan Marten. We do not know its rank, but this does not affect it. You are all aware of the name of the top tier Magical Beast!"    


A moving voice rang out, causing everyone's gaze to turn fiery. Their breathing became hurried, and one could even hear the sound of saliva being swallowed.    


Of course, the current situation wasn't Liu Ruyan, but the top magical beast imprisoned in the prison.    


Liu Ruyan saw the expression on everyone's faces and understood why. If she could get this Xuanwu marten to follow her, it would not only be a matter of face, but also a matter of protection for her.    


The concept of the Supreme Realm was definitely an existence one looked up to, a level that one would never be able to see in their entire life.    


Supreme experts were like this, while top-grade magical beasts were the same. However, the probability of a top-grade magical beast following you was extremely low. However, in the entire continent, this was not the first time someone had succeeded.    


"The starting price of the Xuanwu beast is two million gold coins!" Liu Ruyan said with a smile. She believed that even though it was only the starting price, it would be accompanied by a huge increase later on.    


"Ten million!"    


Just as Liu Ruyan finished speaking, an anxious voice rang out. This voice came from Zhang Fan. His voice was filled with urgency and even excitement, as if he wanted to auction off this little magical beast.    


The fact that he directly asked for ten million was another reason why everyone knew that he couldn't wait to get this top tier magical beast. And if his guess was correct, the person he angered earlier would definitely join in.    


At this moment, when the mink beast in the cage heard this voice, its gaze suddenly flickered and it immediately raised its head. When its gaze landed on Zhang Fan, it first revealed disbelief and then joy.    


"Hmph, 15 million." The man naturally heard Zhang Fan's urgent voice and said with a sneer. After suffering such a huge loss, he definitely couldn't let Zhang Fa recover.    


"Eighteen million!"    


Zhang Fan's voice once again rang out, stopping anyone who wanted to bid. He just wanted to tell others that he was in a rush, and that it would once again form a situation where he was competing with that man.    


"20 million." The sneering voice sounded once more.    


"Twenty-two million …" Zhang Fan said with a regretful expression.    


Because the two of them were the center of attention, most people noticed Zhang Fan's expression and revealed an expression of schadenfreude. Earlier when he called out a bid, they were now regretting it …    


"23 million!" When the man saw Zhang Fan's eagerness and regret, he felt really good. He had been played twice and this time, he definitely wanted it back! But he didn't dare to ask too much.    


"Thirty million," Zhang Fan spat out, gritting his teeth.    


"33 million!" Seeing Zhang Fan's expression, Lu Feng suddenly felt very comfortable. Didn't you give your father something to be proud of? Now your father wants to punish you more and more, what magic beast is not important anymore. The most important thing is to let Zhang Fan suffer a loss, otherwise it would be difficult to quell the hatred in his heart.    


Zhang Fan took a deep breath and said, "35 million."    


"305 million!" Lu Feng sneered and said.    


Zhang Fan was startled, anger and coldness appearing on his face as he stared at Lu Feng. After about three seconds, Zhang Fan's angry voice sounded out, "Thirty-six million!"    


"Three million six hundred thousand!" Lu Feng really wanted to laugh out loud. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He also wanted Zhang Fan to enjoy this kind of treatment.    


Panting sounds could be heard. Zhang Fan seemed to be suppressing something. After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "40 million!"    


"Forty-one million and one hundred thousand!" Lu Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud. The crowd also started to watch the two compete. They also hoped that Zhang Fan would suffer a loss. After all, thinking back, this kind of person was really hateful.    


As Lu Feng said this, Zhang Fan's expression became slightly sinister. His entire person seemed to have reached the edge of his fury as he directly said, "Fifty million." As his words fell, his entire body relaxed, but his voice was trembling as if he had reached his limit.    


"Hey, I don't want it, I'll give it to you!" Lu Feng laughed out loud.    


"Pfft!" Zhang Fan instantly clutched his chest as a wave of force penetrated his body. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and as he bent over, his expression became tranquil. However, his eyes were filled with a cold look.    


The entire auction house quieted down as everyone looked at him with glee.    


Dao Ba and the rest couldn't help but laugh. The little devil beast was stolen from Zhang Fan, and now Zhang Fan was spending money to buy it. It was truly laughable. However, none of them thought that Zhang Fan would have so much money …    


At this moment, Liu Ruyan, who was on the stage, was stunned. Seeing such a quiet auction place, her watery eyes revealed an expression of disbelief. No one was bidding anymore?    


At this moment, Liu Ruyan seemed to have understood something. When her moving eyes looked at Zhang Fan, there was an earth-shattering change. What a shocking scheme! Lu Feng was gloating, but other people treated him as a plaything …    


"Fifty million going once!"    


"Fifty million times!"    


"Fifty million three times, deal!" Liu Ruyan shouted for a third time and clearly stayed there for a moment, but no one called out a price. Liu Ruyan called for a third time and clearly stayed there for a moment, but no one called out a price.    


While her heart was filled with shock, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but take another look at Zhang Fan, and discovered that at this moment, Zhang Fan had already raised his head. Although his face was pale, even with a hint of hatred, his pitch-black pupils carried a hint of sneer and joy that was hidden in the depths of his heart.    


Taking a deep breath, Liu Ruyan read out Zhang Fan's seat number. Finally, her moving voice sounded out, "The person who succeeded in the auction, please go backstage and conduct the transaction." As she finished speaking, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but take another look at Zhang Fan before turning around and walking outside.    


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