King of Nine Heavens

C400 Display Weakness

C400 Display Weakness

Gao Feng looked at White-haired Elder who looked like a dead man, smiled and said: "You old bastard, you want to use the Soul Power to kill me? It seems like your plan was wrong." However, I have a lot of people, so I won't bother with you. I'll give you a chance now. If you regret challenging me, I can let bygones be bygones. The condition is that you have to get out of this school field. "    


However, White-haired Elder had lived for more than a thousand years and had never done such a shameful thing when he was young. How could he accept such humiliating conditions when one of his feet was about to step into the coffin? A warrior could be killed, but not humiliated. Moreover, he was completely certain that his opponent might not be his match.    


Just because Soul Power was strong did not mean that they were strong in other aspects. His Soul Power surpassed himself, but his own strength might not lose out to theirs.    


White-haired Elder looked at Gao Feng and said with a sneer, "I feel like you are telling a huge joke, and a joke at that."    


"Is it a joke..." Just as Wu Tie said this, another voice sounded beside his ear: "Young Hero Gao, stop playing. If you keep playing, you'll get stuck soon. You can change your complexion, but you cannot change your height. Look around you, who is not one head shorter than you, and this height of yours is equivalent to telling everyone that you are clearly not from the Great Xia, and that even your Martial King Stage cannot do anything to you. It is very easy to let people remember that you are that person who caused such a ruckus in the capital yesterday. "    


Gao Feng was shocked when he heard that. He did not care about his own life, but he cared about that ten thousand year old Sun Flower.    


Thinking about that, Gao Feng suddenly turned 180 degrees, and smiled: "Senior, I am indeed speaking coldly, your cultivation has already reached the peak of the Martial King Stage, and how could a mere First Grade Martial Ancestor like me be your opponent."    


White-haired Elder looked at Gao Feng's fake smile and snapped, "Are you joking?"    


Gao Feng said, "Senior, I'm so sincere, why am I smiling?"    


The other party's smile was indeed sincere, but White-haired Elder always felt that there was a problem there. However, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he felt too embarrassed to say anything else, so he said loudly, "I can let you go, but you have to get out of this school field."    


Normally, if someone were to speak to Gao Feng in this way, Gao Feng would definitely give him a slap across the face. But this time, this time, he could only use both the hard and the soft way, saying, "Senior, I can listen to your words and get out of this school field, but you have to think carefully, I might be the first Army-horse Great Marshal in the history of the Great Sun, and I might even become the Great Sun's Prince Consort. With this identity, are you sure you want me to get out of this school field?"    


Hearing this, White-haired Elder looked at Fukuda Uma with some hesitation.    


Fukuda Uma was also troubled. If he was able to defeat someone at the peak of the Martial King Stage, or someone at the peak of the Martial King Stage, who could do nothing to him, he could basically be certain that this thirty year old young man was the Great Xia person.    


Seeing that Fukuda Uma was hesitating, Masako took his arm and said coquettishly: "Father, just say something, Lord Qiaomu might be your Army-horse Great Marshal and your future son-in-law, are you going to just watch him get humiliated and get kicked out of the school grounds? Where do you want your daughter's face to go? "    


Women are really born with their elbows on the outside. "Fukuda Uma was slightly displeased and said," Masako, aren't you not married to him yet? "What are you afraid of? At most, you can just find another one."    


"Father, since you said that, then I don't have any more worries." Masako raised her head to look at Fukuda Uma and asked seriously, "Father, I want to ask you, if that old man who is a few hundred years older than you succeeds in challenging Qiao Mu, will you also marry your daughter to him?"    


Fukuda Uma's face sank as he said, "Impossible."    


Masako said, "Then you might lose your prestige just because you went back on your word. I'm afraid that your position …"    


The ruler of a nation was definitely not a joke. Once he broke his word, his prestige would be swept to the ground. It would be difficult to salvage the situation in one fell swoop.    


Fukuda Uma was silent for a while and then said, "Masako, I just want to try that young man called Qiao Mu. Don't you think he's suspicious?"    


Masako's heart skipped a beat, but she remained calm on the surface. "No, I don't think so. I think he's doing quite well. He's quite sincere."    


Fukuda Uma didn't have the patience to listen to his daughter talk about other things. He said bluntly: "Masako, don't you think that his height and character is similar to the Great Xia person that caused a ruckus in the capital yesterday?"    


Masako seemed to finally understand what Fukuda Uma meant. She looked at Wu Tie who was in the array and said, "He is indeed about the same height as that Great Xia man, but that Great Xia man is much more handsome than him."    


Fukuda Uma doted on her and said: "My silly daughter, looks are easy to change, especially Great Xia people. They are the best at using disguise techniques."    


Masako looked at Kawasaki, who was not far away, and said: "General Kawasaki is also an expert in disguise, and even he did not recognize him, how could he possibly be that person from Great Xia?"    


That's right, Kawasaki was the person he trusted the most. If he found any clues, he would report it to him immediately. And since he didn't report it, it probably meant that the person called Qiao Mu hadn't changed his appearance.    


Masako saw that Fukuda Uma's heart was slightly shaken, and advised again, "As for his character, it should be the same as most heaven's pride level experts, that heaven's pride level expert was not so arrogant when he was young? Lord Qiaomu's character was similar to his, but it did not mean that he was the Great Xia person. It meant that he was evenly matched with the Great Xia person, and both were heaven's pride level experts.    


"Royal father, it is because I like him that I like him. I believe that as long as he has a lot of resources for him to use, that person from Great Xia will definitely not be his match within a year."    


Fukuda Uma was enlightened, "Masako, so this is your plan. Why didn't you say so earlier?"    


Masako shyly said, "Father, how could I have the face to say something like that?"    


With that, Masako looked worriedly at Gao Feng who was in the array. She found that he had started to fight with White-haired Elder. She said anxiously, "Father, quickly tell them to stop."    


White-haired Elder looked at Fukuda Uma. He was looking forward to Fukuda Uma to give him a way out, but when he saw Fukuda Uma whispering to Masako and didn't seem to have the slightest interest in what was happening, he couldn't help but become impulsive.    


"Eight!" "Go to hell."    


With a thought from White-haired Elder, his aura skyrocketed as he punched towards Gao Feng.    


This is my own life! Gao Feng was shocked when he saw this.    


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