King of Nine Heavens

C2143 Celestial Emperor

C2143 Celestial Emperor

"Celestial Emperor? What Heavenly Emperor? " Gao Feng was stunned.    


"I didn't expect this, kid. You have an old flood dragon in your soul."    


Just as Gao Feng was in a daze, White-haired Elder's surprised voice rang out.    


Jiao Yuanjun hurriedly walked out of Gao Feng's soul, and immediately saluted White-haired Elder. "The descendant of Flood Dragon Clan greets the Celestial Emperor."    


"Grandpa Immortal, I didn't expect you to be the legendary Celestial Emperor." Feier said in surprise, her face full of excitement.    


Gao Feng looked at Feier and said in confusion, "You've heard of the Celestial Emperor too, why don't I know about it?"    


Feier giggled. "Little brother, you don't know that it's normal for the Celestial Emperor to live in the ancient times. It's not a million years ago, but it should be eight or nine hundred thousand years now."    


Gao Feng twitched his mouth and said, "It sounds like you're a lot older than me."    


Seeing that Gao Feng was both angry and amused, the white bearded old man laughed and said: "Little kid, she is indeed a lot older than you. You can't not be convinced."    


"Is that so?" Gao Feng was unconvinced, "I used a special method to observe her age. She should have been born in the same year as me, and she wouldn't have been older than me by more than half a year."    


Hearing this, White-haired Elder asked in wonder, "Little kid, don't you know the origin of the Vermillion Bird clan?"    


"Grandpa Immortal, are you talking about the matter of the Vermillion Bird being reborn from the fire?" Gao Feng asked.    


"That's what I mean." White-haired Elder said, "Regarding the origin of the Vermillion Bird race, this old one is not very clear either, but what I am sure of is that the origin of the Vermillion Bird race is even greater than us, so …"    


"Sure." Gao Feng looked at Feier with his sharp eyes, "Feier, you are really eating tender grass like an old cow."    


Feier blushed when she heard this. It was him who clearly wanted to eat her, but she was a little reluctant back then. If it wasn't for her curiosity, she wouldn't have let him eat her. She didn't expect him to say that she ate young grass.    


I'm so pissed off.    


Feier couldn't retort in front of the Celestial Emperor, so she could only keep the debt to herself.    


White-haired Elder had lived for an astronomical amount of time. Naturally, he could hear the look in Wu Tie's eyes as he said, "Little kid, serious is more important."    


Gao Feng almost forgot about the important matter as he smiled and said: "Grandpa Immortal, with the invasion of the devil realm, our Homo Clan is not their match at all. Can you teach this junior some higher level techniques and martial skills?"    


White-haired Elder said: "This old one has already merged all the knowledge I have learned in my life and created three sets of martial skills according to the different stages of a person. As long as you can truly master them and reach the Purple Sovereign King Stage Realm, then you should be invincible on this planet.    


"This junior knows as well. The problem is that junior's cultivation has yet to reach the Purple Sovereign King Stage Realm …" Gao Feng said with a troubled expression.    


"Your cultivation has indeed not reached the Purple Sovereign King Stage Realm, but how old are you? Twenty-three to twenty-four years old is already very good already. You must know that this old one's current level of cultivation is only equivalent to your Martial Sovereign Stage before the age of a hundred." White-haired Elder sighed.    


How could he only have Martial Sovereign Stage before the age of a hundred? This was simply impossible, could it be that he was unwilling to pass down martial skills, and had deliberately belittled her?    


Gao Feng did not believe White-haired Elder's words at all.    


She also knew what Gao Feng was thinking, so she used the Spiritual Sense and said to Gao Feng: "Little brother, what Grandpa Xian said might be true, because Grandpa Xian belonged to the first generation, and they didn't learn anything from it. They relied on themselves to figure out little by little, especially the cultivators, so their cultivation growth was relatively slow."    


So it was like this, a single sentence from him jolted the person in his dreams. Gao Feng believed White-haired Elder's words, but asked with great interest, "Grandpa Immortal, then what height did you reach in the end?"    


White-haired Elder thought for a moment and said, "The levels of cultivation in our time were not as divided as they are today. There are about four realms: the Human Realm, the Earth Realm, the Sky Realm, the God Realm. Each big realm is divided into ten small realms.    


At the tenth level of the Divine Realm, Gao Feng didn't know what realm it was at, so he asked curiously, "Grandpa Divine Immortal, then what realm in your era is our current realm of Purple Sovereign King Stage equal to when we are king?"    


White-haired Elder sized up Gao Feng for a while before saying, "It's equivalent to the tenth level of the Heaven Realm from our era."    


"He's only at the tenth level of the Sky Realm. Doesn't that mean that once he reaches the God Realm, he can live forever?" Gao Feng asked excitedly.    


"Child, you think too much. No one can live forever. At most, they can only live for a few more years." White-haired Elder replied seriously.    


The best proof was right before his eyes. If he could live forever, he wouldn't only have one remnant soul left.    


The current realm of the Purple Sovereign King Stage King could live for around twenty thousand years, but the Divine Realm was of a higher level than the Purple Sovereign King Stage King Realm so it should be able to live for even longer, right?    


Gao Feng asked with a smile, "Grandpa deity, how long could someone like you, who was at the tenth level of the Divine Realm, live for?"    


"Guess?" White-haired Elder intentionally kept everyone in suspense.    


How could he guess? It was Gao Feng's first time hearing about this, so he must have guessed inaccurately. Thus, he looked towards Feier. After all, Feier had also experienced the ancient times in her previous life.    


When Feier saw Gao Feng look over, she knew what he was thinking. She immediately said to Gao Feng with her Spiritual Sense: "Little Brother, all the memories about my previous life were erased by the fire. I left my mother's side since I was young, so I don't know anything about my previous life."    


"Because the ancient era was too long ago, it is equivalent to a legend. This old man does not know how long the ten levels of the God Realm will last, but according to this old man's calculations, it should be around thirty thousand years."    


Gao Feng also calculated a bit, which was about the same as Jiao Yuanjun's estimate. However, he was afraid that he had underestimated Jiao Yuanjun and said, "It should be able to live for fifty thousand years."    


White-haired Elder shook his head.    


"Forty thousand?" Gao Feng asked.    


White-haired Elder still shook his head.    


"Thirty thousand." It seems like it's similar to my guess, Gao Feng thought.    


Just when Gao Feng thought he guessed correctly, White-haired Elder said with slight displeasure, "Kid, why do you guess less and less?"    


He actually guessed less, could it be … Gao Feng said, "That would be 70,000 years."    


"Just a little more." White-haired Elder said.    


Gao Feng asked unconfidently, "Could it be a hundred thousand?"    


"It's indeed a hundred thousand years." White-haired Elder laughed, "It's very difficult to raise one's level after entering the God Realm. Even after 10,000 years, it might not even be possible to increase one's level. It's even more difficult to reach the God Realm Level 10. There are only three people so far."    


"Then I'll be the fourth person." Gao Feng said confidently.    


He could live for a hundred thousand years after reaching the tenth level of the God Realm. What could be better than this? Just the thought of it was enough to make one's blood boil.    


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