King of Nine Heavens

C2102 Play

C2102 Play

After the old man killed Wu Yun, he looked at Gao Feng expressionlessly and said, "This old man has already killed him, shouldn't you keep your promise?"    


"No rush, no rush. I still have one more big trouble that I haven't resolved."    


Gao Feng looked at the Second Grade Huang Zun who was still battling Ling Tian. Previously, Ling Tian had held the upper hand, but after fighting for so long, Ling Tian's physical strength had greatly decreased. Now, the situation was reversed.    


The old man glanced at the Second Stage cultivator and said, "He is my nephew, nephew by blood."    


"So what?" Gao Feng said, "If you want to be above others, you must endure all the humiliation. "He's just a nephew. Even if he's just a son, if I want you to kill him, you have to kill him, unless you don't want to become a better person."    


As long as he broke through Blue Sovereign Stage, he would have a chance to become the Sect Leader, which was the person Gao Feng was talking about.    


The old man looked at the Second Stage Huang Zun with a cold glint in his eyes. He then looked at Gao Feng and said, "I can kill him, but you have to give me the ginseng king first."    


"I'll give you the ginseng king first, that's impossible." Gao Feng said, "If you go back on your word, wouldn't I suffer a huge loss? I might even lose my life."    


The elder thought for a moment and said: "If I kill him and you still refuse to give me the ginseng king, then wouldn't I lose a lot?"    


Gao Feng said, "If I don't give you the ginseng king, you can kill me." Gao Feng said.    


"I can kill you, but you can destroy the Ginseng King before I kill you. Then wouldn't my efforts have been in vain?" the old man asked angrily.    


Gao Feng comforted her, "Senior, don't worry. Compared to me, a ginseng king's life is more important. I know what's more important."    


The elder steeled his heart and said, "Alright, I can help you kill him. When that happens, I hope that you can keep your promise."    


This old geezer really knew how to find excuses. It was clearly because he wanted the Ginseng King to agree to his conditions, and he even said it in such a dignified manner. His skin really wasn't ordinary thick. Gao Feng felt it was funny.    


Gao Feng suppressed his laughter and said, "Old senior, don't worry. I will never go back on my promise."    


Then, he said to Ling Tian, "Pavilion Master Ling, come over quickly."    


Ling Tian Jiao heard Gao Feng's voice and quickly came to Gao Feng's side with a swing of her sword. The Second Grade Huang Zun Stage cultivator also came to the old man's side.    


A cold light flashed across the old man's eyes. He raised his palm and struck towards the Second Stage Martial Saint. However, before he could close in on the Second Stage Martial Saint, he suddenly changed the direction of his attack towards Gao Feng.    


The violent force rushed towards Gao Feng crazily. Gao Feng didn't have enough time to dodge and was struck by the palm. He let out a blood-curdling screech as he was sent flying backwards.    


"Young Hero Gao …"    


Seeing Gao Feng being pushed back, Ling Tian was so scared that she lost all her composure. With a scream, she ran over.    


Seeing Ling Tian's worry, Gao Feng transmitted his voice, "Pavilion Master Ling, I'm teasing that old ghost."    


She was worried to death that he was actually teasing her. Ling Tian was speechless.    


Gao Feng had been in the battlefield for a long time, how could he be so easily fooled? It seemed like he made a big fuss out of nothing.    


The old man saw that he easily got his hands on the ginseng, so he quickly walked up and threatened, "Little brat, quickly hand over the ginseng king and I will spare your life."    


Gao Feng steadied himself and looked at the Second Grade Huang Zun Stage cultivator, "Dead Old Ghost, you haven't killed him yet."    


"You're already at the brink of death yet you're still negotiating conditions with this old man? You really have guts!"    


The old man's eyes flashed with a cold light.    


Gao Feng fearlessly said, "I am not someone who would have the guts just because you said so. Dead Old Ghost, listen carefully. I am telling you, I have always been someone who has the guts."    


Hearing the other party scolding him, the old man was so angry that his face turned dark and he subconsciously raised his hand.    


However, Gao Feng raised the ginseng king's hand and threatened, "Dead Old Ghost, if you dare to attack me again, I will directly destroy this ginseng king."    


With a thought from Wu Tie, he began to absorb the ginseng's energy. The ginseng was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. The old man thought Gao Feng was destroying the ginseng, so he smiled and said: "Young Hero, if you have something to say, please say it. Don't ruin the ginseng, I will give the Energy Pill to you right now …"    


The old man tried to calm the situation, but he launched a soul attack towards Gao Feng. Gao Feng immediately felt it and immediately retaliated. Soul Power rushed out crazily, pressing down on the old man with an irresistible force.    


Even the strongest Soul Power could not be seen with the naked eye, but it allowed people to quickly feel it. The old man also immediately felt Gao Feng's counterattack, and a wave of even stronger Soul Power surged out, however, Gao Feng's Soul Power was even more powerful, and immediately crushed the old man's Soul Power into powder, throwing it towards the old man like a hot knife through butter.    


The old man was shocked, he gave up resisting and quickly retreated, but Gao Feng's Soul Power was too powerful, even though he had retreated dozens of feet in an instant, he still suffered from the attack and his spirit was weakened. If he hadn't retreated so quickly, the consequences would have been unimaginable.    


"You, why are your Soul Power so powerful?"    


The elder looked at Gao Feng in shock, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.    


"Dead Old Ghost, listen carefully. Not only is my Soul Power far superior to you, my battle power will also far surpass you. You are but an ant in my eyes." Gao Feng said disdainfully.    


"Bullsh * t." The old man coldly spat out a few words when he saw Gao Feng looking down on him.    


The Second Stage cultivator of the Yellow-rank agreed, "Yes, you are indeed shameless. In my uncle's eyes, you are just an ant."    


"I am an ant. Do you believe that I can smash your head apart with a single punch?"    


As Gao Feng spoke, he released the aura of a Grade Eight Huang Zun, causing the Second Stage Huang Zun to immediately find it difficult to breathe and turn pale.    


Seeing that his nephew's face was pale, the elder knew that he was attacked by Gao Feng and immediately sent a palm towards Gao Feng.    


Gao Feng did not dodge. Instead, he waved his fist to meet the incoming attack.    




The fist and palm clashed, the space trembled, the berserk force exploded out instantly, like multiple sharp Wind Blade s shooting out in all directions. The Second Stage Huang Zun did not have time to dodge, and was struck by the Wind Blade, his body riddled with holes.    


Luckily, Ling Tian Jiao had distanced herself from Gao Feng, otherwise she would have suffered the same fate.    


Although the old man was not injured, he was forced to retreat by the violent power. His face was filled with disbelief, "You, you're not even injured. Why do you still have such strength?"    


Gao Feng said, "You are indeed injured. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been pushed back so easily."    


Arrogant, too arrogant. The old man was not convinced and said, "Brat, do you think this old man only has that little bit of power? To tell you the truth, this old man only used fifty percent of his power just now."    


Gao Feng disdainfully said, "That tiny bit of strength is already fifty percent of your strength. Dead Old Ghost, do you know how much power I just used?"    


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