King of Nine Heavens

C113 Become Angry from Embarrassment

C113 Become Angry from Embarrassment

Hearing this, Chu Qingcheng's complexion looked a little better. She rolled her eyes at Gao Feng: "Are you a good guy too?"    


"Why can't I be considered a good man?" Gao Feng pointed randomly at some parts of his body and asked, "Is it bad here, or is it bad here?"    


"You are a scum!" "Look at this!"    


Chu Qingcheng saw Gao Feng pointing below her abdomen and felt that she was being flirted with again. Her face darkened as she stretched out her lily-white hand towards Gao Feng.    


Chu Qingcheng struck out with her palm and Gao Feng felt a strong gust of wind. It was obvious that Chu Qingcheng had used a martial skill which was extremely lethal. Gao Feng did not dare to be negligent and dodged to the side, avoiding the opponent's palm.    


Chu Qingcheng saw that her attack missed and she quickly attacked again, but Gao Feng easily dodged her attack. Chu Qingcheng was confused. Her actions were very quick. People with a lower cultivation level would have a hard time dodging it. Why would Gao Feng, who was so much weaker, dodge it so easily?    


Chu Qingcheng didn't believe that Gao Feng would be so powerful. She kept using all sorts of ruthless moves, yet she still failed to touch a single hair on Gao Feng's head. This had dealt a serious blow to her self-confidence.    


Gao Feng saw that although Chu Qingcheng's move was exquisite, it was too rigid and didn't have much of an attack power. He couldn't help but remind her, "Beauty, like your palm just now, if you changed the direction of your attack, you might hit me."    


"That's what I like, what can you do about it?"    


Chu Qingcheng was originally very aggrieved with Gao Feng for not being able to hurt him even after attacking a few times. After Gao Feng said that, she felt that he was insulting her and hated him even more.    


Gao Feng said angrily, "I'm just meddling in other people's business."    


When Chu Qingcheng heard this, she laughed instead of getting angry. "You finally said something human."    


Gao Feng said snappily: "I've always been talking in human language."    


Chu Qingcheng mocked, "Right, what you're saying is a human language, not a dog's language. Even dogs wouldn't call themselves a dog."    


F * ck, you dare to tease laozi? If it wasn't because you were a beauty, I wouldn't have the heart to do it, or else I would have already beaten you so badly.    


Forget it, forget it. Good men don't fight with women.    


Gao Feng saw Chu Qingcheng waving her palm at him, so he calmly sidestepped while Chu Qingcheng's jade-like palm changed its direction of attack and struck towards Gao Feng's shoulder. Gao Feng didn't get enough time to dodge and was struck on the shoulder. He staggered a step back, looked at Chu Qingcheng, and said with a smile, "You are indeed a good teacher. Only by doing this can you be deadly. But you still have a little less strength."    


Less strength? If I hadn't shown mercy, your arm would have been crippled long ago. Chu Qingcheng looked at Gao Feng. She really wanted to tell him that, but after some thought, it was better not to say it. Otherwise, this bastard would definitely make a big fuss about it and say that she liked him.    


"Alright, then I'll increase my strength and hurt you. Don't blame me for being ruthless."    


Chu Qingcheng said in an intimate tone. Perhaps even she didn't realize that she would use such a numb voice to speak to a man she didn't know very well.    


Gao Feng had already realized that Chu Qingcheng might have been lenient towards him. Otherwise, with Chu Qingcheng's strength, he wouldn't have dodged so easily. If not for the diamond, it would have been impossible for Chu Qingcheng to kill two hundred Devil Beast in four hours.    


After Chu Qingcheng finished her sentence, she intensified her attack on Gao Feng and her moves became more and more severe.    


Gao Feng smiled confidently and used a gentle method to deflect Chu Qingcheng's palm, dispelling her strong palm wind. He then transmitted his voice, "Beauty, although you are very powerful, you are still not my match. I think we should end this in a draw.    


Chu Qingcheng replied without any good feeling, "Do you really think I can't do anything to you? That was the result of my leniency. If I hadn't shown mercy, your arm would have been crippled long ago. "    


So that's how it is. Gao Feng was in a good mood as he asked: "Beauty, why did you show me mercy? You don't like me, do you? "    


Chu Qingcheng blushed and said shyly, "You are just a useless bastard. Whoever likes you, will be blind. I'm not blind, how could I like you? "    


Gao Feng was not angry at all. He smiled and said, "Beauty, then explain to me, why did you have to show me mercy?"    


"I …" Chu Qingcheng also didn't know why she had shown him so much mercy. She just couldn't bear to do anything to him.    


"I don't know, right? Then I'll tell you. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, you might really like me." Gao Feng teased.    


"You, you …" Chu Qingcheng was so angry that her face turned red. Luckily, the conversation between the two of them had used a sound transmission technique. Otherwise, if others knew that she had been merciful to him, they would have easily misunderstood her.    


Seeing that Gao Feng was still unwilling to fight back, Chu Qingcheng kept urging him, "Hurry up and attack, use your strongest combat power to fight with me, don't bicker with me here."    


Gao Feng looked at Chu Qingcheng's chest and said with a troubled expression, "I'm afraid that the moment I touch a place that men shouldn't touch, it'll be troublesome if you get angry. I'm dumb, but I don't know how to coax people. "    


Chu Qingcheng's fighting spirit was ignited by Gao Feng. She only wanted to spar with him, but did not notice Gao Feng's gaze on her. She comforted him, "Don't worry, I won't be angry."    


"Then I am relieved. I hope you can keep your promise."    


Gao Feng smiled at Chu Qingcheng. His fighting spirit exploded as he assumed an offensive stance.    


That's right, Chu Qingcheng could also feel her opponent's fighting spirit, so she burst out her aura and struck her palm towards Gao Feng once again.    


Gao Feng used one hand to block Chu Qingcheng's incoming hand and used the other to hit Chu Qingcheng.    


Chu Qingcheng wanted to dodge her palm, but her opponent's movement was too fast. Before she could dodge, his palm had already struck her chest.    


Gao Feng originally thought that Chu Qingcheng would dodge it because the speed of the palm wasn't fast in his eyes. It was only when the soft touch came from the palm and Gao Feng's heart skipped a beat that he realized he had violated a big taboo.    


When Chu Qingcheng saw a big hand land on her chest, her whole body froze like a thunderbolt. She couldn't react for a long time.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."    


Gao Feng quickly explained, but due to being too nervous, he didn't take his hand back when he apologized.    


When the crowd saw Gao Feng successfully sneak attack the woman's chest, they were both envious and jealous. After all, Chu Qingcheng was the prettiest one present. As long as she dared to say she was number two, no one would dare call themselves number one.    


"Brawler, I'll fight you to the death."    


Chu Qingcheng's face darkened, she became angry from embarrassment, and raised her palm towards Gao Feng's face.    


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