Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C248 Not yet Dead

C248 Not yet Dead

Lingling's tone was ambiguous and her face was filled with a charming smile. She was very flirtatious.    


However, Xiao Chen could not adapt to her attitude. He glared at Chi Ping, who was still sticking his head out by the door, and snorted with a frown.    


Seeing that Xingzang had leaked the information, Chi Ping smiled awkwardly. He then opened the door and prepared to go out and prepare some dinner.    


With a cracking sound, the moment the door closed, Lingling's smiling face froze, and she suddenly shook.    


Xiao Chen instinctively wanted to avoid it, but when he saw her suddenly pale face, he hesitated for a moment and still extended his arm.    


Clang! The figure fell and the moment it entered his chest, Xiao Chen also felt her body trembling at the same time.    


His eyes darkened, one hand holding her back, and the other slowly grabbing her wrist.    


He used his true qi to probe her. Xiao Chen's expression immediately changed.    


"Hey, how do you feel?"    


"It's uncomfortable! But being hugged by you like this is much better."    


Cold sweat hung on her temples. As Lingling spoke, she even pushed herself into Xiao Chen's arms. The smile that she tried to maintain seemed especially weak.    


Seeing that this woman still had the mood to tease him at this time, Xiao Chen's lips twitched.    


But he did not delay. He crossed his arms and carried her into the bedroom, put her on the bed, and pulled the blanket over her at the same time.    


"It's cold. Why don't you sleep with me too?"    


Lingling blinked her eyes and the smile on her face remained. At the same time, she glanced at the remaining half of the bed beside her.    


Xiao Chen was not in the mood to joke with her. With a straight face, he asked seriously, "Why are you so heavily injured?"    


Xiao Chen had naturally sensed it after the investigation just now.    


At this moment, Lingling's internal energy was fluctuating. Several meridians were damaged and she had suffered a very serious internal injury.    


It was only at this level that she did not show it at all just now that Xiao Chen was surprised.    


"Don't worry, she won't die for now. However, seeing how caring you are for me, I suddenly feel satisfied that I will die just like that!"    


"Looks like your injuries aren't serious enough!"    


Xiao Chen was originally speaking to her in a serious manner. However, this woman did not behave properly at all.    


Even though she was lying on the bed, she still could not forget to tease Xiao Chen. This made Xiao Chen depressed, but also somewhat helpless.    


After all, she was Ruan Xiangjun's friend. No matter how hard Xiao Chen's heart was, he was too embarrassed to throw her out like this.    


After thinking for a while, he took out a bottle of recovery pills from the storage ring, poured one out, and stuffed it into Lingling's mouth.    


However, this woman did not swallow it just like that. Instead, she revealed a shy expression and gave Xiao Chen a flirtatious glance.    


"Even if I don't put the medicine in, I am also willing. Why do you need to do it again and again! "    


"It's medicine, but it specializes in treating brain-dead people. In this aspect, it has a miraculous effect on you. Hurry up and swallow it!"    


Xiao Chen took a deep breath, restrained his temper, and forcefully lifted the woman's chin up.    


Lingling did not come from the forbidden area and swallowed the pill.    


In an instant, a warm current swept across and washed her weak body. The magic made her eyes widen.    


"Pill? Isn't that thing something only the Twelve Secluded Sects and the Secluded Sects have? Why are you..."    


" Shut up after you finish eating. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute! "    


Xiao Chen did not know where this woman had gotten so much from, but his brain was buzzing when he heard her.    


He had wanted to ask how this woman got hurt, but now, he really couldn't bring himself to be in such a mood.    


In short, he decided to chase this woman out tomorrow morning.    


No matter who hurt her, he was already doing his utmost to help her. He couldn't be bothered to get involved.    


Lingling smiled slightly. The effect of the medicine made her dizzy. It also made her tired like a tidal wave. It did not take long for her to fall asleep.    


When Chi Ping came back, Xiao Chen ate some simple food and talked to Chi Ping.    


Looking at the time, it seemed that it was about time. He just left the neighborhood.    


He rushed all the way to the unfinished building that he had been to last night. It was also silent, but there was a vague smell of blood.    


His footsteps slowed down. When he reached the third floor and arrived at the secret base of the "private detectives," the stench of blood became even stronger.    


When he turned to the door, he immediately saw a corpse lying on the ground.    


Other than the man he first subdued yesterday, the rest were all people he had never seen before.    


The messy house also told him that this place had just experienced a great battle not long ago.    


However, from the scene, it was unknown whether the other three had been captured or had escaped.    


He wanted to find someone to ask, but none of them were still panting.    


After searching the room for a while, he did not find anything valuable. Xiao Chen was about to leave, but suddenly, his phone rang, alerting him. He looked around before opening a cabinet.    


He looked at the pile of phones inside and found the only one that was flashing. He pressed the answer button.    


No one spoke.    


In this silent confrontation, it was the one who hung up first.    


Hearing the busy sound from the other side, Xiao Chen immediately jumped to the window and looked outside.    


In the darkness, several hundred meters away, a staggering figure was running away.    


Without thinking, Xiao Chen jumped down from the stairs. He used his movement technique and sprinted.    


The sound of the wind swept across. When they felt the figure behind them suddenly approaching, the person in front of them who was running away became anxious.    


However, it was obvious that the person was injured. The more anxious he was, the more unstable his feet became.    


Finally, with a clang, he fell to the ground.    


It was also at this moment that Xiao Chen flashed and landed in front of that person.    


Just as he stabilized his body, a cloud of dust fell in front of him. The figure who fell struggled to get up. He picked up a small knife that he had picked up from nowhere and stabbed it at Xiao Chen.    


Xiao Chen only waved his hand and scattered the flying dust. He seized the small knife with his hand.    


"Calm down, it's me! What happened?"    


Putting the knife away, Xiao Chen pressed the shoulder of the dark-skinned youth in front of him and said in a calm tone.    


In the process of chasing, he actually recognized this person. This person was one of the "private investigators" he had met yesterday. He was also the only one among the four who was not a martial artist but specialized in computers.    


At this time, the dark-skinned youth had also recognized Xiao Chen's appearance and fiercely heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, he immediately threw Xiao Chen's palm away. He stared at Xiao Chen with a pair of angry eyes and gritted his teeth.    


"If it wasn't for you, how could Big Brother Hong, how could he..."    


"Big Brother Hong?" He paused for a moment and remembered that Xiao Chen had never asked for their names.    


"Tell me first, what happened!? What about the others?"    


Xiao Chen's face turned stern. This was obviously not the time for him to introduce himself.    


As he spoke, he glanced at the tanned youth's injured calf.    


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