King of Nine Heavens

C130 Difficulties

C130 Difficulties

After the meal, Gao Feng separated from Lin Wannian and Shangguan Tianming and went to the Compendium Pavilion alone.    


The Compendium Pavilion was a four-storey building with numerous books that covered almost every aspect of it. There were pill forging, medicine, and various battle techniques.    


The first floor had some ordinary books. The second floor had some books on the Earth level, the third floor had some books on the Heaven level, and the fourth floor had books on the Deity-level.    


There was a strict hierarchy to enter the Compendium Pavilion. Outer disciples could only enter the most ordinary level, while inner disciples could only enter the second level, core disciples could only enter the third level, and those with Martial Monarch Stage or higher could only enter the fourth level.    


Other than those with Martial Monarch Stage that could enter the fourth floor, there was still another group of people who could enter the fourth floor. Those were the vice principals of each branch and vice palace masters of the Xiaoxiang Palace.    


Gao Feng came to the library, and just as he was about to enter the first floor of the library, a tall and sturdy looking guard stopped him. His small eagle-like eyes sized him up, and asked in a stern voice: "Who are you? You are not qualified to enter the Compendium Pavilion. "    


Gao Feng looked at the people walking in and out and thought that he was deliberately making things difficult for himself. He was slightly displeased as he asked: "Senior Brother, why am I not qualified to enter?"    


The guard looked at the gown on Gao Feng and said seriously: "You aren't wearing the uniform long robe that the Xiaoxiang Palace disciples wear, so I'm certain that you are not a disciple of Xiaoxiang Palace. The Compendium Pavilion has a rule that only disciples of our sect are allowed to enter. "    


So that's how it is. Gao Feng suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, "I'm new here, I haven't even sent my gown down."    


"Impossible." The guard said, "You already distributed the long sleeves after the recruitment meeting yesterday afternoon. Today, you're going to wear the long sleeves customized for Xiaoxiang Palace, since you're not wearing it, which means that you're not a disciple of Xiaoxiang Palace."    


Gao Feng laughed, "I am indeed not a disciple of Xiaoxiang Palace."    


"If you, who are not a disciple of Xiaoxiang Palace, still wish to enter the Compendium Pavilion, that is just wishful thinking." The guard's face sank, "Your father is in a good mood today. I'm not going to argue with you. You should hurry up and leave."    


"You are the first one to call me daddy." Gao Feng's face sunk, but after thinking about Lin Wannian's warning, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Although I am not a disciple of Xiaoxiang Palace, but I am a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace, do you think I have the qualifications to enter?"    


The guard said: "If you are a guest elder of the Xiaoxiang Palace, you can enter …"    


"Then please step aside." When Gao Feng saw him say that he could enter, he walked towards the doorstep.    


"No, who allowed you to enter?" The guard held out his hand to stop Gao Feng. Gao Feng asked in puzzlement: "You just said I can enter as a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace."    


"When did I say that?" the guard asked blankly.    


"You just said that I can enter as a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace." Gao Feng said forcefully, "You can't be that forgetful, right?"    


"I did say that, but there's a 'if' in front of me. If you are, but obviously you aren't, so you can't enter." the guard said.    


"Why?" Gao Feng asked calmly.    


The guard looked at Gao Feng and said: "You are still wet behind the ears, how could you be a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace?"    


"You …" Gao Feng had a bad temper. When he heard this, he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and clenched his fists.    


The guards wanted nothing more than for Gao Feng to attack first, but seeing that more and more people were spectating, they spoke in a reserved manner: "If you can take out nameplate s to prove that you are a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace, I will let you in. If you can't take out the nameplate, then don't blame me for being merciless. "    


How could Gao Feng know about nameplate? Lin Wannian also did not tell him before, so he frowned and said: "I don't have any nameplate."    


"No nameplate, so you're pretending to be a guest elder?" The guard's face darkened. He pointed at Gao Feng and said with a ferocious expression, "Brat, do you know what happens when you pretend to be a foreign delegate elder?"    


Seeing that more and more people were gathering around him, Gao Feng did not have the right to directly take action against him. He restrained himself for a bit and said: "I am not pretending to be a guest elder, but Elder Brother Lin himself told me, I am a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace, I can go anywhere I want."    


"Who is Elder Brother Lin? How come I've never heard of this name before?" The guard smiled at the manager, "Senior Brother, have you heard of this name before?"    


The manager replied, "I've never heard of it either."    


Gao Feng felt that the administrator looked familiar, and suddenly remembered that when Lin Wannian told everyone to hire him as a guest elder, he was there and stood beside Huo Qiuwei. Obviously, he was in the same group as Huo Qiuwei.    


This way … This way, it was possible that the two of them were deliberately making things difficult for him, but unfortunately, he could not bring out any evidence to prove that he was a guest elder of Xiaoxiang Palace.    


Gao Feng hated them to the point that his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do to them.    


At this time, more and more people gathered around them, so Gao Feng couldn't just leave dejectedly like this. He braced himself and said: "Elder Brother Lin is your Palace Master Xiaoxiang Palace."    


The administrator said: "Brat, you are mistaken, our Palace Master Xiaoxiang Palace is called Lin Wannian, and is not called Elder Brother Lin."    


Gao Feng suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, "Right, right, Elder Brother Lin's big name is Lin Wannian, he's my brother."    


The guard looked Gao Feng up and down again and asked: "Kid, how old are you? How could our palace master be your blood brother?"    


Gao Feng continued to accompany him with a smile, "He's not my blood brother, we're old friends."    


"Kid, stop joking. Who doesn't know that our Asgard Master is high and mighty? How can we befriend a kid like you who came from a poor family?" The guard turned to the surrounding people and asked, "Martial Brothers, what do you think?"    


The guards were specifically responsible for the security of the Compendium Pavilion. If he deliberately made things difficult for them, they would eventually come up with an excuse, so the surrounding people were all afraid that he would wear small shoes for themselves. They all spoke at the same time: "Yes, our Palace Master is not friends with him."    


Since so many people had come to testify, Gao Feng could not go against them. However, the anger in his heart was ignited by their words. He turned to the guard and said angrily: "I have to go in today. Let's see who dares to stop me!"    


"I won't let you in today. What can you do to me?"    


The guard was tall and sturdy. As he stood towards the door, he blocked it completely.    


The entire door was filled with his trembling flesh, as if it was still emitting the fragrance of meat.    


That manager had seen Gao Feng's power and knew that the guard wasn't a match for Gao Feng. He wanted to advise him against it, but before he could say anything, Gao Feng pushed hard and the guard stumbled and almost pushed the crowd to the ground.    


"Fuck you."    


The guard got up and punched Gao Feng while cursing.    


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