King of Nine Heavens

C410 Strong Wine and Courage

C410 Strong Wine and Courage

Gao Feng said shyly: "Princess, you are too smart. After all, this is my first time. I'm afraid I can't let you go without drinking."    


Sakurako comforted her. "This is the first time a man or a woman feels a little nervous. But you don't have to be so nervous with me leading you. You just have to do it bravely."    


Gao Feng licked his face and said, "More importantly, if a man drinks some wine, especially if he's half-drunk, his endurance will be better. If he doesn't drink some wine, I'm afraid he will fall apart at the crucial moment."    


"That's true, it seems like Lord Qiaomu is also an old driver." Sakurako laughed.    


Gao Feng laughed, "I only have some theoretical knowledge, but I've never tried it out before."    


"It doesn't matter. I don't care about that. What I care about is whether you can make me happy or not." Sakurako said.    


"No problem, but you also need to drink a little," Gao Feng looked at Masako and smiled. "Otherwise, I'm afraid your body won't be able to take it. "Not only do you want to drink it, Masako also wants to drink it.    


"I'm not a coward." Masako said, unconvinced.    


Seeing that the two of them had fallen into a trap, Gao Feng said excitedly: "Since they are not cowards, then I will drink as much as you want."    


"Sure, let's drink!"    


Sakurako said as she placed the three cups together and then filled them to the brim.    


Gao Feng raised his goblet, then Masako, then Sakurako. The three of them clinked their glasses and downed the wine in one gulp.    


It was sweet, mellow, smooth and comfortable.    


Gao Feng thought about it carefully and sighed, "Good wine, what kind of wine is this?"    


"This is a clear wine, it's well-known in the Great Sun, known by women and children." Sakurako suspiciously asked Gao Feng, "Could it be that you've never drunk it before?"    


As it was a Resident of Dayang cultivator, having not even tasted wine before, would inevitably arouse suspicion.    


Gao Feng's reaction was very fast. He smiled and said, "Of course I know about the wine, it's just that I've never tasted such a good wine before."    


The moment she saw Gao Feng's clothes, she knew that he was just a bumpkin. Sakurako was relieved and said, "The wine I have here is even better than this. I'll bring you to my place one day to try it."    


Gao Feng refused, "I don't dare to go to your place. I'm afraid your husband will kill me. He is the city's great general."    


"I am not bringing you back to Prince Consort Ma's estate, but to my chambers." Sakurako said without hiding anything, "As long as you make us sisters happy, I'll tell you. You can have whatever you want."    


"Really?" Gao Feng asked happily.    


"That depends on if you have the ability. Don't let us sisters return the goods." Sakurako said.    


Seeing the two of them talking so openly, Masako poured some wine for them and urged them, "You two, drink quickly."    


"Drink, drink." Gao Feng picked up his glass and clinked it with Sakurako's. Seeing that Masako's glass was empty, he said, "Little Princess, don't make any specializations. Fill it up as well."    


Masako was not fond of alcohol. After drinking a cup of wine, her face had turned red and her head was dizzy. She was obviously drunk.    


"You, too." Sakurako saw Masako remained unmoved, snatching the jar of wine to help Masako fill her cup.    


Sakurako had her own plans. Gao Feng's body looked a little frail, so she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to deal with her alone. She wanted to get Masako drunk, so the man in front of her belonged to her alone.    


Gao Feng wanted to get Masako and Sakurako drunk before going to steal the Sun Flower. Masako, on the other hand, wanted to get Sakurako drunk because she didn't want to share a man with another woman.    


Masako couldn't force herself to give up her life to accompany her son. After a few drinks, Gao Feng and Masako were a little drunk, and Sakurako seemed fine except for a little blush. What was to be done?    


After Gao Feng and Masako exchanged a glance, Gao Feng transmitted his voice, "Little Princess, this isn't going to work if this goes on. We're all drunk. Your sister isn't drunk yet. Shouldn't we think of something else?"    


"I heard father say that my elder sister's alcohol tolerance is exceptionally good. I thought that your alcohol tolerance was better than hers, so I wanted to get her drunk. Who knew that you would be inferior to her as well …" Masako was also at a loss as to what to do.    


Sakurako stared at Gao Feng's red cheeks and said, "Drink, why aren't you drinking anymore, are you getting drunk? Since we are almost drunk, shouldn't we move the battlefield? "    


"I haven't drunk enough, it's not good enough. My whole body is tired, once I've drunk enough, I will naturally transfer to the battlefield." Gao Feng laughed. At the same time, his mind was working fast. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and sent a message to Masako, "Little Princess, do you have any medicine for making sweat?"    


Who did he think he was? Masako's face darkened as she said unhappily, "Where did I get that medicine?"    


Seeing the expression on Masako's face, Gao Feng knew she had misunderstood. He quickly said, "Little Princess, don't misunderstand, I'm not suspecting you. I only came up with this plan because I was afraid that your sister would interfere with our plans. "Little Princess, go and ask Yoshiko if she has done that."    


Yoshiko was more experienced than him, maybe she really was. Masako nodded at Gao Feng when she thought of Yoshiko.    


He had to find an excuse to leave, right? When Gao Feng saw the wine jar, he shot a look at Masako and said, "About that, Little Princess, quickly pour some wine for your sister."    


Masako was extremely smart. When she saw Gao Feng's gaze, she immediately understood what was going on. She picked up the jar of wine and stood up, preparing to pour some wine for Sakurako. Suddenly, her body slanted and the jar of wine fell out of her hand onto the ground, shattering into pieces.    


Masako quivered and said, "I'm sorry, the jar dropped. I'll go get another one."    


"I'll go." Sakurako saw Masako's face turn red, as if she was drunk. She didn't dare to let her go get the wine.    


"Sakurako, this is my bedroom. You don't know where the wine is kept." Masako said stubbornly.    


"I can go back to my room and get some wine. My room is in the yard, so I won't need more than a few minutes to get there." Sakurako said in an attentive manner.    


She went to get the wine. How could she drug it? Never let her go back for a drink.    


Just as Masako was about to object, Gao Feng brazenly blinked at Masako and said, "Little Princess, let the First Princess go back to her bedroom to get the wine."    


What did this man mean by winking at Masako? Did he want to open a new battlefield while she was gone? No, if he wanted to open up a battlefield, he would have to do it himself.    


Sakurako deliberately staggered before stabilizing her body. She touched her forehead and said, "My head is also a little dizzy. It seems like I can't go back to the palace to get wine." Masako, you should go get it. "    


Masako nodded and walked outside with light steps.    


Sakurako reminded her, "Masako, slow down. Don't throw the wine jar again."    


"No, don't worry." Masako said.    


After Masako left, Sakurako looked at Wu Tie, who was standing beside her, with a drowsy expression, and said, "Lord Qiaomu, Masako went to get some wine. Are we going to take advantage of this time to do something that we all like to do?"    


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