King of Nine Heavens

C433 Amorphophallus Koraiensis Schneid

C433 Amorphophallus Koraiensis Schneid

Gao Feng thought of the Soul Space's sleeping Feier and advised, "Masako, I already have a family, taking in a concubine isn't something that I can decide. Let me go back and discuss it with the other ladies."    


Masako stared at Gao Feng and asked curiously, "Ladies? Do you have any other ladies? "    


"Not much, just a few dozen." Gao Feng felt that it was a great honor to be shameless.    


"Dozens isn't a lot. Could it be that you want a few hundred more?" Masako asked in surprise.    


Gao Feng didn't mind at all and said, "Madam, of course the more the better, the more the better. "So, I want to tell you, I am just a playboy who likes the new and hates the old. I am not worthy for you to give me your heart."    


This lie was true, even Gao Feng himself wanted to laugh.    


Without hesitation, Masako replied, "I don't care if you're a playboy or not. Since they don't mind you, I won't mind you. Don't worry."    


"Ordinary women don't like playboys. Why are you like this?"    


Gao Feng felt a headache coming on. If he brought her back to the Great Xia, Shangguan Yujiefei would definitely skin him.    


For some reason, Gao Feng was a little afraid of Shangguan Yujie. Other than Shangguan Yujie, there was also Feier. Feier was also a little jealous and would definitely not forgive him. To give up the whole garden for a little grass, that was too much.    


Gao Feng looked at Feier of the Soul Space and found that she was very calm. She had her eyes closed and was blabbering, as if it had nothing to do with him.    


"A normal woman really doesn't like playboys who like new and new. However, I'm not a normal woman, so you can't think about escaping my grasp for the rest of your life." Lili looked at Gao Feng's handsome face and said, "Lord Gao Feng, I've already decided. From today onwards, I will follow you wherever you go. I will follow you wherever you go."    


Gao Feng asked snappily: "Do you want me to follow you when I go to the latrine?"    


"Of course." Masako said in a sweet voice, "Not only do you have to follow me to the latrine, I also have to sleep wherever you sleep at night."    


Gao Feng feigned anger, "Could it be that you want to sleep with me as well?"    


"Naturally." Masako said naturally, "It just so happens that I can learn a few moves from my sisters."    


Sometimes, Gao Feng felt that Feier and Shangguan Yujie were quite troublesome to deal with. He never expected that this little girl would be even more troublesome to deal with than them. He couldn't help but complain.    


Lili pulled Gao Feng's wrist and said, "Lord Gao Feng, it's almost dark. Shall we pay our respects to heaven and earth?"    


The forest night came quickly, and as soon as the sun set, it turned gray. Gao Feng looked at the sky and said unhappily, "What does worshiping the heavens have to do with the sky turning dark?"    


"Of course it does." Masako said bluntly, "After we've paid our respects to the heaven and earth, we can enter the bridal chamber."    


It was quite thoughtful to bow to the heavens and earth and enter the bridal room, but that's not right. How could he bow to her? Even if he did, it wouldn't be her turn.    


Gao Feng looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's go down the mountain quickly. Otherwise, we can only stay and feed the wolves."    


Both of them were experts, so it wasn't necessary to feed the wolves. However, in this kind of wilderness, it was inconvenient to do anything. Furthermore, there were also many mosquitoes. Masako was not afraid of a big mosquito like Gao Feng, but was afraid of those mosquitoes.    


Masako hesitated for a moment before saying helplessly, "Alright then."    


"Aiyo …"    


Masako followed behind Gao Feng. Suddenly, her legs gave way and she squatted on the ground. She could not help but groan in pain.    


Gao Feng was shocked. He turned around and asked Masako, "What happened to you?"    


Masako rubbed her ankle and said, "Lord Gao Feng, I accidentally twisted my ankle. What should I do?"    


"You are an expert, how could you twist your ankle?" Gao Feng asked in disbelief.    


"So what if you're an expert? The horse has lost its hooves." Masako pouted.    


Looking at Masako's expression, Gao Feng felt sorry for her. He squatted down and stared at Masako's swollen and red ankle. He asked, "What should we do then?"    


"What else can we do? Of course it's you carrying me away." Masako said.    


"This …" Gao Feng had an ugly expression on his face as he thought of the Soul Space's Feier.    


"Then you can leave. You don't care about me anyway, I'll stay and feed the wolves." Masako pushed Gao Feng's hand away in displeasure and sat on the ground.    


"Feier, what do you think I should do?" Gao Feng couldn't help but ask.    


"What does it have to do with me? I have to solve my own problem." Feier rolled her eyes.    


"Alright, I'll settle my own matters. You said this, let me tell you, I'm a bit impulsive towards her right now. Don't stop me when something happens." Gao Feng threatened.    


"I won't stop you." Feier said with an expressionless face, "Little big brother, if you want to become a father-in-law, just do as you say."    


Hearing this, Gao Feng felt the chrysanthemums tighten. Why is it that all the women I meet are like this? But that's not right, Shangguan Bingqing was different from them. And Xiao Feier, Xiao Feier should be different as well.    


Thinking about Shangguan Bingqing, Gao Feng thought about the trip to the Great Sun which took them nearly half a year. He wondered how they had been doing.    


And that little girl Shangguan Yujie, I wonder if her cultivation has improved.    


Time flew by really quickly. In the blink of an eye, half a year had passed. Luckily, Feier was accompanying him along the way. Otherwise, he would have been very lonely.    


Forget it, don't think too much about it. Let's solve the problem first. If the two of them were to stay in the wilderness, who knows what would happen?    


Gao Feng looked at the hot potato Masako was talking about and said, "Masako, let me carry you."    


"Sure." Although Masako was extremely unwilling, she thought of the fact that it would be difficult for her to refuse him, so she agreed without hesitation.    


Gao Feng took Masako by the arm and held her close to his back, but before she could climb on his back, her feet gave way beneath her and she said, "Lord Gao Feng, my feet hurt. I can't stand up. Can you hold me?"    


Gao Feng looked over at Feier. Seeing that she was still sleeping, he finally picked her up. Masako wrapped her arms tightly around Gao Feng's neck, afraid that she would fall down.    


Masako stuck tightly to Gao Feng's chest. That kind of warm and soft feeling made Gao Feng's blood boil. Especially when Masako's perky butt rubbed against his lower abdomen, even Little Gao Feng couldn't help but react.    


Gao Feng was afraid that Masako would notice something ugly, so he quickly suppressed his boiling emotions. He took a big step and walked towards the direction that Masako came from.    


Masako felt the difference in Gao Feng's body. Her heart trembled and her face blushed slightly. However, her arms held Gao Feng tighter.    


Little fellow, let's see how you can escape from my grasp tonight.    


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