King of Nine Heavens

C92 Quadriocular Correlation

C92 Quadriocular Correlation

He didn't know when to look, but when he saw who it was, he was shocked.    


Chu Qingcheng could actually feel a deep threat from Gao Feng. Even she could not believe that this young man, who was only at the Fifth Grade Martial Cultivator Realm, would actually threaten her. At the very least, she was someone who was extremely close to the Martial Master Stage.    


No, as long as she wanted to break through, she was already someone of the Martial Master Stage. It was just that she did not want to be too sharp, which was why she did not have a breakthrough.    


More importantly, she was also a Divine Body. Not only could she jump realms to challenge several small realms, she could even challenge an entire realm with them. Even a first stage Martial Master Stage was no match for her.    


The feeling of a woman was very sensitive. Similarly, the feeling of a man was not any worse. Gao Feng, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was very sensitive to the surrounding situation. Soon, he felt a pair of weird eyes from the crowd behind him.    


These eyes were not filled with hatred like Ouyang Lu's, nor were they filled with deep love like Shangguan Yujie's.    


As for what kind of gaze it was, Gao Feng didn't know. He just felt that it was different from the others' gazes.    


Gao Feng slowly turned around and looked towards the direction where the gaze came from. He found out that it was an outrageously beautiful woman. Her appearance and figure were both a bit better than Shangguan Bingqing's.    


There was only one thing that was not as good as Shangguan Bingqing, and that was her cold attitude, which made people shudder in fear.    


The lady was not anyone else, she was the devastatingly beautiful beauty who had obtained the two hundred Devil Pill — — Chu Qingcheng.    


Looking at each other, Gao Feng felt like he had been struck by lightning. He could not help but be stunned. His heart started beating like crazy, so much so that he suspected that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.    


After a moment of blankness, Gao Feng smiled and nodded at her as a form of greeting.    


Chu Qingcheng, on the other hand, ignored Gao Feng's bow and continued to maintain her aloof expression. Not only that, a cold look appeared on Gao Feng's face. Even the autumn water that was looking forward to this froze, as if it had frozen over. Gao Feng's heart trembled, and his good mood plummeted to the abyss.    


Fortunately, Chu Qingcheng quickly turned her head to look at Chair Platform.    


So Chu Qingcheng thought of him as a lecher. Of course, this couldn't be blamed on her. After all, there was a Lan Fei on the right side of Gao Feng. As far as she was concerned, this dignified guy was eating while looking at the pot in the bowl.    


However, Gao Feng didn't know any of this, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "What's so good about Chair Platform, it's all some old ghosts that are about to lose their teeth, is there anyone as handsome as brother at such a young age?"    


I really don't know what girls nowadays are like.    


Being ignored felt really bad, Gao Feng couldn't help but complain.    


As if she heard Gao Feng's thoughts, Chu Qingcheng turned around and glared at Gao Feng.    


"Alright, let's just say that this brother has been thinking too much." Gao Feng muttered with a wry smile and looked away.    


Shangguan Yujie, who had been paying attention to the movements of the Chair Platform, thought that Gao Feng was talking to her. She asked in bewilderment, "Elder Brother Gao, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly.    


Gao Feng was stunned. Looking at Shangguan Yujie beside him, his face flushed red. The sensitive Shangguan Yujie followed Gao Feng's original gaze and saw Chu Qingcheng's sullen face. She seemed to immediately understand and teased, "Elder Brother Gao, so you were trying to tease that auntie."    


Auntie? Hearing the way Shangguan Yujie addressed Chu Qingcheng, Gao Feng asked in surprise, "Do you need to exaggerate so much? Is she really that old?"    


Shangguan Yujie knew she had said the wrong thing and blushed. She felt a little embarrassed as she explained, "I think that beauty must be at least three years older than you and me."    


Gao Feng said with a wry smile, "Little Commandery Princess, you shouldn't call her auntie even if you're three years old, right?"    


Since he had already said something wrong, he might as well make the mistake. Shangguan Yujie's face sunk as she pointed at Gao Feng's nose and warned him in a stern voice, "Anyway, don't worry about him. An aunt as pretty as him must have already known his place."    


Did I ever think about her? Gao Feng felt that he had been wrongly accused because he had only looked at her a few times.    


Seeing the hesitation on Gao Feng's face, Shangguan Yujie eased up a little and said, "Elder Brother Gao, if you want to think about women, you should think about fresh meat like us."    


As she said this, Shangguan Yujie felt that her words were too straightforward. She quickly came to her senses and pulled Lan Fei's hand. "For example, my best friend, Lady Lan Fei."    


Lan Fei looked at Huzi and blushed. She twisted her waist and scolded in a low voice, "Stupid girl, what are you saying? If you want people to think of you, don't drag me into it. I already have a part in your heart."    


"So it turns out that your heart has belonged to someone from a long time ago. There's no need to spread it all around, right?" Shangguan Yujie teased.    


Lan Fei looked at Huzi again and the shyness on her face became thicker.    


Huzi scratched his head and asked in confusion, "What are you guys talking about? Why can't I understand?"    


"Idiots!" Lan Fei glared at Huzi snappily.    


Lu Wei saw that the four of them were joking and urged them: "Why can't the four of you come up to hand over the Devil Pill, but if you don't, I'm going to announce the results of the competition?"    


Ouyang Xuan was eager to see the world in a state of chaos, so he loudly agreed: "Maybe they got too few Devil Pill, so they are a little embarrassed, so they don't plan on counting and registering."    


"Hand it over, I'll go up right away."    


Lan Fei was just worrying that she could not find any excuse to escape, when she heard the urging from the stage, she responded loudly while running towards Chair Platform.    


After Lan Fei left, Shangguan Yujie patted Gao Feng on the shoulder and said, "Elder Brother Gao, Lan Feixin belongs to someone, so don't be disappointed. I have a lot of friends, no matter if it's appearance or cultivation level, they're not inferior to Lan Fei. After the competition is over, I'll introduce one to you."    


Naturally, Gao Feng had seen Shangguan Yujie's sisters before. Other than Shangguan Yujie who was prettier than Lan Fei, Gao Feng didn't see anyone else who was prettier than Lan Fei.    


This girl, she obviously liked him, but she said that to provoke him. She probably wanted him to take the initiative, right? Instead of playing around with her, he felt it would be better to play with her. Thus, he smiled and said, "Sure, you'd better introduce them to me."    


Shangguan Yujie's face darkened as she snorted, "You wish. Don't even think about it."    


"That's for the best. I don't want to be held back anyway." Gao Feng laughed.    


Seeing his serious expression, Shangguan Yujie said angrily, "Why do you have to be like that cousin of yours? He doesn't want to get married. Don't you want to get married too?"    


"I think it's great to be free and free." Gao Feng sighed.    


"That's because you don't know the benefits of getting married." Shangguan Yujie said snappily.    


"What's the benefit of getting married?" Gao Feng asked with a smile.    


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