King of Nine Heavens

C65 Xiaoxiang Palace

C65 Xiaoxiang Palace

Xiaoxiang Palace were located at the southern foothills of a mountain range that reached into the clouds.    


The Xiaoxiang Palace's scale was grand, and it covered an area several times the area of the Xiaoxiang City. Within a radius of ten kilometers, it covered many different territories. There were many buildings in the palace, all of them grand and imposing. As expected of the sect with the largest Southern Profound Domain, its reputation was indeed well-deserved.    


On this day, it was also the day that Xiaoxiang Palace would only recruit disciples once every three years. On the way to Xiaoxiang Palace, there was an endless stream of people.    


Gao Feng changed his appearance and took a look at the clear mountain spring. After confirming that even he did not recognize him, he took out the best robe from the Universe Bag and put it on before walking toward Xiaoxiang Palace with ease.    


Along the way, they met many people. There were men and women, beautiful and ugly, and the majority of them were teenagers, about the same age as Gao Feng. Only a very small portion of them were infinitely close to the age of a weakling.    


These people had basically broken through to the warrior realm, and there were even some who were extremely close to the Martial Master Stage. Only a very small number of them were below the warrior realm.    


Gao Feng was one of the few people, he was in the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator and had the qualification to fight for the inner disciple spot.    


Although there was no written rule in Xiaoxiang Palace that only those in the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm were qualified to compete for the inner disciple spot, everyone knew that those below the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm had no chance of becoming an inner disciple after the cruel assessment. This was also why Gao Feng insisted on breaking through to the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm.    


It was possible that a great era was coming and their cultivation had risen by leaps and bounds. When the people of Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator, who were originally proud of them, saw that the cultivation levels of the surrounding people were higher than their own, a sense of inferiority instantly arose in their hearts.    


If they had known that someone else's cultivation was so high, they wouldn't have come to participate in this conference. Since the cultivation of the participants had generally increased, then the rules for the Xiaoxiang Palace to recruit disciples would be much stricter. After all, there were only two thousand inner sect disciples and even fewer core disciples, which was only twenty people. Other than the top eight core disciples of the Groom Search Competition, there were only twelve core disciples remaining.    


It was said that the first place candidate of the Groom Search Competition had given up on his spot as a core disciple, and the youth named Gao Feng, who had defeated him, had clearly refused to join Xiaoxiang Palace because he was afraid of causing trouble with Xiaoxiang Palace.    


There were several tens of thousands of youngsters who came to participate in the convention, and there were only thirteen spots. The degree of competition was extremely intense and cruel.    


As for those who had the lowest cultivation, not to mention becoming core disciples, it was quite difficult for them to even become inner court disciples. These people were also the most outstanding local disciples, and if they couldn't become inner sect disciples, they might as well not become disciples of Xiaoxiang Palace.    


If they couldn't become inner sect disciples, they would be absorbed by the Xiaoxiang Palace as outer sect disciples.    


It wasn't good for outer court disciples to hear this form of address. Actually, to put it bluntly, outer disciples were just common laborers. They had a good reputation as a kind of permanent laborer, and were responsible for tiring and unflattering matters. For example, guarding the door, cooking, washing clothes, etc. All of these were done by the outer sect disciples.    


Not to mention their low status in the sect, even outsiders looked down on them. The reason was very simple. Outer sect disciples had poor aptitudes and were like trash. They could not achieve anything in their lifetime and could only be cannon fodder. Such a person was unavoidable.    


Some of them even started to retreat, because they were still young, around fourteen or fifteen years old. If they did not participate this time, there would be a next time, and as long as they did not surpass the age of the crown, they would have a chance of becoming Xiaoxiang Palace's disciples. Since he couldn't even become an inner disciple, why would he have to wade in this muddy water? It would be better to wait until his cultivation level increased.    


Some didn't leave and treated this assessment as a form of training. Since there were no rules governing Xiaoxiang Palace, they couldn't participate in the next one this time.    


Gao Feng's goal was to be a core disciple of the Xiaoxiang Palace. He, who was at the Third Grade Martial Cultivator Realm, could easily defeat those at the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm, and in these short few days, his cultivation had consecutively increased by two levels. He had already reached the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm, so he should be able to go easy on those youths who were extremely close to the Martial Master Stage.    


In the past few days, he and Feier had killed more than a hundred Second Rank Devil Beast, and used more than twenty Devil Pill, leaving him with seventy or eighty remaining. According to his calculations, these Devil Pill should still be able to raise his Second Grade Cultivation, but Gao Feng did not do that.    


Feier was no longer able to share her soul with him, and even she didn't know what he was thinking.    


No matter what he wanted to do, Feier would support him unconditionally. Because she already considered herself as one of his people.    


As expected, the spots for the Xiaoxiang Palace Core Disciples would fall onto the youths that were extremely close to the Martial Master Stage, so Gao Feng had to pay attention to those who were emitting a terrifying aura along the way.    


Martial Master Stage was enough to teach disciples but they would rather become disciples of Xiaoxiang Palace than to enjoy the treatment of a master in a small sect. From this, it could be seen how terrifying Xiaoxiang Palace was.    


It seemed that his choice was right, after defeating Lee Miaotiao at that time, he still wanted to give up on joining Xiaoxiang Palace? Fortunately, he did not give up. Otherwise, he would have suffered a huge loss.    


Now, seeing so many geniuses who were extremely close to the Martial Master Stage walking towards them, Gao Feng admired his own decision more and more. The higher the cultivation of the people around him, the more they would arouse his fighting spirit, and the better he would be able to unleash his potential.    


Gao Feng did not want to become a mediocre person and end up doing nothing for the rest of his life.    


The closer they got to the Xiaoxiang Palace, the more people there were. It's easy to get into friction when you have too many people. Everyone was a hot-blooded youth, yet they were all local geniuses. They were used to living in luxury, and the slightest friction would ignite the flames of war between them.    


Along the way, they had met quite a number of people fighting and brawling. Some of them were bullying one person, while others were fighting and fighting with their accomplices. Gao Feng originally wanted to redress the grievances, but when he thought of the fact that settling the injustice twice would result in his own downfall, he stopped himself from taking action.    


"Clank, clank, clank …"    


Suddenly, the sound of swords clashing could be heard in front of him. The sound was intense and disorderly.    


"Someone's fighting again, hurry up and go watch the show."    


Someone noticed that Gao Feng wasn't in the mood, so he reminded him loudly and walked forward quickly.    


In the forest at the foot of the mountain, two groups of people were engaged in a fierce battle. On one side was a group of youths, while on the other was a group of young girls. The young girl was overbearing on her side, but the young man was obviously giving way to her.    


Gao Feng looked at the girl's back figure that forced her opponent to retreat in the middle of a fierce battle with the Long Sword. He was slightly stunned. Why did this back seem so familiar? Could it be her? Why did she meet with other soldiers and warriors again? This really made people worry?    


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